The Aftermath of Callie and A...

By Coleslaw8

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The continuation of the first book, this volume details the continuing lives of Callie and Arizona. While the... More

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Life Goes On When We Least Expect It To...

Seasons Change

126 6 1
By Coleslaw8

Arizona's POV:

As it happens every year, our vacation at the beach ended too soon and before we knew it, the school year had commenced yet again. I was sitting in my office on a rainy and chilly Seattle Friday afternoon. Instead of being focused on my task at hand, I found myself staring out the windows and reflecting over the last few months.

The leaves had started to change colors and were clinging for dear life to the branches that had previously supported them, during the last 6 months. Amidst the rain showers, I could see the orange, yellow and red hues smattered among the few trees on the street, but mostly on the hillsides that surrounded the city. 

It had been a great Summer for our family as we watched our girls grow older. . .

Madelyn had changed so much in those 3 months, it was insane! Maddy was quite mobile and had mastered crawling, standing up and walking around furniture if she was holding on. We knew it was only a short time before she would take her first steps. She was astute at grasping and holding objects like toys or feeding herself with her fingers. She was also becoming quite vocal (like the other 3 women in her family) and was now skilled at making noises to get our attention.

Sophia had started her 5th grade year, which still shocked Callie and I, to no end. I was in disbelief that she had gotten that old, but such is life. Shopping for school that year was dramatically different than it had been, just a year before. Suddenly, everything she required for her academic career, needed to be very, "adult." 

She made it clear she was done with, "baby," things. Although, she found zero humor when Callie sarcastically suggested we buy her a hard sided brief case while shopping for her backpack, just 8 weeks ago. She quickly informed us that she didn't want to be an 'old person,' but it was fine when we sometimes carried them. That kid! 

Callie and I had been busy the last few months as well, with the new academic year starting for the 1st year medical students. Thankfully, both of our teaching responsibilities were not that rigorous, usually, but with the new students, we were required to spend more time than usual in labs and sometimes in lectures during the 1st semester.

So, here I sat that grey and gloomy afternoon, staring out the windows at the rain and foliage. There was something so calming about the sounds of the rain drops, that I zoned out for a period of time. That's why when I heard a knock at my door, I jumped from being startled.

"I would have announced my visit long ago if I would have known my knocking would cause you to have a heart attack. Is everything okay, Arizona? Is this a bad time?"

It was Teddy that had knocked and then came in and sat down in front of me. She was wearing scrubs with a long surgical jacket to stay warm. I could tell she had just finished a procedure by the way her hair was pulled back.

"No, you're fine Teddy, I was just lost in thought and am exhausted. Maddy's been cutting two teeth on her bottom jaw and all of us have not been sleeping well as a result. What's up? How's your day going?"

"My day has been pretty typical. Nothing too exciting and nothing too difficult. It's been run of the mill which I have zero complaints about."

I had finally pulled myself out of my thoughts and noticed Teddy had a melancholy demeanor that she was attempting to poorly to cover-up. 

I was pretty certain I knew what was about to come next when Teddy said, "By chance, have you heard from Becca, recently? I sent her a message a few days ago, but haven't heard anything back. I thought we had plans this coming weekend, but..."

Teddy stopped herself short from finishing her thought. 

I knew I had one of two choices at that moment. I could either ask Teddy to tell me what had been going on between the two of them, or be aloof and gloss right over the gigantic elephant in the room. Is it bad that part of me still didn't want to know? Sigh...

Since we had returned home from the trip in August, I happily had no clue what the day-to-day details were, that transpired between our two friends. On a couple of occasions, they had both shown up, separately, to two of our family dinners. While both ladies were cordial with the rest of the group, there definitely seemed to be some tension between them. Some of that tension seemed good and some, definitely bad. Again, not wanting to pry, Callie and I remained tight-lipped as we observed their interactions.

"I haven't heard from Becca since she texted me last Sunday when she had a question about Sophia's schedule around Halloween. She wanted to know if Sophia would be free to attend a family party with Anna. And that's not like Becca not to respond somehow..."

After I spoke, that's when I heard Teddy mutter under her breath, "Maybe not for you, but..."

Finally, I decided it was time to let the cat out of the bag and for Teddy to spill the beans. I swallowed, took a deep breath and said, "At what point were you going to tell me that you and Becca are dating, Teddy? I do not want to get in the middle of this, but you seem pretty down today and that concerns me."

"Arizona, I really don't want you or Callie to be in the middle of this, I swear. I'm not someone that needs people to take sides, that's not why I came to talk with you. I just feel like I'm starting to go crazy lately and don't know who else to use as a sounding board right now."

I nodded, got up from my desk and shut my office door. That's when I motioned for Teddy to join me on the couch. We both took seats on the opposite ends, but tucked our legs up so we could face each other and converse.

"Well Dr. Altman, what's been going on with you two?" I gave Teddy an empathic look as I waited for her response.

"That's just it Arizona... I'm not entirely sure what's been going on between Becca and myself either. One minute she seems to want more, the next minute, she wants less. When I think things are going well, she disappears or pushes back. And when I least expect it, she's flirtatious and wants a whole lot more."

"Are the two of you dating, or is this a casual thing? Either way, it's obvious why you're starting to go mad Teddy, from all the give and take."

"I don't know what to think, but I would like us to be more than casual. When we're good together, we're really good together. We have the same sense of humor, similar interests and career goals. Plus, we just get along. When things are good, it's easy to talk for hours about nothing or everything."

"While your shared connection sounds amazing, is what you're going through worth the relationship you have? From my perspective, it doesn't sound like you're getting much in return for what you are putting out."

"Arizona, I think the same thing too, and then Becca does something that changes my mind. Like last Monday night."

I heard the little man that lives in my brain start trying to reason with me not to ask my next question. Inevitably, he didn't convince me to keep quiet and I asked the question that needed to be asked.

"What happened last Monday night, Teddy?"

"Are you sure you're okay hearing all this, Arizona?"

I silently but affirmatively nodded to Teddy. That's when she cleared her throat and started talking.

"Well, last week Becca told me that she needed some space so she could focus on Anna for a while. So, I did what I've done all along, and kept to myself. Becca does this every so often, but she usually comes around, eventually."

There was so much wrong about what Teddy had just shared, but I let her continue so I could hear the full story.

"After 5 days, last Monday evening, there was an unexpected knock at my front door. When I opened it, there was Becca. She was holding to-go bags of food and smiling back at me. She apologized for needing time with Anna and then told me how much she had missed being with me. She explained Anna was with her Dad that night, so she thought she'd surprise me and bring over dinner for the two of us."

"I invited her in and told her how much I had missed her too. After Becca set down the bags of Thai food and her purse, I asked if I could hang-up her raincoat she had tied shut around her waist. She smiled, nodded and with a seductive flourish, untied her trench coat to reveal one Hell of a black and red lingerie set with garters."

I tried to suppress my reactions while listening, but Teddy's last sentence made me reflexively raise my eyebrows from the shock.

"Suffice to say she was able to easily seduce me and after we had sex, we ate dinner curled up together in bed. It was incredibly hot and the entire time, she kept telling me how much she wanted me and wanted to be with me. We made plans that night to spend time together this weekend. But it's now Friday and I haven't heard back from Becca since I sent her some texts on Tuesday, thanking her for my dinner in bed."

And there it was, Teddy finally had confirmed what I'd been thinking all along about her relationship with Becca. I really didn't want to take sides, but a part of me was furious with Becca for treating my friend so poorly. It completely sounded like a one sided affair that existed when it was convenient for Becca. I just sat there for a good minute trying to think of what to say in response when Teddy spoke again.

"Arizona, I already know what you're thinking and are going to say. Before you say anything though, I've fallen for Becca. I didn't want to and tried not to, but I have. So, before you attack me for not being smart enough to run away, that's why I'm acting like a fool."

"Teddy," I patted her hand that was resting on the couch, "I'd never attack you about this, but I feel terrible about how Becca is conducting herself. I know you have feelings for her, but why on Earth would you put yourself through such torture? Isn't working at Grey Sloan enough torture as it is?"

I tried to make a joke to lighten the mood, but Teddy only snortled once in response. 

"I keep asking myself the same question Arizona, but I really like this woman, dare I say, love? Apparently love makes people do stupid things that they'd normally never do. And every time I think I've resolved myself to walk away, Becca does something that pulls me right back in."

While I especially didn't want to know the next answer, I knew a part of the connection between my friends probably was when I said, "Let me guess, the sex is good?"

"Unbelievable. Mind-blowing. Earth-shattering. It's like she's in my headspace the entire time and just knows what and when I need it. Becca said it's the same for her. But, it's not just about the sex. Becca is incredibly beautiful, loving and dynamic. When we're alone together, she's the same person you know, but also very different. I've seen her vulnerable side." 

"Teddy, I don't think there's much I can say that you aren't already aware of. The one thing I want to say, however, is don't let this imbalance of power continue between the two of you. Let's face it, there's never a 50/50 balance of power within most couples. Sometimes, for various reasons, there is an imbalance and needs to be. As far as I'm concerned, your current relationship with Becca, does not warrant a reason for Becca to run the show. Becca should want you to hold the reins with her, if you expect a healthy, long term future."

"You're right, of course, Arizona. I just wish she didn't have such a hold on me, because it makes it impossible to say no to Becca or walk away."

"What are you going to do about your weekend plans with Becca? I get she has a daughter that she primarily takes care of, but not responding to your texts after making weekend plans with you is... really shitty."

"I don't know. I don't want to be the needy person in all this, so I'm not going to text or call Becca to ask. I think it's better if I slunk away and lick my wounds. I've already got ice cream and vodka in my freezer at home. So, if all else fails like I think it will, at least I'll have everything I'll need to deal with the heartache."

"Teddy! While I agree that you shouldn't be the one to contact Becca, that's no way to spend your weekend. Promise me you'll come over tomorrow and help us carve pumpkins and bake cookies?"

"Arizona, while I appreciate your offer, I don't want to invade your time with your family."

"Teddy, you won't be invading at all since you are family. So stop giving me excuses and say you'll come over? Sophia will love spending time with you and I will appreciate having another surgeon around to help with precision carving. My Ortho wife is a super talented surgeon, but let's face it, her work doesn't usually involve microscopic details."

"In that case, sounds like I don't have much of a choice! What time should I be there, Arizona?"

"We're going to start late morning, but come over anytime you want. Within reason, of course!"

We both laughed when Teddy said, "I'd normally ask what to bring, but considering I already have them, I hope vodka and ice cream are okay?"

Both of us howled with laughter as I said, "Sounds perfect just as long as I don't have to consume them at the same time?!"

Our laughter continued for a few more moments before Teddy leaned over and hugged me tightly.

"I know you probably didn't want to hear all those details, but I appreciate you asking and listening, Arizona. You do know you are my closest friend?"

I nodded and said, "I feel the same about you, Dr. Altman. We've survived so much together over the years. Looking back, I don't know how I would have gotten through everything without your support."

Teddy stood up and patted me on the back. "Well, I'm going home for the night, but am looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. Thanks again for listening, Arizona."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Anytime, Teddy. Anytime."

Teddy opened my office door and strolled down the hallway. I sat on the couch for a few minutes and started staring out the windows again. I wasn't really looking at anything in particular but started reviewing what Teddy had just said.

"Knock. Knock." I jumped again when I heard Callie's voice from the hallway.

"Wow! You're a bit jumpy this afternoon, Dr. Robbins! Everything okay?" Callie had walked in while talking and gave me a quick kiss before sitting down near me.

"Oh gosh, yes, I'm fine. I was just replaying what Teddy just told me about her and Becca."

"So, did she finally crack and tell you everything, Arizona?"

"Thankfully, I only heard a portion, but that was enough. Gee, and no big shock Callie, but they are sleeping together, from time to time."

"Are they dating then, or just hooking up? I'm not surprised, but still a bit surprised. The way Becca acts around Teddy, you'd never know that they'd been intimate."

"It's complicated, of course, and I'll tell you the rest of it, later. However, I hope it's okay I invited Teddy to join us tomorrow to carve and bake cookies? Seems Becca stood her up for a date this weekend."

"Of course that's fine and you don't need to ask me. Teddy is always welcome. That's horrible that Becca stood her up for a date. No wonder why Teddy has looked so crushed when I've bumped into her today. I could tell something was off when we were running a case together in the ER."

"Yep. Seems Becca made plans for them to see one another, but has failed to respond to any of Teddy's texts. Becca might have forgotten at this point in the week, but given what Teddy just told me about their relationship, something tells me Becca didn't forget."

"We absolutely need to make sure Teddy comes over then, Arizona. Nobody should be alone if they've been stood-up. It's happened to me a time or two, but thankfully doesn't happen anymore."

Callie leaned over and passionately kissed me.

"I guess that's one good thing about being married, huh, Torres?" I kissed Callie back with the same heated desire she just used on me.

"I don't know if you're ready, Dr. Robbins, but I'm set to leave this popsicle stand when ever you are. I just submitted all my reports for the week and am ready to have fun and spend the weekend with my girls."

"Callie, I only need a couple minutes to shut things down. How do you feel about pizza or food from the Italian restaurant tonight? I'm exhausted from this week and don't have the energy to cook."

"Sounds perfect to me, Arizona."

As promised, I grabbed my things and locked my office door. In minutes, we were in our car and headed to pick-up the girls from my parent's house. On Fridays, my folks usually take care of the girls if we are busy. 

Callie called in our order to the restaurant as I drove home, so we could get our food and then stay put for the duration of our Friday evening. Once dinner was over and the girls were bathed, the four of us watched TV together in our bed. Sophia ended up falling asleep fairly early for her and thankfully, Maddy eventually zonked too. I put Maddy to bed in her room (we were well beyond needing to keep such a close eye on her at night, now) and Callie tucked in Soph. Once back in bed, I filled Callie in on what Teddy had told me earlier that late afternoon.

"So basically, Becca has a friend with benefits when it comes to Teddy? I'd normally not care, but  the situation is just different when it's our friends. I hope Teddy doesn't get hurt, but it sounds like she already has. Hopefully she has the fortitude to know when she absolutely needs to walk away."

"I feel the same Callie, but sometimes, call it lust or love, can be intoxicating. Ari said something at the beach about Teddy already being, "hooked," which I think was spot-on vernacular given Teddy's recent conversation with me. Teddy knows this relationship is potentially bad for her, yet she keeps going back to Becca despite. It's no different than a drug addict wanting another fix."

"Arizona, whatever is or has gone on between them, I hope things get figured out before they become more messy than they already are."

"Agreed. Now, Dr. Torres... I'd like spend this evening doing something more interesting than discussing Teddy and Becca... Can you think of a way we can occupy our time since our munchkins are fast asleep?"

I started stroking my fingers, up and down Callie's left thigh, as she started caressing my right arm.

"Dr. Robbins, I can think of multiple ways we can spend our night until we are both fast asleep too..."

With that, Callie and I started kissing, stripping off our clothes and making love. After both of us orgasmed, I laid my head on Callie's chest so I could catch my breath. She started gently stroking my back as she held me tight. 

"Arizona... I'm glad that you're my friend with benefits." 

I leaned up and kissed my wife's lips before saying, "That's a good thing since I'm forever your only friend you can have benefits with, Callie!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Arizona."

"Callie, neither would I, my love."

We both laughed and shortly after, decided we needed round two that evening, before I fell asleep being spooned by Callie that night.

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