
By ThinYoongi

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ᵥᵢ·ᵥₐ·cᵢₒᵤₛ /vəˈvāSHəs,vīˈvāSHəs/ (adj•) full of life and good spirits happy and lively in a way that is att... More

•《Part I》•
•《aesthetics 》•
•《chapter I》•
•《Chapter II》•
•《Chapter III》•
•《Chapter IV》•
•《Chapter V》•
•《Chapter VI》•
•《Chapter VII》•
•《Chapter VIII》•
•《Chapter IX》•
•《chapter X》•
•《chapter XI》•
•《chapter XII》•
•《Chapter XIII》•
•《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xɪᴠ》•
•《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xv》•
•《Chapter XVI》•
•《Chapter XVIII》•
•《chapter XIX》•
•《chapter XX》•
•《Chapter XXI》•
•《chapter XXII》•
•《chapter XXIII》•
•《chapter XXIV》•
•《Chapter XXV》•

•《Chapter XVII》•

2K 75 11
By ThinYoongi

The weekend had gone to pass quickly, the two human girls had an amazing time with Bella's mother in Jacksonville. Both of them came back to the rainy town of Forks a little tanner. After their flight back the whole Cullen family were excited to greet them all, especially Arianna. The brunette had spent a few hours with the group telling them stories about her tiny vacation, before heading home to spend the rest of the Sunday night with her father. Danial Alexander listened to her in content as she told him of her experiences she shared with her best friend.

The following Monday Arianna got up early, with a little extra pep in her step as she got ready. She quickly did her makeup, she just went natural today with a little bit of concealer, mascara, and some lip gloss. Once that was done she got dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans, a tan tank top, with a red and black plaid cardigan. She quickly shoved her feet into her black Timberlands, grabbed her bookbag and then made her way down to the kitchen.

In the kitchen stood her father, he was listening to some older music dancing around as he cooked breakfast. His daughter laughed a little at his antics as she took a seat at the table. He then sat a plate of French Toast, eggs and sausage down in front of her along with a cup of orange juice and a bowl of fruit. She quickly thanked him before digging in.

"So what are your plans for the day?" The older man asked as he took his respective seat.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure yet." She told him honestly. "I might hang out with some friends after school. Unless you want to do something."

"Oh no it's okay honey. I'll probably be at work late tonight anyways." Daniel lets out a sigh. "With all the disappearances going on in Seattle we are trying to help out as much as possible."

"Okay well I gotta get headed to school." Arianna said as she put her plate into the dishwasher. "Please be safe at work."

"I always am baby."

"I love you." She said giving her father a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you honey."


Arianna caught a ride with Bella and Edward as the latter came to get the two in his car. As they pulled into the school Arianna gathered her things. The other two were talking quietly about the trip and the changing of Bella. As Edward put the car in park he stiffened. The two girls looked at him in confusion.

"What?" Bella asked.

"Would you stay in the car if I asked you to?" He looked at the two of them. They both looked at him and then started to get out of the car.

"Of course not."

The three of them start to make their way toward the school, Edward intent on steering away from the two unwelcomed boys. As they walked closer three saw Jacob Black and Jared Cameron climbing off of their bikes. Jacob stood stiff with his arms crossed, Jared just stood behind him looking around.

"Jake!" Bella was happy to see the shapeshifter, she moves to walk closer to him as does Arianna. The two were stopped by Edward who pulled them closer protectively.

"Charlie said you guys left town." Jacob said bluntly.

"To see my mother. Why?"

"He's here to make sure you're still human." Edward answered, causing Jacob to get more angry.

"You want to read my mind? Enjoy." Jacob looked at the vampire with hatred.

"What are you doing?" Bella asked, confused but alarmed.

"Just taking a walk down memory lane."

"He's reminding me. Of what it was like for you when I went away." Edward grimaced as he read the shape shifter's mind.

"Jacob, please stop." It was Bella who spoke. Arianna looked between the three not knowing what to do or say to help the situation. She met the eyes of Jared and they exchanged smiles.

"I'm here to warn you, if your kind come on our land again–"

"Wait, what?" The two human girls said together.

"You didn't tell them?" Jacob asked accusingly.

"Leave it alone Jacob." Edward was clearly getting more frustrated.

Alice and Jasper watched from a distance fearing an escalation, they slowly walked a little closer prepared in case something happened. This caught Jareds attention and he walked a little closer to Jacob, he was also fearing a fight and was there to make sure Jacob did not take it any farther.

"Tell me. I want to know." Bella told them it was more so directed at Jacob because she knows he'll be honest with her.

"There was a stupid misunderstanding between Emmett and Paul. Nothing to worry about." Edward butted in trying to end the conversation. The mention of her bear-like mate caught her attention and worry clouded her mind. She was angered at the Cullens for lying to her and Bella, they never mentioned anything happening when she saw them the night prior.

"Man, Listen to you." Jacob started with an antagonistic smirk, "Did you lie to get them out of town too?"

"Leave. Now." Edward warned.

"They have the right to know. Bella is the one the red-head wants."

"Victoria's back?" Bella whispered to herself she then furrowed her eyebrows and turned to Edward in anger. "Alice's vision– it wasn't about Jasper, was it? It was Victoria–"

"I was trying to protect you two–"

"By lying to us!" Bella exclaimed, then turned her attention to Jacob after a moment of silence, "And you, why haven't you answered any of my calls?"

"I had nothing to say." The boy then turned and headed toward his bike. 

"Well I do." She was stopped by Edward who grabbed onto her hand. "Edward, you have to trust me."

"I do. It's him I don't trust." After a moment he finally let go of her and she followed after Jacob, climbing onto his bike behind him. Jared then looked toward Arianna and gave her a small smile.

"You comin' Anna Banana?" Arianna gave him a small smile and then looked between her three mates who looked at her begging her not to go. She was frustrated with the situation and needed some time to think things over. With a quick nod she ran over to Jared and climbed on after him. Wrapping her arms around his waist she held on tight as he started the bike and followed after Jacob.


As the group arrived at Sam and Emily's homey cottage, the four climbed off of the bike's. Jared was quick to run off into the house, excited to dig into whatever Emily had cooked. Arianna followed behind Bella and Jacob silently. Her thoughts were running wild about the whole situation. Suddenly the door is thrown open and the whole group of shapeshifters pile out.

"Hey! Look who's back." Embry Call smiled at the two girls.

"Whatup, Bella?" Arianna didn't know the boy who spoke.

"Quil? You too?" Bella seemed to recognise him after a minute.

"Yup, I'm part of the pack now." The boy– Quil gave Bella a large grin. "Glad you're here. We'll finally get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue."

"I wish Bella would call.."

"I wish Bella wouldn't call..."

"Maybe I should call Bella..."

"Maybe I should call Bella and hang up–"

"You can all shut up now," Jacob looks down embarrassed, shaking his head. Another person makes their way out of the house, and comes down the stairs. Arianna examines the girl, the girl has a scowl on her face as she looks at Jacob and Bella. "Bella, Ari, this is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter." Arianna recognised her as the girl she comforted after her fathers passing.

"I'm so sorry about your father." Bella said, giving her a comforting smile.

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave." Leah said to Bella, as she made her way toward the woods she passed by Arianna and gave her a subtle nod as to greet her.

"Fun isn't she?" Jacob says sarcastically. Emily and Sam make their way out of the house finally. Emily rushes over to give the girls hugs.

"Bella. I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again." Emily says as she gives her a hug. She then moved to Arianna and held her tight. "Arianna, so good to see you again."

"Hi Emily." Arianna said with a smile, Emily was comforting she gave off a sisterly bond. "It's been a while hasn't it?"

"Sam?" Jacob called.

"We're good. She won't be getting through our line anytime soon." Sam says they were talking about Victoria.

Soon enough the guys were off toward the woods, except for Jacob who took Bella off on a walk. Arianna decided to talk with Emily and help her bake as they waited for the boys to get off of patrol. Arianna started on some blueberry pie, while Emily made her famous homemade muffins. They were able to catch up since they hadn't seen each other in a few months. Arianna saved the talk about her mates until the boys got back because she figured they would be curious to.

A few hours later the group came piling in, the two girls were sitting in the living room watching some TV and gossiping. They boys instantly went and treated themselves with some of the goodies the two had prepared for them. Eventually they all piled into the living room with the girls. After a bit the topic that Arianna was dreading was brought up.

"So Anna, how is it spending time with the Cullens?" Paul asks with a disgusted frown, the young girl was slow to respond thinking of what to say.

"Well... It's not that bad." She answers, trying to deflect the question. The boys all knew something was up.

"What do you mean by that?" It was Jared this time.

"Well I'm sort of mated to them." Arianna rushed out in a low voice, she spoke so fast that they almost didn't hear her. But luckily with their super hearing the boys were able to make out her words.

"What!?" Jared all but yelled. "You're what?" Arianna looked away from him.

"What do you mean?" Embry asked. "All of them?"

"Yes," She replied shyly.

"How does that even happen? How does that even work?" Paul asked if he was a little angered. He didn't know if the Cullens were just trying to keep her around as some sort of pet.

"Well, it's basically like your guys imprint thing." Arianna started, "except instead of just one person it's eight."

"Eight? I thought there were only seven of them?" Sam asked, confused.

"Carlisle thinks that once Bella is turned she will become my eighth mate, we already can feel the bond but it's just not as strong as the others." She explained.

"How does that even work? With eight people, why would you even want that?" Paul asked disgustedly, Arianna started to get angry. Even though she was upset with her mates at the moment doesn't mean she will stand for them being bashed by others.

"Well it's not like I chose for it to happen, it just did. I'm not upset about it, they treat me amazingly and have only cared about my well being. As for how it works, it just does. It's comfortable and I wouldn't change it for the world. Each of them have their own quirks and they are perfect to me in every way." After she finished all of the boys started talking over one another asking questions or voicing their opinions on the matter. Emily looked over at the teen girl and could see she was getting upset.

"Okay boys I think that's enough." She raised her voice over theirs and they all quieted down. "If this is her destiny then this it was it is. You can't change it. Fate chose them for her and her for them; there is nothing that can be said or done to change that. Everything happens for a reason." Emily knew what it was like to be chosen for someone and not have a choice about it. She was chosen for Sam– when she tried to resist but in the end they still ended up together and it was the best thing that ever happened. She could tell that Arianna was happy and didn't want Arianna to make the same mistakes she did and get hurt.

The boys finally stopped after being scolded by the mother of the pack and things went back to normal. The group sat and watched movies and played board games while they waited for Bella and Jacob to come back. The two arrived after a little bit and they finished their movie before Jacob drove the two home in Sam's truck.

The girls slowly walked up Bella's front steps and went up to the door. It was quiet and dark, as Bella unlocked the door a weird feeling of being watched overcame them and they looked at each other. Bella took a step into the house and looked around. After a moment Charlie turned the corner he didn't even look up from his hands when he gave her a huffy sigh.

"Edward could at least respect meal times." He said gruffly.

"Actually, we were with Jake." She said Charlie looked up and saw his daughter's best friend and gave her a smile.

"Oh well, good. That's good." He was about to continue but they all heard a knock at the door. They all looked and could faintly make out the figure of Edward through the glass door.

"I'll just leave you to it." Charlie grumbled before walking off to the kitchen. Bella makes her way back to the door and opens it to find a disgruntled Edward.

"Do you guys have any idea how worried I've been– how we've all been?" Edward directed the last part to Arianna.

"We were perfectly safe." Bella said, Ari gave a nod in agreement.

"I nearly broke the treaty to make sure of it–" Edward stopped and took a deep breath through his nose, smelling the air. His eyebrows furrowed.

"I know, I smell like dog–" Bella starts to take her jacket off.

"Something's... wrong." The vampire then speeds through the house looking around. The two find him upstairs in Bella's room.

"What is it?" Bella asks in concern.

"Someone was here."

A/N- Another update y'all. I'm so happy to be working on this stuff again! Finally getting the ball rolling with stuff from the movie and things are about to get more exciting!!! I'd love to hear some feedback or predictions you guys have so please feel free to leave a comment! I'm hoping soon i can get my book to be able to have the text to speech option but I'm not sure how I go about that. Anyways thanks for reading and don't forget to vote. -ThinYoongi

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