Into the Inferno

By scacegar

101 6 0

Zuko knows he was born unlucky , his luck apparently run out the moment he was born. He is a outcasted by bot... More

Fire Lord Alzulon and his little sun
Zuko and his mother run away (Part 2 0f tea and sweets)
Alzulon reaction to Zuko and Ursa despairing
10 years later
Alzulon and Zuko meet each other again

Tea and sweets

19 1 0
By scacegar

Zuko P.O.V'S 5 years later

Screams rang out through the air. The smell of  decay filled with smoke which  tasted metallic together. The source of the screams was of a white dragon leering down at The Royal Caldera. Claws digging into the dormant volcano carter, surrounding high and mighty as if it were a throne,  no one can get in or out.

It's breath smelled of death. Zuko gagged but he couldn't throw up. His throat was closed. He can't throw up or the blood will go down the throat of the white dragon. He eats, never satisfied. Fire from his mouth dripped  onto the Caldera, the fire burns, until there is nothing left.

People wasting away gaping mouths open, eyes glowing red, boney fingers of the grave grasping at life but not having mercy.

The dragon peered down at him.

The dragon was gnawing at the bones and limbs, while people were still alive. The silent screams can still be heard

Where's the mercy ? He wonder

Nowhere to be seen. What is the true meaning of mercy? Death? Look at wat is here, there are other ways of mercy? Come, be enlightened in the fire, child.

But the flames....It will consume and devour.

Yet it will release you.

What will you eat when we are all gone. He asked the dragon

The Ashes of the fallen. A sicily sweet response,  with a smile of bone and human limbs of The children of Agni spread on his face.


Zuko woke up with a sharp inhale and  a suppressed gag. Cold sweat broke down, he had tears in his eyes. He wants his mom but he can't because  father will get angry again. He gets out of bed and walks to the door peeks out the door to make sure nobody is near by luckily nobody is here. He walks out and close the door softly. " Prince Zuko" oh no Grandfather


Alzulon P.O.V'S

Alzulon doesn't sleep . So he wanders the halls, usually to make himself a cup of tea. Too much work too be done in a short  amount of time. Nearly 100 years of war needs to be accomplished quickly and efficiently. His father set an example, but he didn't finish it. Really, he needed his young 16 year old son help with the rest of the world because people don't bow down. They try to escap the inevitable, fleeing from a new era the only he will bring .  Fire cleanses and makes life anew.

The people will cooperate, if they don't.....

He just have to chip away the blocks  of what they are. Like the walls of
Ba Sing Se

And walls will break.

They will yield

The earth King will realize he is a weak ruler,  letting his people fall into the enemies clutches and the maw of the Dragon of the West. He will suffer the rest of his life.

Maybe perform seppuku when his honor and duty is taken. For mercy

Rock may be stubborn, but with enough pressure, they will fall, scattered petals made over. Into a glorious dream, that his father mistakenly abandoned. Strong leader's like him will rise, then again so will earth.

But water....

They fell easily. They may have adapted but the southern water tribe lost everything. Their homes, waterbenders, culture everything. Afterall, take what they are and nothingness follows. They will not rise into their sister tribe. The North...will be dealt with soon. But details details.

Alzulon snapped out of his thoughts to see the moon illuminating the halls where a figure peeked out of a door way. Alzulon realised door where the figure peeked out of was his Zuko room. Alzulon was ready to strike whoever hurt his little sun. He might be old but he was never underestimated. But when he saw who it was he was relieved it was zuko who had tears in his eyes. What trouble him at this late  hour was it because he stop calling him "grandfather "( No doubt Ozai doing) Alzulon was slightly saddened that he stopped. It was nice having a family member treat him like a normal person (ha) and not like Royalty. Why did it matter that a small 5 year old, who some how wormed his way into his battered, cold Hart stopped calling him  familial names. Because this boy means everything to him, he would kill anyone who hurts his little sun

"Prince Zuko" he turns around quickly and looks at him. He looks like he saw a dragon, he is sacking from head to tow." F-Fire Lord Alzulon I'm sorry I'll go back to bed" he said." Why are you still up"

when it was revealed that the child couldn't  sleep he was relieved. But why does it bother him.

He doesn't have time for his emotions.

He thought he got rid of them years ago. Those pesky things are traitors to his mind, clouding his judgement.

He doesn't care. His grandson needs him. He will deal with traitors later. When he peered down to try and see his little sun's eyes, he was greeted by a head turn and slight shaking. He thinks he is being punished? For what? He know fear, relishes it even. But on his Zuko face.

No unacceptable. Especially since he appears to be afraid of him. No cub should fear their kin

He picked the small body into his arms. He only does this with Zuko he never picked up his son's when they were young only time he picked up his son's was when they were 1, 2, 3, years old. The child curled in to him, snuggling into his robes. Stroking his hair and carrying him to the tea room. Some tea will cheer up  his Zuko and himself. Perhaps the answers will be a simple outing under midnight sun's light.

When they got to the tea room Alzulon put zuko gentle on the ground and started making the tea and took some sweets put two cup of tea on the table and the bolw of sweets.

How come you can't sleep?" The stillness was ripped apart as Zuko blurted out, but internally flinched at the question

Alzulon just chuckled. He seems....relaxed.

"As Fire Lord , there are many things to do. Especially since the expansion ais going well, colonies are accepting their place as one with us." Zuko look at him with confuses.

"So you can't sleep because you are happy?"

"In a will understand when you are older." Zuko looked at him like he was crazy, how cute." Since I was young, I was alert and ready at a moment's notice. In the army, there are no mistake to be made. Or yourlife will be the price. Besides, our family scared mission is to spread with the sun. But people are so strong willed these days, it's very irritating

"But is that not a good thing? Although we'll show them our greatness, isn't that a human thing to do?"

Oh Zuko you are too inecent for this  world you would forgiven me even when I did something horrible. I want to protect you from everything . You are too good for this world. You even forgive your father for not loving you but loving your sister instead. You are better than anyone in this world. Alzulon thinks. Something begin stirring inside of him.

"Oh, My sweet child, what does it mean to be human?"

The power is gone. When I look at Zuko, he looks like he wants to say something but doesn't.

"Change is the answer. People fear change in their ways. That's why they fight back. Bite as they may , avoid it or deny it, people will follow on. It's just a matter of time. Almost a 100 years they will lay down and accept their  fate."

Alzulon paused at this. Looking over his cup, into Zuko golden eye's.

"It's late you should go to bed Prince  Zuko."
Zuko stands up and bows " Goodnight Fire Lord Alzulon." Zuko runs out the tea room back to his bed room. Alzulon stands up and walks back to his chambers with one though in mind. How will I protect Zuko from the world.

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