Eternal Lovers

By JeyGonzales3

4.3K 192 53

Two lovers, separated by an unknown force, search for a way to return to each other. A story of the other wor... More

Prologue Part One: Days of Happiness
Prologue Part Two: Eternal Sleep
The Time That we Became Friends
The Savior of Mondstadt
Revelations and Hope
The Goddess Request
One Step Closer
One Ocean Away
Farewell's and The Nation of Contracts
The Mischievous Fox and the Adventurer
Together Forever.
Back To Us

Memories, The God of Wind and The Dandelion Knight

265 15 0
By JeyGonzales3

I remember those days, the days were everything seemed so simple, since they arrived at the palace I spent as much time as I could with him.

I don't know why I did it, but from the first time I saw him entering the palace gates in Ei's arms, something woke up inside me, I felt as if I had found something special, as if I had a connection with him, something that only the two of us shared, and a small part of me knew he believed it too.

I remember waking up when I felt his warm hands run through my fur, slowly open my eyes, and wake up looking at his golden eyes in front of me, every time I did, I felt that it was going to be a great day.

We met Makoto in the dining room, there are days when Ei was already there with her, but if she and Aether had gone out to face monsters, she usually slept a little more in the morning, Makoto prepared my breakfast for me, I usually ate fruits, they helped maintain the color of my fur and according to her, they would make me grow strong.

After a while, Lumine and Ei would join us, the blond-haired girl would quickly go over to where Makoto was and they would talk about anything for hours and hours. Meanwhile Ei would stay at Aether's side, trying to learn to cook while they talked about what they would do for the rest of the day.

Speaking of Ei and Aether... I have mixed feelings about their relationship, on one hand, Ei seemed much happier since he arrived, as if she had finally found someone who finally understood her, but on the other hand, how I wish I'd grown up faster, I would give anything to at least have been able to compete with Ei on equal terms, but what could I do? I was just a little fox, and until I developed my human form, Aether would only see me as that.

But enough of that, when we all finished our breakfast, Makoto and Lumine would go around Inazuma to help people, while Ei and Aether would patrol the islands looking for monsters or things that could put the population at risk, i usually went with Lumine and Makoto, mostly because the four of them considered that if Aether and Ei found something ,they should concentrate on eliminating that risk and not on protecting me, I would put their life at risk, If only I had the power that I have now, maybe I could have helped them...

The rest of the day would go by pretty quickly, after we got back to the palace, I would wait until Aether and Ei came back, Makoto said that she found it so cute, Saiguu too, now that I think about it, I was kind of desperate, was i?

And from the moment they both came back, I wouldn't leave their side, especially Aether's, I remember how Makoto sometimes got angry because before I was always with her and now I just wanted to be with him, sorry Makoto, I was just a little kitsune in love...

Those days we spent in the palace will remain in my memory forever, until the end of time comes, I will never forget them, because... that was the last time I can really say I was happy.

Now that palace gives me nightmares, as I walk the halls to meet that cold puppet, places where all together we would do various activities, now were just empty rooms.

I finally reached the throne room, where she was sitting on the throne, the puppet, The Shogun was waiting for my report of the shrine to give it to my friend, a friend I haven't seen for 500 years.

How I wish that all of you were still here, this would not have happened, but now i only have to look to the future, because somewhere in the universe, I know that you are still there, and that you will come back to us.

*Inside the plan of Euthymia*

Ei's eternal dream continued, but for some reason, these last few days it seemed more interrupted than usual, lately she suddenly woke up, her dreams instead of their usual black peace and nothings, showed memories of the past, of the moments that she lived with the ones she loved and today it was no different.

Today she relived a memory of her sister and Aether, the time that she realized that she probably felt something more for Aether rather than just enjoying his company, and all this happened because of her sister...

It was a normal day in the palace, Ei and Aether returned from their training and were chatting in one of the armchairs in the living room, but Ei's peace was interrupted by Makoto.

"Would you join me in today's festival?" Ei's mind went blank, her sister did not ask her, but her partner, Aether.

"Sorry? Do you want to go to the festival with me?" asked an incredulous Aether, not believing what the archon was asking to him.

"Yes, you are correct, I would love to go with you to tonight's festival" Makoto said with her usual smile.

"Why do you want Aether to join you Makoto!" Said a surprised (and slightly jealous) Ei.

"Because I would like to go to the festival tonight, and Aether would be the perfect partner, this afternoon I heard from Saiguu that humans usually invite people of the opposite sex to festivals, and Aether is the closest person I know that is not a woman"

"And why don't you invite Lumine?! She is your best friend!" Said Ei to her sister, the thought of her sister going on a date with Aether it gave her a little pain in the chest area.

"Saiguu said that to enjoy the festival to the fullest, you have to go with someone of the opposite sex"

"B-B-But!" Ei couldn't find a way to oppose her sister's idea, she didn't have much idea about festivals, Saiguu was usually the one who taught her that kind of things, and if she told Makoto that, she surely was right, but still, it didn't make her feel any better.

"So Aether? Would you join me? Just for tonight?" Makoto asked the boy, but without Ei noticing, Makoto winked at Aether, as if to tell him that she was up to something behind that invitation.

"Ah! Errr... Yes, I will go with you" El's face went through many emotions, shock, anger, surprise, she couldn't believe that Makoto would invite him, much less that he would accept.

"Excellent! We will meet at the entrance of the palace at 7 pm, we will wear some masks so that people do not recognize me and we can enjoy the festival in peace" And with that, Makoto left the room leaving and uncomfortable silence behind her.

*That afternoon*

Makoto and Aether were walking together in the summer festival of Inazuma, the streets of Inazuma City were filled with people of all ages, but without the couple noticing, Ei dressed in a completely black Kimono and a mask similar to her sister's, followed them, she had planned to stay in the palace at night, but when she saw her sister and her partner leave towards the festival, she couldn't help but feel a little preoccupied so she followed them just to make sure Makoto... was okay! Yeah! That was it, she didn't follow them because she was jealous, of course not.

Ei followed the couple from a few meters, but with the number of people at the festival it was impossible for her to get close enough. The only thing she could see was how they both walked closer and closer to each other, that made her feel a little pain in the chest area again...

Ei saw how the two participated in all kinds of activities, they ate sweets, made wishes and request for the archon electro, Aether even won a small stuffed fox for her sister.

The pain in Ei's chest for some reason wouldn't stop, so she decided that maybe it would be best to leave them alone, she would surely just interrupt them and ruin the atmosphere if they saw her. But when she was about to leave, She turned one last time and saw Aether alone, sitting on a bench next to a sakura tree, that strange... where would Makoto be? would she have gone to the bathroom? Suddenly, Ei felt someone grab her wrist and pull her behind a stall, she was preparing to hit that person with all her might, but when she finally got to see the face of her attacker, she realized it was her sister.

"Makoto?! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Aether?" Said a surprised Ei.

"Do you think I wouldn't notice that you were following us little sister? Although it may not seem like it, I am quite attentive to that kind of thing" Makoto said with a smile.


"Shhh, I have my ways Ei, anyway, why are you following us? Don't tell me... you're jealous that I took your partner to the festival" Makoto had a mischievous smile, as if she already knew that she was right.

"I-I was not following you! I was just... making sure that you guys were okay..." Ei didn't know if she was trying to convince her sister or herself.

"Yes Ei... of course, well anyway, I'll leave it to you, he already knows you were following us and I told him I was going to leave you alone with him, so enjoy the rest of the night, you can thank me later!" And just like that, Makoto left, leaving a speechless Ei on the spot.

Ei without thinking too much about it, just decided to go to where Aether was, she didn't want to let the boy waiting to much.

"Hello Ei, I have to admit, when Makoto told me that you were following us I was a bit surprised, I didn't think you were capable of that" said Aether, that despite everything, showed his classic smile.

"Aether... I'm sorry that I interrupted your outing with Makoto, I just... don't know what it came over me and I just followed the both of you" Ei stood in front of the boy looking at her feet, she had her mask in her hand, squeezing it quite hard, she had ruined her sister's and Aether's night because of her selfishness.

But suddenly she felt a hand on top of her head, Aether was gently caressing her "Well, there's not much we can change, so how about we enjoy the rest of the festival together?"

"Are you sure?" Ei asked.

"Mhm, yes I'm sure, I am sure that together we will enjoy the festival even more, so lets go!" And so, Aether grabbed Ei's hand and together they toured the festival for the rest of the night, that day was one of those in which Ei had the most fun in life, and it was the day she realized, that maybe she felt something more for the boy, but she wasn't ready to admit it just yet.

Ei still remembers his golden eyes looking at the fireworks, she remembers how she wiped his cheeks with a napkin after a little cotton candy was left on it, and lastly, remember the warmth of his hand in hers.

The same hand that she's looking at now, she closed her eyes again, trying to ignore the pain she felt in her heart, eternity would not reach itself, she promised her people eternity, she promised Makoto eternity, she promised Aether eternity.


"You know about Makoto?" Aether asked the Archon Anemo, Venti.

"Of course, I do silly! In the old days we used to get together once a year to discuss the affairs of our nations, she told me a lot about her sister and you!" For Aether, the Anemo Archon seemed quite young... but he is a good, also Ei and Makoto at the time seemed to young to have lived so many years as they said.

"And how do you know me? We never met"

"As I said before, Makoto told me a lot about you, how a blond boy fell from the sky together with his sister and they changed their lives!"

"She... said that?"

"Yes! She did, she also said that you were quite strong, so I need your help!"

"Wait a second! Where is Ei?! do you know anything about my sister!?" asked Aether, if anyone knew anything about the whereabouts of her sister and Ei it would have to be a god.

"Whoa! slow down a little, Ei is currently ruling Inazuma, after Makoto's... death, she assumed complete control of the nation, but I don't know anything about her or Inazuma since... that day, and about your sister I have no idea, I felt Makoto's death because of the power that we archons share, any sudden change is felt by everyone, but unfortunately I don't know anything about your sister, sorry"

"Oh..." Aether was quite discouraged, the only person he thought could help him with information, did not have it.

"Hey! Will you now listen to me? I promise if you help me, I will introduce you to someone who surely must know something more than me!" And there it is, a ray of hope, but Aether has his doubts, what could an Archon need help with?

"With what could I help you? Even if I wanted to, you're an archon... I don't know how I could help you"

"I need you to help me get my familiar back"

"Your familiar? You mean similar to what Saiguu was to Makoto?"

"Yes! I need you to help me get Dvalin back"

"Dvailn? Is that your familiar?" Aether remembers what she heard from Makoto and Saiguu once, the kitsune was the familiar of the twins, when she left this world, Miko would become the familiar.

"Yes, Dvailn has been corrupted, by the abyss"

"The abyss? What is that?" Aether had never heard of the abyss, the only dangers when he lived in Inazuma were monsters and remains of dead gods who sought revenge.

"You don't know about the abyss order? Where you were these last few years? Under a rock?"

"Not quite but close"

"Okay, nobody knows much about the abyss order, only that they appeared lately, they are monsters that have superhuman strength, many people without visions who meet them are in serious danger, no one knows how they are organized or where they come from, but they are practically at war against all Teyvat, somehow, Dvailn fell into the hands of one, if he were to attack, Mondstadt would be in great danger, so I ask for your help" Venti begged Aether pressing his together as if he were begging him for help.

"But with what could I help you? You are an archon!" Aether remembered how powerful Ei was, if she used all her strength Aether wouldn't stand a chance, he assumed that Venti was the same.

"Don't be modest! Makoto told me all about you! she told me how you traveled the universe; she even told me that you were able to fight Ei! That it's really good! also I desperately need your help, unfortunately even if I am an archon, my powers are not what they were before, I am powerful make no mistake, but I will need your help"

Aether thought for a moment, he didn't knew how strong he was now, he already know that he had already lost his ability to fly, he had surreptitiously tried it while Amber and Eula took him to the city without success, but on the other hand, the person Venti knew was the only way he had to get information about his sister or even knew a way to go to Inazuma.

"Alright Venti, I accept" They both squeezed their hands, as a way to seal their deal.

"Wonderful! Well, I'm going to take my leave, when I need you, I'll come for you, if you want to communicate with me, go to the statue of the seven Windrise, we can communicate through it" Venti jumped out the window again before Aether could respond, but when the boy approached to see if the archon was alright, she could see how the archon using his powers flew into the sky.

"This can't get any weirder, can it?"

*The next day*

Aether and Amber were walking towards the Knights of Favonius headquarters, there was the person that Amber said that it might know of a way to travel to Inazuma.

When they entered the building, Aether saw a giant hall with several doors on the sides and a staircase at the end. Next to one of the doors, a tall woman with a purple hat was standing, her outfit was also purple and her hair was brown, when she saw Amber and him walk through the door she approached them.

"Well well, what do we have over here? Good morning Amber and good morning to you too..." said the woman with a seductive voice.

"Good morning Lisa! Let me introduce them, he is Aether, he is the person from Inazuma that we met at the beach with Eula yesterday" Amber said with her usual enthusiasm.

"Nice to meet you Lisa" Said Aether.

"Nice to meet you too Aether, it's nice to see an interesting and cute face like yours around these places, so what brings you to the knights of favounius?"

"Amber brought me to meet a person who can help me with information about how to return to Inazuma"

"Oh? Are you from Inazuma cutie? that's interesting, the land of eternity and the electro archon, in fact, I have an electro vision" Lisa showed the necklace around her neck, from which dangled an electro vision, Aether stared at it, but at one point the vision slowly began to move forward, towards Aether, electricity shooting from the vision, Lisa had to grab the vision in her hand and hide it, before it fell off her necklace.

"Oh my, sorry cutie, It's the first time I see something like that, it seems as if the vision wanted to go with you, could it be because you're from Inazuma? But that has not happened with other people and their visions... maybe you are someone special? Maybe you have a special connection with the element?" Lisa stared at Aether but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary about him.

"Hahaha maybe? this is the first time something like this has happened to me" what was that? Why did Lisa's vision move towards him? Maybe his connection with Ei and Makoto had something to do with it?

"Is that so..." Lisa continued looking at him for a few seconds, but still couldn't find anything weird about him "Well, it probably was just a coincidence, but I would love to try it again cutie, so if you stay in Mondstadt for a few more days, don't hesitate to visit me, I'm in the library all day"

"Sure, if I have some time I will pass by"

"Excellent! Now if you excuse me, I will go back to my work, it was nice to meet you Aether, I'll be waiting for you" And with that, Lisa left.

"Looks like you got Lisa's attention... Well, let me introduce you to Jean!" Said Amber

"Is Jean the person who can help me?" Asked Aether.

"Yes, let me check if she is here and I let you know!" Amber entered one of the doors near the entrance, Aether waited a few seconds until the door opened again, it was Amber indicating that he could come in.

The boy walked inside the room, It seemed like a quite luxurious office, full of books and other artifacts, in the middle of it was a desk, behind it there was woman looking at some papers, she had blonde hair tied in a hair tail, her outfit consisted of a white shirt with white pants separated by a blue belt, on her shoulders she wore a dark green cape with gold details. When the woman saw him, she opened her eyes, as if she was surprised to see him.

"Aether, this is Jean, the Acting Grand Master of Mondstadt" said Amber.

"Nice to meet you Jean, I'm Aether, a traveler from Inazuma" he said introducing himself, but the woman continued to stare at him, as if she was trying to figure out where she knew him from.

Jean shook her head, trying to distract herself from her thoughts "My apologies Aether, as Amber said before, I'm Jean Gunnhildr, the Acting Grand Master, it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Jean, this is Aether, he is the person we met on the beach yesterday with Eula" Amber introduced the boy again.

"So Aether, what brings you here?" Asked Jean.

"I want to return to Inazuma, and I came to ask you for information on how to do it"

"You want to return to Inazuma? I'm sorry to tell you, but unfortunately Inazuma is under the Sakoku decree and its impossible to do it, even for me, I'm sorry that I can't be of more help"

"Oh, well, I just have to find another way to do it, thank you for your time Jean" Aether and Amber started to walk towards the entrance of the room, but before they could get out.

"Err Aether, could you stay for a second? You can go Amber" Requested Jean.

Amber looked at the two, but still complied with the order and left.

"What do you need Jean?" Aether asked, but the woman didn't answer, she just stood up and went to the bookcase in the room, quickly looking for a book.

"Aether, do you own a pink fox?" A pink fox? the only pink fox Aether knew was...

"I don't own one, but I know one" said Aether, Jean grabbed the book she was looking for from the library and went to Aether to show it to him, on the cover of there was a boy with blonde hair in a braid... oh no, in his arms was a little pink fox... it was him and Miko.

"Aether, is this you?"

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