Naruto: The Honored One

Per CEtramdiRaizel-Sama

81.8K 1.8K 250

Naruto obtains the powers of his past life after getting stabbed through the throat by Orochimaru Més

The Honored One vs The Green Beast of Konoha
13:Naruto vs Neji
14: Force of Nature


6.9K 128 8
Per CEtramdiRaizel-Sama

With the medic ninja and the last two competitiors off the playing field and out of the way.

Hayate walked forward and sighed.

"OK then. Let's move right on to the second match." The Proctor announced as all who remained watched the board for the next match. Many with grim expressions.

The screen flashed once again as characters flew by on the screen. The letters settling until it revealed the names or the next competitors. Shino Aburame VS Zaku Abumi.

Zaku chuckled a bit as he read the sign before looking across the room where he guessed his opponent was. "Which sucker is that?" He asked, overconfident from the get go despite his injured arms

Across the room, Shino was silent as he watched his opponent. Observing the pathetic bug before him and how best to trap it.

The Sound Sensei gave a weird smile as he looked at Shino's sensei who glared back at him.

"Step forward, please." Hayate called out for the two candidates.

They came down.

"Very good. Now if you're both ready, then we'll begin." Hayate told them as they stood facing each other in front of him.

Up on her side of the balconies, Sakura looked Zaku as she recognized him. 'That's that Sound Shinobi, the one who was almost killed by Naruto .' She thought

'How's he going to fight with just one arm?' She wondered.

"Do you think Shino will be alright?" Hinata asked, her mood gloomy.

"He's OK. Don't you worry about him." Kiba assured her.

"Huh?" Hinata asked as she turned to the dog lover.

"He's the last person here I'd ever want to take on." Kiba answered, his tone serious and lacking his usual confidence.

"Candidates ready?" Hayate asked as he backed away so he wouldn't get caught up in the fight. Seeing no arguments rising, Hayate, didn't waste a moment. "Begin."

'Well, Zaku. How you pull this one off will be a sight to see.' Dosu thought

Down in the field below, neither combatant had moved even though the proctor had given them the all clear to start the match. Each were waiting for the other to execute their first attack. Waiting to see who was more patient.

"If you fight me, you won't be able to recover." Shino promised darkly. "Forfeit and withdraw."

Zaku stared at him with a frown before answering. "We will see."

Shino said nothing as Zaku crouched down into fighting stance, with his single arm out before him as he got ready to charge at him.

"One good arm is more than enough to beat you!" Zaku said as he rushed forward.

Shino was standing perfectly still as his opponent came at him, only moving to raise his left arm to block Zaku's attack. Zaku's palm wide open.

"You couldn't beat me even if used both your arms." Shino stated, not in overconfidence, he spoke as if is was fact, the simple truth. To Shino, it probably was the true.

"Yeah, well I've got news for ya!" Zaku shouted as air was pulled into a tiny hole in the center of his open palm the other ninja couldn't see. "Try this! Blasting Sound Wave!" He shouted as Shino turned his head towards the sound of rushing air soon followed by an explosion occurred where the two ninja had stood.

Zaku smirked as the dust cleared enough to see his plan had worked and Shino was on the ground.

Kiba and Hinata gasped at the sight of their teammate taking full force of the blast. Kiba's eyes twitching in shock. Hinata, being the sweet soul she was, couldn't help but be worried.

The spectators watched as Shino's body appeared to be smoking from the blast and Shino remained motionless. They couldn't hear any groans or struggle from the sunglass wearing ninja below.

Down below, Zaku clenched his hand into a fist and called out to Shino smugly. "All right, fool. You had enough?"

To everyone's surprise, Shino appeared to have gotten up and was standing up after taking the full blast of the attack, albeit he was hunched over with his head down.

Huh?" Zaku asked. Confused as Shino began straightening up as the dust began to settle and fade.

"He's- there's no way!" Zaku claimed shocked as everyone else as they leaned in to get a closer look to see what happened. Shino appeared to be aright despite being a little ruffed up and dirty from the blast knocking him off his feet and making him roll in the dirt. Team 8 were relieved to see him okay.

The spectators all began to hear something. It was the sound of chittering, like hundreds of bugs gathered together, growing louder and louder through out the room.

"Uh?" Sakura asked.

Naruto smirked as he saw what was happening.

Down below, Zaku soon found the source of the tiny chittering noise and gasped at the freaky sight before him.

Across from the Sound ninja, the chittering came from Shino, or what was inside him. Crawling around on his face little black beetles were crawling over bits of his face and his clothes. Some climbing up and over the lower part of Shino's jacket and on to his front. All originating from little holes just off to the left of his glasses on his left side.

The sight freaking out Zaku as his thoughts were racing through his head. 'What the- he's got bugs coming out of him, like a human hive!' Sweating as the freaky sight. 'This guy's a freak show!' He thought angerly as he moved into another fighting stance.

"Great." Zaku exaggerated sarcastically. "Now that you've creeped us all out, what happens next?"

Shino said nothing as Zaku continued to glare at him.

Meanwhile, Naruto smirked at the Aburame. 'Quite clever Shino. He thought, praising his fellow leaf shinobi. 'Using the dust cloud to act and provide as a cover for your little friends to fly off and come around Zaku from behind while the focus was all on you. That's why the sound seemed to be coming from everywhere. They're so small, it's easy to miss them until they swarm you. By then, it's too late.'

Soon, Zaku could sense something was wrong, that there was something behind him. "Aahh!" Turing around, Zaku saw a swarm of the little beetles closing in up behind him, the bugs covering the floor as they scuttled around. Nearly covering every inch of the ground. Upon seeing the tiny forces massed together behind him, Zaku was shaking in fear.

The insects chittering away as they came closer to their prey as Zaku's face and body twitched, unsure what to do as fear override his mind, temporarily paralyzed as sweat trailed down his face and he desperately tried to move.

In front of Zaku, Shino began to explain what exactly the bugs were. His mouth no longer hidden by his coat. His left hand in the air before him with a single beetle on his finder nail, the insect not even large enough to cover the entire nail.

They're a rare species of parasitic beetle that attack their prey in a swarm, eating its chakra." The beetles closing in. "An army of this size will suck you dry in less than a minute." Zaku watching them before turning to Shino with hate and gritting his teeth.

"Your only intelligent option is to forfeit the match. You can't fight two opponents at once. If you use your good arm against me, my friends will swarm you from behind. Conversely, if you use your good arm to keep them at bay, then you'll have me on your blind side." Shino pointed out.

Everyone could see, as that situation was, there was no way out for Zaku to fight back or escape without it failing in the long run. Shino already explaining what would happen if he attacked. Even if he tried to go up and jump away to a farther and maybe safer location, the beetles would only fly after him and get him that way. Shino could also attack him and that be the end of that.

"Either way, your defeat will be certain-and unpleasant. It's wise to always have an ace in the hole." Shino told Zaku as his hands formed the hand signs for tiger.

The bugs continuing their chittering, reminding Zaku time was running out and he needed to think of something quick. Otherwise, he was going to be bug food.

Shaking, Zaku's eyes glazed over, which Naruto noticed. He couldn't help but wonder what Zaku was thinking.

In the depths of his mind, Zaku thought about the past, how he got up to this point of time. How he crawled out of the hole that was his past. The fear, the pain, the humiliation, the helplessness he had gone through. Thanks to that man, he now was on a greater path. He no longer had a reason to be afraid and this freak show before him was making him feel these thing! Zaku would make him pay! He was strong! He would show them! All of them!

Snapping out of it and glancing back at ever chittering bugs behind him, Zaku tried to think of something.

Watching him closely, Naruto noticed something going on with Zaku. The glazed look was coming and going, but he seemed to be slightly out of it. His eyes going back and forth between the two forces attempting to crush him and memories that plagued him.

Zaku's working hand was shaking as he clenched it along with the rest of his body. 'That's it. Never again.' Zaku swore.

Recalling the time in the forest, Naruto had injured his arm. 'That's it. That's never gonna happen again!'

Naruto watched as Zaku's fearful face transformed into a wild and crazed look of rage, slightly startling her. Wondering what made him snap.

With a ferocious angry roar, Zaku thrust his fist out towards Shino, slightly startling the bug user. Opening his palm, the crazed look got wilder. "Now you've done it. Now you've made me mad!" He roared.

The spectators watched as Zaku revealed his other arm, able to remove it too from the sling. The arm now facing the bugs. Though Shino's expression was hidden, one could tell he was curious about the fools' next move as he lowered his hand. Thinking it was a bluff and the fool had lost his senses.

Zaku was frowning for but a moment until he broke into a wide grin. "Heh. Hnnh!" He grunted as his arm strained and eventually move his fist open on the second try. Startling Shino.

"Like you said yourself, always have an ace in the hole. Right?!" He asked crazed.

'So it was just a ploy to make us believe he had only one good arm. Clever move.' Dosu thought, complementing his comrade.

Down below, Zaku was shaking in fury as he roared yet again. "I'll blow you away!" He bellowed preparing to blast the beetles and Shino into oblivion.

As Hinata watched, she couldn't believe her eyes. She noticed Zaku's arm getting bigger and bigger by the second, growing more swollen, bulging in ways that shouldn't be happening. Something was wrong, was it doing so because he wanted a bigger explosion.

Naruto also noticed.Knowing that the match was over for Zaku, and probably along with his career as a Shinobi. The damage would probably permanently damage his arms and the chakra flow within it.

Everyone watched and listened as the sound of air escaping filled the room, replacing the sound of Zaku's previous roars. It was similar to the sounds of balloons expanding so much they tore holes in themselves and the air gradually escaping the flimsy confides that held it.

Zaku's eyes widening as he too listened. Staring straight ahead, not a whimper or a scream escaped his lips. So shocked, he couldn't even feel the pain. He was in utter disbelief, he couldn't bring himself to look at his arms as blue chakra escaped along with tiny bits of his own flesh and the wind he had been storing in his arms.

Flecks of blue and flecks of skin appearing before Zaku's eyes. Small utters of shock were emitted from his mouth, but couldn't be heard over the sound of his arm bursting from the pressure of wind and chakra. Dosu and Kin were gasping in horror.

Kiba nearly jumped over the railing in shock as he leaned closer. Kurenai watched speechless as the rest of them. Amazed with what her student did to his opponent.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Zaku cried out in pain once the chakra and air had died down.

Zaku lowered his arms as they hung limply in front of him. "My arms! What's wrong with them?" He shouted.

Groaning and grunting in pain, Zaku huffed and puffed as he tried to catch his breath, gritting his teeth as he turned his palms up towards the ceiling to look at the holes.

"Aah! Wh-what?" He cried as upon closer inspection of his hands, he saw a small swarm of black beetles gathered together and had crawled inside of the holes. So tightly packed together that air couldn't past through the hole.

In a moment on the ground floor, where the two ninja were fighting, Shino swiftly appeared behind Zaku as he began to explain his own plan. Which dealt far greater success than Zaku's plan of trying to trick him into thinking his other arm was too injured to fight with and lead him into a false sense of security.

"Earlier, while I was distracting you with my helpful advice, I was also sending some of my little friends to plug up those bothersome wind holes in your hands." He said, highly pleased with himself and from his tone, Shino was slightly smug about it working and fooling Zaku so easily.

"Both hands, just to be sure." Shino continued. "You see, while an ace in the hole is good-"

Zaku gasping in shock as Shino hissed out the rest of his sentence.

"-two aces are better." Shino joked.

"Good work Shino" Naruto thought

Once again, Zaku began to feel trapped and helpless as beads of sweat clanged to his face as he filled once again in rage as it consumed his body and rational mind, roaring as he attempted to swing his arms out and hit Shino.

Only for Shino to see it coming and smack Zaku away as the Sound ninja cried out and landed in a heap on the floor.

Groaning as he fell and didn't get up.

Shino and the third proctor approached Zaku who had yet to pick himself off the floor. Sprawled flat on his back, Zaku cried out though nothing touched him. The pain lingering from his fall, arms, and the punch Shino delivered to his face.

The third proctor didn't look impressed with Zaku as he assessed the damage. Holes appearing in the abused flesh of the genin's elbow.

Standing up from his crouch he had used for his inspection, He gave his final verdit on the match. "I'd say this one has had it." Pausing as if he felt sorry for the poor guy.

"The winner is Shino Aburame." Hayate concluded.

Kurunai had a serious look on face as she took in this information. Kiba smirked, proud of his teammate for making it to the final found of the exam. Beside him, Hinata looked slightly sad.

Kin gritted her teeth in anger. Dosu was furious.

With Team Guy, Neji stood up straight as he moved away from the rail. Looking dissatisfied with the match. Before he could do anything, Rock Lee stopped him.

"Wait. How did he do that? Who is he?

Neji said nothing as he did as he was asked. Stepping away from the others to get a clear view, he used his kekkei genkai. 'Byakugan.' He thought as his hands formed the appropriate hand signs and lines formed around his eyes. Taking a closer look at Shino, Neji gasped at what he observed. "I had no idea. I thought he must be using a summoning jutsu to get all those insects, but no." Neji informed his teammate, shock lacing his tone. "They're actually living inside of him."

"Living inside of him?" Rock Lee nearly shouted in shock as he turned to Neji, wondering if his rival was pulling his leg. Freaking out at the thought of bugs living inside the younger boy.

"There's a legend in the Leaf Village of a clan of insect tamers." Guy mentioned.

"Yes, I've heard of that clan as well." Neji shared as he informed Lee of what he knew about the clan. "They say when a bug master is born, he enters into a scared pact with the insects. He allows them to nest in his body. In return, they obey their host's will. They serve him, answering his call, fighting his battles and destroying his enemies. I've also heard that they allow the insects to feed on their chakra as part of the bargain."

Down below, Shino continued on his way as Neji watched the powerful opponent he could face if and when he made it to the final round of the exam.

Rock Lee was shaking as he too turned to look down at Shino. "So this guy is one of them? One of these bug tamers?"

As Shino moved to go join his team on the balcony, Medic ninja moved in to collect Zaku and transport him to the towers infirmary.

As the medic ninja were discussing something, the mummy ninja couldn't help but think. 'I can't pretend we had anything in common, except this team and our mission. Still, I'll even the score for you, Zaku.' He promised with a low chortle.

On the otherside of the room, Kurenai sigh in relief that the match was over and noticed the atmosphere of the room. 'My, it's getting chilly in here.'

"Man, that Shino is good. But he is still weak compared to me." Naruto complemented as he appeared next to Sakura

Sakura had been blow out of the water. "Whoa, I thought Shino was weird before, but now-" She trailed of, whether or not is was praise of an offensive comment, who knows.

"Kakashi"Guy thought as he saw Naruto.

He called out to Naruto only to be ignored.

"Damn you Kakashi and your hip attitude." Guy thought

Noticing Shino rejoining the group, Hinata greeted him."Oh, wow, I, uh- congratulations, Shino."

"Way to go. Good work." Kiba said bluntly.

Shino just huffed at them before adding his two bits. "Hnf. I want to see you two do the same."

The statement raising Kiba's ire towards his teammate. 'Grr. Yeah? Who died and made you team leader, huh?' He questioned, though did nothing knowing he could possibly end up like the Sound ninja.


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