The Best Of Us. (Ellie X Male...

By JasonCheng1223

83.2K 3.4K 659

Ellie Williams X Male reader. After the event of Salt Lake City, Ellie begins doubting Joel's promise. Until... More

Before Jackson
Arriving Jackson.
Ellie Williams.
You And Me.
His Past.
Let It Out.
It Begins.
No Wrong. Just Needs.
A Chance.
First Snow.
Not An Update.
The Calm.
Storm Is Coming.
Who's Going?
Not an but a FUCKING RANT‼️
Seattle Day 1.
Seattle Day 1(Part Two).
Seattle Day 1(Part Three).
Seattle Day 1(Part Four).
Seattle Day 1(End)
Seattle Day 2.
Seattle Day 2(Two).
Seattle Day 2(Three).
Seattle Day 2(Four).
Seattle Day 2(Five).
Seattle Day 2(End).
Seattle Day 3.
Seattle Day 3(Two).
Seattle Day 3(Three).
Seattle Day 3(Four).
Seattle Day 3(Five).
Seattle Day 3(Six).
Seattle Night 3(One).
Seattle Night 3(Two).

Jackson Community.

3.1K 136 19
By JasonCheng1223


Tommy, reaching for a quick kiss with his wife after he found her at the resting area of the community.

"Well that was a relief." Maria said after pulling away. "That storm kept you and Joel last night?"

"And something else. We found some kids in the woods, and we brought 'em back. I was hoping maybe you could spare some house for them."

"Well, I need to see them first then. Where are they?" Maria got up from her seat, following her husband outside to the street of Jackson.

"Back in our place. These kids are, special. At least one of them. He and Joel crossed each other in the past."

Maria is intrigued by this information. She and Joel ain't that close, but Tommy told her a lot about him. The brothers only got love for each other now.

"And he's alive?"

She knows that Joel killed a lot of people. Even some were unnecessary, and now someone who survived meeting Joel, that's a new one.

"I said special didn't I? They're inside." Both of them walked inside their place, meeting Joel and the new arrivals.

"Hi. I'm Maria Miller. The leader of Jackson." She went over and greeted (Y/N), extending her hand to him.

(Y/N) hesitate at first, but shake her hand after.

"Miller? You two got a sister?" Tommy and Joel chuckled.

"Sweet home Alabama." Joel muttered but everyone heard him.

"I heard that big boy." Maria warned him. "No, I'm Tommy's wife. What's your name?" (Y/N) take his hand back, unsure of what to tell her.

"Kid, she's the leader here. The least she needs to know is the truth." Tommy speaks up.

But (Y/N) isn't fully convinced. Not yet. He motion for Ana to join him by the side, which she did, shyly stand besides him looking up at Maria.

"I'm Ana. That's Jason."  Ana said, pointing at Jason who's giggling at Joel's handy work with his hair.

"Jesus. How old are they?"

"Ana is somewhere around seven. Jason could barely run yet. Maybe one I think." Maria does feel sympathy for them. Watching kids with no adult in this kind of world is fucked up.

"What about you?"

"Until you give me your confirmation that you'll provide a house and guaranteed safety, I won't reveal anything."

"You're playing hard to get ain't you? Listen kid, we in Jackson community, it's all about trust. First thing would be taking that mask off your face followed by a proper introduction." Maria, with authority in her tone, awaits his answer.

"Fine. On one condition."

"Name it."

Even Joel and Tommy were relieved to hear that. Joel hopes that (Y/N) would at least lower his pride and ego to provide safety for Ana and Jason.

"Other than Ana and Jason, only you three get to know my real name. If the next person shouts my full name to my face, I'm taking the weapons back and leave this place."

"I'm sure we can work on that. Right Maria?" Tommy doesn't like it when Maria felt pressured. Now (Y/N) is coming up with some sort of deal which, could or could not damage the trust that's been built.

"And where will you be going?" 

"Anywhere but here. And you'll probably be responsible for some kids dying, knowing that you could prevent it."

Shit's about to go down between the two.

"You're a stubborn one. Fine. Now take the mask off, and tell me everything I need to know before offering you a house." (Y/N) eventually takes off his mask, revealing himself to Maria.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I've been wondering outside for the past few years since my QZ got bombed. I met these two along the way and took them under me. That bag of weapons, are my offering for your services in providing safety for Ana and Jason."

He pointed at the bag that was brought in by Joel, with Maria went over to check them.

"Fair. But why the secrecy?"

"When you go around making a crazy wave of troubles for some organizations, you tend to lay low afterwards. How do you think I got those stuffs? Harvesting?"

"The seasons ain't pretty." Joel joined in, wishing that his sister in law didn't press the boy any further.

"So, what should I call you junior?" Maria asks, putting the weapons back into the bag.

"I go by Ace."

"Very well Ace. I hereby welcome you to Jackson. But you have to know that this place is about community. Family and friends where you could trust. And in order to get that trust, you must first give it to them. I'm giving you time to rely on the others so be grateful. Now come on, I'm sure we can find an empty place for you before dawn."

Maria walked out of the house, with Tommy grabbing the ammo bag. Ana held on to (Y/N)'s hand, ready to leave.

"Don't worry. I got him. If you don't mind that is." Joel picked Jason up like the baby that he is.

"I wouldn't. It's rare to see him smile again. Just don't rock bottom him like a cushion."

The two exit the house and follow the couple in front.

"Rock bottom you say? That's like a long time ago when-"

"Some superstars went against each other in a square circle and the match ended when the rock bottom hit. I've read that in some old diary. It was written as 'once in a lifetime' stuff."

"Did you now? If only we could find some wrestling and air it in the theater, I bet adults will kick the kids out of the place." Tommy interrupted the conversation. Wrestling was a long time thing before the cordyceps virus hit.

During their journey to find a new house, Ana takes in more of the scenery within the community. It was unlike anything (Y/N) told her about his QZ. Or about the hunter's camp they stayed at. It was what (Y/N) described to her while reading an old diary of someone else.

It was Paradise.

No one is fighting with each other. No one is carrying weapons all the time. No infected feeding on corpses. No blood, no violence. It was Paradise.

Joel, bonded with Jason along the trip, as he never felt like this since Sarah. Tommy turned back to see that his brother is like being reborn once again.

After the silent treatment from Ellie, Joel has became kinda suicidal if you ask him. He knows that Ellie won't be replaced, but who said you can't find a new company right? And Joel seems to find one in Jason. Bringing the trio to Jackson is definitely a God bless.

"We're here."

Arriving at a one floor house, they walked inside. Couch, table, chairs, two rooms, a bathroom with hot water, the perfect place to lay down your insecurities.

"It's not as clean, and the ones before are bigger. This one isn't." Ana, despite her age, seems to have some feedback for the place. She could be a princess in her previous life.

"Well we got a lot of big houses but, I found the one that's suitable for you guys."

(Y/N) checks around the place.

"I need some personal space. A garage for my weapons. And other stuff." Maria let out a sight.

"Follow me." She reached for the back door, revealing a small garage within the backyard surrounded by fences.

(Y/N) went and opened the door, examining the garage. It has the equipment that is useful for him. Hammers, nails, screwdrivers, etc.


"For now." He makes his way back into the house, resting his entire body on the couch. The boy never got anytime to rest his mind, now might be the perfect time for that.

"Well, you guys can rest, then maybe take a shower. I'll have Tommy bring you guys to the diner. You must be hungry right Ana?" Maria asks the little girl.

"Is it free?" Ana returns the question shyly.

"Oh it is. Don't worry about anything else. Just eat to your heart's content." She pat Ana's head, assuring her.

"Do you guys have any milk? Jason could use some." (Y/N) speaks up, pointing at the boy, getting comfortable in Joel's embrace.

"We do. Fresh out the cow. You'll be surprised I guarantee you that." Tommy joins in.

"Kay...." (Y/N) muttered, closing his eyes. Shower can wait. He's ready to go to dreamland now.

"Okay. Ana, why don't you take a shower first. I'll bring you some clothes later."

"Okay. Thank you Maria. I can call you Maria right?" Now that's a question that brightens the place.

"Of course. Now hop in the shower. Off you go."

"I'll stay and help them. Judging from these two sleepy heads, they're probably skipping lunch for the day." Joel offered his assistance, causing Tommy and Maria to switch glances between the teen on the couch getting too comfortable and the boy within Joel's body, also comfortable.

"Okay. I leave them to you. Be back in a few."

And just like that, Tommy and Maria left the house. Joel placed the already sleeping Jason in the bed.

"Take your time Ana. No rush." He sits at the kitchen's table, relaxing himself.

"Okie dokie."

After the shower, Ana put on some clothes that Tommy brought them. After that, she went to sleep on the bed beside Jason. Clearly the trio are way exhausted for a kid their age.

(Y/N) mumbled in his sleep a few times actually, which kinda worried Tommy and Joel.

"The boy has been through a lot huh."

"Yeah. I hope he can make friends around here. Maybe Ellie..."

"That would be good for him. But what about you? That Jason got his hand around your heart ain't cha?" Joel chuckled at his brother's question.

"You have no idea."


It took some time for the boys to wake up and shower. Maria comes at dawn and brings them to the diner as promised and at the same time, introduce the place to them.

The diner wasn't packed to the brim, so it's easier to find an empty table. The place was lit up with decorations, like some sort of fairytale. Bright, cheerful, and positive vibes surround the place.

Joel, having Jason sits on his lap, like a proud father. Ana sat between Joel and (Y/N).

It was smooth, Ana enjoyed her dinner. Well, overly enjoyed it. (Y/N) was kind of picky, watching what he was eating and Jason, enjoyed whatever Joel feed him.

(Y/N) then got up from his seat, going over to the counter to refill his drink.

"So, you're the new one they brought in today?" Three people approached him by the counter, one male and two female.

"I'm Jesse by the way." He turned to meet the guy. A tall, handsome Asian guy with long hair, reaching his nape.

"What's yo-"


One of the girls behind Jesse, with red auburn hair, recognize him, called out his name.

"Hey Ellie."


Part 4 is done. Took me a few days but here. What a turn of events.

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