I.M.P Assassin [Helluva Boss...

By DragonKing100

75K 1.5K 1.5K

Y/n is the nephew of Blitzo and is an employee at a business that his uncle owns, called I.M.P (Immediate Mur... More

Murder Family
Loo Loo Land
Moving Out
Spring Broken
Truth Seekers
New Book
Queen Bee
The Circus
Seeing Stars

The Harvest Moon Festival

4.9K 117 66
By DragonKing100

[Stolas' Palace, Hell.]

Inside Stolas' room, Blitzo is shown lighting a cigarette on Stolas' bed while Stolas is laying next to him.

Stolas: I'm sorry for having to move our little rendezvous early. I have an engagement this month on the full moon.

Blitzo: When this happens, it's not really something I fuss about. But do you really need the book for this farm bullshit? I have like fifteen new clients waiting for heads to roll.

Stolas: As shocking as it may it seem, Blitzy, my grimoire is actually incredibly important. And it isn't supposed to b lent to itty bitty imps like yourself.

Stolas pinches Blitzo's cheeks before Blitzo shoves him away.

Stolas: The Harvest Moon is a very special occasion. It's been my annual duty to showcase it in the Ring of Wrath. It's celebrated by a very charming little festival with the locals.

Blitzo: Wrath, huh? My employees are from there. I've never really been there. I've heard it's full of inbred chuckle fucks. 

Stolas: Oh! Why don't you all join me at the festival? I can guarantee you all...

Stolas pulls the covers over his head and his head appears near Blitzo's crotch.

Stolas: ... special access. *chuckles*

Blitzo: Look, I told you, we're not bodyguards, okay? That was a onetime thing we did badly."

Stolas stands up with the bed covers on his head while tilting his head playfully.

Stolas: I'm simply offering a work-free day of fun. I feel quite safe at the Harvest Festival. It's the same every year.

Blitzo: Well if you promise this isn't some fuck fest invite, it does sound like it could be a blast and a half. Plus it's not like we can do jack shit without your book anyway.

Stolas: Aww, I'm sorry your clients will have to wait. 

Blitzo: Oh, fuck my clients!

[Millie's and Moxxie's apartment, Imp City.]

Moxxie and Millie are sleeping in bed together. Moxxie's phone lights up and rings, causing Moxxie to wake up and pick up the phone.

Moxxie: What do you want, sir?

Blito: Hey, sorry to wake you, Mox! How would you and Mils like to visit the Wrath Ring for some harvest bullshit this year?

At the mere mention of the Harvest Moon Festival, Millie sits up in excitement.

Millie: The Harvest Moon Festival?! Yee-fucking-haw!

Moxxie: Well, Millie likes the idea. Wait, where are you calling from?

Blitzo then fell from the ceiling onto the bed, followed by his phone which bonks him on the head.

Moxxie: Mhm, of course.

[Verosika's apartment, Imp City]

In the bedroom, Y/n and Verosika's voices and moans can be heard.

Verosika: *Moans* Oh! It's so deep!

Y/n: You're so tight! *moans* I think I'm gonna-!

Verosika: Inside! *moans* I want it inside!

Y/n/Verosika: *MOANS!!*

Verosika was laying on the bed with Y/n, both naked and panting from the long nightly love session.

Verosika: That was amazing baby.

Y/n: Well, it's easy to give it my all when I have such an amazing girlfriend.

Verosika: Aw, that's so sweet!

As they were about to lean into kiss, Y/n's phone goes off, interrupting them. Angered by the interruption, Verosika grabs Y/n's phone before he could, seeing it was Blitzo that was calling.

Verosika: Blitzo?! Ignore!

Verosika hits the ignore button, before looking back at Y/n with a sultry look.

Verosika: Now, where were we?

Verosika leaned in for a kiss. Y/n rolled his eyes at his girlfriend's antics, before gaining a smile and leaning. But before their lips could meet, Y/n's phone starts ringing again.

Verosika: THAT LITTLE- !!!

Y/n: Ok, calm down.

Y/n uses one hand to take his phone from verosika while he uses his other hand to cup her cheek.

Y/n: How about I take this call then we'll watch and cuddle? You can pick what we watch, Ok?

Verosika then had a look of joy and agreed to Y/n's offer.

Verosika: Okay, make it quick. I've be wanting to watch "Lust Island" with you.

Y/n: Really? Another reality dating show?

Verosika then had the look that told him not to argue with her and accept it. (You all know the look.) Y/n relented, before they both got up to put on some robes while Y/n answered his phone.

Y/n: Blitz?

Blitz(phone): Hey Y/n! How would like to go to the harvest festival in the wrath ring?

Y/n: The Harvest Moon Festival? I'm not sure... Verosika?

Y/n looks back at Verosika, who finished putting on her room which covered most of her body but left her cleavage exposed. She walked behind Y/n, who managed to put his robe on but was unable to tie it due to him hold a phone in one hand. She pressed her breast onto his back before resting her chin on his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him and began to tie his robe together as she gave him an answer.

Verosika: I don't mind if you go.

Y/n: Thanks babe.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking to the kitchen, Y/n following as he gave Blitzo an answer.

Y/n: Sounds like I'm good to go.

Blitzo(phone): Great! Also, You're out of cereal.

Y/n then had a look of confusion.

Y/n: What do you mean, I'm out of cereal?

Verosika and Y/n walked into the kitchen where the gained a look of shock as they saw Blitzo, who had a bowl and carton of milk in front of him while shaking a cereal box only to poor a couple of crumbs into the bowl.

Blitzo: I mean you're out of milk.

Y/n gained an annoyed look which was replaced by a worried look as Verosika, now wielding a baseball, moved at Blitz ready take a swing at him. While Blitz picked up a chair to protect himself.

The scene changes to in front of Verosika's apartment, where the I.M.P crew we in their company van ready to go, except for Y/n, who was saying goodbye to his worried girlfriend.

Verosika: Remember to call me every night, and to text me where ever you're going so I know you're safe.

Y/n: Ok, calm down. You're overreacting.

Verosika: But you're going to the wrath ring! I heard they fight and start wars for fun.

Y/n: Babe, I kill for a living! I'll be fine. I'll call you after we get to where we're staying and before I go to bed, Okay?

Verosika: Okay.

Verosika hugged Y/n, who immediately returned the hug. The rest of the I.M.P crew look on with different reactions. Blitzo was annoyed at the two, Loona was annoyed too but was happy for Y/n, Moxxie and Millie looked on in awed at the loving moment. But they were were shocked as Verosika started sucking on Y/n's neck.

Y/n: V-Verosika! What are you-

Verosika: *CHOMP!!!*

Y/n: OW!!!

Y/n stepped away from Verosika and felt the part of his neck where she bit. There on his neck, she left a hickey.

 Y/n: Did you just give me a hickey!?

Verosika: Yeah! And don't even try to hide it!

Y/n: What? Why?

Verosika: This is the first time you'll be staying somewhere without me since we started living together. So I won't be around to keep any girls from making any moves on you. That hickey will serve as a sign to every home wrecking slut, that you're taken and to keep their filthy hands off you.

Y/n: Ugh, fine! I'll see you when I get back.

Verosika: Love You! Call me!

Y/n walked to the van as Verosika waved him goodbye.

[Rough 'N Tumbleweed Ranch, Wrath Ring]

The I.M.P Van arrives at where where Millie's family living at, a place call "Rough N' Tumbleweed Ranch." They pull up into the ranch entrance and stop in front of two elderly Imps, these two were Millie's parents, Joe and Lin.

Millie gets out of the van and happily runs towards her parents.

Millie: Mama! Daddy!

She goes to hug her father, who picks her up and spins her around before placing her down.

Joe: Yee haw! How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing?

Millie: I'm good, Pa! Thanks for letting us stay here for the harvest jamboree!

Lin: It's no trouble. We know you aren't making as much anymore since y'all went 'freelance.

Millie: Freelance pays fine, Ma! We're doing fine! It's fine.

Millie walks over to Moxxie, who is struggling to carry a luggage bag.

Millie: Anyway, y'all remember my husband Moxxie?

Millie shoves Moxxie in front of her parents while they stare at him in disapproval. (typical in-laws)

Moxxie: Greetings, Lin. Joe. How have you been uh with all the... flaming twisters and stuff around here?

Joe: We lost our old farm hand to one of them terrors last week.

Moxxie: *Nervously laughs* Oh crumbs. My bad! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to open that wound, sir.

Blitzo steps out of the van with Loona standing beside him. (Where's Y/n? He's in the van calling Verosika. He said he would call her when he got to there, so that's what he's doing.)

Blitzo: Hey, Watch it! I'm the sir here, bucko!

Millie: Oh yeah! Y'all haven't met my boss Blitz! And his hellhound!

Loona: I'm not just her hellhound.

Blitzo: Yeah, she's my daughter! 

Blitzo pulls loona in a tight side hug. Who wasn't as enthusiastic about the hug.

Loona: Only on paper. Y'all don't deserve to know my name.

Blitzo walks over to Millie's parents where he shoves Moxxie back and stretches his hand out to them.

Blitzo: It's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You two raised a sturdy bitch.

Joe: That we did! So, Blitz, is it? Heh heh. That's a fine name.

Lin: It reminds me of war.

Joe: Nothing like a little war to make a strong person.

Blitza: I like you people!

Moxxie: You know, more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. I've researched the history of weaponry extensively. And it's inspiring how. For example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of Hell's combative..

Moxxie stops himself when he sees Joe, Lin, and Blitz staring at him in confusion at what he's talking about while Millie makes a 'Cut it out' motion with her hand to stop.

Moxxie: I mean... War fun!

Joe: Guns get the job done, but a man ain't nothing if he can't tear the head off a hellish beast with only his bare hands!

Blitzo grabs moxxie's hands before mocking him.

Blitzo: Ha! He's right Moxxie! You got little baby hands, like your baby dick.

Blitzo grabs Moxxie's crotch who immediately swats his hand away.

Moxxie: Refrain sir.

Y/n then appears as if he was summoned by the bullying moxxie.

Y/n: Hey, are you picking on Moxxie without me? I told you guys not to do that.

Millie: Oh! This is my co-worker Y/n. Y/n, this my mom and dad.

Y/n: Howdy, it's nice to meet ya.

Y/n then shook hands with Joe.

Joe: Heh, likewise. Co-worker huh? Is working for free really that great. I doubt it can allow all of you a decent living.

Y/n: Working for free?

Lin: You're freelance, right?

Y/n: Oh no! Freelancing isn't working for free.

Lin: Then what?

Y/n: Freelance means that we don't work strictly for one single client. In stead, we work on a job for a client, and that's typically it for that client, no permanent contracts. In other words, it just means we're an independent company.

Joe/Lin: Ooooh.

Joe: Thanks for clearing that up.

Lin: That makes a lot more sense.

Y/n: Glad to help.

Joe: Speaking of help, you all should meet our new farm hand.

He looks out to the field and calls out to someone.

Joe: Hey, Striker!

Y/n(mind): Did he just say striker?

The sounds of galloping hooves can be heard in the distance. Everyone turns their attention to the noise and sees a black horse with fire as a mane. On the horse, an Imp is seen riding it. The horse jumps the fence between them, and the others before it comes to a stop in front of everyone.

Striker: Well, howdy! Oh lookie here! You must be the famous Mildred!

Striker gets off his horse and approaches Millie.

Striker: Heard some good things about you from your folks, little lady!

Striker winks at Millie while she laughs sheepishly before the two of shake hands.

Striker: What're y'all doing so far away from Imp City? Free working finally slowing down?

Millie: Oh no! Freelance isn't free! It's a--- Nevermind. We're just visiting for the festival. The Princess is the boss' Boyfriend.

Blitzo: Millie, I am not above hitting a girl in front of her daddy.

Striker takes notice of Blitz and walks over to him.

Striker: Boss, huh? Oh! You're the bold Imp that started his own killing biz!

Blitzo: Yeah, well when you're good at something, you should probably capitalize.

Striker: Not many Imps start their own businesses on their own, that's pretty impressive sir.

Blitzo: Oh yeah? I-It is--I guess it is, isn't it?

Striker: So you even conned that ditzy blue blood into getting you to the surface?

Blitzo: Well it's long and complicated but the short answer is yes. But he's not like, you know, we're not like, we're not doing it, it's a transactional fucking, you see.

Striker then noticed Y/n, who was did not look happy to see him.

Striker: Well, if it isn't my runt of a son.

Y/n: If it isn't the deadbeat. How long has it been, dad?

I.M.P Crew: Dad?!

While the others were shocked, Striker and Y/n gave each other glares.

Striker: What are you doing here?

Y/n: I'm staying here for the Harvest Moon Festival with my colleagues.

Striker: You work at I.M.P? Ha, how can a runt who didn't have the nerve to kill a piglet, possibly be an assassin?

Y/n: I was five! Besides, a lot has changed. But you wouldn't know that, since you walk out on me and mom.

Striker: I doubt anything changed.

Y/n: Wanna Bet?!

Y/n and Strikers glares became more intense as malicious intent radiated of both of them as two distinct rattle snake sounds were heard. The others look on in worry that one of them were going to kill the other. Thankfully, Joe stepped in and defused the situation.

Joe: Alright now, boys. Love the energy, but how about y'all save it for the pain games.

Blitzo's immediately changes from worried to excited, changing the mood of the group.

Blitzo: I heard games, what games? I'm in!

Y/n moves past striker bumping his shoulder, who glared at him.

Lin: Every harvest festival, there's a competition to be the roughest, toughest, bastard in Wrath!

As mostly everyone gets excited for the games, Millie on the other hand crosses her arms with a sour look on her face.

Millie: Yeah, I wish I could play!

Lin: Millie, you know you get too carried away. The last competition ended in 15 separate funerals!

Millie: I'm aware, but I only caused 9 of them! How come Sallie May still gets to compete?

Lin: Your sister doesn't have a neighborhood headcount.

Millie: She so does!

In the background, two imps were walking by. One of them was a small imp dragging a corpse while the other one is a tall female Imp.

As she walks by, she calls out to her sister Millie and mother in a singsong voice.

Sallie: It doesn't count if they don't find the body!

Lin: Still, you get to root for her, and your brothers and now you can cheer on your boss and friend!

Moxxie, who is standing beside Lin, puts his hand on her shoulder with a confident smile on his face.

Moxxie: You know, she could also cheer for me.

Joe believing that moxxie was joking, laughed and even slapped his knee before realizing moxxie was serious.

Joe: Ahahaha! Wait, you?

Moxxie: Yeah! I can compete, can't I?

Lin elbows Moxxie in the chest area, forcing her to remove her hand and clutching his chest in pain. Lin pays no attention and just walks away from her.

Joe: Sorry boy, but I don't think sensitive thespian types would last very long in the games.

Moxxie: I was born here too, I have some fight in me!

Striker puts a hand on Moxxie's shoulder to get his attention and gestures towards a pigpen with one sleeping demon hog in it.

Striker: Well then little fella, why don't cha help me wrangle one of them hogs for dinner?

Moxxie brushes Striker's hand off his shoulder and reaches into his jacket to pull out a gun.

Moxxie: Simple, watch me!

Before he could grab his gun, Striker tosses his a rope and a dagger with a smile on his face.

Striker: Nah, with these. Bullets can't pierce the shell. You gotta get the knife right underneath them and pry yourself an opening.

Moxxie: Oh, right, right, right. I knew that!

Blitzo puts both his hands on Moxxie's shoulders from behind and whispers into his ear.

Blitzo: Now just remember, your rep with your friend's parents is on the line here. So no pressure at all, you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone important in your life. Go get 'em tiger!

Blitzo pushes Moxxie towards the pigpen as he is now even more afraid of messing up in front of everyone. Before he can enter the pigpen, Millie approaches him with a look of concern on her face.

Millie: Moxx, you don't have to do this.

Blitzo: Oh he totally does, kick it's ass Moxxie, yeah!

Moxxie climbs into the pigpen and carefully approaches the sleeping hog before he leaps into the air and lands on its back, startling the hog awake. He manages to wrap the rope around the pigs neck and thrusts the dagger at the underside of its neck, only for it to simply bounce off instead of piercing.

Blitzo: Fuck yeah, Moxxie! Ride it, Moxxie! Making that bitch you won't call back in the morning!

Loona: This is fucking beautiful.

Blitzo: Doing great Moxxie! (Whispers to Loona) Send me that video later.

Even Y/n cracked a smile and gave a small chuckle at his friends struggle, improving his mood from earlier.

Millie watches in concern as Moxxie gets tossed off, yelps and looks up. Striker leaps in and push him out of the way. Striker twirls the dagger in his hand and lifts it in the air with a smug grin. He brings down the knife and stabs the hog in the neck, killing it.

Moxxie rubs his neck.

Moxxie: Ow... My clavicle!

Striker stands over Moxxie, his spade tail rattling like a snake.

Striker: Don't worry, little one... You never stood a chance.

Striker walks away with the dead hog over his shoulder. Moxxie growls at him while Millie helps him up.

Striker: Hey, boss man! You wanna help the men skin this thing for dinner?

Blitzo: Oh, I am always down to skin the manly meat with the manly men!

Loona: That's what she said!

Blitzo: What "who said"? Wait, what bitch is talking shit about me?!

Everyone but Y/n, Millie and Moxxie leave for the house with the demon hog. Moxxie sighs sadly with his arm in a cast. Millie comforts him.

Millie: Don't let 'em get to you. And hey, you don't need my parents to respect you. They will eventually.

Sallie appears out of no where.

Sallie: No, they won't.

Millie hears that and glares at her sister who doesn't apologize and simple shrugs.

Sallie: What? I'm right, ain't I?

Y/n: Hate to say it moxxie. But she might be right. In-laws rarely like the guy their daughter marries.

Moxxie looks at the house with determination.

Moxxie: Oh, Imma enter those games.

Millie sighs in sadness after getting Moxxie's response. Sallie pipes up again with a cheeky smile on her face.

Sallie: Hmm, how pissed would you be if I bet on her dying?

Millie: Very!

Lin: Sallie!

Lin was standing behind a truck before she got the attention of the four imps.

Lin: I thought I told you to fix the breach in our fence. I still see those fence post and barb wire in the truck.

Sallie: I said I'd do it!

Lin: Well get to it! You know we can't afford any of the cattle to get out! At this point, you'll finish after sundown and miss dinner!

Sallie: Ugh!

Sallie walked to the truck to drive off to the fence. Y/n walked up to the truck as well to offer some help.

Y/n: Mind if I help you?

Sallie: Do you even know how to put up a barbed wire fence?

Y/n: Before my dad walked out on me and my mom, we live on a ranch. So I know my way around a fence.

Lin: Oh no dear! You don't have to. Besides, even with you're help the two of you would miss dinner!

Y/n: I insist, plus I don't think I could eat with my deadbeat father around.

Lin: *sighs* Alright.

Sallie: Alright! Hop in the truck, I'll drive.

The two drove off to fix the fence breach. Unfortunately, they finish after sun down. They decided to spend the night out on the fields, so Y/n wouldn't have to deal with his father. The two quickly became friends as they were in the back of Sallie's truck eating some snacks Sallie smuggled for dinner and smoked some cigars Y/n had on him. (you know the thick cigars that movie mafia bosses always smoke.)

[Time-skip, Morning]

Y/n was awake and taking a piss on a bush. When he finished he walked back to the truck, where Sallie may was sleeping in the back in a sleeping bag. He walked up to her and leans on the truck while he tried to wake her up.

Y/n: Good morning Sallie may. This is your wake up call. Please move your ass.

Sallie may didn't wake up, which annoyed him. He look pass the fence he and Sallie put up last night, and saw three demon cows grazing, which gave him an idea. He smirked as he climb up onto the truck, and started jumping up and down, causing the truck to shake while he was yelling at Sallie May.


This immediately wakes up a fearful Sallie may. She begins to crawl out of the truck bed while still in her sleeping.


She crawls out of the truck bed and falls onto the dirt. She finally looks up to see the cows were just grazing, there was no stampede. He fear was replaced by annoyance.

Sallie: You dumb shit.

As she stood up and stepped out of her sleeping bag, Y/n was laughing. They then started packing things up in the truck.

Sallie: I was in a stampede once. 300 head charging for the horizon.

Y/n: Now, exactly how many cows are required for a stampede Sallie? I mean, is it like three or more? Is there a minimum speed?

Sallie: I wish I stampede up you're ass!

They finished packing things up, and drove to town.

[Harvest Moon Festival, Wrath Ring]

The scene changes to the beginning of the pain games. Unfortunately, All spots for participants were filled, so Y/n and Sallie couldn't compete, much to their dismay. So instead decided to sit in the stands and laugh at any imps failing at the games. Wally Wackford was on stage with a microphone in his hands while Stolas is sitting behind him inside a tent with his Grimoire.

Wally: Welcome, I say, welcome, all to the Wrath Ring's annual Harvest Moon Festival! To kick things up, we have the great princess Stolas-a, here to usher in this here Pain Games!

Stolas stands up and walks towards Wally before taking the microphone from him. He greets the Imps with a chuckle.

Stolas: How kind, Wackford. Greetings tiny Wrath Ring Imps. I hereby welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor that continue to feed the citizens of Hell!

He spots Blitz in the crowd of Imps.

Stolas: I'm happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge Imps to show their skill in dominance. Good luck to you all! Especially that sexy one there, yoo-hoo, Blitzy!

Stolas waves at Blitzo in the crowd which annoys Blitzo.

Blitzo: Ugh, fuck me...

A gun goes off and the games begin. Moxxie gets trampled with a yelp as the other imps race down the trail. Striker climbs up a wooden ramp structure while Blitzo leaps down ahead of him. Moxxie tries to catch up. He claws at the structure and falls into a small puddle. He gets chewed up and thrashed by a monstrous black and white shark. Much to Y/n and Sallies enjoyment.

In the next shot, Striker grins smugly at Blitzo who has his legs, arms and horns tied behind him. A muscular Imp holds a rope and grins at a scared Moxxie. Striker, Blitzo, and Moxxie team up in a tug of war match. Moxxie falls into the water and the shark attacks him again.

The scene cuts to a wrestling match in the mud between Blitze and Striker. A group of imps do a football huddle on top of Moxxie. The shark leaps over the fence and begins to elbow drop Moxxie.

Moxxie: MOTHER FUC--!!

It quickly cuts to Wally Wackford stepping on stage with a microphone in hand with Stolas sitting back in his tent again while  Striker and Blitzo stood near the stage.

Wally: I say, I say for the first year ever, we have a tie, for the winner of the Harvest Moon Pain Games!

Stolas takes the microphone from Wally to announce the winners.

Stolas: The winners are; Striker, and my darling Blitzy!

Blitzo: Just say my name right, fucking bitch!

The two of them step on stage while Y/n, Millie and Moxxie watch them from the nearby stands.

Moxxie: Alright, so he has the 'physical advantage. I'm better at other things, like singing!

As Moxxie says that, Striker pulls out a guitar with a smile on her face.

Striker: I'd like to take this opportunity to sing a quick song I wrote just now, about me winning.

Striker strums the guitar as Moxxie couldn't help but look in disbelief at what he's seeing.

Moxxie: Ugh, what the fuck!?

Blitzo arrives with a slice of cheese on a stick and sits next to Moxxie and Millie in the bleachers. He eats the cheese.

Blitzo: *mouth full* Isn't this guy great?

Moxxie: False!

Y/n: You clearly don't know him that well.

Blitzo: It's gonna be nice working with him.

Y/n: Excuse me?!

Moxxie: Working with him? What?!

Blitzo: Yeaaaah! I asked him if he wants to join I.M.P.

Moxxie: You asked... But...

Moxxie looks visibly hurt while Y/n was pissed as Blitz looks at them in confusion.

Millie: Mox, I think you've had enough for now. Let's head back to the house and get you clean.

Striker: The super cool me, handsome. Moxxie and Y/n, go fuck yourselves

Moxxie tears up and leaves with Millie as Striker finishes her song.

Striker: Did you hear something? It was just the wind

The crowed cheered as Y/n got up and left, disappointed in Blitzo.

 Striker: Thank you. You're too kind.

[Rough N' Tumbleweed Ranch, Wrath Ring.]

Back at the Ranch, Y/N was helping Millie and her brothers move some Jack O' Lanterns into a cart while Blitzo laid on the ground, admiring Striker's horse which was eating an animal carcass.

Inside the house, Moxxie walked up the stairs with a glum expression before he saw a ominous glowing light through the bottom of the door of Striker's room.

Moxxie: Well, that's troubling.

He goes to open the door and spots the source of the glowing light which was from a case. He approaches it and his eyes widened when he saw a rifle with glowing white patterns on it.

Moxxie: Oh my crumbs!

He ran his hand along the side of the rifle, feeling the angelic weapon.

Moxxie: A genuine carmine crafted blessing-tipped rifle. How... how in the fuck did he get one of these?

Striker: Why don't you ask me, little dude?

Moxxie: Shit!

He turns around to see Striker leaning against the doorframe with a grin on his face.

Moxxie: W-why do you have this?! Mister! You are aware this kind of weapon can kill-

Striker: -Demon Royalty?

Moxxie: ... Yes. That.

Striker: No shit, that's kinda the point.

Striker flicks away a wheat stalk from his mouth and shuts the door behind him. He began to approach Moxxie with a big grin on his face.

Moxxie: Okay. Well I'm.. relatively concerned by your possession of this. I'm also glad my instant dislike of you has been validated!

Striker wraps his tail around Moxxie's neck and tosses him against the wall before he falls to the ground where Striker gets on top of him and begins to strangle him while Moxxie tries to get him off of him. As Striker continues to choke him, Moxxie glances at a vase on a nearby table and kicks it over, sending it crashing onto Striker which causes him to let go of Moxxie, allowing him to breathe.

Outside the house, Millie is the only one to hear the sound of the vase crashing inside the house. Back inside the house, Moxxie tries to escape out the open door but Striker pulls him back by the tail and covers Moxxie's mouth and begins to strangle him again. Striker chuckles evilly as Moxxie begins to loose consciousness.

Striker: Pathetic.

Millie appears behind Striker and stabs him in the back with a knife, causing him to shriek in pain and drop Moxxie onto the floor. An enraged Millie continues to stab him repeatedly and attempts to slice Striker's neck but she is unsuccessful as Striker moves her arm away and slams her into the wall behind them, breaking Millie's arm in the process. Millie falls to the floor with her arm bleeding while Moxxie tries to reach out to her.

Moxxie: Mili..

Striker grabs the both of them by the hair and drags the two of them to the cellar outside the house. He tosses the two imps into the cellar where Millie's leg ended up getting trapped in a bear-trap which slams shut on her leg, causing her to scream in pain. Moxxie rushes to her side to check on her while Striker stood at the entrance of the cellar door.

Striker: I'd kill y'all but I feel like there's more leverage with your rodeo clown of a boss and the runt if I don't. Plus you little things ain't worth the cleanup!

Moxxie runs up the stairs to the door but Striker closes the cellar doors and locks it from the outside.

Moxxie: Millie! Oh, Satan!

Millie: Moxxie, I'm fine. I got worse than this during the flower tufts at my brother's wedding. But I caught that fucking bouquet, and it was fucking worth it. You just have to get out there, and fuck up that brown nosing cock sucker for me!

Moxxie: But I can't break through it. I'm not strong enough. 

Millie: Not with your hands, Baby. Use what you're good at.

Moxxie: I'm not good with my hands?

Millie raises an eyebrow with an unamused expression.

Moxxie: Ohhhh. Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Moxxie pulls out a pistol and fires a hole in the door. He pushes the doors open.

Moxxie: I.. I probably should've used this earlier, huh?

Millie: I love you hun... but for fuck's sake!

The scene cuts to Stolas on stage. Stolas magically flips through the grimoire.]

Stolas: My dear commoners of the Ring of Wrath! I, Stolas of the Ars Goetia, hereby curse this year's harvest with the glow of the true Harvest Moon!

The clouds swirl as Stolas creates a portal. The portal reveals a glowing orange full moon in the sky. The crowd oohs in wonder. 

Striker chuckles darkly as he aims the rifle at Stolas' forehead. A click is heard behind him. Blitzo was aiming his flintlock pistol at him.

Blitze: Uh, excuse me? The FUCK?!

Striker turns around.

Striker: Bliiiitzo! I thought you were still at the ceremony!

Blitze: You thought I wanted to stand around with a buncha hillbillies excited about corn n' shit with a thirsty owl on stage?!

Striker stands up.

Striker: Huh. And now you seem disappointed in me.

Blitzo: Yeaaaaah. Well, I'm not a fan of someone I offered a job to about to off my easiest lengthy ticket to Earth behind my back.

Striker: Blitz, come on. You know, the two of us are superior than most of our kind. Blitzo you are so above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners, who could care less who you are, when you could be slaying Overlords. 

Striker walks around Blitzo. Blitzo's eyes move and he appears conflicted. He aims his gun as Striker moves in the shadows.]

Striker: Why struggle to run a business that is rigged against you? When you could partner up with me and kill... the unkillable?

Striker pins a frightened Blitzo against the wall.

Striker: Starting with the one that treats you like a plaything?

Blitzo grins in confused lust.

Blitze: Ooh, that's kinda hot.

Striker: We could be the most dangerous beings in Hell, Blitz.

Blitzo: Wow. That was a good fuckin' pitch.

Striker: Been workshoppin' it.

[Striker moves Blitzo's gun away.]

Blitze: Y'know what? Fuck it. I'm in.

Striker grins, but hears another click behind him.

Striker: Huh?

Moxxie appears behind him with Striker's rifle.

Blitzo: Took ya long enough, Mox! Ha-HA! Wow, you should've seen your dipshit face!

Blitzo looks down to see Striker holding the knife in her other hand from behind.

Blitzo: Wow... Woah, okay. Cliché much?

Striker points Blitzo's pistol at Moxxie. Moxxie blocks the bullet with the rifle side.

Blitze: Oh, you daddy fucker!

Blitze bites at Striker's arm.

Striker: AAAAGH!!

The fight begins as Blitzo elbows Striker in the face. They exchange blows, and Striker slams Blitze into Moxxie, both of them falling to the floor. Moxxie sees the rifle on the floor and reaches for it. Striker pins Moxxie's arm down with his boot.

Moxxie: AAAGH!

Striker: You dumb fucks lost the upper hand fast, huh?

Blitzo: HA! You seem to have forgotten something, fucko!

Blitzo whistles several times for Loona. Outside, Loona taps on her phone and ignores him.

Blitzo: Ugh, fuckin' damn it, Loona.

Striker: It's a damn shame, Blitzo. We might actually've made a good team... Ah well.

Y/n: In your dreams!

Y/n suddenly appeared shocking the others, as he slug Striker in the face. He threw striker to the wall, who lost his grip on the rifle as it fell right in front of moxxie. Y/n charged at him with a vase and smashed it into strikers head, followed up by a punch from Y/n's tail. He tried to punch Striker again but he dodge it, causing him to push the wall instead, leaving a hole. Y/n managed to give a right hook at strikers face, who followed up with his own right hook to Y/n's face. Y/n responded by head butting him.

Striker was then grabbed from behind by Blitzo's tail, who threw striker into the room corner. Before he could make a move, Moxxie fires a warning shot to keep him in place. The three imps now have him cornered and approach him, while Blitz pulled at another pistol and Y/n pulled out his revolver. All three now had their guns aimed at him. Striker look at Blitzo.

Striker: I still think it's embarrassing. You're wasting a lot of potential relying on a couple of weak little-

Striker is cut off when Moxxie fires a shot near his head, signaling him to shut the fuck up.

Moxxie: You gonna finish that fucking sentence? Pard'ner?

Striker: Vermin.

Moxxie: Who's weak now, bitch?!

The door to the room is suddenly kicked by Loona, causing the door to slam into Moxxie's face.

Loona: Okay I'm here.

Striker narrows his eyes and uses the distraction to kick Blitzo's gun out of his hand. He shoves Blitz aside, and tries to slash at Y/n with a knife, who dodges it but falls to the floor. Stiker heads toward the open window and taunts Blitzo.

Striker: Maybe you'll get me next time... Blitzy.

Striker escapes through the window. Blitz points his pistol outside, looking at the celebration in worry but quickly looks back towards Y/N and Moxxie, only to see Y/n missing.

Y/n ran outside to catch Striker. He rushed over to the horse stable where he saw Striker ride out on his horse. Y/n tried to shoot at him but couldn't land a hit. As he road off, Striker taunted his son.

Striker: See you around! Runt!

Y/n screams out in rage before punching a hole in the stables wall.

Scene cuts to the ranch. The I.M.P crew we packing up their stuff to go Lin bandages up Millie's arm as she sits with her foot in a cast. Moxxie struggles to fit clothes in a suitcase.

Lin: I can't believe you let her trap you, Millie! Haven't we taught you better?

Millie: I was seein' red, Ma! And he was slippery!

Lin: Excuses! You're better than that, Mildred!

Moxxie closes the trunk and marches over to Millie's parents.

Moxxie: Y know, she protected me. And maybe I'm not a strong beefy dickhead, but Millie has the strength enough for both of us! You two are getting on her case about being hurt by a psychopath you hired?! Shaaaaame on you!

Blitzo: Aw, Moxxie, look at you! Speechin' like a big boy with his big paaaants!

Joe glares at Moxxie, curtly nods and leaves.

Millie: Wooow! He nodded! He's never acknowledged your input before!

Millie stands up on crutches and walks away.

Moxxie: Soooo, is that progress?

Y/n: Dude, for a relationship with in-laws, that's the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest.

As they began to get in the van, Sallie May stopped Y/n.

Sallie: Next time we hang out, let's hit a bar.

Y/n: Sure thing. And I'll show you around if you ever find yourself in Imp City.

Sallie: See ya around.

Y/n: Heh, until next time.

Y/n says his farewell to his new friend and the crew drive on pack to the pride ring.

[Hideaway Motel Vacancy, Wrath Ring]

Inside a room of a shady motel, Striker is on the phone while playing with a revolver in his free hand.

Striker: Hmm, I failed to kill the target at the festival, but don't worry ma'am. It won't happen again.

The scene cuts to Stolas' Royal Palace and reveals the client to be nonother than Stolas' wife, Stella on the other end of the phone.

Stella: It better not, I want this cheating prick dead, I don't care who you have to go through. Just make it happen!

While Stella is on the phone, Stolas was eating dinner and reading a book while Octavia was vibing to some music, not hearing anything what her mother Stella said.

Striker: Understood.

Stella hangs up the phone and the scene shifts back to Striker in his Motel room. Striker grabs his gun and twirls it as he chuckles maliciously.

Striker: I'll get him next time."

He turns off the lamp nearby with his yellow eyes glowing and slowly fading into the darkness.


At 6465 words, this is by far the longest chapter I've written.

Anyways, Stay tuned for the next chapter "Truth Seekers".

For now, here's a meme!

I hate how much I relate to this.

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