Sweet Love (NG5)

By pseudoannie

38.1K 7.2K 1.9K

(Complete) After decades, it's the end of an era on The Point. Change is inevitable and Will Drake doesn't li... More

Sweet Love
1 - No Hailey
2 - Virginia
3 - Family
4 - Home
5 - Secret
6 - The best two
7 - Nick
8 - Duty
9 - Spring break
10 - Rumors
11 - Kitty Kat
12 - Pops
13 - The Point
14 - Her dream
15 - Blacklisted
16 - Maine
17 - Retired
18 - The same
19 - New boss
20 - Change
21 - Secrets
22 - New
23 - Double agent
24 - The man
25 - Offense
26 - Limited
27 - Vacation
28 - Friends
29 - Chef to chef
30 - Womb mate
31 - Just friends
32 - Happiness
33 - Again
34 - Self centered
35 - For good
36 - Merry Christmas
37 - Tickets
38 - No secrets
39 - BFF
40 - Number four
41 - Tequila
42 - Chef
43 - Break
44 - Now
46 - Timing
47 - Yelp
48 - Venti
49 - Helpless
50 - Team
51 - Blah, blah, blah
52 - Commencement
53 - Favor
54 - After all
55 - Everyone
56 - Can't
57 - March

45 - Love

669 135 33
By pseudoannie

Kat woke with Will's erection poking into her. The night before felt like a dream, but she wasn't hungover. She hadn't had a drink. He couldn't love her. Love equaled hurt and loss. She felt things for him, but she refused to call it love.

At least she had slept with Will, after weeks of listening to people who thought she already had. Before it was like wearing a Minnie Mouse shirt, but never going to Disney World. Everyone assumed she had and wanted to know if she liked Space Mountain better than Splash Mountain. Kat hadn't been to the theme park since she was ten.

Until her night with Will, she had sex for the first time and every other time with Bryce. Was it that awesome at the beginning of her relationship? She remembered she didn't climax during the first bunch of times. Even when she learned how, it didn't happen every time. With Will it was easy, with Bryce the finger was for foreplay and then it was all about him getting off. Will used his finger to make sure she received pleasure before him. When he entered her on top, he brought her over the edge with no help.

His voice was gruff with sleep. "What are you thinking about?"

"What position you'll choose next."

He laughed. "You chose the first one. It's your turn again."

"It has to be quick. I need to make muffins."

"I'm ready. Are you?" He reached around and dipped his finger between her folds. Slowly he teased and stroked until she was squirming against his erection panting. He chuckled. "Do you want me like this?"

Kat froze she had never, but he slipped in where he should with her leg up on his thigh. Again his finger added external stimulation. Both were breathless with racing hearts in no time.

He kissed her cheek. "You said, quick. Now go bake." With a pat on her butt cheek.

In one night, she learned more from Will than in ten years. If he called again, she would let him know he sucked as a lover. Bryce was Story Land, the lame place for kids in New Hampshire. She went to Disney World, and it was amazing.

Feeling slightly disappointed, Will let her shower on her own. He watched her dress with a big smile on his face. "Put the coffee on, love."

She stopped and forced her next step. He said he loved her. Her heart raced and her hands felt clammy. Excitement and fear was a dangerous cocktail, but she had coffee to make and baking to do. The first pot was brewing when Will appeared with damp hair. Him in her shower made her tummy roll.

No one would know he was in the same clothes because he wore similar ones every day. The only time he wore nice pants was on their date to Oliver's restaurant.

"Are you working out today?"

He shrugged. "It's Sunday. I might rest. You're off tonight, right?"

She smiled. "Did you memorize my schedule?"

He smiled. "Guilty. Do you want to check out another restaurant in Portland?"

"Another date?"

He laughed. "And this time I hope to get lucky."

She rolled her eyes, but after no sex for a year, she couldn't get enough. He watched her put ingredients in her large mixer. "Do you want coffee?"

"I can wait. I enjoy watching. What kind are you making?"

"The lemon blueberry. You like them."

"I like everything you make." He stepped close to her. Her shampoo smelled sexy on him. With his lips against her neck, he said, "I meant what I said." He stepped back at the bell. "It's okay if you don't yet. You will."

She nervously chuckled and wondered if it was not loving him or the fact she might care that had her so uncomfortable. She walked to the counter and smiled at a regular.

"Not taking Sunday off?" They opened later on the weekend. During the week, the marina was empty by six.

"Just doing some maintenance on the boat. The grandkids are coming over later."

She poured two coffees and sent him off with a smile. The other cup was for Will, and as he took it, their fingers brushed. He leaned in, but she turned her head. "You're distracting. I need to get these in the oven before it gets busy."

Sunday mornings started slow, but by eight there would be a constant five or six people in line. Once the muffins were ready, that number doubled.

"I'll leave you, but tonight, you and me. If you don't want to go out, I'll cook for you."

"That's a first."

"Then let's do it. My place at five. Bring your toothbrush."

She laughed. "I have to work in the morning."

"Then I'll bring one to leave here."

After he left, she couldn't stop thinking about an extra toothbrush next to hers. Why had everything seemed easier when it was her and Bryce? Life had gotten in the way. She wasn't young and naïve.

Oliver came in just as she put the muffins in the oven. "How was last night?"

How did he know? Right, duh. "Busy. How about you?"

"Same. March can be weird. Everyone is tired of the cold, so they stay home unless the temperature goes up. There aren't many tourists."

"I suppose it's not a spring break hot spot. I have my two kids home this week."

He nodded. "Beth said they were around. She said Lana is teasing Will about you two."

She shook her head. "It's hard to trust him after... You know what happened."

Oliver paused and said, "Follow your heart. It took me and Beth six years to get the timing right."

"That's a good reason. The timing is off. He spends six months in Buffalo."

"So you go see him."

"What about my job? My baking?"

He shrugged. "Hire someone."

"You forgot I'm just the employee."

She could take two or three days off occasionally, if the man agreed. Will traveled during the season, so it wouldn't be every week. Feeling foolish, because she hadn't seen her parents since Christmas, but she wanted to go to Buffalo. Maybe in the fall, but she couldn't leave in the summer. None of it mattered because the man wouldn't let her. She could leave when her eighteen months were up, but she didn't want to. The Point felt like home. She came as a stranger and had joined the family.

"I gotta go. We're going to the Children's Museum this afternoon. I need to get my prep in early."

Kat thought about all the chopping. It was a part of the job she didn't miss.

Janice came in before Kat took the muffins out of the oven. Kat posted a picture and waited to see who would be first. Janice said Alex, but Kat's money was on John. They were both wrong when Jake Watson stepped through the door.

"The grandkids love your muffins."

Janice teased him that he was too young to be a grandfather. Kat laughed because she used the same line on Mike Bassett. His son would be an uncle while still learning to tie his shoes.

The morning and afternoon passed without seeing Will. Kat felt foolish missing him. Every time she thought of their night together, her belly flipped. Janice asked her more than once if she was too warm.

"I'm the one with hot flashes." The older woman laughed and mumbled something about her hotty. Kat rolled her eyes, but feared her employee was right.

Dressing to go to Will's condo should not require a huge decision. Kat wanted to look good without looking like she tried too hard. While skinny jeans might be the obvious answer, they didn't come off easily. If blushing all day told her anything, she wanted her jeans off, Will's pants too. Will was skilled enough to handle tight denim. With her hands on her cheeks, she muttered, "Quite skilled."

The distance between The Landing and Will's condo made it seem silly to drive, but the causeway wasn't a well lit city street. Kat didn't miss the city, most days she didn't miss her restaurant. Starting work early, but having evenings off made her feel like a normal person.

When she stepped into his condo, she took in the aroma. "Whatever you made smells delicious."

"Just some baked pasta. You stick with fancy pastas."

She laughed. "Fancy?"

"You know pesto and garlic sauce, not red sauce."

She chuckled. "Because my restaurant wasn't Italian. I'm not Sam."

Will laughed. "There is only one Sam." Will stepped closer and brushed his lips over hers. She put her arms around him to keep him from moving away. "How was your day?"

She smiled. His eyes gazed into her to make her feel important. "It was good. The muffins sold fast. Janice was Janice."

He chuckled. "Teasing you?"

"Yes. Can we stop talking and kiss?"

Will let out a hearty laugh before capturing her lips. She hadn't imagined the attraction as her knees went weak. Leaning against him, she wanted to be skin to skin with him moving inside her. In one day, she was addicted to him.

Pulling away, he smiled. "I like that greeting." She felt her cheeks. "You are so cute when you're embarrassed."

"Then Janice had me cute all day."

Chuckling, he said, "I wish I had your salad dressing. You should bottle it."

"The man would never go for it, plus it's a huge deal. This way customers have to buy a salad to enjoy it."

"Even me?"

She poked his chest. "Even you." Tilting her head she looked at him. "Maybe I can make some for you. Better yet, teach you."

"I can only cook a few things."


"Yes, it's getting cold."

He pulled a pan with melted cheese and crumbs on the top. "That's not simple pasta. Where did you learn how to make it, your mother?"

He laughed. "Nora isn't a patient teacher. We, um, I used to get those meal boxes filled with ingredients. I still make some recipes."

"And this is one?" Will held the chair for her to sit. "Thanks."

"Yes. It's easy." He sat across from her.

"I've never had the need for those services."

He laughed. "Obviously."

"But I see the value. I mean it saves you from buying spices you might only use once."

He offered her the spoon to serve herself. The bread was warm next to a salad of fresh greens.

"That's why I only make a few. That way I use the spices."

"But you aren't exactly on the normal person's budget."

"No. After Lana's divorce my mother would freak if she ate a lean cuisine, but cooking for one isn't fun."

She tasted the tortellini in a creamy sauce. "This is delicious."

"You're just saying it." His neck and ears were pink.

"No. I like it. Your sister was married before?"

"Right out of college."

"What happened?"

"He was a jerk and cheated on her."


"She was devastated. They had been together since highschool. She went to school in Maine to be with him. But she picked up the pieces and started her business. Then she met Ryan, and they hated each other. The rest is history."

"I thought it was Jen and Alex who didn't get along."

Will laughed. "Them too. You didn't like me at first."

She smiled. "Not true, but you weren't on my side."

He frowned. "I want to always be, except for that stupid machine. I trust you completely."

"So if I buy a cappuccino machine it's over."

"Won't you be in breach of contract?"

She nodded. "Before I came I never drank straight coffee and now..."

"Now it's the best coffee on earth."

She smiled. "Something like that. What do you drink while you're away?"

Will shook his head and took her hand in his own. "I'd rather go without. I feel the same way about you. If it isn't you, then it's nobody. I meant it when I said I love you."

"It'll never work."

"If you love me too, we'll find a way."

She looked at their hands. "I promised never to give my heart away again. I don't want to be betrayed again, but you keep stealing it."

He squeezed her hand. "Does that mean you love me?"

She looked at him. "It means I'm working on it. I'm tired of fighting it."

Will smiled. "Let me know when you decide."

She felt like a weight was off her shoulders. "I promise. You'll be the first to know."

Will stood and pulled her out of her seat. She shrieked as he carried her to bed.

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