Super Mario Genesis

By NDawgExpress

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The Mushroom Kingdom can never seem to get any peace. Their future only shows that will stand true. From batt... More

Chapter 1: Party Crashers
Chapter 2: Road To Recovery
Chapter 3: Blinded by the Fight
Chapter 4: Get up and Fight
Chapter 5: Scramble Like An Egg
Chapter 6: Star of the Show
Chapter 7: A Lethal Lava Land

Chapter 8: Clash at the Kongo

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By NDawgExpress

Kongo Jungle

As the heroes speed down, they come across a brown bridge, and get a good look at their surroundings. The large waterfall sticks out, adding more  to the lakes below. There's a valley of trees sharing the space. That's only one part of this large jungle.

Yoshi speeds up ahead, and gets between the brothers. "Me and a few friends come here every year, and it's still nice for a Jungle." The dinosaur admits, pulling out a fruit and gobbling it. "The bananas I can eat out here..."

A few monkeys swing around, and Yoshi literally jumps up and down. "Oh my god they're so cute!" One of them smacks the other out of midair, putting a frown on Yoshi's face.


Daisy speeds up, leaving their medic in the back. "It's fabulous! I'll take two vacations."

"Nothing happens in Sarasaland, every day's a vacation." Luigi pokes.

"Didn't know you had a mouth on you.."

Mario chuckles. "Ohhh you're in trouble. Hope you can still go."

"I'll give him some trouble alright."

Their communicators go off, and the Doctor gives his two cents. "This is sweet, but we're coming up on the gate."

"Oh doc!" Yoshi shouts. "When we get there, put on a smile because some of the Kongs are uh...judgy!"

"They fling their own crap at each other, they can't judge me."

Mario winces. "Oof. Falling for the stereotypes.."

Eventually, they come to the door, with a giant face of an ancient Kong is on there. The stone and moss around it sticks out to Daisy specifically. "Gotta ask: who even founded this?"

"Not even I know.." Mario admits. "

The Doctor goes to leave his kart, but the older brother gets onto him. "Stop!"

"Why? We do this every time."

"There's still a drive."


All Mario returns is a nod, as a Yellow Kong comes bursting through! It roars at the crew, as Yoshi and the Doc flinch! Luigi jumps from his kart! Mario doesn't even have a reaction, but Daisy jumps from her seat, pointing finger at him. "This whole act of yours is getting real old! Are you gonna let us see your king? Or are you gonna keep scaring my friends?"


The two have a staredown. They are unwavering, it's like a contest to them. The kong blows her off and turns to Mario, unimpressed. "Need to see the king?"


"Follow me."

That monkey gets out of the way and gestures towards their town. The destination is obvious to everyone except the Doc. As the five race through, they swerve past loose bananas.

"The littering epidemic is concerning." The Doctor comments.

"That's the way of the jungle." Mario knows this place more than anyone in the party, it's just common for him now.

They speed past the shop, and Yoshi's dreams come true. A shopkeeper holds a banana, and he sends his tongue out to snatch it right from him!


"They aren't free??"

Mario educates his friend. "The fruits may be free on your island, but this works different."

"The old one let me get them free..."

"He played favorites." Luigi mumbles, as they move along.

Later on, they start going in circles only getting higher. They pass through tunnels, and the Doctor's just flabbergasted. "Why hasn't our kingdom invested in a system like this? The Toads would have a field day with this."

Mario turns around. "Most of them walk everywhere."

"It could make plenty of coins as an attraction."

"Do you have a business background I don't know about??"

"Eyes on the road!" Luigi shouts, and his older brother swerves another loose banana! "Phew..."

The path eventually comes to its end though, as a temple is seen with that same face on it. There's a rectangle beneath it. They come to a ramp, as everyone gets ready for takeoff! The poor doctor has no clue what's to come.

"Why are we speeding up??"

"Gadd knows we have gliders, just trust him." Luigi vouches.

" want me to trust HIM?"

The ramp is inevitable, and the Doc has no choice but to speed up or plummet, so he closes his eyes and hits the gas...the karts sour in the air, straight for the golden face. Everyone's gliders come out, as they sour towards that rectangles opening.

All except Doc, who's glider malfunctions! "You serious??!" He's behind everyone, so his giant pill starts to make its plummet. Doc opens his door, and decides to make a leap of faith! He reaches his hand out...

Suddenly, a smaller chimp comes barreling through (no pun intended), with a pack on his back! He takes the doc's hand and redirects him back to his people.

Inside, the rest of his friends are waiting. Mario rushes towards the edge and looks see Diddy Kong holding his cousin. "Heya Mario!"

"Diddy, what's up?!"

"It's been months man! Uncle K still wants his rematch you know!"

"Hoho..hasn't changed much, has he?"

The Doctor cuts this short. "Cool reunion, but can we get inside??"

Sanity slippage hits different.

The Throne Room

The crew enter with Diddy. The first thing to pop out are sculptures of past kongs, some hidden in the shadows of the room. Darker ones like Ninja Kong, and more elders along the way. The history of the kongs is a rich one, but one to be uncovered on a later date.

"Wow..I only one of them." The Doc receives a glare from the princess.

"Show some respect."

He's needs to, cause a group of kongs in silver armor, stand next to those statues, axes in hand. A Ray of sun from the outside onto the throne itself...a rocking chair. On it, is the king of the kongs himself.

"Don't be shy, come in."

Cranky. That white beard grows larger each passing day. He's got that crown on his head, and the same attitude.

Luigi leans towards the Doctor. "He loves it when you bow."

The Doctor decides to take that advise, and does it, as the kong just stares into his soul. "Ok buddy, we don't bow here. It's bad on my back."



The Doc just pops his own neck. "I can be your worst enemy."



"AHAHAHA!!" Cranky's laughter infects his army, who laughs along with him. The brothers have to stifle theirs, while Daisy isn't impressed.

Yoshi just pats the Doc on the back. "Don't worry! You'll have a better comeback next time." The Dino's smile doesn't give him any reassurance. His first impression of the kongs is one of the worst.

"Our worst enemy, nah you're our best comic!"

The Doc goes to speak, but Daisy covers his mouth as the king stifles his own laughter. "Hohoho, haven't laughed that hard in years. Guys these days think they're so badass." His face straightens up. "But we got Star business."

Mario steps forward. "So we have to rescue the princess."


"Again, yeah, but we know Bowser's been collecting stars. We could use some help."

Cranky twiddles his toes. "If I had it my way we'd have all the stars, but since Bumser is outta control, we only have one. We'll give ya it on TWO conditions."

The Italian has to brace for one of the worst trade-offs of his life. "What'll it be?"

"Bring a Kong with ya."


"That's no problem!"

Footsteps are heard from behind the crew. Cranky strokes his beard with his foot. "Don't get your hopes up. You also gotta give us a hand against those filthy Kremlings."

Not so good for Mario. "How long will it take?"

"His people will be run through by tomorrow."

Yoshi raises a brow. "We Yoshi only judge people by how they act."

"He started it." Cranky's rocking comes to a stop. "Let's live in the reality. He's gonna plow through the sea to come get our star, we don't got time to kiss and make up. That's not even the worst of it. Diddy.."

"...Well here's the bad news." all eyes are on Diddy, sweat drip rolling down his face. "I saw a golden star fly in the other place last night. The guy never sleeps so he definitely has it."

"So a super powered kremling?" Daisy asks. "If we have three, than he shouldn't be an issue."

"This guy can make a giant lazer from a box of scraps." Cranky informs. "If we don't get the star, we're all gonna die, and Death's not gettin' anything from me."

"Ok, say we win...I know what Kong we're bringing."

Diddy turns his attention to the door behind them. "He knows too."

The doors fly open, as the biggest, hairiest kong of them all walks in. He's got that brown fur, and a red tie with two letters on it. D.K. In one hand is a banana, and the other?

The Power Star.

The ape spots his former rival immediately. "If it's not the short king..."

Mario takes it on the chin. "Good to see you too. Know why we need you?"

"I'm in no matter what."

A similar shadow appears next to DK, and this kong's got glasses, a Bandana, a white tank top and Jean shorts on. He's carrying a surfboard with him, but it's got vines on.

Cranky just sighs. "Can't help yourself."

"What?" The kong shrugs. "It looked like fun." He finally realizes all eyes are on him, and turns to the group. "'Sup fellas."

"Hi, Funky!" The Dino waves, and as he waves back.

"Heard K Rude's comin' over."

Mario scratches his stache. "We have to beat the star out of him. I've never fought him before so this should be fun." His brother's face drops. "C'mon!"

"He could be worse than Bowser and we don't even know."

The princess puts a hand on his shoulder. "We'll be fine, the Kongs have beaten him into the ground." The silence from all the kongs tells her all she needs to know. This crew definitely doesn't have the full read on the Kremlins king.

Diddy flies in front of her with his barrel jet pack. "It's more like we escaped with our lives." Luigi almost faints, but his brother catches him. "Oh sorry to do you like that, Lu."

"He's...dramatic." Is all Mario can muster out.

DK crosses his arms. "We'll need everyone to man up, cause he can strike any time, anywhere. If we're held here much longer he could get the jump."

His brother just wraps his arm around him. "That's cool and all but I'm sure our guests don't wanna be paranoid the whole time."

"We don't either, but that monster will never leave us alone."

The chiller kong shrugs. "That's on him for being an obsessive loser." 

Mario huffs. "Sounds like someone I know.."

The elder kong slams his cane down. "Ok, we get it, he sucks. Since we considered an ambush, our army's at the ready. Go take your ten minutes to catch up before we start dropping Kremlings."

"Yes dad." DK says, deadpan, as the beginning crew, and three kongs leave the room. Cranky's left behind, with what army members he has inside. An ambush on that room would suck, but all of China could be able to hear it.

As the crew walks out, Funky makes his move. "Anyone wanna unwind? After riding a kart, a ride on the waves could feel real good."

"Yes please!" Yoshi exclaims. "After how much we've been through, I'm up for some fun."

"I'm up to go home.." their doctor is having a terrible day.

"Awww come on! Cranky can't bully you where we're going!"

"What ISN'T going to harass me today?"

The Princess steps forward. "If you can't surf, the waves will too."


"My fault."

The brothers, and the DK/Diddy duo are ahead. Luigi scratches his chin. "I could go..but I should be with you just in case."

His older bro points out the group ready to part ways. "YOU need to relax the most. I've done it alone before, and besides I got the KONGS with we, they'll do a great job!" The two give Weegee a thumbs up. Brothers have a special attachment, and it can be hard to let your number one go at it alone..but Mario has done it alone before.

"Man I shouldn't be doubting you."

"Guess we'll have to prove you wrong too." Mario chuckles. "Go have fun."

Luigi turns to the surfing crew, and Daisy got a nice view. "Come here, it'll be fun!"

"Yeah yeah."

"You aren't scared of the water are you??"


"Prove it!"

"You're on!" The younger bro heads right over, while the three remaining look on.

DK adjusts his tie. "Your brother has gotten braver."

"Wish he wasn't so hard on himself." Mario comments. "How have YOU been?"

The monkey pops the fruit in his mouth. "Me and Dids just got done layin the smackdown on these thugs."

"One of 'em went flying!" The younger Kong chimes in.

"Oh I saw that!" Mario asks.

"It's what they get for stealing our bananas...want one?" Diddy pulls a banana out and hands it to him.

"Ooo..where did you get this?"

"Thin air!"

Mario unpeels and they continue their walk throughout their little village. He takes this time to bring up their past. "I don't regret sparing you. Can't imagine this jungle without you."

"I'm glad i didn't smear you when I had the chance.

"We made each other stronger. I haven't faced this croc, but all you taught me when we fought makes me confident for this next fight." Mario admits.

"You also get the butterflies fighting someone new?"

"A hundred-a one percent."

Diddy tosses Mario another banan. "You'll be fine, you aren't called Choker Mario!"

Sweat drops down Mario's head. "Man people really think I'm invincible. I could be facing the Star Spirits themselves and everyone will still think I have a chance."

"You lift a king five times your weight, you're the coolest ant I know!" Diddy: emotional support.

"If being the big hero hurts you that much..I'll take your place." DK just grins at him.

"Not retirin' anytime soon."

If they weren't friendly rivals, the whole kingdom would be a mess right now. But time heals all wounds...right?

Unknown Island

A microscope view shows the island with a giant stone face, of DK himself. The view gets shaky, and a loud crash takes the attention away.

"Time after time after time, that primate stands tall! Every time that smug face looks back at me, I want to destroy it even more. " The voice vents. "This island is a drain on my mental health."

The creature looking through is a golden crowned, red caped, green scaled Kremling with a golden chest and fat belly. King K Rool, everybody!

Beside him is a much slimmer version of him, with a double sided mace in hand. "You know I was talkin' with the guys and..maybe you need therapy?"

K Rool gives his ally a blank stare. "The greatest therapy is victory. All my problems will disappear when the Kongs are at my feet. They'll beg me not to burn those golden bananas, but I'll do it with glee." He squeezes his Kremlings, shoulder. "Isn't war fun?"

"I'm only here out of love."

"..I hate that word. I would say grand appreciation for your brethren." K Rool walks right past him to a throne. Floating above it, is an item that definitely fell into the wrong hands.

The fifth Power Star.

"We can't stop with one. Where's the ambition in that?? No no, we'll find as many as we can and send what's left of that trash heap into the sea!" He points a sharp claw at the island outside. "This doesn't end until I say so! My wife will have to wait for retirement."

A red Kremling walks in, making K Rool freeze. "Yo."

"Oh good heavens, what is it now?"

"It's for you."

K Rool's slipped a letter, and he reads it to himself. Once he's done, the green Kremling approaches his brother in arms. "This gotta suck for ya. If you wanna go for a Coconut Chill later—"

K Rool tosses the letter aside. "This was inevitable anyway, what we wanted in life was different."

" you're really gonna be alright?"

"Just one less obstacle in my way." He glances at the Power Star again. "We're on offense, Kremlings. It's time we tip the scale against those lot."

DK and Diddy's Treehouse, Kongo Jungle

Inside their treehouse, Mario's pacing back and forth. He just can't keep still. The Kong's are laying in their hammocks, with the Power Star floating in between.

"Is Pauline ok after...?" Kong asks.

He stops his pacing. "She's a mayor! :D"

DK sits up. "Really? Happy for her! Don't even know what I was thinking."

"You were bad, now you're good. Its an effect i have on people."

"A bad me could be stronger...but I like good me! Life better this way." DK admits. Mario doesn't respond, just setting a finger on his chin. "..thinking about Rool?"

"You said he likes offense right?"

"Loves it."

"What if he's changing it up?" Mario theorizes. "We need to get that star before he blasts your island! We've-a had to chase monsters tried to crush me a couple days ago.."

"We can beat him. I do it all the time."

Mario faces the Kong. "I thought this adventure would be easier, but our crew has been challenged. You don't even know about the bomb yet."

Diddy freezes. "THE WHAT?"

This'll be a long one.

Elsewhere. it's beach time as Funky, Luigi, Daisy, and Yoshi hit the waves. A big one comes in, and Funky acts like it's the best one in world.

"Aw yeah! Check this out!"

When the wave hits, Funky does a whole backflip with his surfboard, and lands on it! Kongs watching on the shore applaud him.

"I don't know how he does it.." one comments, having a board of his own.

"He no fight as much as his brother, but he has skills you know." Another comments.

Yoshi twists around, and Funky cheers him on. "Heck yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!"


Daisy and Luigi look on at this. "Oh yeah? Watch this!" Luigi goes for the backflip..but he loses grip on the board! He plants into the water, sticking a hand out. Daisy takes it, and lifts him from the water! It's basically a piggyback ride all the way to shore.

"You're funny."

".my bad."

Yoshi doesn't care about what they're doing, he's jumping on his board. "WOOOO!"

"You never surf before?" Funky asks.

"No...I thought we all just swam. Hehe..guess not." The Dino just shrugs.

"Huh..well whaddya do at the beach then?"

"See my friend! Neptune's very big, you've had to see him before." Yoshi reveals.


"You've...never seen a Nep-E-Nut?" Yoshi asks.

"A Nep-e-what?"

Kongs and Yoshi's couldn't be so similar, yet so different.

Several trumpets are heard, cutting their conversation off. The familiar sound of the trumpets tip Funky off..

"Damnit!" He shouts, turning to those on shore. "Y'all ready for a fight?! Again?!" The kongs onshore pound their chests and sprint into the water.

Kremling boats come speeding in. A kong goes for a running start, but a red Kremling jumps off one ship and knocks him out COLD with a mace shot! More Kremlings, such as Kritters, Klaptraps, and Krockheads who roam in the water, waiting for a bite.

A group of Klaptraps heads towards Daisy and Luigi, but with that guy on her back, she uses them as springboards to get height on a ship. A Krockhead leaps out looking for a bite, but she gets height of her own, and jumps onto a ship with Luigi on her back!

Luigi slides off her and ducks a mace shot! He delivers a uppercut, launching the Kritter into the air..and sends him back down with a stomp to the head!

"Hell yeah!" Daisy shouts. Another Kritter grabs her by the hair, but she twists out. She sidesteps a mace shot and delivers a nasty kick to his head! Spit from the Kritter, as he stumbles towards the plank. Daisy hits a whole dropkick to send him flying!

A vengeful Klaptrap rises from the ashes, and comes at her, but a plunger stops his momentum completely! Luigi stuffs something back in his overalls, and throws a green orb at a charging Kritter!


"I don't know if we can do it alone.." Luigi admits.

"Just watch us."

A Kritter goes to tackle Luigi, but he does a flash kick, launching him in the air. He lands several spins like a tornado, pulling his enemy in and getting shot after shot on him. Poor croc can't catch a break. When they land on their feet, a green aura surrounds Luigi's fist...he hits him so hard a clump of saliva leaves his mouth! The Kritter goes flying in the air, and Luigi adjusts his cap.

Daisy slides under a shot, and pulls a turnip from her dress. She smacks that Kritter on the head, and kicks him upside the leg to keep him up. Turnip shot! Leg kick!

Turnip shot!

Leg kick!

When the Kritter gets air, she throws that turnip up. The Kritter dodges it, but not a palm strike that sends him of the ship! "That'll show ya!"

A cannonball heads right for them. The two pick up maces from those they beat..and bat it RIGHT back at the ship who fired it! A loud crash is heard, as a few Klaptraps jump overboard!

"Phew..that was close." Luigi comments, but the two turn around to see more Kritters coming their way. They still have more deal with on the ship, having to dodge more and more. They seem capable for now, but if the numbers grow too much, it will be too much to handle.

On shore, for every Kong that drops, a Kremling does too. It's not fun for either side. While Funky leaps into action on another ship, Yoshi uses his tongue to snatch a mace from a Kritter! The creature finishes a Kong off, and turns to the Dino.

"Hey buddy, listen.."

This confrontation catches a brown kritter's attention. "He can't hurt a fly, whaddya even doin' man?!" He walks over but the mace is spat back at him! The tongue wraps about the kritter's neck, and he gets SLAMMED over and over on the sand!

"Argh! Give me a hand!"

"I got you!"

The brown ones thrown at his ally, and they both crash down! A group of green Kritters try to get the jump on him, but Yoshi leaps above them and flutter kicks one! He jumps off the first, wraps a tongue around the second, and slams him neck first on the sand!

"What the hell?" The last Kritter grabs the Yoshi by its tail, but the Yoshi does a flip sending the Kritter right into Funky's fist! It's like a brutal shockwave to the Kritter, who's out cold.

"You doin' ok?" Funky asks.

Yoshi smiles at him. "Yeah!" It goes away when he looks at a certain ship out there. "My friends need our help!"

Funky wastes no time, headed for the ship Yoshi's looking at. It's havoc on their beach, all thanks to that Kremling Krew.

At the temple itself, Cranky rises from his rocking chair and heads down to join the fight. "Can't get a day of peace anymore.."

It's about to get a whole lot worse, as a massive thud is heard! The entrance itself, gets punched THROUGH by K. Rool himself, who has a dozen Kremlings by his side.

"Hello, KREMLIN."

"You never change." K Rool comments.

Help is on the way, as Diddy and Doctor Mario rush in!

"That's enough!"

A couple Kritters immediately target Diddy, who throws a banana out to trip both of 'em up.

Suddenly, a blond haired kong comes flying in with a mean kick to a Kritters face! That croc is slumped. Dixie has joined the party!

"Hi Diddy! How's it been?"


A Kritter walks up...only to get cartwheel kick'd into the floor. She rolls through another one, grabs a barrel, and hurls it at two, taking them out at once! When four Kritters fall, a few more run in to aid their king.

K Rool heads for Cranky...but Doctor Mario fires a series of pills at him..but they don't do a thing. "What are you going to do? Force medication down my throat? I've never needed it then, I don't need it now."

The Doctor clasps his two hands together, and sends a BIG pill at him! It knocks K Rool on his ass, and he takes advantage by stomping on K Rool's belly! He throws a few punches, but his hand gets caught!

"You hit like an infant."

He sends him flying, but Dixie catches him! "Take the Kritters." She just sets him down and heads that croc's direction.

"Out of all the help, you got people like THIS?"

Cranky throws a barrel at him, but he catches it..only to get smacked on the belly with the cane! The misdirection worked! Cranky grabs that barrel and smashes it over Rool's head! The croc stumbles back, as Diddy and Dixie roll into him!

He skids across the floor of the throne room! He pants. "You monkeys drive me mad."

Diddy and Dixie step forward, but Cranky stops them with his cane. "He can pull out anything.."

Seeing weakness, Doctor Mario decides it's time to strike again.

"Right you are, geezer.."

"NO!" The Kongs shout in unison, but it's too late. K Rool blasts Doctor with a cannon from his Blunderbus! He smacks onto the ground, as Rool has a GRIN on his face.

"Medication can't save me, Doctor!"

He fires another shot at the Kongs. The younger ones leap over the first one, but when they come close..Rool sucks Diddy into his Blunderbus, and grabs Dixie by her tail.


He fires Diddy at her, sending them crashing into a wall!


A cane shot to the chin causes Rool to clutch his! "Ouch! I can't even gloat!" Cranky goes for a spin kick, but his foot gets caught..


Cranky groans, crashing onto the floor. He's holding his ankle, and K Rool just adds insult to injury by stomping on it! "You finally have a use for that cane!"

Cranky SPITS in the croc's face, and his enemy wipes it off and oh boy..If looks can kill, that elder would be ascending. Rool grabs him by the beard, and slams him onto the floor!


And again!

Cranky's just getting a beating, but Rool pins him down. No smile, no grin, nothing. "You were right all along. Your grandson IS too lazy to save you." He goes for a brutal swipe...but a whole Kritter is thrown at him!

"Leave him alone!" Dixie comes charging in with another, and aims for the HEAD. He uses his weapon to suck it back in. That enemy comes back FAST and knocks Dixie down!

A Kritter grabs ahold of Diddy, but gets slapped in the face! Diddy tackles it and scratches it all over its face! Another one comes at him, but he grabs a loose cannonball, and smashes him square in the face!

K Rool just aims his Blunderbus. Cranky is out for the count. "That Diddy tries so hard to be like your grandson. It's embarrassing."


"You aren't telling me I'm wrong."

Dixie jumps up and starts scratching his face! He drops his Blunderbus to ward her off. She grabs his crown, and smacks him on the head with it! She tosses it at him like a Boomerang..

But he smacks his belly and sends it back at her! While she's loopy, he grabs her tail..and slams her ON Cranky! Before he can react, Diddy uses that cannonball to knock Rool on his back! He lands on his feet and runs after the fallen.

"Grandpa! Dixie! You two ok?" Dixie just groans, and Cranky isn't answering. Diddy takes his hat off and rubs his scalp. "Don't worry, I'll punch him in that snotty little face!" He looks to keep his promise. Rool's on his knees, and Diddy goes to roll on his head..

..but a crown kills his momentum! It loops back and smacks him AGAIN! He falls right into K Rool's arms, and that crown? Comes right back to his hand. "You and your girlfriend are on my last damn nerve! You think you're the big heroes?"

Dixie jumps at him again, she's persistent, but he grabs her tail and dangles her upside down. He does the same for Diddy. With both dangling, Rool rubs this in one more time.

"You're nothing more than lackeys."

He smashes them both TOGETHER, and tosses them aside like they're lightweights! After all the carnage he's caused, this croc wipes his hands together.

Doctor Mario gut checks a Kritter just to reach Rool. He dives for the crown..but his hands caught. All he sees is that massive kremling, with nothing but disappointment in his eyes. "After all their attempts to jump me, you never learned." He aims the blunderbus at the doctors gut, and fires, sending him at the CEILING! He comes crashing down, and it definitely hurts inside!

Four people, dispatched by one K Rool. The king definitely had to struggle, but his brutality won out. For now. There's still a war brewing at their ocean, and as far as he knows, someone new could just show up and take him on.

Speaking of the Kongo ocean, it's CROWDED. Kongs and Kremlings go back and forth, it's complete havoc.

Yoshi's crushing Kritters like Goombas, but a blue leaps up and smacks him with the mace! "Owowowow!" The dinosaur falls to the ground, and the blue one goes for his tail..but gets smacked by it!

A red Kritter tackles the Yoshi, and pins him to the ground. Before he can smack the hell out of him..

"What's-a goin' on here?!"

MARIO hits the scene and lifts all that Suplex takes that Kritter out!

"Look out Mario!"

That blue one takes a swing, but Mario weaves every shot.




"Stay still damnit!"

Mario punches the taste from his mouth! The Kritter begins to fly, but Mario spikes him onto the sand!

"On me!"

Mario snags the kritter's weapon, and hops on Yoshi. They move along the shore, aiding the Kongs in this battle. One Klaptrap attacks from behind, but without even looking, Mario smacks it!

"UH OH!" The Dino spots the likes of Luigi, Daisy, and Funky being outnumbered on a Kremling ship. Mario takes his eyes off the shore, seeing more comrades in trouble.

"On it!"

Yoshi swerves a group of Kritters and heads for the ocean. A Krockhead jumps out but gets smacked right down! Mario gets on his feet, and the Yoshi literally swears to keep all that weight on.

"Keep going.."

Yoshi pants. "How much longer?"

"THIS much!"

Mario leaps off...and lands on top of a cannon. With three rows of cannons, Mario uses the power of parkour to reach the top, and grab onto the ledge.

"Mario!" Luigi shouts, tripping a Kritter. Unfortunately for him, a brown one takes him to the ground and claws at him. Mario goes for the save, but a green Kritter gets in his way.

He has a tug of war, but wins out and headbutts the Kritter! He SNAPS the mace in too, and hurls one, freeing Luigi, and another at the Kritter ahead!

An oncoming Kritter goes low, but Mario does a leapfrog, and stomps him onto the ground! That same Kritter wants a bite out of him, but the plumber forces his mouth shut..


He hurls the minion out the ship, like a heat seeking missile!

Daisy manages to bat a few Kritters away as well, but dozens keep coming and she gets taken to the ground! Her shots get a few off, but they JUST. KEEP. COMING. Seeing the commotion, Mario shoots a load of fireballs to get them off!

"MY TAIL!" One shouts, diving into the water. More end up following their lead, leaving Daisy microseconds to breathe. She glances at Mario, and gives a thumbs up.

He still has to check on lil bro. Luigi's busy tripping someone overboard! Before Mario can help, a red Kritter tackles him overboard! Luigi rushes over, but can't grab them in time.

Down. They. Go.

Yet like a messiah, Mario rises back with an army of bubbles keeping him up! His red overalls are the same, but PINK replaces the blue. A Kremling captain's eyes literally shoot out of himself..


Cannonballs soar at the portly plumber, but the masses below CATCH each shot. A few cannonballs bypass the bubbles, but all Mario does is move.

Then it's worst case scenario for the Kremlings..He sends all those cannonballs right back to their owners! All those ships start going down, down, down, down, down! Even Luigi backs away!

"Mario, what the hell is this?"

Mario uses those bubbles to float onto the sinking ship. "Pick." He holds out two items: a blue flower with a pink face..or a head with a drill on top.

"Oooo..." Luigi snatches the drill.

"You don't want these powers?" Mario asks, shielding Luigi with bubbles.

"I like this one better." Luigi transforms, keeping the overalls, but black consumes the green on him. His hat is dwarfed by an active drill. Unlike Luigi, Mario doesn't let the new toy distract him. As the brothers sink with the ship, Mario peers onto shore.

The tides turning in favor of the Kongs. Despite the ruckus Mario just K Rool. He taps Luigi's shoulder. "Bro.."



While the brothers leave their sinking ship, the battle onshore goes on. An average day for the nations. Not Yoshi though, who's being tailed by several Kritters. Like a STOP sign, Funky jumps into the action!


His surfboard sends a few flying! His status comes at a cost, because the Kremlings try boxing him on. A brown Kritter has TWO maces in hand, and a golden chestplate.

Funky shoves his shades up at the sight. "Doing this again, Ringo?"

"We'll never be done until the Kremlings get our due.."

"Wanna live your whole life under that snob?"

"Anything for a new era.." This Ringo hurls both maces at Funky. Funky rolls under one, but the other hits him right on the ass!


Ringo goes for the kill, but a barrel smacks him in the face instead! Two! Three! FOUR barrels take our the Kremlings surrounding him! It goes from bad to worse when a giant brown ball comes rolling in, pummeling any Kremling in the way!

Funky chuckles. "You love making an entrance don't ya?"

"You know me." That ball is DK himself! When he gets on two legs, he dwarfs EVERYONE on the shore. "Treat this like coliseum."


A group of Kremlings charge DK, but don't learn their lesson. He grabs two, and chucks them at Funky..who bats them away! Those Kremlings end up downing their own, a good twelve-for-two combo!

"WOO HOO!" Funky gets so hyped he throws his glasses to the side!

DK pounds his chest and lets a screech out.

It's went from heaven, to pure hell for K Rool's army.

Both Kongs spot Mario, Luigi, and Daisy all powered up.

"He's at the temple!" Mario shouts. DK's eyes shoot open, turning to Funky. "You have this." That hip Kong just grabs the board and bashes a Kritter on the head! "Go kick his ass!"

DK reveals a reassuring smirk. "If he won't learn, we make him."

K Rool has raised hell not just at shore, but the temple too. It may be up to the brothers, Daisy, and the villain's massive rival: Donkey Kong, to put this invasion to rest. Can DK aid his family in time? How will the brothers and Daisy use their powers? Will that twisted K Rool get his way?

What about the Power Stars?!

We're about to find out!

Temple, Kongo Jungle




The Doctor.

K Rool has them all piled up.

"Years later and you still aren't up to par." he gloats. "All the stubbornness, without all his strength." Diddy balls his fist, but doesn't make a dent in Rool's foot. The king snatches him up like he's lightweight! "You've got his attitude too."


Luigi pops out the ground with his drill powers, gunning right for Rool..but the croc snatches his leg and slams him drill first into the ground! He's pinned, nowhere to go..

One Bellyflop sends Luigi flying!


MARIO slides in for the save! Rool puts that Blunderbus to use yet again. "The Mario Brothers! Glad we could meet for the first and last time." He fires, but the brothers leap to the side!

"You know what to do!" (Mario)

Mario hops off Luigi, spinning in the air. Luigi clutches him, and they're like a giant chopper ready to cut a croc down! Rool drops on his back and uses his Reflect ability to send them crashing upwards! As Luigi falls, Rool sucks him with the Blunderbus..

He shoots him at a recovering Dixie!

"Ow..." Dixie tries to get back in the fight, but still feels that beating.

"Never give me time." Rool advises, pinning Mario to the ground with his foot. He pushes deeper, causing Mario to squirm. "The Ever-So-Powerful Mario. Mushroom Kingdom hasn't come across someone like me, hm?" Before he can crush Mario, Daisy kicks him right on the fang!

"OUCH!" Rool feels out his fang, and glares at her. "The red-headed stepchild wants in the will." His big red glove comes on. "She won't be alive to see anything!"

That man takes a giant swing immediately, but Daisy pulls a Toad out of thin air!

"GRRH!" The force of his own punch sends him into a pillar! Daisy wants to tackle him through it, but he pulls out a dropkick!

"Huh?" (Luigi)

"For his size?" (Mario)

She crashes right onto Luigi! That man is taking punishment. " ok Dais..?"

"Are YOU ok?"




Daisy throws him at Mario, getting him out of Rool's path.

"Do you think that's going to save him? I'll cut your connection off either way."

"Who pissed you off?!"

"We won't talk about it." Rool looks to snatch her, she pulls out the Toad..but he rips it away!


"Seriously?" Rool asks, hurling him away. "You better have another distraction." With that warning he opens his massive mouth, looking to take a big bite out of her..

BUT DK BURSTS IN from above!


Rool gets crushed beneath him and the rubble! DK checks on Daisy first. "You ok?"

"Came in at a hell of a time."

DK just gives a thumbs up and hurries over to his family (and Dixie). "DAD!" he shouts, trying to shake the old ape awake..but he took a bad beating. He sprints over to Diddy and Dixie, tending to Diddy first.

"Diddy Diddy Diddy..."

No response.

"Wake up.."

Nothing. DK's breath tenses up, those shoulders spread, and he's on two. That kong takes his time turning around, only to see K Rool free himself from the rubble.

"I'll admit..." cough from Rool. "That may be the best entrance you've ever made."

DK blows smoke from his nose.

"Can't take a compliment?"

Kong pulls out a glove to match. That puts a smile on Rool's face. "Round fifty!";

DK rushes forward, not blinking once. PURE rage fueling him. Rool makes a b-line for him too! When those gloves collide...


A giant gust of wind blows 'em all back! Rool uses his free hand to claw at DK, but the ape snatches it..and makes him hit himself. An old classic!


DK lifts Rool like he's a fireman, and slams him backfirst! He grabs that tail, and gives Mario a quick glance. The plumber's chuckle shows the approval, and Kong spins Rool around, and around, and around! The second he lets go, Rool goes flying away! DK immediately heads back to the ones close to him.


Mario joins him. "We'll carry them out, ok? Can't take our eyes off Rool."

"Bloodline matters more.."

Daisy's helping Luigi walk over there. Not an easy night for someone like him. "Where's-a...the.. star?"

DK adjusts his tie. "We go to the giant crocodile head."

"That's a horrible hiding spot.." Daisy admits.

"He's not subtle in his love for himself."

"Narcissist?" Mario asks.

"Yes." DK turns to the temples opening. "You're a nice narcissist."


Like clockwork, K Rool bursts through the opening! "I'M the best narcissist, plain and simple!"

DL charges forward, looking for another BIG blast to pummel the croc. He throws a big right...but Rool's belly reflects the shot again! DK ends up on his back, and Rool mounts him!

BELLYFLOP! That croc just pancakes him, actually managing to down the Kong. Rool slaps his belly out of amusement.

Mario's locked in, noticing..wait a second, there's cracks on there. "Hmm..."

"What?" Daisy asks.

"More cracks.."

That princess gasps. "If we can go overboard..."

"Can't protect himself."

Those two, and even a limping Luigi spread out. Rool has to do a 360 just to see them all. "Why the hesitation? Aren't you the heroes? FIRE AT ME!"

Out comes two fireballs!

A turnip!

The projectiles close in on the king. Rool about collapses reflecting all these. Those two and a half brave souls dodge each reflection. Luigi ends up running right into his brother.

"Luigi! Watch where you're going!"

Rool catches a turnip and hurls it at L! Mario takes the bullet instead, leaving Luigi to throw. He spots more and more cracks denting Rool's literal armor. Daisy's still using her unlimited turnip hack, so Luigi braces for his next move. The man closes his eyes and..talks to himself?

"They always-a call you crazy. It's-a time to prove them right."

He activates his Green Missile and flies at Rool's belly! The Croc's already got his arms ready. "You either have a death wish, or don't know anything about combat."







While Luigi lands, Daisy jumps onto Rool's back! She just gets thrown to the wayside.


Rool's frozen. His stomach is bare, vulnerable. An easy shot. With no reflection available, he's been outsmarted. Yet, he refuses to let this deter him. Daisy's grinning face just pisses him off. "I can still use my fists you know!" He takes a big swing at Daisy..but a massive hand clasps his arm!

D.K rises from the ashes yet again. Before Rool can get a hit, DK lands backfist after backfist after backfist, like a violent tornado! Shot after shot, Rool is getting BRUISED

"Let's go D-K!"






Daisy's having a good time. While she runs over to the brothers, Rool is in the trenches, getting his Kremling ass beat by a Kong. History loves repeating itself.

DK lands a devastating uppercut to the belly, sending Rool up! Kong makes a leap, and brings both arms up...CRUSHING Rool's head like a coconut, and shooting him at the floor!


The impact was so massive that cracks form in the floor itself! Birds are flying around Rool's head, he's out of it. DK won't end it there though.


The plumber limps over.


He whips a fire flower out. Lo and behold: Fire Kong! The ape's whiter than a truck driver, with a fiery aura around his fists. The ape gives one last rush for Rool...







Rool goes flying, for (hopefully) the last time today. DK just wipes his hands clean. "Strong. But we stronger." The Kong tends to his bloodline, Diddy's coming to his senses..

"Did...we win?"

DK nods. He's got a smile knowing he's safe, but has to tend to his dad. Luckily, Cranky's moving his cane around. "Oh...Rool..when I find you. When I find you, Rool..."


"WOAH!" He instinctively swings his cane, but DK stops it. "What the devil?"

"He gone."

"Oh.." Cranky surveys the scene. There's rubble, cracks, and three humans who got grilled. That temples going to need maintenance "...Damnit!"

Ten minutes later...

The winning side of this war reunite at the gate...well, a few certain players are attending to the land. The brothers, Daisy, Yoshi, even Doctor Mario are there. DK and Funky are repping the Kongs.

"A deals a deal..." DK, taking control. Those apes pull out TWO power stars. This is news to the superhumans!

"Where'd-a you get the second?" Mario asks.

"That prick was hiding the obvious." Funky reveals.

"Where's that?"

"It's his face." Of course it is. "You can't miss it."

Mario gets one star, Luigi gets the other star. No activation yet. As the heroes turn their backs, DK taps Mario. "Hey..."


"If you need Kongs, tell us." That Kong's crossing those arms. "This won't stop at Rool." Mario gives him a nod, silently confirming an alliance. That's four Power Stars in their possession. They don't know Bowser's side has one, but Chan es won't be taken. They need to find number six, and hopefully number seven for majority.

There's been a fight each time. So gathering the rest will be even harder.

As they get to their vehicles, Daisy eyes Luigi. "One bell of a save."

Luigi can't help but scratch his neck. "You think so?"

"You launched yourself into a force field, and BROKE it." Daisy drives it into his head. "The next time you see a ghost: it's NOTHING."

Luigi can't focus, he's going a lot going on in his head. He can't get any peace, because two weird figures show up in there:

There's a blue version of him, and a red one. Blue's got a halo, the red's got horns. Luigi himself is caught in the middle.

"Luigi..." the Angel opens. "She-a totally wants you."

"Don't be delusional!" The devil shuts down. "Women don't actually want you, they're just being nice."

"Don't-a listen to him! Daisy's trying to break you out of your shell. It's-a easy as that! You should listen to her more, there's a reason women like you."

That puts a smile on Luigi's face. "You're-a right!"

"NUH UH!" The Devil butts in. "She's playing ya! Just like Destiny did! These females only want your attention. She's called a 'princess' for a reason."

Luigi says goodbye to his smile. "Oh..well..."

"This incel wants you miserable." The Angel says, getting closer to L. "You have to be brave. Take risks. Mario does that and gets-a more out of it. It's your turn..."





The man snaps out of it, to find Mario shaking him. "Luigi! Are you ok?"

He swings his head left and right. Everyone's still here, but they aren't on the road. Their driving their focus on him. "...hey I'm back."

"But are you ok?"

"Yes, Mario."

"You sure?"

Luigi pats him on the back. "YES." He heads to his vehicle, but Mario just follows him. "Did you zone out?"

"I went on a trip of my own."

Mario just shrugs and hops in his Kart. "We swore to lay off the shrooms."

"Uh..YOU did."




The squad starts their engines, as a little squabble breaks out. With five stars caught by different forces, two more are left to collect. The trackers could very well lead them to a new Power Star, but how far has yet to be confirmed.

Who's getting them first?

Matter a fact, where are they?

That will be found out much sooner than expected...


Five out of seven Power stars have been found. Unfortunately for K Rool, he lost the "winner take all" scenario. Now, with only two Power Stars left, there's no time to waste. Who's going to find them? Where? And what's the worst (or best) that'll be done with them!

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