Letters to a Nobody

By soccerluv4

18.4K 647 110

What happens when a player hell bent on revenge and a shy advice writer meet head to head? Well, the last thi... More

Chapter 1- New Beginnings
Chapter 2-Reality Check
Chapter 3-Floor It!
Chapter 4-Playing Games
Chapter 5-Behind The Mask
Chapter 6-Meetings and Messages
Chapter 7- A Little History Lesson
Chapter 8-A Date with the Devil
Chapter 9- Dinner for Two?
Chapter 10-Mirror Says All
Chapter 11-Playing the Field
Chapter 12- Cinderella
Chapter 13- All Battles Leave Scars
Chapter 14- Confrontations
Chapter 15 - Reflections
Chapter 17 - Jealousy

Chapter 16 - Open Invitation

304 23 9
By soccerluv4

Here's the second part I promised you guys! I'll probably have another chapter up by the end of this week as well so stay tuned for that! Please comment what you think of this chapter! A lot of steamy romance in this one, but it's not what you think....

I'll let you guys figure that out when you read!

As always, comment, vote, follow <333

Love you all!


Dear S.,

I've recently been seeing this amazing guy. He's been the sweetest thing, always making sure I'm okay, surprising me with little gifts, listening to me, you name it. He's the definition of a perfect boyfriend. There's just one problem. He's not in the same "social circle" as me. I know it sounds so ridiculous, but I'm afraid of what people might think of our relationship. We've kept our relationship a secret so far, just because I'm afraid my friends will think badly of me, and that people will think I'm betraying them. He's not as "popular" as me I guess, but I don't care. He's the best guy I've ever dated and I'm really tired of hiding my relationship. I told a friend recently about this and she advised me not to tell, or it'll ruin my reputation. Before I could decide, I wanted your opinion. Do you think I should tell and risk the talk? I really like him, and he means a lot to me. I just don't know what to do and could really use your advice.


Social Butterfly

I wanted to laugh. How ironic that with my situation going on, this was the first letter I opened to view?

I sighed, and opened my laptop. Pushing my feelings aside, I began typing a response to her letter. What I really wanted to tell this girl was she was stringing this poor boy along and he didn't deserve it, but then again, I was biased. I saved what I'd written so far. I'd have to get back to it when I wasn't so tense about the stupid Carter situation.

I heard a ping on my cell phone and grabbed it off my nightstand. I glanced down at it to see a text from Fay.

We're going out tonight. Don't ask any questions. Wear something hot and I'll come pick you up at 7. Be ready by then.

I stared at the screen, confused as ever. Not once in my years of friendship with this girl have I ever heard her talk, much less text me like that. I knew something was up, I just had no idea what.

Okay. But be ready to explain everything when you get here.

I replied, satisfied. Maybe she was planning a girl's night with just the two of us? But why the need to be dressed up?

Instead of confusing myself with all these questions, I decided to just pick an outfit, get some work done, and then worry about everything when Fay got here.


Picking out a stylish outfit, I slipped on the last earring before I heard my phone go off again.

I grabbed it and saw a text from Fay. She was already downstairs, waiting for me in my driveway.

I looked back at my outfit quickly in the mirror and grabbed a small purse.

Rushing down the stairs, I said a quick bye to my parents before heading out the door.

"Wow, sexy," Fay commented when I slipped into the backseat. When I'd reached the car, I saw her new boyfriend Bryan was driving and Fay was next to him. So I guess the girl's night plan was out of the question.

"Thanks," I laughed at Fay, "but where are we going? You promised to answer my questions when you got here."

"Relax Sammy, we're just going to a party. It's a small one, a friend of Bryan's is hosting it and I thought you could use a little fun tonight," she replied, pulling out a tube of lipstick and applying it.

I looked down at my outfit, hoping I was dressed for the occasion. I'd worn a flowy blue top over a black skirt and paired it with my favorite black leather jacket and a pair of gold gladiator sandals. My makeup and hair were pretty simple, but decent enough.

I opened my purse and quickly swiped on a bit of extra lip gloss and checked my hair in the pocket mirror.

"Are you sure it's a good idea Fay? I mean, my reputation hasn't been that great lately," I asked her.

"That's why I want you to go out. Have fun and act like nothing happened. If you don't, people will feed off of this for days, maybe weeks. You need to show everyone you're over it so they can move on too. Besides, this was Bryan's idea and I thought it was great!" She replied, snuggling into Bryan's side. He slipped a hand into hers and I felt a pang of envy.

"Yeah sorry to hijack you like this Sammy, but what Carter did to you was horrible. I thought the least I could do was help a friend out," he said to me.

"Thanks Bryan, really, but I don't know about this," I murmured, feeling the knot in my stomach tighten as we approached a mansion sized house. Music was thumping loudly and people were walking inside in hordes.

"Please Sammy, loosen up tonight. You deserve it okay? Forget that asshole Carter and have a little fun," Fay said to me as she stepped out of the car.

I followed suit and got out, feeling my already tightened stomach start doing summersaults as we got closer to the front door of the place. I told myself to relax, to have a little fun, and stepped inside.

The inside was a complete mess. Girls and guys lined the hallways, making out, talking, and flirting. There were beer cans and solo cups littering the place. The smell of alcohol was strong, and the air was sticky with hot humidity.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks! You guys wait here!" Bryan shouted over the music, and left us by the stairs.

"I don't know if this was such a good idea," I yell into Fay's ear, looking around nervously. Was this my first ever party? No. Was this my first ever party after public humiliation? Yes.

I was afraid of being around all these people after what they saw between Carter and I. Even worse was the chance of bumping into Carter himself. He was obviously going to be here, and the thought of accidentally seeing him made my palms sweat.

"Sam, come on, have a little fun! You need to get your mind off of that douchebag anyway," she chuckled, grabbing my hand.

"Wow Fay, you've changed," I smirked, laughing slightly, "where did my best friend go?"

She gave me a sheepish grin and glanced over at Bryan who was pushing his way through a crowd with 3 solo cups in his hands.

"I don't know Sammy. He's...he's amazing. I've always wanted to let loose a bit. You know, not be such a 'stick up my ass' kinda girl? He's really helped me get out of my shell," she answered, giving me a coy smile.

"Which is exactly what I want for you! Please Sammy, god knows you deserve it after the hell week you've been through!" Fay frowned, lightly bumping me on the shoulder with her own.

Before I could answer, Bryan finally reached us and handed us our drinks. I sipped mine cautiously and surveyed the room once again. We'd inched our way closer to the large living room where everyone was dancing and drinking. So far, no sign of Carter, which made me breathe a sigh of relief.

"We're gonna go dance! Wanna come with?" Fay shouted over the music, pointing towards the crowd.

"Nah, I'll stay here for a bit. Maybe later," I answered quickly. I was not about to be a third wheel. Plus, it was more dry humping than anything, and I was not about to do so on some random guy.

She pouted at me but I just waved her off, pushing her towards Bryan. She finally relented and I watched her take Bryan's hand and weave through the crowd to the makeshift dance floor.

"Hey," a voice whispered in my ear. I looked to my left to see the origin of the voice.

A raven haired guy with beautiful blue eyes stared down at me, his lopsided grin showcasing perfect teeth.

"Hi," I squeaked out, surprised that such an attractive guy was talking to me.

"What's your name?" he whispered, his lips just barely grazing my ear.

"Sammy," I answered, feeling more and more nervous as he stood right in front of me, placing one hand on the wall behind the left side of my face.

"Sammy, I like it. I'm Connor," his silky voice hummed out.

I felt like a thousand butterflies had erupted in my stomach and were fighting their way through. His 100 watt smile had me plastered to the wall, with a dorky grin on my face as I tried to stutter out a response.

"Thanks," I replied, giving him what I hoped to be a sexy smile but probably looked more like a grimace than anything.

"Wanna dance?" He questioned, raising the right corner of his grin up. I wanted to melt into a puddle right there. Me dance with him?

"S-sure," I managed to stutter out. My face felt hot when he held out a hand for me and moved us further down the wall, towards the group of dancers.

Giving me that winning smile again, he flipped our positions so that I was facing him and he leaned against the wall. His large hands rested on my hips, and I placed mine on his firm chest. My fingers could feel the indents of his pecs and abs through the thin material of his shirt.

We swayed back and forth, as the loud thumping of the music made us grind our bodies together. I couldn't believe that I, Sammy, was grinding with this handsome stranger before me. It felt exhilarating, knowing that for once, I was wanted by someone who didn't make it an objective to make my life hell.

I pushed closer to Connor, loving the toned chest beneath my fingers. I moved a hand up to his neck, wrapping it around the back of it and stared into his azure eyes, giving him a small smirk.

I don't know where this courage came from, but I was done letting my troubles ruin everything for me. I swayed to the music, feeling the bass vibrate through my body. Connor seemed to like this free spirited version of me, as he laid his soft, pink lips on my neck, kissing up to my jaw. I just grinded more into him, loving how his lips felt on my neck.

For once in my life, I was glad that Fay intervened. She was right. After the week I'd had, I deserved this more than anything, and I wasn't going to let Carter ruin that.


So what do you guys think about new guy here? Forget that, actually, but props to Sammy for letting loose and having fun! She definitely needs it!

As for the guy, I'll let you in on a little secret.... someone isn't gonna be too happy about this. Stay tuned for the next chapter to see how this all plays out!

Comment what you guys think, vote, and follow <3


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