Cold Hearted

By kitkate1331

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You are an aspiring actress working at a club until you make your big break. One night at work is super busy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20-Final

Chapter 14

106 7 2
By kitkate1331

Y/n's POV:

A couple days later I'm staring out the bay window in the living room watching the sun rise. We all had stayed the last couple of days to discuss further plans. Right now, it's still smart for me to lay low.

I'm lost in thought as I rub my hand on my belly.

"It's a beautiful view." My uncle calls from behind me.

"It is."

He walks up and stands beside me, "You know I have always thought this house would be great to raise a family in."

I look at him, "It's the families house."

"It's your house."

I furrow my brows, "No it's not."

"Your mother left it to you."

"I already have dads house once I take care of him."

He raises his brow, "You're going to live there?"

I scowl, "No. I'm burning that bitch to the ground." And turn back to the sunrise.

He laughs, "That's a shame. That is a beautiful house."

"You wouldn't think so if you knew what I know."

"What is it?"

"Something I'm not ready to talk about yet."

"So, what are you going to do about that husband of yours?"

"I have to tell him about his parents."

"He's going to want details."

"I'll take care of it."

"If he..."

"He won't. I'll tell him enough. He has a right to know."

He sighs, "Do what you think is right."

I nod my head and he me alone. I pull out my phone.

Me: Hey.

I don't have to wait long for a response.

YG: It hasn't been a week yet.

Me: I know.

YG: What is it Y/n?

Me: I know who killed your parents and I'm taking care of it.

YG: Who? And what do you mean you're taking care of it?

Y/n: I can't tell you who. And exactly what I said I'm taking care of it. Now that might mean I can't check in every week. I'll try but I can't promise that I will be able to.

YG: Y/N!! Tell me right now!

Me: I'll text you again as soon as I can. Goodbye.

I quickly block his number again. I let out a sigh.

"He didn't take it well I presume?" Zio asks.

"About as well as expected."

"You know he will try to look into it right?"

"I know. I need to drop some breadcrumbs. Make dad sweat a bit."

"Using your husband as a distraction." Zio laughs.

"He will be too busy trying to make sure Yoongi doesn't figure anything out that he won't be to notice us sneaking in."


"Yes. We may have to move up those meetings."

"I will make some calls." He walks out of the living room.

I continue to rub my belly and watch the sun rise. I will make this world safe for you little one.

Yoongi's POV:

My messages stopped going through to Y/n.

"Damn it!" I throw my phone before it can hit the wall JK catches it.

"What's wrong?"


"What did she do or say now?"

I sigh, "She said she knew who killed my parents. That she would take care of it."

"Did you try asking her who?"

"Yeah, said she couldn't tell me who. I never talked about my parents being murdered. She was only 13 years old then."

"Hmm, she said she was taking care of it."

"Yeah, said she might not be able to make her weekly check ins."

I watch his face pale, but he stays quiet.

"What is it?"

He shakes his head, "Nothing."

"I swear if you know something."

"I don't know what she has planned."

"Why did you make that face then?"

"I just don't like the fact that she might have to miss check ins."

Hmm, I'll believe him for now.

I hold my hand out for him to hand me back my phone. Once I have it, I call Hobi.


"I need you to look into my parent's death."

"Again? I haven't found anything."

"I just need you to do it again. Y/n says she knows who killed them."

"Then why am I looking into it?"

"Because she won't tell me. Said she would take care of it."

"She's pretty capable. I mean she took out the Kyon's."

He sighs, "Alright. I will take a look again. Next time that wife of yours tells you something. Tell her to give you something to go on."

"Like she will ever listen to me."

"She might. I will get back to you if I find anything."


That night I am in bed thinking about that night. I can't piece it together. We have tried for years to figure out who killed them. Whoever killed my parents did a good job of covering their tracks. I sigh and roll over and force myself to sleep.


Yoongi's dream that night:

My parents had just picked me up from the airport. I had been away at boarding school the last few years. Only coming home for holidays. Since I will be 18 next year, I will be completing school here. So, I can take over the business after I turn 18. It won't be right when I turn 18.

"Yoongi how was the flight?" my mom asks.

"Long. How is my little sister doing?"

I watch as she smiles down at her belly and rubs it, "She's very active. Growing."

"How much longer?"

"A few more weeks."

"Are you ready to start your training again?" my dad interrupts.

"Yes sir."

"Dear, we have plenty of time for that. Our son just flew home."

"You know that we never know what can happen in this life. He has to be ready at any time."

"You worry too much."

"And you my love don't worry enough."

"Someone has to balance you out."

My dad's phone goes off. He has mom look at it since he is driving.

She sighs, "It's...."

He cuts her off, "What does he want?"

"Wants to meet."



He rolls his eyes, "Where?"

"The docks."

"Of course, he does." He sighs, "I guess we will have to wait on getting some food."

"It's fine dad. I can wait."

We drive for 20 minutes and get to the docks.

"Yoongi just here we won't be gone long." My dad says.

I pull out my phone and start scrolling. After a while I feel like I hear arguing. I get out of the car, and I hear my parent's voices. They are arguing with someone. I don't hear the other person. I start walking in the direction that I hear their voices.

When I get close, I hear gunshots. I start to run. When I make it around a corner, I see my parents laying on the ground. I run to them.


I drop to my knees and shake my mom. She doesn't move. I try to see if she's breathing. i roll her over and I see so much blood. She was shot in the head. I feel the tears run down my cheeks. I move over to my dad.

"DAD!" I roll him over and he too was shot in the head.

I sit back and squeeze my eyes shut. The tears just keep coming. I hear a noise and look over I see what I think is a person.

"Who's there? I need help!"

I must have been seeing things because no one answers me. I just stare at my parents.

Eventually some cops show up. I get asked questions, but I don't really have any answers for them. My uncle comes and picks me up.

"We will find who did this Yoongi."

I just stare out the window, "I want to kill them with my own hands."

"Whatever you want."

"I want to start my training now."

"As long as you promise to finish school. That is what your mom wanted."

I nod my head but continue to stare out the window. Let out the emotions now Yoongi. Once these tears dry up, it's time to get to work. It'll be time to be Cold Hearted.


I wake up in a cold sweat. I shake my head; I haven't dreamed about their murder in years. I'm sure Y/n telling me that she knows who ; made me think about it. I still have no idea who they were meeting.

We still have my dad's files from his office. Nothing in them pointed to who they were working with or if they had a deal in the works. My uncle didn't even know.

I stare at the ceiling. Well, I don't think I will be getting back to bed. I guess I should get up. I go to the living room and pour myself a glass of whiskey. I down it and pour myself another. I then carry it over to the couch and sit down. I turn the TV on and scroll for something to watch.


A few days later I get woken up by whispers. I have been having the same dream every night since Y/n messaged me. Every night I wake up and come down here. Then I fall asleep. Just this morning I have visitors.

"How long do you think he's been down here?" JK whispers.

"You should wake him up." Jimin says.

"No, Tae should."

"No. I'm not stupid."

I sit up, "No one needs to wake me up. I'm up."

"Sorry boss."

"It's fine. I had a shits night worth of sleep. What's up?"

"We just wanted to come check on you."

"I'm fine."

"The empty whiskey glass and you sleeping on the couch says otherwise." Tae says.

I stand up and grab the glass, "I had a bad dream."

"You dream?" JK laughs.

I glare at him, "Yeah, about the night my parents died."

"Shit sorry."

"Did anything come to mind about who could have killed them?"

"No, I wish to know if I really saw someone there that night or if It was my eyes playing tricks on me."

"Security cams never caught anything?"

"Hobi said there was nothing on there."

"Who owned the docks?" Tae asks.

"The area we were at were owned by the city."

"So, whoever it was, was smart." Jimin says thoughtfully.

"I would have a lead if my dad hadn't cut my mother off when she was saying who was texting him."

"He must not have wanted you involved."

"Still, I would have a direction to go in."

Jimin's phone beeps. He reads the message and smile spreads on his face.


"Well, that wife of yours has been buys."

"What did she say?"

"She didn't say anything. She sent a picture."

"Let me see."

He hands me his phone I look at the picture. It's piece of paper. I zoom in and my eyes go wide.

"What is it?" Tae asks.

"She's amazing is what."

"What did she send?"

I hand him the phone and pull out my phone.

"It's a piece of paper." Tae grumbles.

"Zoom in and read it. Look at the names."

He does, "Shin and holy shit, your parents. This is a contract between the three of them."

"So, what does that mean?" JK asks.

"It gives a direction to look now."

I call Hobi.


"I need you to look into any dealings my parents may have had around their death."

"Am I looking for anything specific?"

"Look for something to do with Y/n's father."


"Shit is right."

"I'll get right on it."

Y/n's POV 5 weeks later:

My plan of having Yoongi distract my father has worked perfectly. It got both him and Cho out. Now Zio, Minho and I are looking through his home office.

Minho is digging through his desk. Zio is going through the bookshelf and I'm trying to crack his damn safe. I bet it's in here.

After 15 minutes of trying, I finally get it to open. I dig through all the paperwork and find everything I'm looking for including the flash drive for the security footage.

"Y/n we should go."

"I know."

I split the files into two bags one for Minho and the other for Zio. I take the flash drive. We make it out of the house and make our separate ways back to the cabin.

I get there first. Hyunjin and the others are out doing a few errands for me. I hear a car drive up. I look out the window and see some of my dad's men get out.

What the fuck?

"Look for her. We have to take her to boss unharmed."

Fuck I have to get out of here.

I sneak into the safe room and shut the door. I can hear them outside the door.

"No one is here."

"Let's light the place. She will come running to Boss since she has nowhere to go. She won't go back to her husband."

You have got to be kidding me. Mother fucker.

I hear some crashing and then the door is slammed shut. I wait a minute and then open the door. I smell fire. Fuck me.

I open the door and see the living room and kitchen is on fire. I run around the house throwing everything that is important on the windows. In a bag I get all the ultrasound photos and my things that I will need with me. I start coughing on the smoke.

Okay, Y/n time to get out of here.

I get on my hands and knees and crawl for the back door. I get out of the house and then watch as the cabin just gets engulfed in flames. I gather all of the things that I threw out. and put them in the hidey hole that my brother and I used to hide things in when we were kids.

Then I trench through the woods towards the city. I need to get somewhere safe to sleep for the night. Halfway through my journey it starts to rain. Great.

Eventually I get in front of an apartment building. I hurry in when a resident comes out. I hurry into the elevator and push the button to close the door. I take a deep breath and look down at my clothes. I look like a complete mess.

The doors open and I walk down the hallway. I finally find the apartment I am seeking. I knock on the door. It's quiet. Please be home.

The door opens, "For the last damn time I didn't take your..." He pauses, "Y/n..."

I smile.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Hoping to find somewhere to crash for the night."

"What the hell happened?"

"JK, can we talk about this inside."

He shakes his head and opens the door for me to walk in.

"Sorry to barge in."

"Don't worry about it. You're soaked. Why don't you hope in the shower, and I will get you some dry clothes."

"Thank you."

I walk to the bathroom. I start the shower and JK walks in with .

"We can talk when you finish."


He shuts the door and I look at myself in the mirror. I cringe at my reflection. I sure do look like crap. Mud is caked everywhere. I see some soot too.

It takes me awhile to scrub the soot and mud off of me. After the shower, I have pulled the pants he gave me on and then I almost have the shirt on. It's just over my chest. My belly still exposed when JK opens the door.

"Y/n are you.... Oh...Sorry."

He looks at my belly.


He smiles, "You're showing."

"Well, I'm 16 weeks."

"I really can't tell Yoongi."

I glare at him. He sighs.

"I know you want to do it. But Y/n you are almost halfway through your pregnancy."

"I know."

"Are you hungry?"

I nod my head.

"Good. I ordered food."

I smile. We sit out in the living room to eat our food.

"So, what happened?"

"So, I had just gotten back to where I was staying. Waiting for Zio and Minho. Shit I need to call them."

I pull out my phone and see I have missed calls and messages.

Z: Where the fuck are you?

Minnie: Y/n where the fuck are you?

Me: I'm in the city. I'm fine. I will call later. Busy. But safe.

"So, I was waiting for them when a car pulled up. it was my father's men. I hid in the place, and they couldn't find me. They lit it on fire. The fire wasn't too bad, but I had to get all the important shit out of there. Then when I did. The fire was worse. The place is gone now. I had to walk through the woods and then it started raining. Now I'm here."

"I should take you to get checked out."

"No, I will go to my doctor in the morning."

He pinches the bridge of his nose, "Why did you come here?"

"Because I have this." I pull out the flash drive that I put in a Ziplock earlier out of my backpack.

"What's this?"

I hand it to him, "Get to Yoongi. Make sure Hobi gets it."

I close my bag and stand up.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go."


"I still have a lot to do still."

"Am I blocked still? Is Yoongi?"

"Can you not blow up my phone?"

"I won't blow it up. I won't let Yoongi either."

I nod my head, "Then neither of you will be blocked."

He gets up and walks me to the door. He pulls me in for a hug.

"Be careful Y/n."

"I will."

I walk out of the apartment and then make my way down the hall. I pull out my phone.

Me: I need picked up now.

Yunnie: Binnie and Jisung are on their way.

Me: Thanks. I'll meet them down the road. I don't want to be standing in one spot too long.

Yunnie: They have your tracking pulled up. So just keep moving. They will find you.

Me: Thanks.

Yunnie: Just stay safe.

Me: I will.


I'm in my office at Vex Tech when my phone goes off. I look and it's Yoongi.

YG: So, what is this flash drive?

Me: It'll give you the answers you need.

YG: You found evidence of who killed my parents.

Me: Its on that flash drive. Get it to Hobi and then to Jin. Build a case.

YG: I don't want a trial.

Me: You will understand when you watch the video.

YG: Does this mean you can come home now?

Me: I can't. Not yet.

YG: *Sigh* Be Careful.

Me: I have a meeting. I have to go.

My door opens and Minho walks in.

"Glad you are okay."

"I'm glad your okay too. Did you and Zio find the stuff I hide."

"Zio's got it along with the files at the bar."

I nod, "After this meeting. I need to spend time going over those files."

"Good think Zio was able to get them to come all at once."

"It's risky to have them come at the same time but it's the best option we have. We have to move quickly."

"Not too quickly. We can't make a mistake. It could cost you your life if we do."

"I know."

Yoongi's POV 2 weeks later:

I'm staring at this stupid invitation I received from Shin. What it says doesn't make any sense.

JK takes it from me and reads it over. The tosses it on my desk, "That doesn't make any sense. She wouldn't do that."

I am about to answer him, when my phone goes off.

"Who is it?"


Y/n: Trust me.

Me: Kind of hard to when I'm looking at this invitation announcing your return home.

Y/n: He's always had a flare for the dramatics. But it's part of the plan. Are you going to be there?

Me: of course.

Y/n: you can't make a move there. Not yet. I need more time.

Me: Time for what Y/n?

Y/n: The truth about my mother's death.

Me: What do you mean? She was sick Y/n.

Y/n: Not sick enough to die, Yoongi. I have some of my dads files but not all of them contain what I'm looking for. I need more time. Please.

Me: This is too dangerous.

Y/n: I know but my mother deserves just as much justice as your parents do Yoongi.

Me: You're right she does. She was a wonderful woman.

Y/n: She was.

Me: Fine but you better tell me if you need help.

Y/n: I will.

"What did she say?"

"It's part of the plan. We can't make our move against Shin at the party. She needs more time."

"More time for what?"

"The truth behind her mother's death."

"I thought her mother died because she was sick."

"I think that's the story they had told Zio. Y/n saw something that night."

"I wish she would talk to someone."

"She will when she's ready."


It's the night of the party. I take some deep breaths to calm down. I know I'm gonna have a hard time not beating the shit out of Shin, knowing he was the one that killed my parents. But I would risk exposing Y/n. I can't put her in anymore danger than she has already put herself into.

I lose my breath when I see her standing next to her father. She is practically glowing.

"You're drooling." Jimin whispers.

"Shut up."

We walk up to the bar and get a round of drinks. We find a space off to the side where we can watch the whole room. I happen to see Y/n's men sprinkled throughout the room. Her father's men have no clue, it makes me chuckle.

Music starts to play, and some people start to dance. I watch as Y/n dances with a few men. I clench my glass tight.

"Relax. You're gonna break your glass." JK whispers.

Once this last dance is done I put my drink down and march over there.

"May I have this next dance?"

Her eyes light up when she sees me. I can't help but smile.

"Of course." She takes the hand I have offered her in hers.

I lead us to the middle of the dance floor. I pull her body close. I notice that she gulped.


"No." says a little too o quickly.

I hum. She isn't as close as I thought she would be when I pulled her close to me. I look down and see that her stomach is sticking out.

"Trying to keep me at a safe distance?"

She blushes, "No. I have just gained some weight."

"While on the run?" I whisper.

"Yoongi ."

"Stop what? Talking to my wife that I haven't seen in a long time."

"How long have you been gone now?"

"4 months."

It dawns on me, "You aren't...?" I look down at her belly again.

"Yoongi stop drawing attention to my stomach." She snaps.

"We need to talk! Now!"

She sighs, "Okay. I'll meet you in a minute."

She walks towards her father when the song ends. He rolls his eyes and she walks away. When she gets to the door. She nods her head for me to come too.

She is waiting outside.

"We can't talk here. Follow me."

I follow her down a hallway. She opens the door and I see Hyunjin sitting there.

"The room is good Y/n." He walks out and shuts the door.

"Start talking."

"What do you want to know?"

"Are you actually pregnant?"


My fists clenched, "Did you know when you left?"


"We're you going to tell me?"



"When it was safe to come home."

"It is safe to come home."

"I can't run now Yoongi. I'm so close."

"You're putting our child in danger."

"Our child was in danger the moment I conceived. Our child will always be in danger. The biggest threat to our child is my father! "

"Let me help you then."

"What do you think I have been doing?"

I sigh, "How far along are you?"

"19 weeks."

"Do you know what we are having?"

She shakes her head, "No. I want to find out with you."

"Fuck this whole situation is a nightmare."

"I know."

"You sure being near him is wise?"

"He won't doing anything for now."

" now part has me worried."

"It'll be over before we have to even worry about it."

I walk up to her and hug her.

"I have missed you."

She wraps her arms around me, "I have missed you too."

There's a knock on the door, "That's Hyunjin. I have to go."

"I wish we could have just left all those years ago."

She pauses in the doorway, "The night my mother died. The night we said we would meet at the park, I was there. I-I waited."

She walks out of the room and shuts the door. I silently curse at myself. So stupid.

JK walks in a little later, "You alright?"

"Dandy. So, is that what you couldn't tell me?"

He gulps, "Yeah."

I lightly punch him on the shoulder, "I thought you would punch me harder than that when you found out."

"I want to, but I get it."

"So, what else happened because you look like you want to punch yourself."

"Back when I was going by Cody still, I was seeing Y/n."

"Well that makes sense now."

"Anyways, I had asked her to come with me. To come live with me. I knew how bad her home life was. She told me so much about it. I wanted to get her out of that life. I told her to meet me at the park we would always go to one night. It was the same night that Y/n's mother died but it was also the anniversary of my parents death. I was at there grave and lost track of time. I showed up late to the park. y/n wasn't there."

"And you thought she never showed up.l

"I didn't know that she has been there a already. I looked for her for days but I never found her. I thought her father did something to her."

"Now you know the truth."

"Yeah. That I let her down."

"Yoongi. That was when we were all kids . Y/n and I had just turned 18."

"But I was 22."

"And you were grieving. You can't blame yourself."


"No pull your fucking self together! Y/n and your child need you. They need the mob boss Yoongi. Not Cody!"

I take a deep breath, "You're right."

I take out my phone and text her.

Me: Whatever you need I'm there. We will end this together. Not a part.

Y/n: Thank you.

Me: I love you.

Me: I love you too.

Y/n's POV:

I pass out quickly when we get back from the party.

The next morning Im laying in my bed and rubbing my belly.

"Did you hear that little one? Daddy knows now."

I haven't felt any kicks or anything yet. But I still keep talking to the baby. I'm hoping in a couple of weeks I can actually go home.

There's a knock on the door. I sit up and pull the covers up to cover my belly, "Come in."

My dad comes in, "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"I slept fine."

"I saw you danced with that husband of yours."

I roll my eyes, "I told you we are getting a divorce."

"I wish you wouldn't. We could use him."

"Use him how?"

"For his money dear."

"But I thought we had money?"

"We do. I just use other people's money instead of ours."

Liar. You're broke.

"Oh, that makes sense."

"I wanted to let you know that Cho and I are going out for a while. Won't be back for a couple of days."

"Where are you going?"

He walks over and pats the top of my head, "You don't need to worry that pretty little head of yours."


"You will have men here to take care of anything you need."

"Sounds good dad."

He kisses the top of my head. And I have to hold in my gag.

"See you in a few days Princess."

"Bye dad."


I wait until the next day to do more snooping. I skip his office. We over hauled it the last time we looked. I decide to check the den.

I find my moms medical records. Her cancer screens had come back negative.

"I knew it!"

"Well well what do we have here. Seems I have found a snooping little mouse."

I stand up and turn around, "Cho."

"Always snooping."

"It was you with my parents that night."

"I was with them."

"I thought my father killed her. I saw him."

"Oh you saw right. I caught her snooping like you are now."

"You took her to my father."

"I did. He strangled her like how you saw."

"She wasn't the only snooping mouse I caught that night. I don't know how you got away, but your father refused to believe me. He thought you ran off with that boy. Now that I have caught you again. He will have to believe me. Then we can get rid of you too."

I pull out a knife, "I won't go willingly."

He shrugs, "Good. I can kill you first and not have to deal with him going soft for you."

"So, you are the brains behind my father?"

He smirks, "I'm glad you realize that your father isn't very smart."

"My mother was the brains in their marriage."

"Which is why she became a liability. I had to get rid of her."

"You thought the cancer was going to get her."

"I did but then the bitch recovered."

"My mother hated you."

"I bet about as much as I hated her. Enough chit chat Y/n."

I ready myself for him to attack. This is for you mom.

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