Miraculous 1: Welcome to Pari...

By IsabellaAnne1803112

59K 2.2K 1K

Amber Bourgeois, formerly Cimarosa, is a foreign exchange student from Italy. At a boarding school, she met C... More

Origins Part One
Origins Part Two
Stormy Weather
The Bubbler
The Pharaoh
Lady Wifi
Mr. Pigeon
The Evillustrator
Dark Cupid
The Mime
Kung Food
The Past Year
The Puppeteer
Guitar Villain
Music to My Ears
Simon Says
Princess Fragrance


2K 81 16
By IsabellaAnne1803112

Amber rolls up the banner she created for the race and ties it together before setting it in the limo.

"You made the banner for the race?" Chloé asks as she gets in, "I thought Dupain-Cheng would make it."

"Alix and Kim both approached me after one of my drama classes. They wanted to pay me to make the banner and when I asked why they wanted me to make it, they said that Marinette would most likely end up being late." Amber explains as she gets in, shutting the door.

"That's often the case." Chloé says as the limo starts driving them to the Trocadéro.

Amber takes out her phone and texts both Kim and Alix that she was on her way with the banner already.

"I'm surprised that you wanted to leave so early."

"I'd rather be early than be late." Amber smiles, "Anyway, Miss Chapelle is holding auditions for a Shakespearean play and asked if I could round up a few people. You think anyone in our class would be interested?"

Chloé thinks to herself, "Hmm...well, some of the class are interested in the art of movies, but Nino is more interested in being a movie director. The only other person is Mylène because her father is a mime performer."

"You think Adrien would be interested in acting? I mean, his mom was an actress."

"He might. We can always ask." Chloé told her.


The two sisters make it to the Trocadéro and wait around for more students to show up.

"Amber, Chloé, you two are early!" Rose notes.

"Amby would rather be early than be late to anything." Chloé explains.

"You guys ready to see the banner?" Amber asks as she unties the bow, revealing the banner and its design. It was a red and green banner to symbolize Kim and Alix's colors. On one side was a depiction of Alix's rollerblade and the other was of Kim's shoe. Both of the students were illustrated by standing back to back and smirking.

Everyone awes at it, being delighted.

"Oh, that's beautiful!"

"It's the most detailed banner I've ever seen!"


"Impressive, Amber!" Adrien winks at the brunette, who smiles at him in return.

The sound of panting could be heard as everyone turned to see Marinette approaching, the bluenette out of breath as she stops, "I-I'm here! S-Sorry I'm late!"

"Again." Ryder mutters to himself, "For the millionth time."

"Does anyone want to hold the banner? We need one person on each side, so two." Amber asks as she holds the banner up to not have it touch the ground.

"I'll take care of it, Amber!/I got it, Ams!" Sabrina and Nino say in unison before the two look at each other in surprise.

"Thanks, Sabrina and Nino!" Amber hands the banner to them, the two smiling.

"You all picked the wrong side to cheer on. Looks like Alix isn't even showing up! Probably too chicken to race an extreme athlete like me." Kim crosses his arms.

"Spoke too soon, Kim." Alix skates over to him as everyone cheers her on, "Your ridiculous bets are over. I'm gonna leave you in the dust, meathead!"

"You're no match for me. My neck is bigger than your thigh."

Alya laughs, "Is that a good thing?"

Marinette laughs as well, a weird grin on her face.

Max pushes Kim and Alix away from each other and pushes up his glasses, "Let's review the official rules. Two laps around the fountains; approximately 500 yards. The first one over the line's declared the victor! If Kim triumphs, Alix will relinquish her rollerblades to him. If Alix triumphs, Kim will be prohibited from making another dare for the rest of the school year."

"We're through with all of those stupid dares!"

"Uh-huh, that's right!"

"No more dares!"

Juleka, Ivan, and Nathaniel cheer.

"On your marks, get set..."

"Hold up!" Alix stops him as Kim falls to the floor, the students laughing.

"Forfeiting already?" the boy asks as the skater girl skates over to Alya, handing her something.

"Hold on to this for me, will you, Alya? I don't wanna drop it during the race."

Alya looks at her hand to see a silver watch, "Hold on girl, I can't! I gotta..."

"Guard it with your life. It's a family heirloom!" Alix skates back over to Kim and Max.


"I'll hold onto the watch, Alya." Amber holds her hand out.

"Thanks, girl!" Alya gives her the watch.

"On your marks, get set...GO!" Max throws his hands down as Alix and Kim start to race, the former skating while the latter runs.

Marinette accidentally bumps into Amber, knocking her down.

Before the brunette could hit the floor, an arm wrapped around her waist as a hand held onto her right hand, the hand that held the watch. She opens her eyes to see Adrien.

"Need any help?" he pulls her up.

"Uh, sure! Thank you, Adrien!" Amber hands him the watch, the blonde smiling.

Ryder smirks to himself, lightly nudging his best friend as everyone cheers, Alix and Kim speeding past them.

"Last lap!" Max calls out.

"Good job, man." Ryder smiles.

Adrien chuckles to himself before Chloé snatches the watch away from him.

"Adrikins, whatcha got there? Some super old case or something?"

"Careful, it's Alix's!"

"Don't worry. I'll be careful." Chloé opens the watch, gasping as a blue light blinds her. She accidentally drops it onto the racetrack.

Alix skates over it, smashing it to pieces as she crosses the finish line, beating Kim, "Yeah! Hahaha!" she then turns around and gasps, skating over to her broken watch.

"I call a rematch. That false start back there threw me off!" Kim says before noticing the broken object, "Uh..."

Alix picks up the pieces, looking over at Alya, "Ugh! Did you do this?!"

"Uh...I had to videotape the race so I gave it to Amber but then Marinette made her nearly trip and fall so she gave it to Adrien, then Chloé snatched it from him and dropped it and, uh, then you skated over it." Alya explains, slightly laughing nervously.

"My old man gave me this for my birthday! This watch is totally a family heirloom!"

"It was an accident!" Amber told her.

"We didn't mean any harm, Alix." Adrien adds.

"You're all to blame!" Alix angrily skates away.

Marinette runs after her, "Alix, wait!"


Timebreaker skates quickly towards the students, who gasp in fear.

"Run!" Adrien yells as everyone runs in opposite directions.

Timebreaker manages to touch Kim, who seemingly freezes in place, stealing his energy.

Marinette rushes over, "Stop, Alix! What are you doing?!"

"The name's Timebreaker now. And I'm gonna go back in time and save my watch, using all you punks to do it!"

"Go back in time?" Marinette turns back to Kim, noticing that he was fading away, "What did you do to Kim? Why is he fading?"

"I needed his energy. Besides, the dude was a pain anyway with all those bets. He deserves to disappear forever. And so do you!" Timebreaker skates forward to touch her.

Amber throws her banner at the akumatized villain to make her trip up, "Marinette, go!" she then runs off as the bluenette runs away to transform.


As Timebreaker was about to skate away, Ladybug uses her yo-yo to make her trip.

"Time out, Timebreaker!" the bug heroine smirks, but it falls when the akumatized villain starts to call out to someone.

"Please, help me up! I messed up! Please, please!"

Rose, the one she was calling out to, slowly walks over to her, holding her hand out, "Okay."

"Noooo!" Ladybug reaches her hand out.

Timebreaker laughs as she steals Rose's energy, "Hahaha! Sweet Rose! Always thinking of others before yourself!" she checks her time meter, "One minute." she then skates off to steal more energy.

"I gotta destroy her akuma before everyone disappears for good! Where on earth is that cat?" Ladybug asks herself impatiently as she swings after the villain.

Adrien hides behind a tree and watches her.

"She sure is impatient." Plagg comments.

"Time to transform! Plagg, claws out!"

Mylène runs away from Timebreaker, but trips as the akumatized villain steals her energy, Ladybug landing a good distance away from her.

Timebreaker checks her time meter, "One and a half minutes. You won't be able to stop me where I'm going, Ladybug!"

A staff touches her shoulder, the akumatized villain turning around to see Chat Noir.

"Let me guess." the black cat starts, "We're all playing a game of tag and you're it?"

"Exactly!" Timebreaker skates towards him.

"Don't let her touch you!" Ladybug advises.

The black cat hero dodges just in time.

Chat Noir stretches, "Missed me! Just a second too late."

Timebreaker skids to a stop, turning her head and spotting Alya filming her. She grins as the ombre-haired girl starts to run away, "He he he he!" she quickly skates after her and steals her energy.


Timebreaker starts skating away again, the two heroes running after her.

"Well, she wastes no time, does she?" Chat Noir comments.

Ladybug growls, "And the more people she freezes, the more minutes she gets to go farther back in time! Those poor kids frozen in time...They're goners if we don't get that akuma!"

Ivan runs away, hiding behind a tiny tree, screaming as Timebreaker leaps into the air to steal his energy, "Ahhh!"

Ladybug throws her yo-yo to catch Timebreaker's wrist, "Keep your hands to yourself!"

The akumatized villain chuckles as she tugs her wrist back, forcing the bug heroine over to her, making her growl and stare up as Timebreaker grins wickedly. Timebreaker reaches to grab her Miraculous, but someone rushes in to protect her, getting her energy stolen.



Timebreaker checks her time meter, "Oh, wow, six minutes in one go! I didn't know Amber had such a high power level! Gotta go! The past is waiting." she starts to skate away.

"I got her!" Ladybug latches her yo-yo around the akumatized villain's waist, the heroine nearly getting dragged as Chat Noir hangs onto her. Timebreaker skates faster and the three disappear.


They reappear as the two heroes get thrown away from the villain.

"What...just happened?" Chat Noir asks as he stands up.

Ladybug looks down at the cheering students, Kim and Alix racing each other, "Oh wow, we've gone back in time, haven't we?"

"My watch!!" Timebreaker jumps up.

"Chloé! Put the watch down!" Ladybug commands as the akumatized villain lands down in front of the students, Chloé exclaiming and dropping the watch, which shatters when it hits the ground.

"NOOOO!!" Timebreaker shouts as Alix stops skating. The akumatized villain turns to the two heroes, "Ladybug! This time it's your fault!" she points accusingly at her, "I need more energy. I gotta go further back in time!" Timebreaker turns and sees Alix skating up to her broken watch.

"Ladybug...! It's all Ladybug's fault!"

"Everyone, get out of here! Don't let her touch you!" Chat Noir commands as the students run off, Alix getting akumatized again.

Adrien hides behind a tree, looking at his kwami, "Plagg, what's going on?"

"I think that Chat Noir is you, but from the future!"

"No time to think. Time to transform. Plagg, claws out!"

"Who are you?" Marinette appears, looking at Ladybug, whose eyes widen.

"Uhh, I'll get her out of here!" Ladybug quickly grabs Marinette and drags her off to where Chat Noir couldn't hear her, "Do you want them to know that you're me?! I don't really have time to explain right now, but I'm you from just a few minutes in the future."

Marinette narrows her eyes at her in suspicion, looking her up and down before Tikki pops out.

"She's right! I can feel it! She is you from the future!"


"Listen. I know it seems unbelievable, but trust me, I mean, trust...yourself? Oh, and dad's gonna call me! I mean, uh, you, in two minutes! He won't be happy because Mrs. Chamack is waiting for you outside the bakery door!"

"The cake...But I, I still have..."

"Time? That's what I thought too. Mrs. Chamack will be early. Just leave now and make sure to take care of the cake. Don't worry, we can handle this." Ladybug reassures as Marinette ran off to the bakery, "How do I get myself into these crazy situations?"

The two heroes then watch as the akumatized villains meet each other. They jump off and land in front of the two akumatized villains.

"The energy from these two will be enough for both of us to go farther back in time!"

"Heh, I want my watch back! Let's do it!"

The Timebreakers say.

"Whatever you do, don't let either of them touch you!" Ladybug advises.

The two heroes fight against the two villains, easily knocking them down.

"Can I play too?" Chat Noir 2 calls out to his counterpart as he stands above them.

"The more, the merrier." Chat Noir 1 smiles.

"If we were faster, those bozos would be no match for us." Timebreaker 1 says.

"Then let's stock up on more energy first. Then, we'll destroy them!" Timebreaker 2 advises as the two villains skate away, touching some people along the way to get their energy as the heroes chase after them.


The Timebreakers skate away from the heroes before turning around and skidding to a stop.

"We've got enough speed. Let's go hardcore on them!"

"Once we get the energy..."

"We'll have enough to go back in time together."

"And get our watch!"

The akumatized villains skate towards the heroes.

"I thought we were chasing them!" Chat Noir 1 exclaims.

Just as the two Timebreakers tried to steal their energy, a yo-yo stops them, making them trip, "Hyaaahhh!"

"Hey, you guys! Need a hand?" Ladybug 2 asks as she stands above.

"Thanks!" Ladybug 1 smiles.

"They're insane on their rollerblades." Ladybug 2 leaps down.

"Unstoppable on the ground!" Ladybug 1 adds.

"So, what if they're not on the ground?" Ladybug 2 suggests.

"Change of plan. We better go back in time now. There'll be less of them!"

"I'm down."

The Timebreakers skate away.

"They're planning to go back in time again!" the Chat Noirs say.

"Lucky Charm!" the Ladybugs throw their yo-yos into the air, receiving a bicycle lock and a traffic cone, "Any ideas?"

"While you figure it out..."

"We'll try to buy us some time."

The two Chat Noirs run off.

The two Ladybugs looks around.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Of course!"

The Ladybugs run off for their plan.

The two Chat Noirs go to a wall, "Cataclysm!" they then use their powers on the wall, causing it to crumble and fall, blocking the akumatized villains' path.

The Timebreakers turn around and skate back, seeing one of the Ladybugs in front of them.

"Let's freeze her on our way past!"

The Ladybug uses the bicycle lock and ties the Timebreakers' legs together as the other Ladybug uses the traffic cone and ice cream sign to make a ramp.

"We're going too fast! We can't stop!" the villains get launched off the ramp, "Hyaaahhh!"

The Ladybugs use their yo-yos to pull off their rollerblades, breaking them over their knees as two akumas emerge, "No more evil doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" they catch the akuma, "Gotcha!" they release the purified butterflies, "Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" the Ladybugs throw the bicycle lock and traffic cone into the air, reverting everything back to normal.

The four heroes meet up, fist bumping, "Pound it!"

The clones disappear, Timebreaker turning back into Alix as her watch is then fixed, "Huh?"

Ladybug walks up to her, handing the watch over, "Here. I think this is yours?"

Alix gasps happily, "Sweet! How did you fix it? Thank you! I should never have given it to someone else to look after. It was my responsibility. My bad."

"Responsibility isn't something to be taken lightly." Ladybug told her before mumbling to herself, "I should know."

"You're totally right. I'll be more careful next time for sure-"

"She's totally wrong!" Amber walks over.

"Oh, great. Here comes the Queen Bitch." Ladybug mumbles to herself.

"Alix, you were being responsible. You were making sure that the watch was being kept safe while you raced." Amber holds her shoulders, "Don't blame yourself and definitely never take advice from this one." she gestures to the bug heroine, "She's a superhero. What does she possibly know about the responsibility of a family heirloom when she has to fight bad guys in the city?"

Ladybug turns red in the face, mumbling swear words directed at the brunette as she storms away, swinging away.

Chat Noir snickers a bit before catapulting away.

"You ready for your birthday party at Le Grand Paris?" Amber wraps an arm around the smaller girl as she leads her over to the others.


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