Homesick | Charles Leclerc

Από tonysnarky

362K 8.1K 761

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... Περισσότερα

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.2K 41 3
Από tonysnarky

FP1 and FP2 had gone well for Alexandra. She managed to secure a spot in the top six in both sessions and qualified in P5 for the race. However, her car developed a technical issue that forced her to sit out of the sprint race, which only added to her frustration.

By Sunday, tensions in the Red Bull garage were at an all-time high. After a heated altercation with Helmut Marko, who had made a derogatory comment about her driving abilities being affected by her emotions as a woman, the garage had fallen into an uncomfortable silence. Everyone was on edge, dreading the moment when Alexandra would finally unleash her pent-up anger.

The day of the race had arrived, and anticipation was in the air. Max started at the front, with the McLarens close behind in second and third. The race kicked off, and Daniel seized the lead on the first lap. Alexandra had worked her way up to fourth from her fifth-place start. The race was flying by, almost as fast as the cars were driving around the track.

With a steady hand and some precision, Lexi was trying her hardest to stay focused and keep progressing. The race was going in her favour, and by lap 19, she knew she had. Good chance of a podium if she played her cards right. However, things started to go downhill as James continued to try to talk her her through the radio.

As she became more irate, the crowd and commentators began to notice the difference in her personality this weekend.

However, her frustration grew when James, made a mistake on the radio.

"Max is pitting now, so you need to come in this lap too."

"Copy." She replied coldly.

"Wait, stay out. Max has an issue."


"Stay out! Stay out!"

As James instructed her not to pit just before she was about to turn into the pit lane, her anger boiled over, and she angrily shouted over the radio, "Get your shit together!"

Alexandra's fiery outburst had left her racing emotions in turmoil. She switched off her radio, silencing Christian who had been trying to calm her down.

Around the circuit, the experienced voices of the Formula 1 commentary team, Martin Brundle and Ted Kravitz, shared their astonishment at this unusual display of anger from Alexandra Heroux.

Brundle, in his typically dramatic fashion, exclaimed, "Well, I've seen Alexandra Heroux in some intense situations over the past few months, but this, Ted, this is something else!"

Kravitz chimed in, his voice filled with disbelief, "You're absolutely right, Martin. It's not like her at all. She's usually the epitome of calm and composure."

As Alexandra's rage had pushed her, she was left in a fierce battle with emotions, her opponents, and the clock. Christian's voice had crackled over the radio, his tone soothing and concerned. He pleaded, "Alexandra, please, let's get back in the game. Stay focused."

But in her storm of frustration, she had shut him out.

As Alexandra's anger flared, the intensity of the race reached a boiling point. Ignoring James' instructions to pit, she kept her foot on the gas, her fury propelling her forward. As she and Hamilton exited the pit lane side by side, Max and Lando were charging up the straight alongside them. The track was a battleground, a chaotic mix of engines roaring and tires screeching.

Norris managed to make his move, swiftly passing the two red cars. Verstappen was hot on his heels, maintaining his focus and determination. He was determined to overtake Alexandra and Hamilton, unaware of the brewing chaos ahead.

In the heat of the moment, Alexandra had tunnel vision. Her only goal was to get ahead of both Hamilton and Verstappen, consequences be damned. As they approached the Variante Del Rettifilo, a right-left chicane, Hamilton attempted to defend his position. He edged his car to the left, trying to block Verstappen and force him to the outside. Unbeknownst to him, Alexandra was also inching alongside Verstappen, driven by her unrelenting desire to seize the advantage.

Verstappen found himself in a precarious position, almost level with Hamilton. He was granted just enough room for the first corner but then felt the vice grip of Hamilton's car as they entered the tight left-hander. Verstappen held the inside line, but with three cars vying for the same space, disaster seemed inevitable.

In that tense moment, with anger clouding her judgment, Alexandra had no concern for the position of Hamilton or Verstappen. She was single-mindedly focused on surging ahead. Hamilton, unable to break free, was trapped between two charging Red Bulls, neither showing any sign of relenting. It was a recipe for disaster, and the inevitability of another collision hung in the air.

Tensions had reached a boiling point as Verstappen's car collided with the curbs, causing it to bounce violently. His right rear tire struck Hamilton's rear left with a resounding thud. Unrelenting in her pursuit, Alexandra was on the attack, pushing her car forward. In the heat of the moment, none of the drivers seemed to consider the dangerous repercussions of their actions.

Max's Red Bull, pushed to its limits, was sent hurtling through the air. It twisted slightly as it descended, ultimately landing on top of Hamilton's Mercedes. The two cars, locked in a perilous embrace, found themselves marooned in the unforgiving gravel trap. Gasps of shock echoed around the circuit, and an eerie silence seemed to hang over the track.

But chaos didn't end there. Alexandra's car, a maelstrom of fury and recklessness, spun out of control. In her relentless drive to overtake her rivals, she paid no heed to the potential consequences. Her vehicle, caught in the devastating web of the crash, struck both Max's Red Bull and Lewis's Mercedes in a cataclysmic and terrifying sequence of events.

As the cars collided, metal scraped against metal, tires disintegrated, and the laws of physics seemed to unravel. Alexandra's car, caught in the chaos she had inadvertently sown, was sent careening and flipping in a breathtaking and catastrophic display of mechanical mayhem. The vehicle slammed into Max's Red Bull and Lewis's Mercedes before ultimately being flung into the unforgiving trackside barriers.

As her car flipped through the air, Alexandra was caught in a traumatic flashback. The cacophony of the collision brought back haunting memories of the night of her mother's car accident. She vividly remembered the deafening noise of metal bending and twisting, the relentless pounding in her head, and the sight of her mother's lifeless body.

For an agonizing moment, the world watched in stunned silence. Alexandra's reckless pursuit of victory had culminated in a spectacular and dangerous accident, the consequences of which were unknown. The fate of the drivers hung in the balance, and the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on the track.

The Red Bull garage plunged into an eerie silence, the tension nearly suffocating. James sat frozen, his eyes locked onto the screens, the world around him fading to a surreal blur. Smoke billowed relentlessly from the wreckage of his sister's car, which lay upside down, wedged perilously into the unyielding barrier.

Amidst the heart-pounding chaos, GP's panicked voice barely penetrated the fog of disbelief. "Max! Max, are you okay?" he shouted desperately, his voice lost in the deafening symphony of chaos. A ghostly, horrified gaze was fixed on the screens as James faced GP, his skin drained of color, eyes wide and uncomprehending. He locked eyes with Christian, their shared dread binding them together.

"I'm okay. Is Ally okay?" Max's words came in a strained, trembling voice as he tried to assess his own condition amidst the wreckage. But in the gut-wrenching silence that followed, a void of anxiety filled the air, a darkness that gnawed at James's very soul. "What the fuck was she doing?"

"Guys! Is Ally okay?!" Max demanded, his voice breaking James free from the chains of shock that had bound him moments ago.

With trembling hands, he seized his radio, his voice quivering as he implored, "Ally? Are you okay?" No response, only a haunting silence that sent shivers down his spine, making his panic palpable. He turned to Christian, searching for answers, finding only dread.

"Max, she's not responding," Christian confirmed, his voice laden with the same anguish that gripped them all. Time was racing, life slipping away, and they were helpless witnesses to the unfolding tragedy.

Without pause, Max burst from his car, leaving it behind without a second thought. There was no need to check on Lewis; Max could tell he was unharmed. Stewards rushed onto the scene, waving the yellow flags frantically, but their urgency only fueled the heart-pounding panic.

Lexi, trapped in the wreckage, her radio system crushed, fought desperately to free herself. She yanked at the tangled straps of her harness, her breaths coming in panicked gasps. The world had been reduced to a cacophony of groaning metal and her own racing heartbeat.

Amidst the chaos, Max's voice sliced through her fear, calling out for her in a panic. She pushed harder, summoning every ounce of strength, and then, with a final heave, she managed to free herself. Stumbling to the ground, she heard Max's footsteps approaching and felt his strong arms hoist her to her feet. Together, they both stared at the twisted wreckage of the Mercedes in front of them.

Lexi's eyes were drawn to the angle of the wheel, and the shock hit her like a bolt of lightning. The tire mark on the helmet — Lewis's helmet — was just inches away from where the tire should have made contact. Her heart tightened, and her voice cracked as she screamed, "Lewis!"

Her anger, her frustration, her resentment towards her brother — all forgotten in the face of the brutal reality. She screamed his name again, her hands trembling as she raced towards the wrecked Mercedes. She needed to know he was okay.

Lexi reached the car, and the moment she laid eyes on her brother, her heart leaped with relief. Lewis moved; he was alive. He fumbled with the buckles and finally managed to get them undone. As the shock subsided, Lexi helped him crawl out of the wreck. Her trembling hands reached for his helmet, peeling it away to reveal his face, battered and dusty.

Lewis's voice, calm and reassuring, broke through the tumult. "I'm okay, Ally. I'm okay."

Lexi was a wreck. The worry, the fear of losing her brother, was etched across her face. Her eyes locked onto the tire marks on his helmet. She couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. With a guttural sob, she enveloped him in a tight, crushing hug.

Tears streamed down her face as she held him. All the pent-up anger, all the frustration she had felt towards Lewis, had vanished in an instant. She realized that, in the end, he was her brother, and the love and the bond they shared were stronger than any animosity.

Lewis, too, felt the gravity of the moment. He gently held her, soothing her with his words. "It's okay, Ally. We're both here. We're both okay."

The chaos of the race and the fierce rivalry had faded into the background. The accident had reminded them that, beyond the competition and the feuds, they were family.

Amid the chaos of the track, Ally, still holding onto Lewis, began to apologize, her voice trembling with emotion. She admitted her faults, her anger, and her jealousy towards him. Lewis, still wincing from the pain in his neck, comforted her with a gentle smile. He told her that it was okay, that he forgave her, and she didn't have to carry the burden of her actions any longer.

But Lexi's remorse went deeper than he could have anticipated. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had behaved horribly, letting anger and resentment cloud her judgment. Her tears flowed freely, and she admitted, "I don't deserve forgiveness, Lewis. I've acted like a terrible person."

As she cried, her mind betrayed her. The sight of Lewis holding his neck reminded her of another moment in her life, one marked by tragedy. Her mother, with her neck bent at an odd angle, after a devastating accident. The vivid memory sent shivers down her spine, and her sobs intensified. She couldn't bear to lose Lewis too.

"Lew. I can't lose you too. Please. Don't let me lose you too. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."

Amid her tears and her heart-wrenching words, Lewis held her, understanding the depth of her panic and the pain she carried. He whispered to her that he wasn't going anywhere, that he wasn't going to leave her.

"Al, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here. No matter what happens, or what we fight over, we're family, okay? I'm sorry I was so selfish, I'm sorry I considered it."

Their embrace unfolded on the track's large screens, a heartwarming and concerning display of vulnerability from two F1 drivers. Lewis reassured Ally, whispering words of apology and understanding. He told her that he was sorry for even considering leaving her, acknowledging the selfishness of his thoughts.

But Lexi, in her own self-reflection, didn't want Lewis to shoulder the blame. She brushed away her tears to look him in the eye. "No, you were just being human," she whispered back. "It's me who's been selfish. I've been jealous of your friendship with my brother, and your relationship with Theo. I was scared I'd get left behind."

As stewards approached, leading them away from the wreckage, Lexi's wobbling legs made her stumble slightly, and she laughed weakly. The gravity of the accident, the shock of it all, was beginning to set in, and it was clear that they were both in a state of shock.

Lewis held her close, realizing that the traumatic accident had pulled back the curtain on their deepest fears and vulnerabilities, revealing that their bond as family was stronger than any feud or resentment.

Back in the pit lane, a tense silence hung in the air as everyone watched the trio of Lexi, Max, and Lewis being helped into a medical car. Their faces told the story of an accident that had shaken them to their core.

Charles, anxiety gnawing at him, rushed over to the Red Bull pit wall after hopping out of his car, ignoring his engineer and Carlos' shouts. He ran over to where Christian and James were both sitting in a state of silent shock. He urgently inquired about what had happened, his voice strained with concern and frustration.

"What happened?"

James, still trying to process the harrowing events of the past few minutes, sighed heavily. He lifted his shoulders in a shrug and said, "It was just Lexi, acting out of anger. She..." he trailed off, finding it difficult to put into words what had transpired.

Charles couldn't contain his frustration and anger, and he vented it by hitting the nearby fence. He couldn't comprehend how Lexi had allowed her emotions to drive her to such reckless behavior. The accident could have cost her life.

"How can she be so stupid? She could have died!"

Christian, the voice of reason in the situation, moved closer to Charles and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Charles, Alexandra is okay," he said, his tone firm. "She's being looked after. She's safe."

After a few moments, Charles began to relax slightly, realizing that Lexi was indeed alive and under medical care. His focus then shifted to James, who was sitting with a lost and haunted look on his face as he stared at the screens replaying the horrifying accident. Concerned, Charles asked James if he was okay, his voice filled with empathy and genuine worry.

"Mate, are you ok?"

James slowly turned his gaze towards Charles and, in a voice barely above a whisper, admitted, "I could have lost them both." The weight of what had almost happened weighed heavily on his heart.

The accident replayed on screens all around the track, drawing the attention of spectators and pundits alike. In the commentary booth, Brundle and Kravitz provided their insights into the incident as it unfolded.

"An intense moment in the race, Crofty," Brundle began, his voice tinged with concern.

Kravitz nodded in agreement, his eyes locked on the screens. "Absolutely, Martin. It's a tight battle between Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton. They've been wheel-to-wheel through this section."

The footage showed Lexi making a daring move, attempting to squeeze her way through the two cars. It was a risky maneuver, and one that might have worked if Max and Lewis had not collided.

"The real question is, did Alexandra Heroux's move cause this accident, or was it a result of the close-quarters racing between Max and Lewis?" Brundle pondered.

Kravitz chimed in, "It's hard to say, Martin. Lexi was certainly aggressive, but there was no contact between her and either Max or Lewis. She was attempting to overtake safely."

As the replay continued, the conclusion became clear. Max and Lewis had made contact with each other, sending Lewis's car veering into Lexi's path.

"In hindsight, it seems like Max and Lewis were already making contact, and Lexi's move could have worked if they hadn't collided," Brundle noted, a hint of regret in his voice.

Kravitz agreed, "You're right, Martin. It's one of those unfortunate racing incidents where everything happens in the blink of an eye. While she was certainly making an aggressive move, it's a shame that Heroux's race ended like that. Lewis and Max's too. Had they not collided, we would have seen an excellent race."

The analysis suggested that Lexi's aggressive maneuver was not the direct cause of the accident. Had Max and Lewis managed to avoid contact, she might have completed the move safely. The discussion added a layer of complexity to the incident, showing that sometimes in Formula 1, a sequence of events can conspire to create a dramatic and potentially dangerous outcome.

Toto, Eleanor and Theo joined the group at the Red Bull garage, their faces solemn.

As Toto confirmed the well-being of the drivers, Christian nodded with concern and determination. "I'll go check on them," he said.

Toto expressed his intention to accompany Christian, and with a glance, he motioned for Charles and James to follow. Eleanor had already begun guiding Theo away from the accident scene, but she was clearly struggling to explain the situation to the young boy. She tried to shield him from the distressing images on the screens as he asked, "Is that Ally and Lew?"

Eleanor responded, "Yes, baby. They had an accident, but they're okay. We're going to go and see them, right, guys?" She looked to Charles, James, and Theo, who nodded.

Theo's face displayed a mix of sadness and confusion. "But I wanted Aunt Ally to win," he pouted, feeling disappointed by the turn of events.

Charles knelt down to be at Theo's eye level, his voice gentle and comforting. "Theo, when you see her, make sure you tell her that."

Theo looked even more puzzled by the suggestion. "Why?" he asked innocently.

James stepped in to provide an answer. "Because, I think it will make her smile," he said.

"And I think she might need to smile right now."

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