
By leenahragabi23

219K 4.5K 306

My face Softens as I take in the sight In front of me. Crouching down I see the women peeking up at me with b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
(Not an update)
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

3.2K 76 16
By leenahragabi23

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

- Lord Byron

I woke up because I heard Baby making whimpering noises next to me. I turned over and saw that she was still sleeping, but she was moving a lot and had kicked off the blankets. She was also really sweaty.

I push the blanket off myself and get off the bed going around to her side kneeling down in front of her face. My eyebrows furrow in concern as i bring my knuckle to her forehead feeling her temperature. I hiss when i feel how hot she is. She moans as she feels my cool hand on her hot head causing her to wake up.

"Master, i don't feel good" she whines looking up at me. I frown at her becoming even more concerned as she seems totally out of it. I quickly pull out my phone to call Doc holding it up to my ear as i push Baby's wet hair back off her face and stroke her cheek softly. Doc answers after two rings "What's up Prez?" He asks.

"Get over here quick Baby's sick she doesn't even know who i am" i tell him urgently. He tells me he'll be over in a few and we hang up.

"Baby" i whisper trying to wake her up. She moans again and turns to me "Master where have you been? Why'd you leave me?" She asks looking up at me with glossy eyes as a few tears run down her cheeks. Before i can say anything i hear a knock at the front door. Leaving Baby i head to door letting Doc in.

"Thanks for coming man she's burning up" i says leading him to my room.

"Its not problem Prez happy to help the little princess" he says causing me to slightly growl at the nickname he has given her. He just chuckles before walking into my room and to the bed to Baby. He begins to examine her by taking her temperature. He frowns as it beeps and he reads the number, worrying me even more, "What, what is it?" I ask, moving closer looking at her red cheeks.

"101.9" he says setting the thermometer down and grabbing his stethoscope out of his bag. He puts the ear pieces in and then presses it to multiple parts of her chest, listening.

He frowns again and i can't take the not knowing any longer.

"Well whats wrong with her?" I ask impatiently.

He sighs and turns to me "i believe she has caught a virus shes most likely more susceptible to getting them due to having a weak immune system which was caused by her never being let out of that room" he says feeling while pulling her eye lids back and shining the flash light into them.

"Why is she so out of it and calling me 'Master" i ask him as i sitting down on the bed beside her and rubbing her head trying to comfort her as she whines and coughs slightly in her sleep.

"Its from the high fever, I'm going to leave some meds to help get her temperature down and help fight of the virus make sure you give her one ever three hours, for now just let her sleep and make sure she stays hydrated" he explains easing my worries. He hands me the pills, i thank him watching as he lets himself out.

I get up heading to the bathroom and grabbing a wet rag to help cool her down and a glass of water. Walking back the room i gently stroke her cheek again to wake her up.

"Wake up sweetheart, i know you don't feel good but this medicine will help" i say holding it to her lips. She opens her eyes slightly looking at me before whining again.

"Noo i don't want to" she whines pouting at me. I aww mentally at how adorable she is before trying to get her to take the pill.

"I know honey but you can get some more sleep after you take this and drink some water" i tell her pressing it to her lips again. She sighs as if annoyed with me causing me to smile in amusement before opening her lips and taking the pill in between them i quickly grab the glass of water and hold it to her mouth before my mind can come up dirty thoughts at the sight of her plump lips. 'Too late' i think huffing to myself as she drinks, i need to get my mind out of the gutter and take care of her, poor thing she shouldn't have to be stuck with me, a dirty bastard who can't keep his mind clean even when taking care of a sick women.

But i cant help it shes just so beautiful and innocent everything she does comes off as sexy and she doesn't even know it. If i were a better man id let her go, far away from me and my club. Somewhere where she could meet a nice boy and live behind a white picket fence and raise their babies in a fancy neighborhood. I growl at the very thought of her with anyone other me, it's never happening, shes mine, ill kill anyone who even thinks about touching whats mine.

Baby finishes drinking the whole glass of water, rolling over to her side, facing away from me and falls back to sleep. Grabbing the rag i press it to her forehead to help her cool off. She sighs in relief, leaning into the cool rag as i leave her to head for a quick shower. Before i can turn on the shower my phone begins to ring, pulling it out of my pajama pants pocket i groan in annoyance seeing that it's one of the prospects that is on gate duty. Of course there has to be a problem when Baby is sick and i just want to be here to look after her.

"Prez we have a situation over here" the prospect tells me as i answer the call. I grunt heading back out of the bathroom and to my closet to get dressed instead.

"What is it?" I ask pulling on a pare of jeans and a shirt. "There is a man at the gate causing problems, said he wouldn't leave until he sees Nova i told him there was no one here by that name but he won't listen" he tells me and i hear commotion in the background.

I frown with concern telling them to make sure they don't let him out of their sight considering the threats that we have been getting on Baby "Im heading over now, send another prospect over to watch Baby i can't leave her alone and i can't bring her because she's sick" i tell him walking back out the closet. I hang up the phone as the prospect i told them to send over knocks on the door. Opening it i let him in "She's sleeping right now but i want you to call me if she wakes up" i tell him, he nods and takes a seat on the couch.

I quickly hop on my bike and ride to the gate when i get to it i see the prospect arguing with a man who's seems to be in his early twenties. Hopping off i walk over to put an end to this situation so i can get back to Baby. I nod to the prospect "you check him?" I ask and he nods "yeah he's clean" he says letting me know the man has no weapons or anything else of interest on him.

I turn to the man "whats your name?" I ask him.
"Tyler, I want to see Nova, i know she's here" he says in an aggressive tone obviously as annoyed with this situation as i am.

"How do you know her?" I ask curiously, the only people who know her by that name is me, her and her mother so this man coming here and asking to see her by that name puts me on edge.

"She's my sister" he says walking closer to the gate. I frown confused.

"What do you mean sister? You Beth's son?" I ask confused not knowing that Baby's mother had other children. He nods. I wave the prospect to let him in the man hops into his car and drives behind me as i lead us to clubhouse. He then follows me as i lead him to the meeting room telling him to take a seat.

"Explain" i demand a soon as we sit down. He nods and begins. "My mom just told me she found Nova when i got home from college yesterday but wouldn't let me come, when Nova was kidnapped i was seven, i don't remember much but i do remember us always being on the run." He starts, anxiously picking at his lips something I've also notice Baby does when she is nervous.

"We were on the run from my father, he would always beat on my mom and i was to young to do anything" he says angrily running his hand through hair with a guilty look on his face as if its his fault he couldn't help keep his father from beating on his mother at such a young age.

"No matter where we'd run he always seemed to find us somehow. He was always on edge looking over his shoulder as if afraid someone was going to come after him. Well when he found out my mom was pregnant with Nova he seemed to change became more affectionate, he stopped beating her. The day my mom gave birth they both disappeared my mom tried everything she could to find Nova, but she just couldn't. The bastard took her and went into hiding." He says i can see emotions whirling in his rage, guilt, sadness.

I lean forward my hands on the table as i ask my next question needing to be sure of the horrible conclusion in my head.

"What's your fathers name?" I demand to know from him.

He looks up at me staring at my expression before answering.

"Mason Divilo"

I curse loudly slamming my fist down on the table causing a cracking sound to come to it. The man flinches before covering it up trying to look brave.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I shout in a rage at this shitty situation.

The sick bastard taking Baby or 'Nova' from her mother as soon as she was born and locking her in that damn room doing god knows what to her.

"You know my father?" The man asks me curiously having seen my reaction. I grunt and nod sitting back in my chair trying to control the rage coursing through me.

"He's the leader of our rival gang took over his fathers position when we killed him, always causing trouble for us, our fathers were at war before we were even born, took forever to hunt the slimy bastard down and when we killed him we found Baby in his basement" i explain to him angrily. He looks shocked to learn this about him father but nods anyway not questioning it. Makes sense why he was always looking over his back like Tyler said he was growing up.

"Now his brother is causing us trouble" i tell him, causing him to look up at me with wide shocked eyes.

"What brother?" He asks frowning in confusion. I'm not even surprised that Tyler doesn't know about Connor.

"Connor, we didn't know he had a brother till recently, he's been sending threats on Baby even attacked and pushed her into the fucking pool, almost killed her" i tell him remembering that day and fear I felt when i saw her in the pool and pulled her out only to find her not breathing.

He looks at me worried about his sister while his fist clench on the table as he tries to control his rage, the whole situation is so fucked up.

"He's been quiet for a few months now, I've had my men trying to track him down but he went into hiding" i inform trusting him enough to know this information since it involves him sister. He nods in thought "ill do whatever i can to help" he says determinedly. I nod in thanks as my phone rings again. Pulling it out i see its the prospect who is watching over Baby while i handle the situation.

Answering the phone i hold it up to my ear.

"Hey Prez the little princess is up and asking for you she seems to be feeling better" he says, i grunt at the nickname for Baby that has apparently caught on.

" I'll be right there" i tell him hanging up the phone and sticking it back into my pocket, turning back to Tyler.

"Nova is awake i have to go" i say standing up from the table he stands up quickly following me as i head out the meeting room passing some of my brothers who give us curious looks. Tyler quickly catches up to my strides.

"Wait, i want to come with you, i need to see her" he says desperately i stop walking and turn back to him.

"I need to talk to her first, explain what's happening" i tell him trying to be understanding of how he must be feeling.

He frowns "she's my sister she needs to come home with me and our mom" he says angrily. I shake my head immediately at the thought of her leaving. "Its not safe for her to leave the club until we catch Connor" i tell him as i continue walking knowing thats only half the reason i won't let her leave with him.

he catches up to me again as i walk to my bike and hop on standing in my way before i can drive off back to Baby. I groan in annoyance just wanting to be with Baby and hold her.

"Can i at least leave my number so she can call me when shes ready?" He asks sounding desperate. I nod and wait as he pulls out a card with his number on it i take it sticking it in my pocket before waving to Ace another one of the members to come over.

"Show Tyler out" i tell him as Tyler steps out of the way of my bike, he nods and hops on his bike as Tyler gets in his car following Ace in the direction of the gate. I start my bike and quickly ride in back to my apartment. Its been such a stressful day and its only twelve pm.

Thanks for reading!

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