Embrace Me Tightly

By ButterFly_707_

74.1K 4.4K 892

I don't know from where it starts, but i want my end in your embrace. This Love story is about Advik Rathod a... More

Author's Note


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By ButterFly_707_

If you like my story then please do comments and votes which motivated me alot. And let me know your favourite part.

~ If you guys know any Desi books which includes past life, present life like concept so let me know. I really want to read that types of books. But I was not able to find so help me out.

SONG NAME:- "Hale Dil Tujhko Sunata"(please listen this song to feel their feelings.)

From Last 2 days Niyati didn't talk to Advik properly as she was busy in something. She was doing some decoration with Om and Vansh.

So, Niyati is in Mumbai and she was planning to surprise Advik about what and why that we will know in just few minutes. When she reached at Mumbai she just want to go to see Advik. But she make her self understand that just 2 more days.




Let me tell you what is happening here. So, Advik's works are finally completed in Mumbai. So he booked his flight ticket to go home. He wants to see his family and Niyati's reaction.

But in last minute Om and Vansh told him that they forget to inform him that he still have one pending work. And now his flight is also missed and he was at Om's farm house as they told him that their meeting will be here. The meeting is also at night 11 o'clock he was confused that why at night but he didn't asked anything.

He didn't asked more because first he was upset with Niyati's behaviour because she didn't talk to him properly from 2 days, and now this SHIT happens.

He wears what they both told him without any questions and made his way toward Farm house.

He was going throw gardan area but his eyes widened when he saw this on his way....

He start walking then he saw one Rose and one card is on stairs.

He picked that up and start reading.

"I am that person who will never get enough of you."

He was confused but again he saw one Rose and card after some stairs. He go there and read that.

"With you, every moment feels like a fairytale."

He was not understanding that who is this person but after some steps he again spotted one Rose and one card.

"There is no other man that could ever compare to you in my eyes."

He looked up and saw there are more 15 or 20 flowers and cards are lying on the garden in curiosity he start going forward. He start reading all the cards.

"As we are singers let me tell you one sentence in our language,
Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite."

After reading this line big smile spread on his face. Like he wins something big. He notice that cards handwriting which is his Niya's handwriting. He start looking at here and there to find her but there is no clue of her.

He pout but again smile when he notice one more Rose and card. He start reading that card with big smile one his face.

"Our journey isn't perfect, but it's ours and I will stick with you till the end."

He start caressing that card. Then he again read next card.

"I want to grow old with you and live happily ever after."

Till then his eyes become wet he start taking deep breaths. He spotted one last card and Rose. He bend and pick that up and read with wet eyes.

"I know you are upset on me but I want to tell you something. I'm here for you and always will be and proved it even we're side by side or miles apart. We are always together by Heart. And it's my answer time now which you already know."

Advik's breath stucked in his throat when he reads that lines he closed his eyes took a deep breath and His Angel's face come in his mind. Finally it's time which he was waiting for so many days, months and years.

He opened his eyes and start reading with small smile, wet eyes and shaking hands.

"You mean the World to me Advik and I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH MY MR. RATHOD."

He has no courage to read forward tears start rolled down from his eyes like a rain. After some some time he opened his eyes and read further.

"I have found someone who makes my soul smile. That someone is you MY ADI. I'm in love with you and with every passing day I was finding my self falling deeper and deeper in love with you MR.ADVIK RATHORE."

Tears are still rolling down from his eyes. He was crying while looking down he can't believe that finally she confessed.

He looked up when sunflower's smell hits his nose. And he finally saw his Angel after 1 month 10 days.

His focus in only on her face which is shining because of dim light. Her lips has small smile. After some good minutes he moved his eyes from her face.

He looked at her tattoo for some seconds. His breath stucked in his throat when his eyes landed on her cleavage. This time he didn't close his eyes because he knows Niyati get ready just for him.

He looked at her whole outfit in which she was looking like just an Angel but HIS ANGEL.

He moved toward her with slow steps without breaking eye contact. They both's heart beat is running like a marathon race. Advik put all roses and cards on table then he was about to touch her cheek put Niyati hold his hand in the air. She shook her head. Then removed his bracelet in which have a ring which she gives him in teenage.

Advik was all confused but he stay silent. But her next step make Advik widened his eyes in shock. After holding that ring she knees down infront of him. He took one step backward because of sudden movement.

Niyati closed her eyes then took a deep breath then open her eyes and looked in his eyes with so many emotions. Finally she start speaking....

"One teenage girl who used to like listen one teenage boy's story, one teenage girl who always fight for him, one teenage girl whose happiness always started with you and end with you.

I don't know when it's all start. I don't know when you become most important part of my life. I don't know why it's hurt when we separate? I don't know when your smiling face becomes my strength. But now I know these questions answers. IT'S LOVE.

So finally it's time to complete our teenage pinky promise Advik. Can you let me take care of your heart, can you be lyrics of my songs? You have only 2 choice 1st will you mine? Or 2nd I can be yours the choice is yours."

As Niyati said last line they both giggles. Thay both make an eye contact and finally Niyati said.


Niyati was crying while while saying last lines. Advik also start crying after listening her words. He is not able to say anything.

He moved toward her and knees down in her height as she was still standing on her one knee.

Advik cupped her face in between his hands. Niyati closed her eyes feeling him after so many days. Advik slowly wiped her tears. And said.

Advik:- "Can you repeat."

Niyati open her eyes and looked at him who is crying. Niyati wipped his tears with one hand and said.

Niyati:- "I love you so much Adi. Can you be my boyfriend?"

Advik smiled while crying and start nodding because his voice betrayed him here. Niyati smiled and moved that ring to his left hand but stop and again asked.

Niyati:- "Pakka pehna du naa? Fir Jane nhi dungi khi tumhe."

Advik again nodded and said.

Advik:- "Where I will go when you are my home."

Niyati smiled with crying and make him wear that ring. She was about to hug him but Advik make her stand and removed ring from her necklace and now he knees down infront of her.

He start rubbing his back side head and mumbled to hear her laugh.

Advik:- "It's not fair Agar muje pata hota to me bhi tyari karke aata."

Niyati laughed at him. Big smile come on his lips after seeing his Angel's laughing face.

Advik:- "Love, possisvness, obsession, addiction, jealousy my every feelings is start with you and ends with you. So, here I'm asking you to my world if would you like to stucked with your this Adi for the rest of life? If you forward your hand then just remembered one thing I will not leave your hands in our whole life journey.

So, Niyati Sharma will you be my Girlfriend?"

Niyati wipped her tears and forward her left hand. Advik raised his one eye brow to asked that she really want this? Niyati glared at him which makes both of them laugh.

Finally Advik make her wear ring and kissed on her hands.

Advik just about to stand up but Niyati hugged him suddenly which make him moved backward but he balanced and hugged her back with smile.

He was about to say something but Niyati moved back and said.

Niyati:- "Closed your eyes."

Advik:- "hmm?"

Niyati:- "Closed your eyes Billu."

Advik:- "Stop calling me Billu. Now I'm your boyf.."

Niyati closed his eyes with her hands and said.

Niyati:- "Start walking."

Advik start walking and asked.

Advik:- "you want to pampered by me right ? So it's time to complete your wish Billu."

Advik just smiled. They both reached and Niyati whispers in his ears.

Niyati:- "Open your eyes Adi."

Advik slowly opened his eyes and saw this....

Before Advik react anything she go and bring bouquet which is on the table.

Advik smiled and mumbled.

Advik:- "Sunflower."

Niyati smiled and said while looking at him.

Niyati:- "Happy Birthday Adi."

Advik's smile dropped and looked at her with widened eyes. He checked time and it's 12:15. He forgot his birthday because of Niyati's confession.

He smiled and without any saying he hold her in his arms and start spinning her. They both laughed.

Niyati:- "Oh my god Advik. Slow down."

Advik laughed more and said.

Advik:- "I'm so so so happy today Princess. You make me the most luckiest person Niya."

They both have no boundaries of their happiness today. They both feel complete now.

Niyati:- "Come."

Niyati make him stand near table and opened one small box.

In which there is one small cake. Advik smiled and read.

"Happy Birthday Billu."

Niyati giggles and start singing birthday song. Advik whole focus is on her who is looking like most adorable person to him.

Niyati start clapping with big smile and said.

Niyati:- "Make a wish."

Advik:- "Now I have you. I don't need anything."

Niyati smiled softly and said.

Niyati:- "make one wish fast."

Advik looked at her with smile and said loudly so she can hear.

Advik:- "I wish our relationship will stay strong. Because in future I want to see first thing after I wake up is her dimple smile in my arms."

They both are looking at each other. but she looked down with smile after he complete his wish.

Advik blowed candles. Niyati forward knife to cut the cake but Advik hold her hand and make her stand infront of him and hold her waist by one hand and second hand is on her hand which have knife. Advik's breath are hitting Niyati's ear. Niyati's breath becomes uneasy because of closeness her eyes are tightly close. Advik notice her State. And said softly in her ear before blow some air on her ear.

Advik:- "Open your pretty eyes Little one. I want to cut the cake."

Niyati's hold on knife become tight she slowly opened her eyes but didn't looked at him. They both cut the cake.
Advik removed his hand from her waist slowly and turned her so he can see his Angel.

He held her chain and make a eye contact. He cut one piece of cake and make her eat. Niyati was about to turn to cake so she also make him eat.

But again Advik hold her chain between his one finger and thumb. After making eye contact Advik eat that piece which he feed her sometime ago.

Not controlling anymore of his teasing she hugged him to hide. Advik laughed and hugged her.

Niyati:- "Hug me tightly Adi."

After listening her command he makes her stand on his feet. He start moving left and right slowly. They both are lost in each other. Niyati's face is hides in his neck.

Niyati smiled when one idea come in her mind.

Niyati:- "Happy Birthday Adi."

She softly kissed on his neck before she moved back Advik's hold become tight when he feels this new feeling. He also kissed her neck on her tattoo.

They both broke the hug but Niyati is still standing on his feet. He start moving closer to her face. Advik moved his eyes between her eyes and lips. Niyati was not saying anything but she was nervous. They both are just some inches away from each other.

Niyati hold his coat in fist she didn't dined him. Advik looked at her whose eyes are closed now. He start rubbing her waist to calm her down. Removing her hairs from her face he moved more close.

Niyati closed her eyes tightly when his nose touched her nose. She was way to nervous that her heartbeats are not normal.

Advik also close his eyes and kissed her on her corner of lips. Niyati Stop breathing. Advik let his lips stay near her lips and said softly.

Advik:- "Breath Jaan."

She was not in her senses. She was lost when his lips touched her lip's corner. Still she was not taking breath. Advik moved other side and again kissed her near her lips and again softly said.

Advik:- "Breath Jaan. Take a deep breath."

He said and start rubbing her shoulders. Finally Niyati take a breath but she has no courage to look at him so she hugged him and start taking deep breaths.

Advik was rubbing her back. After some time Niyati's breaths cool down. Advik kissed on her head very softly and said.

Advik:- "Don't worry I will never cross my limits without your permission. Just remembered one thing you are my first priority Niya."

He said and kissed on her forehead. Niyati looked at him and start thinking how can she be this much lucky to find this gem.

Advik smiled softly and said.

Advik:- "I'm lucky Niya. Who becomes a friend of one blind child? You are not moon in my life because moon was not staying with us always but you are MY SHINING STAR. Who is always with me in my dark life. If we can see that star or not but we knows that One SHINING STAR was always with us so, you are my that one shining star. Now I want to spend my bright life with you only Niya. My life is nothing without you Niyati Sharma......

Niyati was looking at him with tears in her eyes. She didn't said anything. She was waiting for him to say that one sentence. Advik hold her face between his hands and bring her face close to him and said in very slow voice.


As Niyati heard that tears rolled down from her eyes. Advik shook his head and wiped her tears.

Advik;- "Now no more crying Angel. I really want to see you in Dimple smile."

Niyati smiled brightly at him. Before they both can say anything Advik's phone disturbed them. Advik received call.


Advik's family members and Divya start shouting from other side. Advik smiled and said.

Advik:- "Thank you everyone."

Divya:- "Is chhoti is with you?"

Advik smiled while looking at her. He put his hand around her shoulders and pulled her towards him and said.

Advik:- "Yes Bhabhi, she is here."

He hold her cheek and rubbed their nose. Smile are not leaving their lips. Like smile finally found their home which is their lips.

After sometime they cut the call. Niyati hold his hand and make him sit on the chair. Advik is excited to see now next what? He is feeling so happy to see how she make sure that everything will be perfect.

He can see pure hard work behind her smile. She was not wearing any makeup so he can see her eyes has dark circles which is proof that she didn't sleep properly from some days.

He come out from his thoughts when Niyati come with box in her hand. She was smiling like a fool while looking at him.

Advik raised his eyebrow in question. Niyati laughed in response. And said.

Niyati:- "You know naa. I don't know how to cook?"

Advik just nodded.

Niyati:- "I was trying from 2 days to cook something for you but every time I failed. So here is what I can make for you."

Niyati opened the box and in that there is our famous MEGGI. Advik laughed after looking at that. Niyati pout when he laughed.

She was about to leave from there but Advik hold her hand and pulled her and make her sit on his lap.

Niyati widened her eyes but she not looking at him. Advik smiled at her because she was acting like a small kid. Advik turned her face and said..

Advik:- "Say AAAA.."

Niyati:- "I don't wanna....."

She didn't able to say more because Advik fills her mouth with Meggie. Niyati glared at him.

Advik:- "Eat Little one. I'm hungry."

Niyati start eating Meggie with pout. Advik again fill spoon and bring close to her but she hold his hand and make him eat.

They both start eating when suddenly Advik said.

Advik:- "I'm impressed Princess. Your hands Meggie is yummy."

Niyati hit him and said in low voice.

Niyati:- "Stop teasing me Advik. It's your duty to feed your girlfriend your hand made food. "

She said but her eyes widened when she realised what she said. Advik smirked and Said.

Advik:- "Obviously My Highness, it's your Boyfriend's duty. And I'm here to complete my girlfriend's order."

Niyati smiled while looking down. They both stay like that some time. Then Niyati stand from his lap and said.

Niyati:- "let's go."

Advik looked at her with widened eyes.

Advik:- "Don't tell me there is more surprise."

Niyati laughed at his reaction and said.

Niyati:- "Just last one MR.RATHOD"

Advik:- "You don't...."

Niyati cut him off.

Niyati:- "Let's go."

Advik looked back and bring all those 23 roses and cards he told Niyati to hold that big bouquet because his hand is full by all those flowers and cards.

Niyati start taking him to his last surprise.

Advik smiled after looking at decoration. He kissed her forehead. They both lay down there and start looking at sky.

Advik:- "Today I'm very Happy Niya."

Niyati:- "I know and me too."

Advik:- "well. I love these all card's."

Niyati:- "Really? I copied them from Pinterest."

Niyati said and start laughing.

Advik:- "And you think I will believe? I know you more than anyone Angel."

He said Niyati looked at him like how can this man knows everything without her saying.

Advik:- "It's my 23rd Birthday so it's 23 roses and cards right?"

Niyati nodded.

Niyati:- "I want to make you feel Special."

Advik:- "I'm glad that I'm special for you."

Niyati smiled and hide her face in his neck before mumbling.

Niyati:- "Always. But you don't know that."

They didn't speak anything. Advik start caressing her hairs to make her sleep and Niyati sleep in his arms.

Advik looked down at her who is sleeping in his arms with most adorable and cute smile. Advik smiled and kissed her head softly before telling her.

Advik:- "I love you so much Niya."

He said and sleep with her in his embrace.


:) Finally Confession. Every boy deserves Prince treatment just like every girl deserves Princess treatments.

:) Let me know if I succeed to give our male lead a perfect Prince treatment or not.

:) So, finally it's time to read next level romance from next chapter. Are you guys excited?

:) So, this is for today I hope you guys like this chapter.

:) If you guys like this then please vote, comments, share and follow..

:) Follow me on Instagram for spoilers . Link is on my BIO.

:) IG I'D:- ButterFly_707__


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