You're Ours, Princess (Red Ey...

By KaniraTamira

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(In Evolution, ok?) Two friends... One girl... Fall in love at their first very meeting... Until "He" came to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

318 11 4
By KaniraTamira

Third Person POV

BC Sol

"Rise and shine, (nickname)!"

Shasa's voice made you woke up from your slumber. Waking up, stretching out and blinking, trying to remember.

Then, when you realize Valt destroyed your bey, you couldn't help but sighed.

"You okay?" Shasa asked, you look at her, you nodded.

"Hurry your ass up! Let's go eat breakfast! Ange cooked pasta!" Tenchi shouted outside of the dorm. You and Shasa look at each other before chuckled.

"Go take your bath, we'll wait for you at the cafeteria," Shasa said, you nodded. She walk out of the room.

You sighed and remembered what Free told you yesterday.

"You've never let anyone down. Your talent and determination are an inspiration to all of us. And just because your bey got destroyed doesn't mean it's over. We can always build another one together, stronger and better,"

You close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out.

"He's right..." You muttered. "To bring Valt back, I need to rebuild (Bey Name)," your eyes glowed slightly before went to take a shower.


You entered the cafeteria and you saw the others were waiting for you. Taking a deep breath in and out, you walked up to them.

"Morning!" You greeted.


"You alright?"

"Feeling good?"

"Don't be sad! We'll fix (Bey Name)!"

"Smile, girl!"

"We want you to be happy,"

They all said, made you slightly smile before take a seat beside Free.

"Guys, I have something to say," you spoke, making them look at you, even Free. You took a deep breath in and out.

"Please help me rebuild (Bey Name) again! I really want to save Valt from darkness!" You said, the others was shocked.

"What?!" Shasa gasped.

"You serious?" Tenchi said.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? Last time, Lui broke your first bey, you were almost suicide!" Rantaro said, wide eyes.

You narrowed your eyes at them before nodded. They look at each other, except Free, they nodded in agreement.


You smiled.


"Oh? You want to rebuild (Bey Name)?" Raul asked, you nodded. Free placed his hands on your shoulders.

"To be blader again, she has to," Free give out a lazy smile, which made Raul laughed.

"Of course! Come on, let's start rebuild!" Raul said.

"Yeah!" You cheered before walk in the van with Free.

While you, Free, and Raul were building (Bey Name), Kristina went towards the others who were waiting outside of the van.

"Is she?" Kristina asked the others, they nodded.

"I had to admit, she really want Valt back," Shasa said.

"Yeah, they're like two peas in a pod," Silas said.

"Who doesn't," Cuza said.

"But to be honest, I remembered what Valt told me before he left BC Sol," Rantaro sighed and having a flashback.


In BC Sol's dorm aka, Kit's dorm,(which he shared with Valt and Rantaro)

"Wait, so you do have a crush on someone?" Rantaro asked, smug on his face. Valt blushed and nodded. "I never thought you could fall in love, I mean, I thought you're innocent and dense at these things,"

"Hey, I'm NOT dense!" Valt shouted at him and then pouted, which made Rantaro laughed.

"Sorry, sorry!" Rantaro laughed and then stopped before looked at the bluenette. "Tell me the description about your crush,"

Valt blushed before spoke, "She has soft (H/C) hair, sparkling (E/C) eyes, her beautiful voice, she's kind, brave, heroine type and gorgeous," he lovely sighed. "She's one of the best blader,"

Rantaro was stunned at Valt's words. Those kinda reminds him of (Name). The way Valt describe her, she's the only one who have those appearance. But when he thought Valt's crush is (Name), he smirked.

"You have a crush on (Name)?"

Valt accidentally fall over the bed, causing him groaned and Rantaro laughed at him.

"How did you know?!" Valt shouted at Rantaro, he just laughed.

"It's too obvious!"


"Listen here, Miracle boy!" Rantaro helped Valt up. "If you want to get a girl, follow my steps to get one!"

"What?" Valt blinked. He doesn't know about these things. Well... Kinda...

"Listen! To get the love of your life, you must do what you must do,"

"Like what?"

"I'm glad you'd asked! Let the Head Honcho teach you about this!"

[End Flashback]

Rantaro sighed again. 'This is so not Valt...'

"Everyone, I have a request for you all," Kristina said, making the others to look at the female. "I want all of you to keep an eye on her before the next match between Tigeras and BC Sol next month,"


"Another match between Tigeras and BC Sol!?"


"Listen!" Kristina shouted, making them quiet.  "Don't let her join in," the others exchange confusion.

"Why?" Shasa asked.

"You saw what's happened when Valt broke her bey in her match," Kristina said.

"Then, what should we do?" Cuza asked.

Before Kristina could respond, you, Raul and Free came out. The others run up to you.

"So?" Tenchi asked with a grin. You smiled and showed them your reborn (Bey Name).

"Oh my god!"

"Look at that!"

"So cool!"

"New (Bey Name), huh?"


You chuckled at them.

Free smiled and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"Wanna practice?" Free asked, you looked up to him and nodded with a smile. In return, he smiled back.

"Want us to help?" Shasa asked. You turned to the others and nodded.


"I dibs on first battle!"

"Hell no! I'm first battling her!"

"No way, I should be the one who fight her!"

You sweatdropped as the boys, except Free, arguing who will be the first battle you. You and Free exchange looks before laughed.


"Burst Finish! (Name) wins!" Shasa being a referee, extended her hand towards you.

"Yes!" You cheered as Rantaro whined.

"How?!" Rantaro crossed his arms in anger.

Silas laughed, "Looks like she beaten you more!"

"Be quiet, salad head!" Rantaro glared at him. Silas stopped laughing and glared back at the blonde.

"Salad head?! Why you-!"

"Who else is next?" You asked after taking your bey.

"Me!" Cuza smiled, you nodded. Rantaro walked away to let Cuza take his spot.

Free smiled while watching you before clenching his bey in his hand. He knew Fafnir got slightly crack. Must be Valt did it.

Kristina walked up to Golden Boy and nudge him, making him to look at her.

"You alright?" Dark pinkette female asked. Free give her a fake smile. Kristina noticed the fake smile and frowned.

"Don't give me that smile," Kristina said. "You're worried,"

"I'm fine, Kris," Free sighed.

"If you say so," Kristina said. "Don't you wanna join them?"

Free didn't say anything but walked away. Kristina watched his figure before sighing.


The members of Tigeras were watching their captain were practicing.


With the launch, Valtryek had a dark aura surrounded it and spun around in speed.

"So?" Green asked. Black smirked.

"Now we'll wait for next month rematch," Black said.

"What if he and his crush encounter?" Purple asked. Black shrugged and smirked even more.

"Like I said, we'll wait,"


Valt growled in rage and his dark aura surrounded him.

'Like hell I let that Golden Boy take her from me...' Valt thought.

Mr. Mason then came.

"Bladers, I have news," Mr. Mason said, this made Valt stopped practicing and the members of Tigeras turned to the man.

"What is it?" Red asked.

Mr. Mason smirked.


Snake Pit

"This is not good," Red Eye said. Silver Eye told him about another rematch between Tigeras and BC Sol.

"Bad?" Gold Eye asked, Red Eye nodded.

"Tell me something," Gold Eye said, making Red Eye to turn to him. "Behind that mask of yours, you feel guilty right after you saw that girl who's the member of BC Sol,"

Red Eye stayed silent.

"Do you like her?"


"Liar, your body language didn't agree to that,"

"What are you talking about?"

"No sense of lying, Red Eye. You do like that girl,"

"Let's go," Red Eye walked away, trying to avoid. Gold Eye just rolled his eyes behind his mask before following him.

'She's mine and mine only,' Red Eye thought.


BC Sol

"Holy! You've won 500 times in the row!" Shasa exclaimed. The boys who helped you practice, breathe heavily. You breathe heavily and look at your bey in hand.

"What do you expect? This is (Name) (Last Name)," Tenchi smirked.

You noticed Free wasn't here. "Where's Free?"

"As usual," Kristina replied. You then started to think. Why? Is he avoiding you? You want to know.

"I'll find him," picking up your bey and run off.

"Well, this is (Name)," Shasa sighed.

"Noted," Tenchi said before look at the boys. "Hey, boys. Get your asses up,"

Grunt from the boys making Tenchi slapped their heads. In the process, the boys jolts up.

With you

You were walking in the forest to find the Golden boy and eventually, you encounter with the deer.

"Can you lead me to Free?" You asked the deer. The deer tilted its head before walk away. You followed it.

Then, you've found Free at the abandoned beystadium. You saw him were sitting while leaned against the wall. You walked up to him.

"Free?" You said, making Free to look up at you.

"Hey," Free replied. You sat down next to him.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing," Free give you a fake smile, which you could feel he was faking it.

"No sense of lying, Free," you frowned. "What's wrong? You can tell me anything,"

"You know about my match against Valt, right?" Free asked, staring at you. You nodded.

"What about it?" You looked back to him.

"Valtryek is stronger and in the process, it almost break Fafnir," Free said, your eyes widened in shock.


Free sighed and lazily look at you. "He wants to destroy me,"

Your eyes widened in shock. "No way..."

"I know," Free pat your head, making you softened your eyes. "I want to protect you,"

"Protect me?" You asked, Free nodded.

"But why?"

"No clue,"

You sighed.

"Don't worry too much," Free said, poke your nose, making you slightly yelped and looked at him. "I'll be fine,"





"What?" Red Eye looked at Gold Eye, who were nodding.

"Cut your crap, there is no way he would come and target her," Red Eye growled in anger.

"Believe me, he would come before the next rematch between Tigeras and BC Sol," Gold Eye said.

"How can you be so sure?" Red Eye questioned.

"Ask Ashtem," Gold Eye shrugged. Red Eye stay silent while clenching his bey in hand. Spryzen glowed dark aura.

'Why her...?' Red Eye thought. 'First, that Golden Boy and now, him?'

'No way in hell I let that happen...'


"Are you serious?!" Valt growled at Black, who were shrugged.

"Not only that, he was planning to destroy your crush," Black said.

"This is getting out of hand!" Valt growled. "Who was he anyway?"

"No clue but I've heard his last name was Tamari? I don't know," Black shrugged.

Valt growled in anger. "Tamari? Is he a blader?"

"Yeah and strong too," Black said. "Rumors says he was skilled blader,"

"His whereabouts?"

"BC Sol or Raging Bulls," Black replied. "I mean, he does appears out of nowhere..."

"Tch," Valt glanced at Valtryek in hand and dark aura surrounded it. "So you wanna find this guy huh? Sure..." Valt evilly smirked.

"Find him," Valt growled, Black sighed and nodded before walk away.

'Tamari...? Who is he anyway...?' Valt thought. 'Looks like I have two challengers to end...'


Somewhere in Spain

A black haired boy with his red eyes, were walking down the street until...

"Hello there..." A voice made the boy stopped his track.

"What do you want, Jack," the boy spoke in cold tone.

Jack Mason just chuckled.

"I'm here to recruit you to my team, my boy," Jack smirked.

"Like hell I want to join your pathetic team," The boy hissed at him, making Jack chuckled.

"Your choice to choose which team is perfect for you," Jack said. "I'll be waiting~" with that, he walk away. The boy stood still, watching him before continue his journey.

'Idiocy...' The boy thought. 'My only mission is to destroy (Name) (Last Name),' he smirked. 'He's not the only one who's the bad guy here...'

To Be Continue


Me: *sweatdropped* Done!

Valt: Who is this guy?

Me: Him? His name is Kirou. My other brother

Shu: Wait, I thought Xander is your brother

Me: Well, half brother actually

Valt: I get it

Kirou: What the fuck? Why am I here? And what is this?

Me: I'm not gonna explain what the hell is happening but right now, you're the villain here

Kirou: What the hell?

Me: Deal with it. Shu! Valt! Close out!

Shu: Kira don't own anything but the plots.

Valt: Vote and comment if you like!

Shalt: Bye bye!

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