Izuku Yagi - The New Yamato W...

By FatedGil

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Izuku Yagi, tormented by the Bakugo twins for something he couldn't control, his only solace from this bullyi... More

Characters' Bio
Prologue: Quirk Test
Chapter 1: Aldera
Chapter 2: Yamato and Training
Chapter 3: Izuku's Vengeance
Chapter 4: 10 months later, UA entrance exam
Interlude: Katsumi, Izumi, and Shoka designs
Chapter 5: Apprehension test and Heroics Class Part One
Chapter 6: Heroics Class Part Two; Ryoshi's Fun and Izuku's Hell on Earth
Chapter 7: Panic Attack
Chapter 8: The LoV's First Move
Chapter 9: Yakuza Elimination Plans
Chapter 10: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 11: Sports Festival Battles Round Two
Chapter 12: Sports Festival Battles; Round Three and Final Round
Chapter 13: The Yakuza Dies Tonight.
Chapter 14: Aftermath and a Conversation With a Friend
Chapter 15: Kidnapping
Chapter 16: Internships
Chapter 17: Stain and a New Devil!
Chapter 18: Finishing Internships
Chapter 19: Off to the Training Camp
Chapter 20: First Official Day at the Training Camp!
Chapter 21: Betrayal?
Chapter 22: Kamino Ward
Chapter 23: Closing Hours
Chapter 24: Big Chicken? Archer?

Chapter 25: Retiring the Number 1 Hero

841 19 21
By FatedGil

3rd person POV

It was late at night, the streetlamps started to flicker on. Three red glowing orbs moved down the street. As these orbs passed the streetlamps, they flickered out, hiding its presence. This creature walked to the site of the battle. Two drunk men stumbled out of a nearby bar and fell face first onto the street. The being watched them with disgust. It hated these creatures with a passion and wished to wipe them all out right now, but due to a failure of its subordinate, it had to return to the underworld for now. It flicked its hand and the two men lost their heads as blood sprayed out, staining the street. The creature opened a portal and walked through. Though knowing Mundus, he won't be gone for long.

Izuku was sitting in the hospital, staring at All Might. He wondered how long he had been a devil hunter, and if he had ever met Dante or Vergil. Izuku stared at all of the wires and tubes connected to his 'father'. He sighed.

Izuku: I can never accept you or Inko as parents, but I am willing to be friendly if we ever cross paths.

Toshinori: *sigh* I'm glad that we are able to work in a friendlyish  manner, young Sparda. I also have my final gift to you, as the hero, All Might.

Toshinori held his hand out and gave Izuku his wristband, the one that was his transforming sword, Rakshasa. Izuku held it carefully and stared at Toshinori with shock.

Toshinori: Take it to XXXX-XXXXXX and you can get it fixed there.

Izuku: That's where Inko works, right?

Toshinori was shocked that Izuku could know such a thing. He was about to ask the question before Izuku replied first as he walked towards the door.

Izuku: I kept tabs on you two.

Izuku left and Toshinori laughed to himself.

Toshinori: That kid continues to surprise me.

Izuku activated his SDT form once he had left the hospital and flew off to the shop mentioned by Toshinori. Little did Izuku know that mundus killed two men right underneath him.


Inko looked up at the sound of the door opening and saw a hooded figure walk into the shop.

Inko: Hello, XXXXXXX arms, how can I help?

???: I would like this devil arm to be repaired.

Inko looked at the greatsword in front of her and assumed Toshinori had gotten one of his acquaintances to come and get it repaired for him. She knew that he was in the hospital, after all, she watched him and her former son fight a devil in kamino ward.

Inko: I can do that, but it will be about 14 682 500 yen.

The hooded man took his hood off to reveal slicked back witht hair with green tips, piercing green eyes and a smug grin to rival Dante's. She immediately knew who this was.

Izuku: Do you take payment in plastic chairs?

He said this while he pulled a white plastic chair out of a pocket dimension. To be specific, a white monobloc plastic chair.

Inko's eyes widened when the money needed to repair the weapon was on the chair. Inko smiled sweetly as she looked at Izuku.

Inko: Of course I do

UA Dorms, the next day.

Izuku waked into the room and smiled widely at the sight. Everyone was sitting there, waiting for him. He laughed when a Monobloc chair flipped over and launched Ryoshi across the room.

Ryoshi: These chairs hate me!

Izuku grabbed the chair and sat on it, emitting a powerful aura once he relaxed into it.

Izuku: Well, these were my predecessors favorite, ethereal chairs, they hated Dante as much as he did.

The class laughed and Ryoshi frowned. Izuku saw a sad Shoka sitting in the back of the dorm area. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her head.

Izuku: Hey, you ok?

Shoka looked up at Izuku and he saw that she had tears in her eyes.

Shoka: I am going to kill that bitch!

Izuku smiled at her.

Izuku: Normally I wouldn't condone this after a breakup, but this time? And under these circumstances? I'm willing to help you get revenge.

Shoka smiled up at him.

Shoka: Thanks.


Mundus walked to his castle. He was pissed. He killed all of the lesser demons that dared to get in his way. He slammed open the doors of his castle, only to see a humanoid figure sitting on his throne.

Mundus: That is not your throne, you are not the king of the underworld, I am.

???: If you want it, then you'll have to take it.

Mundus recoiled in shock at the voice. It couldn't be There was no way. The man stood up and kicked a kneeling overhaul.

???: That's for Eri. I'm glad that my successor sent you to me, I get to have so much fun with scum like you, Kai Chisaki.

Mundus: I-I thought the devils killed you!

???: Me? Devils killing me? there are only three people who even stand a chance against me. Let alone kill me. Now, As the son of Sparda, The Alpha and the Omega and former wielder of the Yamato, I claim my right to challenge you to this throne!

Lightning crackled behind the man, revealing that he was truly not dead.

Who was he?



Gil: Here we are, the ending of this story, for now at least. This story will still be continued in the background. Mundus is still alive... Izuku got a new devil arm, and All Might was a former Devil Hunter. Who knows what there next fight will be, who their newest enemy is, or when they will appear, all they know is that they are coming.

Thank you all so much for reading this story and coming on this amazing journey with me. and the rewrite will come soon, so I hope you all look forward to that. Have an amazing day. This is FatedGil, signing off from this story for now. 

Stay motivated out there!

Word count: 1013

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