Sweet Love (NG5)

By pseudoannie

38.1K 7.2K 1.9K

(Complete) After decades, it's the end of an era on The Point. Change is inevitable and Will Drake doesn't li... More

Sweet Love
1 - No Hailey
2 - Virginia
3 - Family
4 - Home
5 - Secret
6 - The best two
7 - Nick
8 - Duty
9 - Spring break
10 - Rumors
11 - Kitty Kat
12 - Pops
13 - The Point
14 - Her dream
15 - Blacklisted
16 - Maine
17 - Retired
18 - The same
19 - New boss
20 - Change
21 - Secrets
22 - New
23 - Double agent
24 - The man
25 - Offense
26 - Limited
27 - Vacation
28 - Friends
29 - Chef to chef
30 - Womb mate
31 - Just friends
32 - Happiness
33 - Again
34 - Self centered
35 - For good
36 - Merry Christmas
37 - Tickets
38 - No secrets
39 - BFF
40 - Number four
41 - Tequila
42 - Chef
44 - Now
45 - Love
46 - Timing
47 - Yelp
48 - Venti
49 - Helpless
50 - Team
51 - Blah, blah, blah
52 - Commencement
53 - Favor
54 - After all
55 - Everyone
56 - Can't
57 - March

43 - Break

659 125 33
By pseudoannie

Nick had been counting the days and minutes until spring break. Since their breakup, Trinity had been flaunting her new boyfriend. Let the frat boy have her. He could keep her from being stupid in Fort Lauderdale. Nick wanted to catch up on sleep, see his friends and family, and make some money.

Sophie was already home from Boston and planned to pick him up at the Jetport. Nick felt an enormous relief when he stepped off the plane. Maine. Home.

Sophie ran across the pavement to embrace him. He caught her and they hugged. "I missed you." He closed his eyes. Their bond was beyond normal siblings.

"Me too, Nicky. We're almost done."

He smiled at the thought of coming back home for good. Sophie let go and turned towards the car. Nick saw her leaning against the car.

"Hey, Ivy. This is a surprise."

"Hi, Nick." She reached out to hug him.

Even with a half hug, it didn't feel the same as when he hugged Sophie. Her smile lit up her beautiful face. He cleared his throat. "How's your semester?"

"Good. How's sunny Florida?"

"Not as nice as cold Maine."

"Nicky, why did you go to Florida if you hate it so much?"

Only Sophie would ask the same question he had asked himself a million times. "You know I thought I wanted a warm climate." The grass is greener scenario. The minute a person crossed the street they saw their neighbor's lawn had weeds and thin patches. Nick didn't grow weary of being away until he was there for two years. "I'll be complaining about the snow next winter when I'm driving to classes in Portland."

"Did you get in?" Ivy asked from the back seat.

"Of course he did. He's extremely smart."

His womb mate and his fan club member, Abbie too.

"You'll do amazing!"

Ivy too. Nick smiled. "What's Ben up to?"

"Keira. They're inseparable. He wants to move out."

Nick could guess why. Sophie didn't hold back. "Will Keira move in with him?"

"I'm not sure. She doesn't think her father will be happy."

Nick gritted his teeth. "The guy who exposed her to the jerk."

Sophia had a different reaction. "Typical double standard. Cole and Anna lived together in Orono." Keira's brother lived with his girlfriend while they were away at college.

"They are married and having a baby, so it doesn't matter."

Sophie was like a dog with a bone. "Admit it Ivy, your dad would freak if you moved in with your boyfriend."

"Luca?" Nick asked.

"No." Ivy shook her head.

"Yeah, Luca. Hey, Nicky, what would you think if Ivy lived with Luca."

Nick made a fist. "Since they are both in school, there is no point."

"I'm not moving in with Luca. I'm not even dating him. But everyone is talking about Kat and Will, although she denies it."

Relief washed over Nick. Ivy deserved a guy better than Luca. "Does Will deny it?"

Ivy laughed. "No. He smiles. A lot."

"If I was as cool and successful as him, I'd be happy all the time."

Sophie laughed. "Ew, Nicky has a man-crush."

"No. I. Do. Not."

"Sophie, don't tease poor Nick. He just got home."

"Whose friend are you?" Sophie pouted.

"Both of yours, but I like Will too."

Everyone was quiet while Sophie drove. Nick saw a store that had closed and a new building being built. In two months, there were changes. Had he changed? Maybe since he dumped Trinity, and he spent more time with his old friends.

Ivy broke the silence. "Still in love?"

Sophie laughed. "It was never love."

Nick couldn't believe Sophie hadn't told Ivy he broke up with Trinity. He wanted to avoid the whole 'told you so', but he assumed his sister blabbed it to everyone.

"We aren't together."

"Seriously." Ivy perked up.

Sophie giggled. "Why do you think Kat says there is nothing between them?"

"She has a past." Ivy sounded certain.

Nick turned in his seat to look at Ivy. Even in the dark car, he could see her dark eyes meet his. "What kind of past?"

"The reason she left Boston. She's good enough to be working in a real restaurant."

Ivy always thought of things that he hadn't. It was her idea to ask Will to help find invisaboss.

Sophie sighed. "If you two are so interested, look her up."

He turned back to Ivy. "Do you want to?"

"It won't tell us why she isn't shouting for joy that Will likes her."

Would Ivy shout for joy? Nick needed to keep his head in the game. "Are you coming over? We can look together."

Sophie smiled. "You should. Maybe you'll learn something."

Neither spoke as Nick felt the excitement of home draw near. His mother ran out the door the minute the car stopped. He could imagine her pacing and his father trying to stop her with hugs or more. Peter followed his wife more slowly, in control. The minute Nick stood on the driveway, Megan hugged him.

"My boy."

Embarrassed, he said, "I missed you too, Mom."

"Nicky!" His dad embraced him next. "I'm proud of you."

"Following in your footsteps."

"You'll make your own path."

When he pulled away he frowned. "Where's Abbie?"

"She's at a friend's house. Maybe you can go pick her up. She'd like that."

"And you'll be glad not to."

"We've been carpooling kids for twenty years."

"We didn't go anywhere at two," Sophie complained. "Plus, Nick and I went everywhere together."

"Not baseball and..."

"But," Megan jumped in. "We loved doing it."

Peter winked. "Now you owe me."

Nick laughed. "I don't mind."

Ivy said, "I'll go with you for the drive."

Nick hoped the darkness hid his blush. Why was everyone smiling?

"Come in. Are you hungry?"

"I could eat. I'll take my things upstairs." He pulled his laptop out of his backpack and handed it to Ivy. "Hold this."

When he reached his room, he sighed. Then he lifted his arm and sniffed. It was hot in Florida and he had traveled. He could use another shower, but opted for more deodorant and a clean long sleeve shirt.

A plate of pasta sat on the table. He took his laptop from Ivy and opened it. She sat at the table next to him.

"What are you two up to?" Megan asked.

"Researching Kat."

"Did you hear about her and Will?"

"Does everyone know?"

"It's The Point." Peter laughed.

"What else is happening?"

"Anna's pregnant."

Nick listened as they mentioned others. He looked up when his mother said, "Kevin was home. He had his break this week."

"Is he still home?"

Megan shook her head. "He left."

Nick frowned as he opened a browser. He had lost touch with his old friend. "Here. Type." He pushed the device toward Ivy and picked up his fork.

She typed in Katherine Cousins. Nick hadn't remembered Kat was her nickname.

His mother continued, "Kat found her grandmother's cottage. It's on Gull."

"Cool." She had told him on a recent phone call, but he didn't call her out.

Ivy smiled. "My mother told me that at least five times. Gossiping is a tough business."

He ate as Ivy scrolled. Her nearness felt nice. Sophie sat across the table smiling. Nick glared at her and she picked up her phone. His twin could read his mind, but he could also read hers. She was thinking I told you so.

Liking Ivy was complicated. Ben was his best friend which made it weird. Nick was coming home after graduation, but Ivy had another year in New Hampshire. If that wasn't reason enough to wait, thirty was a long time away. Their fate would be eight years of dating or a breakup. Add another big reason not to, their mothers were best friends. It was too messy, although sitting next to her felt simple. He could easily reach for her hand. Wiping his palm on his jeans, he took another bite.

Sophie asked, "Did you find anything?"

"Maybe. Hold on." Ivy's capable fingers typed on his keyboard.

Nick stood to put his plate in the dishwasher. When he sat back down, Ivy leaned in. "Can we go upstairs?"

Sophie stood. "Come on Ivy, let's go to my room."

Nick picked up his laptop. "What time do I need to get Abbie?"

"Eleven." Peter sighed.

He smiled. "Dad, that's early. Text me the address."

Once upstairs, he slipped into Sophie's room. The girls sat on her bed deep in a discussion which stopped when he walked in. "Um, what did you find?" He held up his laptop.

"She had a restaurant. It closed. Look at this. She owned it with a guy."

"You found all that?"

"Yup. Too bad finding invisaboss wasn't as easy." Ivy frowned.

Sophie said, "I wonder what happened to her guy."

Ivy looked at the screen. "He's no Will."

Sophie smiled. "No one is."

Ivy shook her head. "There are some men." Nick held his breath unsure of what she was going to say. "Jimmy G for one."

"Even straight men know Jimmy Garoppolo is calendar material."

"Ew!" Both girls shrieked.

They didn't like their neighbors (and father) as sex symbols. Nick would be happy to look as good as his dad in twenty-something years. Maybe he should start running again. He hadn't worked out since he played baseball in highschool.

They talk about plans for the week including his work schedule until he had to leave to get Abbie. Sophie offered, but Nick shook his head. "She better be glad to see me."

"I'll be your navigator." Ivy stood to leave with him.

Nick shouldn't feel weird, but he had a girlfriend when they hung out over the summer. He assumed they were both single which felt like a humming force field between them.

Once they were both secured in the front seat, he cleared his throat. "So how's school?"

"Good. I like my classes. I've skied a few times."

He laughed. "Not possible at my school."

He learned to ski as a kid. They all had, since winter was longer than summer. Ivy's father, Dan used to take them. Nick's dad grew up poor and never learned to ski as a kid.

"But you don't like Florida?"

"It's not Florida specifically, it's being so far away."

Ivy's sweet voice filled their space. "Until you're tired of going out at night to get Abbie."

Nick frowned. "She'll be driving soon."

"Not for another year, plus some. Turn. It's in one of those neighborhoods past the tree farm."

"Florida doesn't have any back roads like this." The road was curvy and flanked with thick rows of trees on both sides. They drove away from the ocean into the woods in no time. He kept his speed down and his eyes on the road. "I'll be nervous when she's driving on these roads at night."

"Just like our parents."

He resisted the urge to ask if she was seeing anyone. Telling himself, he was just curious, but she posted pictures with the same kids all the time and two of them were guys. Sophie would tell him, but it wasn't worth her extra comments.

"Slow down. The street's on your right."

Ivy directed him to the correct house. From the driveway, he texted his sister. She flew out the door and jumped into his arms as he stood waiting. Lifting her up, he held her tight.

"My baby sister is all grown up."

She frowned when she saw Ivy, but their neighbor smiled. "I'll sit in the back. I was playing co-pilot."

Nick thanked her silently. Abbie talked the entire way home.

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