Naruto: The Honored One

By CEtramdiRaizel-Sama

83.3K 1.8K 252

Naruto obtains the powers of his past life after getting stabbed through the throat by Orochimaru More

The Honored One vs The Green Beast of Konoha
13:Naruto vs Neji
14: Force of Nature


8.9K 163 58
By CEtramdiRaizel-Sama

Next day
Naruto went back to the tower in the morning. He came across Gaara.

"Who might you be." Gaara

"We already met Gaara" Naruto

"That voice." Gaara Thought

'Naruto Uzumaki.' He said in that same monotonous tone he always used.

"I gonna have fun killing you. "Gaara said with a sadistic grin

"That will never happen. Do you know why." Naruto

"Why." Gaara

"Yowai mo." Naruto

"I am weak." Gaara Thought

"We will see. "Gaara said before he disappeared with a body flicker

Other teams arrived later.

Next day

The second phase of the exams was now over, the teams that made it were: Team seven, eight and ten, Guy's team, the sound team, the sand team and Kabuto's team.

The teams assembled in an arena with the Hokage standing in front of the Genin with their Jounin-Senseis behind him.

Kakashi was surprised when he saw Naruto's appearance. He had heard about the incident with Orochimaru. He was glad they survived the encounter.

Hiruzen told the genin that the Chunin exams serve the purpose of not only testing ninja, but also of moderating the levels of the ninja in each nation as well as developing friendship.

'Just tell me the details of the exam I can handle anything you can throw at me.' Said Gaara when the Hokage finished speaking and answering other questions.

'Very well I will now tell you exactly what the details of the third exam are.' Said the Hokage.

Just then Hayate appeared bowing in front of the Hokage and asked him if he could speak first, to which the Hokage obliged.

Hayate explained that they needed to hold a preliminary as there were too many people which was meet with cries of outrage, but he justified it by talking about the fact that many important nobles and feudal lords would be coming to see them and they didn't want to waste their time and that they were only looking for the best of the best shinobi.

The preliminaries will begin immediately if any of you *cough* aren't in top physical condition *cough* now is the time to quit.' Said Hayate.

Kabuto gave up but no one else did. Sakura wanted Sasuke to, but he told her that the only reason he fights is to test himself and that all the best are here.

'So what am I supposed to just watch you suffer? I can't bear to watch.' Cried Sakura.

'Then don't watch. But stay out of it has nothing to do with you. I am an avenger whether I become a Chunin or not means less than nothing to me. My goal is to test myself against the best and the best of the best are all here.' Replied Sasuke.

'Sasuke she cares about you, you don't have to be so mean.' Naruto said playfully

Naruto you are one of the one's I want to fight the most.' said Sasuke grinning

"Yowai mo" Naruto said with a smirk

This irritated Sasuke.

'Now, the preliminaries will follow sudden death elimination of one-on-one matches with only the winner moving on to the third exam. As for the rules there are none, you will fight until one dies or concedes defeat or is rendered physically incapable of continuing. Naturally those who are losing are encouraged to quit, to avoid having a fatal outcome, also as proctor I will intervene if the situation seems hopeless to save as many lives as possible. Now we will see what fate is in store for you.' Said Hayate.

Anko spoke a command and a panel on the back wall diagonal from the hands opened revealing a screen.

'The panel you see will give the names of the two competitors who are chosen completely at random. I guess there is nothing more to say so let's begin.' Concluded Hayate.

Everyone's gaze turned to the screen as they waited for the names of the combatants of the first preliminary match.Words flying on the screen as it began to randomly select two of the remaining Genin. Only the 'Vs' being the only thing constant. Only to stop with the names Yoroi Akado VS Sasuke Uchiha.

Revealing the first to fight in the match.

Sasuke smirked as he read his name and the name of his opponent. 'Didn't waste any time, did they?' He thought as the curse mark stung him, making him flinch and grasp the source of it, never once losing his smirk or quelling his anticipation for the fight ahead.

Yoroi's expression was hidden due to his mask, in a dull voice he spoke. "I couldn't ask for anything more."

'No!' Sakura fretted. 'Why did it have to be Sasuke?'

Meanwhile, the rest of the ninja were all watching Sasuke from the corner of their eyes. Gaara, Rock Lee, Dosu, Zaku and Neji were all interested to see what the great last survivor of the Uchiha clan was capable of. No matter how one looked at it, the fight would be interesting to watch. Naruto was among the few who didn't care about the match.

"All right now. Those whose names have been drawn, come forward." Hayate called as Sasuke and Yoroi Akado stepped out of line and stood before the proctor.

Yoroi's appearance was greatly concealed by the mask he wore around his mouth that hung to around his neck, along with sunglasses that obscured his eyes and forehead protector which he wore like a bandana. He also wore what appeared to be the standard attire of his team consisting of a high-collared, sleeveless, purple shirt with a short-sleeved, white one underneath, a simple obi around his waist, purple pants, blue sandals and purple fingerless gloves.

Stopping in the front of the teams, the two Leaf ninja faced each other.

"You have been chosen for the first match, Yoroi Akado and Sasuke Uchiha. Are there any objections?" The third proctor asked the two.

"None here." Sasuke said casually.

"No." Yoroi gruffly answered.

The Male Sound sensei smiling at the turn of events. Kakashi's expression hidden by his mask per usual.

'You fucking bastard.' Naruto thought as he looked at the Sound Jounin(Orochimaru)

Naruto held off killing him for now.

As Yoroi and Sasuke stared each other down, Sakura resigned herself to the fact there was nothing more she could do. 'Well, that's it. All I can do now is watch.'

'You better win, Sasuke, if you ever hope to take me on.' Naruto

'Dobe' Sasuke thought irritated

Ino stared at her love interest and being the obsessed fangirl she was, noticed something about him was off. 'Something is wrong. He's acting strangely.'

She wasn't the only one to notice either. 'Could it be the curse mark?' Dosu thought.

'Sasuke, good luck.' Rock Lee cheered his potential foe, eager to fight him once again.

'Now we just sit back and see what happens.' Neji thought, eager to see what the other wielder of a legendary Dōjutsu was capable of.

Gaara watched and even though he didn't express it, he too was eager to see the results of the match would be.

As Sasuke stood there, the curse mark continued to sting him though he tried to hide the pain. 'The pain won't go away.'

'That curse mark giving you trouble?' Yoroi thought before the proctor drew everyone's attention.

"All right then. Let's begin the first match." Hayate announced before coughing again. "Ok. Everyone other than the two opposing candidates will now clear the area and move to the upper level." He gestured.

To the left of the door as if they were exiting, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and subsequently Akamaru, Rock Lee, and Shino all headed up the stairs. To the right, the Sound ninja teams headed up the stairs. Kankuro, Temari, Gaara went to that side of the room.

Down below, Team 7 lagged behind as Naruto greeted their sensei as he walked towards them.

"Hey! Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto

Kakashi ignored him.

'Well screw him" Naruto before going to the upper level.

Walking behind Sasuke, Kakashi spoke in hush tones as he gave his student an important piece of advice. "Sasuke. Don't use your Sharingan."

Making his stiffen before relaxing and smiling a little. "So you know about it?"

"If that mark on your neck gets out of control, your life could be in danger." Kakashi warned him.

Sasuke was silent before he replied. "I'm aware of that."

"Just to let you know, if it gets to that point, I'll have to step in and stop the fight." Kakashi said before walking away and in his louder voice offered him one last thing. "Good luck."

Sasuke turned sharply at this. 'Stop the fight?' He thought angerly as he watched his sensei's retreating back before covering the curse mark. 'This thing, it seems to be resounding to my chakra.' He thought as he recalled the times he tried to fight and the curse mark got in the way. 'Every time I use my chakra, this thing gets a little stronger. It gains a little more control over me. I've got to fight him without using my Sharingan, and even my own Justu is off limits. Maybe I can make him laugh himself to death.' He thought sarcastically.

Above the fighting ground, the male Sound sensei smirked at the hidden knowledge he knew and Sasuke would soon find out himself. 'The thing is, Sasuke, Yoroi's unique skills are going to be disastrous for you.'

Down below, Sasuke just smirked. 'Whatever. Let's get on with this.'

Up above, all the sensei's joined their teams. With Yoroi's back to them, was Team 8, Team 10, Rock Lee's team, and Team 7. With Sasuke's back the them, was Gaara's team , Sound team and the last of the Leaf ninja Yoroi was a part of.

Even though Kakashi didn't show it, he was worried. 'Watch yourself, Sasuke. Don't push it.' He hoped.

Hayate looked to make sure everyone was out of the way and eyed both contestants before giving the all clear. "Then if you're ready, let the match begin."

"Oh, I'm ready." Yoroi answered as his hands formed the seal for tiger.

"So am I." Sasuke answered as he took his stance.

Sasuke grasped one of his kunai and at that moment, Yoroi attacked with three shuriken. To which, Sasuke easily knocked them right back at Yoroi.

The curse mark flashing as it caused it's host pain. The pain caused him to stagger and wobble. 'Already?' Sasuke thought angrily as he fell to the ground. Looking up, Yoroi easily dodged the shuriken as they logged themselves into the wall. Sasuke stiffened as he noticed Yoroi right in front of him about to punch his lights out as he pushed himself to the right out of the line for attack as Yoroi's fist collided with the floor, creating a crater where the Uchiha once was. While airborne, Sasuke threw his kunai into the ground.

Confusing Yoroi, since he expected the ninja to throw it at him. "Huh?"

Swinging himself around, Sasuke latched his feet onto Yoroi's legs, the ninja grunting as Sasuke used one of his legs to force Yoroi to bend his knee and fall forward. Warping his legs around Yoroi's head in a lock as Yoroi swung his arm out at Sasuke which he easily caught.

"Hey, he got him!" Sakura

"It's to early to call the match." Naruto thought

Yoroi had the same sentiments. "Really?" He asked as his hand held captive in Sasuke's, turned and clenched Sasuke's shirt. His hand glowing blue once again. Sasuke's eyes widening as he felt something strange come over him.

Up in the balcony, the male Sound sensei was smirking.

"What's happening?" Sasuke gritted out between his teeth. Soon the glow dissipated and Yoroi easily removed his arm from Sasuke's weakened hold. Sasuke's hand twitching as they tried to move. Sasuke gasping as Yoroi smacked his arm into Sasuke's torso and made him release his headlock on Yoroi as the ninja got up and jumped away.

'All my strength, suddenly it's gone.' Sasuke thought shocked as he struggled to move and gripped the cloth over his chest

Seeing Yoroi charge at Sasuke, Sakura cried out to warn him. "Sasuke, no!"

Managing to sit up, Sasuke didn't have the time to do anything else as Yoroi reached him and smacked his palm into Sasuke's head. The boy crying out in pain as he was forced back to the floor and tried to remove his opponents hand as it continued to glow. Yoroi laughing at Sasuke's weakening attempts.

His hand falling helplessly to the ground as Yoroi drained him. Kakashi's pupils tiny pinpricks as his single shown eye watched in horror.

'Sasuke!' Sakura called out worried

"What the- my Chakra, what are you doing?" Sasuke demanded an answer.

Yoroi just laughed again at how unobservant Sasuke had been. "You're just noticing it now?"

Up above, the gathered teams watched the fight continue. Some were disappointed at the one-sided fight so far and the Uchiha's inability to fight back. Gaara was stoic as ever with his sensei behind him as Kankuro leaned against the rail with Temari beside him. Leaning against the wall.

On the other side, Hinata's team watching also watched, but didn't comment on the fight or show worry for their fellow former academy classmate. Not far from them was Naruto's team. For Kakashi and Sakura, it was easy to see they were worried.

"My Chakra! You're stealing it from me." Sasuke yelled out in pain. Figuring it out at last.

Yoroi "You finally caught on, huh?"

That's right, Sasuke. He's draining your Chakra. Yoroi has an extraordinary Ninja art at his fingertips.' The male Sound sensei thought with a smirk. 'He can absorb an opponent's chakra with the palm of his hand. And once the last drop of your Chakra has been drained from you, Sasuke, you'll have no other choice but to rely on the power of the curse mark.'

Sasuke's hand twitched weakly before, he had enough. "Get off me!" He yelled as he moved his feet and kicked Yoroi away, the boy sprawled on his back.

However, the boy was able to get back on his feet easily as Sasuke struggled to do so.

"So, you've still got some strength left, huh? Impressive- for a guinea pig." Yoroi mocked.

'Woah. That was close.' Sasuke thought as he panted.

"Don't worry, little man. I'll make it short and sweet." Yoroi promised as his hand once again glowed as he charged at Sasuke.

The boy getting up as he wobbled slightly on his tired legs. Yoroi growling as his fist swung out only to be dodged by Sasuke. Managing to stay out of Yoroi's grip.

He can't keep that up forever.' Neji thought. Seeing Sasuke barely dodge Yoroi's palm by a hair. Grunting a little in pain and moving far slower than before.

"What's the matter? Is that really the best you can do?" Yoroi taunted as Sasuke tried to spin kick him only to jump away.

Sasuke evaluated the situation as he panted, grasping at straws to find a quick solution to end and win this fight. 'Don't have the speed to keep away from him, and don't have a chance at a close quarters fight. I need to think of something fast.'

Behind Yoroi and up on the balcony, Gaara watched in disappointment. 'The great Sasuke Uchiha. Is that all he's got.

Come on, Sasuke!' Sakura urged as she slightly sweated in fear and worry.

Rock Lee who was standing beside her was also worried and frowned at the development of the on going battle. Expecting more, after their brief fight the day of the first exams. Naruto decided to mock Sasuke.

"Hey, Sasuke. What was that? And you said you wanted fight me. Come on weakling try harder?" Naruto said making the boy look over his shoulder at him.

Continuing his rant, Naruto. "You're going to let some goon walk all over you. Come on, stop messing around and get it in gear.

Sasuke continued to pant as he looked at Naruto and Lee. 'They're all- wait! That's it!' He knew exactly what to do.

"Huh?" Hayate asked as he noticed the slight difference in Sasuke's eyes.

In front of him, Yoroi's hand glowed as he prepared to attack, having enough of being ignored. "I'll teach you to turn your back on me." He charged. "Big mistake, and your last!"

Sasuke dodging left, right, left, center, up, left, and center to avoid Yoroi's hand and backing away.

The Sound sensei, Kakashi, and the third proctor each watching intently on the fight.

'Is this as far as it goes?' Hayate wondered.

Dodging left, center, up, Sasuke smirked before he disappeared from Yoroi's eye sight.

"Huh? Where did he go?" Yoroi asked alarmed.

Rock Lee gasped as he watched Sasuke fall backwards to the ground, his right arm and leg holding him off the ground as his left sent a kick straight to Yoroi's jaw sending the ninja flying as Sasuke flipped over his body like a dog and jumped up after his opponent.

'That's my move.' Rock Lee recognized, a little upset and overall shocked Sasuke was doing it.

Guy-sensei shared similar sentiments as he also recognized his students' move. 'What the?'

If Gaara was surprised, he didn't show it. Kakashi was shocked. He had never seen Sasuke ever use that move before in training and wondering where it came from. The Sound sensei smirked at the skill his prey showed. Neji was amazed, seeing the Uchiha seemed to make a comeback after all that time of bellowing in pain and dodging, this turn of events was interesting. Shino's expression was hidden due to his coat while Sakura's was in near disbelief.

Yoroi soon came to his senses, though he couldn't believe what happened. Behind him, Sasuke had a mini-monologue. "OK, I admit it. I kind of borrowed that move. But from here on in, it's all original." He said as he placed his left pointer and index finger tips into the middle of Yoroi's back.

"A Dancing Leaf Shadow!" Yoroi recognized.

Below, Sakura and Hayate watched intently.

Meanwhile, Sasuke's body had become immobile as the curse mark began to spread and glowed an angry fiery red.

"No, not again!" Sasuke yelled. "It keeps getting stronger and stronger." The mark reaching as it crawled along his skin and towards his eye. Soon coving half of his face in the process. The Sound sensei's smile never once left his face.

Everyone watching was tense. The Hokage, the first two proctors, Iruka-sensei and Sakura all were worried.

For Sasuke, he became caught up in his memories. Recalling the time, Naruto had defeated him and what he just spouted.

'Shut up, loser. Don't write me off yet.' Sasuke thought slightly ticked off about it, determined not to lose.

From his position, Kakashi readied himself in case he had to jump in and intervene like he said he would. 'Is this it?'

'No! I won't let this thing take over. No way!' Sasuke screamed in his thoughts as the curse mark receded from his skin in had once covered. Moving back to the three tomoe it originally was and turning black in dormancy.

The Sound sensei's smile receding as well to be replaced by a frown and narrowing of his eyes. Along with Kakashi's.

Anko was shocked to say the least. 'The curse mark receded!'

Sasuke only smirked. "Here we go."

Startling Yoroi as Sasuke turning slightly in the air to place his palm on Yoroi's back. Knowing what was coming next, Yoroi turned to block Sasuke's kick.

"You're no match for me." Yoroi taunted.

Sasuke then turning the other way.

'Who's no match for who?' Sasuke said mocking Yoroi.

Sasuke then smacked his arm into Yoroi's face, sending the ninja flying down and they both finally began to lose momentum. He then punching Yoroi in the gut. "Come back here!" he yelled as they went down faster. "I'm not done yet!" Then using his foot, Sasuke kicked Yoroi and smacked the ninja even harder into the unforgiving floor of the arena. "Lions Barrage!"

Everyone growing serious as they watched what happened next. Yoroi crying out in pain as blood leaked from his masked mouth and Sasuke skidded away and eventually slowing down and flipping over head over heels as he came to a stop.

Hayate watching Sasuke closely as the boy tumbled. Yoroi's body had created a slight crater from the impact as he was knocked unconscious. Neither of the boys moved, though Yoroi looked the worse of the two with the blood leaking from his mouth and mask.

Walking over to check on Yoroi, Hayate gave his verdict on the ninja before him "Well, this one's had it." Glancing back at Sasuke, while he was panting from the exertion, Sasuke was able to get back up onto his knees.

Panting, Sasuke wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as he continued to pant and rest on his knees.

"I'm declaring this match over." Hayate announced as he stood up and pointed to Sasuke. "As the winner of this preliminary round, Sasuke Uchiha advances to the finals."

Sakura emitting a sound of delight.

Sitting on his butt, Sasuke panted as he started to fall backwards in near exhaustion. Closing his eyes until he was startled into alertness as his back bumped into something that wasn't the floor along with a puff of smoke.

"Hm, not bad." Kakashi completed as appeared behind Sasuke and propped him up with his bent right leg as he focused his attention on his red book.

Sasuke took it as a complement to him as he turned his head to look at his sensei, and he smiled.

"Funny. Before the Lions Barrage, your technique was very reminiscent of Guy's Taijutsu. You must have used your Sharingan to copy it when you fought with Rock Lee that time." Kakashi guessed, hitting the nail on the head.

You OK?" Naruto said he walked up to Sasuke

"Hey, Sasuke! You won, but in such an uncool way. You came out looking like you're the one who got beat up" Naruto mocked as he laughed on.

"Idiot. Give me a break, you little-" Sasuke started to snap at him before pausing and letting it go with a smile. Too tired to fool around with the goofball and relived he had won. "Oh, well."

Sakura couldn't help but smile. 'Sasuke, thank goodness.'

Rock Lee expressed nothing as he stared at Sasuke.

Noticing, Sasuke stared back as he continued to pant. 'Rock Lee. If I hadn't seen your moves up close when we went head to head, this one would have turned out badly.' He thought as the memory of the fight flashed in his mind. Smiling until his body kindly reminded him of all the stress in had undergone and the lack of chakra and energy, His body shaking in the aftershocks. 'Still, I don't think it's a technique I want to use very often.'

Rock Lee watched Sasuke in amazement. 'Amazing. He only saw me do it once, and he was able to copy it perfectly.' He too recalled the fight between them. 'So that is your special ability? You really are something, Sasuke. You just keep getting stronger all the time. You make me almost a little nervous.' He thought sweating just a bit.

Guy-sensei watched his pupil as he thought about what he had just witnessed. 'Impressive.' He complemented before turning serious. 'But you can't expect to master high speed Taijutsu and Lotus movements just like that. It takes more than Sharingan.' He thought, slightly peeved.

'It takes blood, and sweat, and brutal training that whittles away your flesh. Even so, that last move of yours- he reminds me of you, Kakashi, when you were young.' Guy thought as he glanced at his rival.

"Wait I am seeing double. There are two Kakashis. One adult and a kid." Guy thought as he looked at Naruto and Kakashi

He rubbed his eyes before opening them. Guy saw that Naruto vanished.

"My eyes were playing tricks on me." Guy

From the frown on Neji's face, he wasn't pleased with the results.

Watching him, Tenten counldn't help but think, 'Last year, Neji Hyuga was the rookie to beat.' Looking back as Sasuke, 'This year, it's Sasuke Uchiha. I wonder when we'll find out which one's stronger.' She thought before laughing in the recesses of her mind.

'The kid is something else. To already have developed his Sharingan to such a high level. And to think, we haven't even seen his full Uchiha ability yet.' Kakashi thought. Pondering all the things Sasuke could potentially do in the future.

'I still can't believe it. The way the curse mark receded, as if he gained over control of it.' Anko thought in fear, never having such control over the one that plagued her. She wasn't sure if it was Orochimaru's curse mark that caused her fear or the kid himself that scared her more.

The Hokage was impassive and calm, but he too was a little unnerved by what he had seen with the curse mark. Worrying for what the future would hold for the boy below and his own lost student.

Gaara on the other hand, was beginning to get antsy as his hand gripped the material of his own shirt. Slightly growling and making fuming sounds as he began to shake.

Kankuro noticed this with dread. 'Oh, no.' He groaned. 'Not again!'

Wow. He was amazing." Hinata complemented sweetly.

"He wasn't anything that special." Kiba replied gruffly, ever since the academy, Kiba had tried to get an edge or one up the Uchiha. His pride would never allow him to openly complement the other ninja, no matter how impressed he truly was. The first part of the fight hadn't been that impressive.

The Sound sensei was shaking in glee. Enraptured by the performance and the ability of his prey to come out on top. Chucking a bit as his tongue slipped past his lips to lick them. 'Magnificent!' He thought before a hand reached as grabbed his tongue and jerked it.

Meanwhile, three medic-ninja came out with a stretcher and carried Yoroi away. The third staying behind to address Sasuke as the others went on ahead. "Sasuke Uchiha, maybe you should come along to the infirmary, too, and let us treat your injuries."

"I think you're out of your league with this one." Kakashi told him.

"Huh?" The medic asked.

"I'll look after him." Kakashi assured him. "OK, up you go. You're coming with me." He said in a carefree tone as he kneeled down and whispered to the Uchiha. "We've got to seal that curse mark."

"Before the preliminaries are over?" Sasuke protested. "I want to see who gets to go on to the finals."

"Forget it." Kakashi said seriously, leaving no room for arguments. "And don't even think of arguing. If we leave it any longer, who knows. It may be too late. I've already cut you enough slack as it is."

Sasuke was practically sulking as he didn't move a muscle.

Seeing this, Kakashi urged him on. "Come on. Let's go."

Still sulking, Sasuke did as his sensei said.

Sakura observing with concern as they left. 'Sasuke!'


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