Magnetic Force

Od Beccajadewrites

6.3K 341 68

Rankings: #1 Ashoka 10/12/2023 ๐Ÿฅ‡ 12/01/2024 #4 StarWars 14/10/2023 #4 AnakinSkywalker 13/10/2023 ... Viac

Chapter 1 pilot
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 36

71 4 1
Od Beccajadewrites

'Sometimes even the smallest doubt can shake the greatest belief'

Obi-Wan and I strode side by side into the bustling Republic ship hangar. As we entered, the figures of Anakin, Ahsoka, and Caleb awaited our arrival, their presence palpable but unacknowledged. Without making eye contact with them, Obi-Wan's voice cut through the tension, firm and resolute, "Alert the council immediately," he ordered, and we made our way towards the main control room. I couldn't bear to meet Anakin's gaze, for I feared it might shatter my heart all over again.

In the heart of the control room, the holographic images of the Jedi Council materialized before us. Anakin loomed nearby, his presence a heavy shadow, yet I dared not meet his gaze. My focus remained locked on the floor, where the cold metal underfoot seemed a more welcoming sight than the turmoil within.

"Master Kenobi, Jedi Ken," Yoda's wise voice acknowledged our arrival, his ageless eyes peering through the shimmering hologram. "Dark forces around you, I feel. Went to Mandalore, you did," he spoke, and a shiver ran down my spine. I closed my eyes briefly, as if to shut out the painful memories that surged forth.

"Duchess Satine is dead," Obi-Wan's voice wavered as he uttered the devastating news, his pain thinly veiled. Gasps and murmurs rippled through the room, but the commotion barely registered in my ears. The galaxy's affairs felt trivial against the profound grief I carried.

"By whose hand?" Master Windu inquired, and finally, I lifted my head, meeting his stern gaze.

"By Darth Maul," I confessed, my voice almost a whisper. When my eyes found Anakin's, they were brimming with sorrow, and I felt his gaze pierce through my defenses. A silent exchange of anguish passed between us, before I turned away, unable to bear the weight of our shared heartache.

"Terrible news this is," Yoda lamented, his ears drooping in empathy. "Sorry to both of you, I am. Strong we must remain in times like this, look out for each other." The small, green Jedi Master's words offered a glimmer of solace in the sea of despair.

"Speak on this we will, in vain her death will not be. Her spirit now in the Force, use it, you will," Master Yoda added, his solemn tone punctuating the gravity of our duty.

As the hologram flickered and dissipated, the room fell into an uneasy silence. I swallowed hard, trying to contain the turbulent emotions that threatened to engulf me. Without uttering another word, I turned and walked away, seeking solitude to grapple with the emotional storm within, leaving the control room behind in the aftermath of heartache and tragedy.

Once I reached my chambers, exhaustion overcame me, and I crumpled onto my bed. I lay on my back, my gaze fixed on the ceiling, lost in my thoughts for a fleeting moment. It was then that Anakin entered the room, his presence like a quiet reassurance.

I shifted, making room for him, silently inviting him to join me. Without a word, he responded, his arms enfolding me in a warm and tender embrace as he lay down beside me, providing solace in the midst of our shared grief.

Tears flowed freely, and I couldn't contain the pain any longer. As the sobs racked my body, Anakin's presence was my anchor in this storm of sorrow. I wept into his embrace, my heartache finding solace in his unwavering support.

He whispered words of love and reassurance, his voice a soothing balm to my wounded soul. "I love you, and I will never, ever leave you," he vowed, his words like a sacred prayer.

"I'm here, always," he murmured, his fingers gently brushing away the tears from my cheeks. "We'll face whatever challenges come our way, together."

I clung to him, my voice choked with emotion as I whispered, "Anakin, it's so hard. The loss, the weight of the war... I fear for you, for us."

He cradled my face in his hands, his eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that cut through the darkness. "I won't let anything happen to us. We're stronger together, remember? and I'll protect you, no matter the cost and one day I'll have enough power so you'll never have to grieve loss again."

The sincerity in his words pierced through my grief, and I took a shuddering breath filled with concern and love, "Anakin, I believe in us, in our love."

His lips found mine in a tender kiss, a reassurance that transcended words. "And I believe in you, in the strength you carry," he replied, his voice filled with conviction. "You'll get through this, just as you have every other trial."

Our hands intertwined, fingers locking together in a silent vow. As we lay there, sharing our fears, our hopes, and our love, it was clear that we were not alone in this struggle. Our bond, both as Jedi and as lovers, would carry us through the challenges ahead.

In the soft glow of our chambers, we found solace in each other's arms, determined to stand strong against the trials of the galaxy, no matter how daunting they may be.

A month later, with the weight of grief still pressing upon me, I decided to seek solace in the serene meditation chambers. It was there that I found Obi-Wan sitting in quiet contemplation.

I approached him, a sense of familiarity and trust emanating from his presence. "Sorry if I'm interrupting." I began, my voice quiet and tremulous.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes, his expression a mixture of empathy and concern. "Come, my dear. Sit with me," he invited, patting the cushion beside him.

As I settled down, the warmth of the meditation chamber embraced us. We closed our eyes and let the Force envelop us, its energy connecting us to the greater whole of the galaxy.

After a prolonged period of silence, Obi-Wan finally spoke. "Loss is a burden we all must bear at some point in our lives, and it's never easy, especially for someone as sensitive as jedis, we must learn to let go, to accept the impermanence of life."

I nodded, though my eyes remained closed. "I understand that, but it still hurts so much."

Obi-Wan's voice held a fatherly tenderness as he continued, "It's okay to grieve, Amara, It's a sign of your humanity, a reminder that you have a heart that cares deeply. Use your grief as a source of strength, not a weakness. Satine's legacy lives on through us and in the Force."

I let his words wash over me, finding a measure of comfort in his wisdom. "Thank you"

With a reassuring smile, he placed a hand on my shoulder. "You're not alone in this, and you never will be. I'm here for you, just as I always have been. We'll face these trials together, just as a father and daughter should."

Tears welled up in my eyes, but this time, they were tears of gratitude. In that sacred moment, within the heart of the republic ship, I found strength in the bond that transcended our roles as Jedi, a bond of love and support that only a father and daughter could share.

I made my way to the training room, searching for Caleb. There, I observed him from a distance as he engaged in a fierce battle against holographic foes. His mastery of the Force and lightsaber combat had grown immensely, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as his Jedi mentor. Yet, a shadow of doubt crept over me, as if the Force itself had taken on a darker hue, and I sensed a growing detachment within myself.

My mind drifted into the quiet recesses of contemplation, where I sought solace amidst the hum of starship engines and the vastness of space. In that moment of introspection, the serenity was abruptly shattered as a soft, ethereal glow enveloped my surroundings. It was then that the unmistakable presence of a holographic message heralded the arrival of none other than the venerable Yoda, the grandmaster of the Jedi Order.

"Greetings, young one," his voice, wise and measured, resonated in the chamber as his spectral image materialized before me. "A matter of utmost importance, it is. Your presence at the Jedi Temple, we require."

My heart quickened as I absorbed the gravity of his words. The Jedi Temple, a place of history and wisdom, had always been the epicenter of my journey, a symbol of hope, discipline, and boundless knowledge. Yoda's holographic visage regarded me with eyes that seemed to pierce not just the depths of the galaxy but also the very core of my soul.

"Of course, Master Yoda," I replied with reverence, my voice steadying itself despite the trepidation coursing through m.

Yoda's gaze remained inscrutable for a moment, then he spoke with an air of cautious foreboding. "Dark times these are, and shadows loom. Secrets hidden in the Temple, there are. Secrets that may tip the balance of the Force. Secrets that only you can uncover."

With solemn determination, I made my way through the Jedi enclave, down the echoing corridors and into the bustling hangar bay. The hum of starship engines and the chatter of droids and pilots provided a stark contrast to the gravity of the task that lay ahead.

Approaching my ship, a sleek and agile vessel that had carried me through many trials, I swiftly input the coordinates for Coruscant. The planet, a sprawling metropolis of towering buildings and ancient history, was the heart of the Republic and the very nucleus of the Jedi Order. It was there, amidst the grandeur and history, that the Jedi Temple stood, a bastion of light against the encroaching darkness.

The stars streaked by in dazzling streaks of light as my ship hurtled through hyperspace, propelling me ever closer to Coruscant. The anticipation of what awaited me at the Jedi Temple weighed on my mind.

As I neared the glittering orb of Coruscant, the sprawling cityscape came into view, a testament to the grandeur and complexity of the Galactic Republic. The colossal skyscrapers reached for the heavens, each one a monument to the vast tapestry of cultures and species that inhabited this ancient world.

Navigating through the crowded air traffic, I finally set my ship down in the designated landing zone adjacent to the Jedi Temple. It was a place that had always filled me with a sense of reverence, and today was no different. The immense ziggurat-like structure loomed before me, its austere beauty and history-rich walls a silent testament to centuries of Jedi tradition.

I disembarked from my ship and was immediately met by the familiar presence of Jedi sentinels who guarded the entrance. The Master Yoda's message had clearly reached them ahead of my arrival.

One of the sentinels, a venerable Jedi with a kind smile, greeted me, "General Ken, you have come. The Council awaits your presence within."

With a nod of gratitude, I followed the sentinel through the hallowed halls of the Temple, each step echoing with the weight of the past. The memories of my training here, the wisdom imparted by the Jedi Masters, all came rushing back as I approached the towering doors of the Council chamber.

As the massive doors slid open, revealing the esteemed members of the Jedi Council gathered in their semi-circle, a shiver of trepidation coursed through me.

The members of the Jedi Council, their faces lined with years of experience, regarded me with a mixture of solemnity and compassion. Master Windu, the council's chairman, spoke with a measured tone, "Young Jedi, we are aware of the hardships you have faced. We regret the loss of your mother. She was a shining light in the Force."

The Councilors' words were a balm to my wounded heart, and I nodded, gratitude filling my eyes. "Thank you, Masters. Your understanding means more than words can express."

Master Shaak Ti, her features serene, continued, "Your journey has not been without its trials. You have shown remarkable strength in resisting the temptations of the dark side."

Master Yoda, the grandmaster, spoke, his words wise and measured, "Strong in the Force, you are. Resilience, you have displayed. Disturbances in the galaxy, there are. Insights, you may offer."

As the Councilors exchanged knowing glances, Master Windu added, "For your unwavering dedication to the Jedi way, and the potential you possess, we have decided to offer you a place among the Jedi Council."

Euphoria washed over me, a feeling of accomplishment beyond my wildest dreams. A place on the Jedi Council, the highest honor a Jedi could achieve. "I... I am deeply honored," I stammered, my voice filled with emotion.

The councilors nodded in unison, and Master Yoda offered his support, "Humble, one must remain. The burdens and responsibilities of the Council are great."

With a heart brimming with gratitude, I replied, "I understand, Master Yoda. I shall serve with humility and dedication, always mindful of the Jedi way."

The Jedi Council welcomed me into their ranks, and I took my seat among them, humbled and inspired by the magnitude of the destiny that now lay before me.

As I settled into my seat among the Jedi Council, my thoughts briefly drifted to Anakin. He had been my closest friend, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the prospect of sharing this news with him. After all these years, the balance of our paths had shifted, and now it was my turn to join the Council.

However, I couldn't help but notice that Anakin wasn't present at this crucial meeting. His absence was unusual, and I made a mental note to seek him out afterward.

Master Windu, his expression grave, took the floor, his voice echoing through the chamber, "Council members, we have gathered to discuss a matter of great importance. There are growing concerns regarding a looming threat to the Jedi Temple itself."

Master Ki-Adi-Mundi nodded in agreement, adding, "Disturbing rumors have reached us, suggesting that our security has been compromised. We cannot afford to underestimate this potential threat."

Master Yoda, his brow furrowed, spoke with a touch of worry, "Troubling times, these are. Matters with the Chancellor, we must also consider. The trust we have in him, wavering it seems."

Master Shaak Ti leaned forward, her voice tinged with concern, "The bond between the Jedi and the Republic is at stake. We must act with caution, but we cannot ignore the potential danger."

A sense of urgency filled the room as the councilors exchanged somber looks. It was evident that these were complex and challenging times for the Jedi Order, and the delicate balance between duty and loyalty was under threat.

Master Windu concluded, "We will continue to gather information and assess the situation. The security of the Temple is paramount. Young Jedi," he turned his attention to me, "your insights may be valuable in these trying times. We welcome your thoughts."

With a deep breath, I nodded, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. "I will do my utmost to assist, Masters. The Jedi Order and the Republic must remain strong and united in the face of these threats."

As the council meeting adjourned, I wasted no time and rushed toward the bustling hangar bay. The weight of the news I carried with me pressed heavily on my chest, and a lingering sense of doom clung to me like a shadow. The hairs on my neck bristled, sending a shiver down my spine. The Force whispered warnings in its cryptic language, but before I could truly process what was transpiring, chaos erupted before my very eyes.

I barely had time to respond as the hangar bay was suddenly engulfed in a blinding explosion. A cacophony of metallic screeches and debris filled the air as a shockwave sent me hurtling backward, my body colliding with the unforgiving metal wall.

Agony swept through the battlefield, a visceral cacophony of suffering as soldiers and laborers were reduced to smoky remnants by the unforgiving surge of destruction. The anguished cries of the fallen reverberated through the Force, much like the haunting laments of my mother in the darkest recesses of my memory.

Without a moment's hesitation, I sprinted back through the corridors of the Jedi Temple, my heart pounding with urgency. As I reached the door to the Jedi Council room, I could sense that Master Yoda was already aware of my presence. His ancient, wise eyes met mine, and a deep sigh escaped his lips.

"Master Yoda," I began, my voice tinged with urgency, "there's been an explosion in the hangar bay."

The weight of my words seemed to draw the smallest of frowns from the venerable Jedi Master. He leaned heavily on his gimer stick, his brow furrowed in deep contemplation.

"What I feared most," he murmured, "has come to pass. Contact Skywalker and Padawan Tano, you must. Urgent, this matter is."

The gravity of Yoda's words hung heavily in the air as I bowed and turned to fulfill his command. The Jedi Council room seemed to hold its breath, aware that this was a moment that would test the resilience and strength of the Jedi Order, and the destiny of the galaxy itself.

With a swift, determined motion, I reached for my message link and activated the encrypted channel that connected me to Anakin. The sounds of blaster fire and the distant clamor of battle emanated from his end of the transmission. As his holographic image materialized before me, his face mirrored the urgency of our situation.

"Anakin, do you read me?" I spoke, trying to keep my voice steady in the face of the chaos around him. He immediately turned his attention to the holographic projection, his piercing blue eyes fixed on me.

"Amara, what's wrong?" Anakin's voice was laced with concern, but the stress of battle still clung to him.

I didn't waste a second. "You must come to the Jedi Temple, now," I urged, the gravity of the situation etched on my face.

Anakin's brow furrowed, and he gestured to the ongoing chaos behind him. "We're a little busy here," he replied, his tone a mixture of frustration and helplessness.

I let out a deep sigh, my anxiety building. "I wouldn't contact you if it weren't urgent. There's been a bombing in the temple hangar bay."

Anakin's face dropped, and a shadow of unease crossed his features. "Who could successfully bomb the Jedi Temple?" Ashoka, interjected beside him, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"We'll be right there, Amara," Anakin assured me with unwavering determination. I nodded in acknowledgment, ending the call and bracing myself for the trials that awaited us.

As I sat in the hallowed chamber beside Master Yoda, the Council's collective concern cast a somber tone over the room. Anakin, his Jedi robes disheveled from the ongoing battles, stood before the council members, visibly perplexed upon spotting me in the room. But it was a silent promise we shared — I would fill him in on the unfolding events later, once we had clarity.

"How could the Separatists infiltrate the Temple?" Anakin inquired, his voice laced with frustration and bewilderment. The question hung in the air, heavy with implications.

"Worse than that, it is," Yoda replied, his ancient voice filled with gravitas, and for a moment, the room fell into a hushed unease.

"What could be worse, Master Yoda?" Ashoka's voice trembled with curiosity, and I exchanged a knowing look with Obi-Wan who, like me, was already aware of the unsettling revelation.

"Everything is on the table," Master Windu interjected with a resolute tone. "We have to consider the possibility that it could've been anyone within the Temple, even a Jedi." His gaze bore into mine, and I couldn't help but frown, questioning whether he harbored suspicions regarding the hangar bombing. Surely, the Jedi knew that I could never commit such a heinous act.

The distress in my voice couldn't be concealed as I voiced my own concerns, "I...I can't believe a Jedi would attack a place so sacred."

"If a Jedi has gone to the dark side," Yoda began again, "the sacredness of this place they will disregard."

Master Windu's gaze shifted to me as he made his decision. "We'd like Skywalker, and Tano to lead the investigation," he stated. "We cannot suspect anyone who was here during the meeting.'

Internally cringing, I locked eyes with Anakin, who radiated pride and warmth. His smile was enough to make my cheeks flush. "We'll do everything we can," Anakin affirmed with determination.

"Careful, you must be, Skywalker," Yoda interjected, offering his sage advice. "If someone is willing to destroy the Temple, they will go to great lengths to avoid being caught."

Anakin's response carried a resolute undertone. "Then we'll go to even greater lengths to catch them," he muttered, and I couldn't help but furrow my brows, realizing that we were embarking on a perilous journey into the shadows of the Force, where nothing was certain, and our very beliefs might be tested.

"Go with them, General Ken will," Yoda's voice resonated with authority as he fixed his wise, ancient eyes upon me. His small, green form radiated the force, commanding my undivided attention. With a jolt of surprise, I leaped to my feet, ready to heed the call of my revered Jedi Master.

But Master Windu, the unyielding paragon of Jedi Council decisions, raised a dissenting voice. "Master Yoda, Amara was in the hangar when the bomb exploded. Her presence during the explosion raises suspicions, and she may not be worthy of our trust at this crucial moment."

I couldn't help but frown, the concern about my involvement gnawing at me. How could I, a fellow Jedi, betray the sacred Temple and its inhabitants in such a despicable manner? Yet, Master Obi-Wan, stepped to my defense. His calm, reassuring voice brought a glimmer of hope.

"With all due respect, Master Windu, if Amara were indeed responsible for planting the bomb in the Temple, why would she be standing near it as it detonated?" Obi-Wan's argument was a ray of logic in the murky uncertainty that had descended upon the Jedi Council. I couldn't help but smile gratefully at him; his wisdom had always been a guiding light.

Yoda interrupted the debate with his cryptic yet decisive proclamation, "Enough, trust my old Padawan, I do." With those words, he settled the matter, affirming his faith in me. I inclined my head in respect to Yoda before turning to leave the Council chamber. Beside me, Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker, two of the most promising Jedi of their generation, were ready to accompany me.

As we exited the chamber, Anakin couldn't resist a playful nudge, his boyish smirk lighting up his face. "Congratulations on the council" His voice carried a hint of admiration.

I returned the nudge, my own smile bright with a mixture of pride and relief. "Took them long enough, didn't it?" I teased, my heart buoyed by the support of my friends and fellow Jedi. Anakin shook his head, seemingly in awe of my resilience.

We proceeded through the hallowed halls of the Jedi Temple, our footsteps echoing the weight of our solemn duty. The once peaceful sanctuary of the Order had been marred by the recent tragedy, and the palpable tension hung in the air. The Force whispered its disquiet to me, like a gentle breeze carrying foreboding secrets.

We carefully made our way through the wreckage-strewn hangar, my connection to the Force still resonating with the echoes of pain that lingered all around. Anakin followed closely behind me, his presence heavy with the shared burden of what i had just witnessed.

"I can still hear their screams," Anakin sighed, his voice tinged with sorrow, and I could feel his anguish as if it were my own.

"Do you believe what they said, that a Jedi could do this?" Ashoka voiced her concerns as she walked beside us. The hangar seemed to grow colder, the very air weighted with the blood it had spilled. Droids methodically scanned the area, their mechanical movements a stark contrast to the lifeless bodies scattered around. In this macabre tableau, I couldn't help but reflect on my own fortune for being alive.

I turned to Ashoka, my gaze filled with a deep sadness. "Not every Jedi agrees with this war, Ashoka. There are many political idealists among us, and people have lost so much due to this conflict," I confessed, my eyes fixed on the metallic floor.

"But a traitor?" Ashoka responded with disbelief, and I let out a weary sigh.

"I'm afraid that one can eventually become the other," Anakin chimed in, his voice measured and thoughtful. His eyes were glued to me, a testament to his concern for my well-being. "Remember Count Dooku and General Krell?"

I nodded solemnly. "That's how they started too."

"Only the analysis and investigation will prove what's true or not," a mechanical voice broke our conversation. I turned to see a droid standing before us.

"Who are you?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"I am Russo-ISC, a crime scene analyzer for the Jedi," the droid replied. "I will be working with both of you and your Padawan on this case."

"On whose orders?" I inquired, glancing at Anakin for confirmation.

"Master Windu," Russo responded, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Typical.

"Okay, Russo, you and Ashoka should begin the interviews," Anakin ordered.

But Russo hesitated, his mechanical features showing an unusual display of caution. "I would rather interview the witnesses alone."

"Why?" Ashoka questioned, her curiosity mirroring my own.

"Many of the wounded have heard rumors that a Jedi was behind the explosion," Russo explained. My frown deepened. The Republic was not only losing its people but also its faith. The delicate balance we once held was now faltering, and it felt like everything was falling apart. "They may harbor ill feelings toward you."

"I think you're exaggerating, Russo," Anakin retorted, his impatience growing evident. "There were Jedi killed in the blast."

"Take Ashoka with you," I interjected, agreeing with Anakin's decision. "Let us know if you find anything."

"I will, Masters," Ashoka responded, and together with Russo, they left the hangar. The hum of their departure left me and Anakin alone amid the solemn backdrop of destruction and chaos.

Anakin turned to me, his eyes searching mine, his concern etched across his features. "Are you alright? I can feel the weight of this situation on you."

I offered a weary smile, grateful for his unyielding support. "I'm holding up, but it's disheartening to see the Republic we've sworn to protect slowly unravel."

walked closely together toward the outside hangar bay, the stark contrast between the serene blue skies and the turmoil i had just witnessed couldn't be more palpable. It was as if the galaxy itself was torn between the peace it once knew and the chaos that had gripped it in the vice of war.

I sensed Anakin's contemplative silence beside me and turned to him, a small, knowing smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "You're acting strangely," I playfully teased, arching an eyebrow in curiosity. His cheeks turned a slight crimson hue, and he cleared his throat, an embarrassed laugh escaping his lips.

"I, uh, well, yes, I just didn't think it would be a good time to give you something," he stuttered, his gaze momentarily darting away before returning to meet mine.

"What is it?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. Anakin fiddled in his pocket for a moment, then slowly pulled out a small necklace. It was crafted from a delicate brown leather string, with a beige-white charm hanging from the end. I furrowed my brows, the beginnings of a smile gracing my lips.

"It's made from a japor snippet," he spoke softly, his eyes locking onto mine. In that moment, I became mesmerized by the depth of his blue eyes. "I was going to give it to you when you got back from Mandalore, but it just didn't feel like the right time," he admitted, a hint of regret in his voice. "It's supposed to bring you good fortune, and I hope that when you wear it, you'll think of me and not forget me."

The smile on my face widened as tears of gratitude and affection welled up in my eyes. "Oh, Anakin, it's beautiful. I love it so much," I said, my voice filled with genuine emotion. "No one's ever done anything like this for me before."

He gently turned me around, and I felt his hands expertly tie the necklace around my neck. As he leaned in, placing warm, affectionate kisses across my neck and shoulder, I gasped softly, my heart dancing with a mixture of joy and longing.

With a slow, spinning motion, I put my arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer. I sighed, my words a tender confession. "I'll never take it off. I love you." As I spoke, I pressed my lips to his, savoring the sweetness of our connection.

Anakin's hands slid firmly around my waist, and his grip was unmistakably passionate. He responded to my kiss with an equal intensity, and for a moment, the world around us seemed to fade away. The tumultuous backdrop of the war, the echoes of suffering, all of it vanished as our desire for one another took center stage.

"I've missed being close to you," I whispered in a hushed tone, my voice filled with longing.

His eyes bore into mine, and the intensity of his gaze was as unyielding as the Force itself. "I've missed everything about you," he confessed, his hand tightening slightly around my waist, an urgent signal of his longing. My breathing grew heavy as the powerful connection between us surged, reigniting the passion we had kept at bay for so long.

In the midst of our tender moment, our commlinks suddenly beeped in unison, pulling us from our embrace. I sighed in frustration, reluctantly pulling away from Anakin, running a hand through my tousled hair. "We'll finish this later," I murmured, a promise lingering in the air as we acknowledged the urgency of our duties.

Anakin nodded in agreement, a trace of reluctance in his eyes. "Let's go," he said, and together we made our way toward the bustling medical bay.

As we entered the medical bay, Ashoka was just wrapping up her own tasks. She noticed us instantly and hurried over, her youthful face filled with curiosity and hope. "Did you find anything?" she asked, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Anakin shook his head, his expression a blend of determination and concern. "No, but the rumor about it being a Jedi is growing, Ashoka. The anger and confusion throughout the Jedi Temple are palpable."

Ashoka, however, had news of her own to share. "Russo and I have a lead," she announced, and my curiosity peaked, getting the better of me. A hologram of an identification card materialized before us, revealing the image of one Jackar Bowmani.

"One of the witnesses saw him in the area where the bomb exploded right before it happened," Russo explained, handing us the identification hologram for inspection. "We've been unable to locate him thus far."

Anakin couldn't help but chuckle, though it was laced with annoyance. "Come on, nobody just disappears," he remarked, clearly impatient with the situation.

I couldn't help but interject, my thoughts racing. "Unless it was meticulously planned out," I added, my voice filled with contemplation.

Anakin fixed his gaze on me, his blue eyes reflecting the intelligence that had earned him the title of a Jedi Knight. "Well, it had to be well planned out to evade Jedi detection," he mused. "I'll talk to security," he said resolutely, heading out in search of answers.

Sighing, I turned my attention to the injured men around us, a deep concern for their well-being gnawing at my conscience. "I'm going to find Caleb," I announced to Ashoka, who nodded in understanding. With that, I departed, determined to rally any available help to aid in our search for the elusive Jackar Bowmani.

The looming mystery of the explosion, and the potential involvement of a Jedi, weighed heavily on my mind as I sought to unravel the truth behind the chaos that had engulfed the Jedi Temple.

I found Caleb in the training room, his agile movements a testament to the Jedi training he had received under my guidance. As I approached, his young face lit up with a mix of surprise and excitement.

"Master, I heard about the explosion," he greeted me, his blue eyes reflecting the energy of youth.

I smiled warmly at my Padawan, a sense of pride and affection swelling within me. "Caleb, we have a mission. I need your help in finding someone," I said, a sense of purpose resonating in my voice.

His eyes widened with anticipation. "Finally, do you know how boring it is training with all the younglings."

I laughed, appreciating his enthusiasm. "This is a crucial assignment, Caleb. We need to locate a missing individual named Jackar Bowmani, who may have knowledge about the explosion."

Excitement danced in Caleb's eyes. "Great, where do we start?," he replied eagerly, his lightsaber humming with readiness at his side.

I couldn't help but let a hint of sentiment slip into my words. "I've missed you, Kid," I confessed, wanting to convey the depth of my fondness for my young apprentice without sounding too sentimental.

Caleb smiled at my words, his response was sincere, his voice tinged with sympathy. "I'm sorry about your mother, Master. I can't imagine how hard it's been."

I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, gratitude welling up within me for his support. "Thank you, Caleb. Let's find Ashoka and Master Skywalker."

Together, we headed off in search of Ashoka, determined to uncover the truth behind the explosion and the elusive Jackar.

We returned to the hangar bay where Anakin and Ashoka were waiting, Anakin had found Jackars wife and she had given him all the information she could. The diligent droids had completed their scans. The security tapes played before us, revealing a snapshot of the bustling hangar before the explosion. Workers went about their tasks, carrying mechanical devices, while I observed myself in the background, attempting to contact Anakin about my recent Jedi Council meeting. Then, the moment of devastation unfolded as the explosion ripped through the scene, hurling my figure into the wall, causing me to cringe at the sight.

"That looked like it hurt," Ashoka remarked behind me, her voice filled with concern. I shot her a glance that clearly conveyed, "Not now." Anakin, ever supportive, gently rubbed my back, offering comfort.

"I've had worse," I shrugged, attempting to downplay my discomfort. Nonetheless, the ache in my back was undeniable. I strode over to the hologram, zooming in to inspect the information gleaned by the droids from each mechanical device that might have played a role in the explosion.

"Hmm, based on the trajectory of the debris, it seems the blast originated from there," I pointed, indicating the likely source.

"Why is there no bomb residue?" Caleb inquired beside me, and I furrowed my brows in contemplation.

"So, you think whoever did this triggered a ship to explode?" Anakin chimed in, his arms crossed firmly over his chest.

"We think so," Ashoka explained, directing her attention to Russo, who was hard at work. "Russo's attempting to use the shrapnel to determine the cause now," she added, her gaze shifting to me.

"The witness did claim he saw Jackar in the area, right?" Caleb inquired once more, and I nodded in confirmation.

"Perhaps Jackar intended to orchestrate this and stay silent about it," he mused, a hint of confusion in his tone.

"Hmm, or..." I began,

"It actually was a Jedi," Ashoka finished my thought, and I couldn't help but smile sadly as I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I found something, an anomaly," Russo called out from across the room, drawing our attention to his screen. He shifted the hologram scene, pointing at the machinery he had been scrutinizing. "These pieces come from the blast's point of origin. They are covered with microscopic droids of a highly volatile nature."

My eyes widened as I observed the nano-droids on the hologram. "Nano-droids?" Anakin questioned, sharing our astonishment as the hologram dimmed into cold darkness.

"Great, now we're chasing nano-droids," Ashoka quipped, her humor cutting through the tension.

I swiftly issued orders, directing Russo to scrutinize the security footage for any trace of Jackar's movements within the temple. "Try to determine if Jackar ventured into other areas of the temple," I instructed. Russo nodded and hastened to his task.

I turned to Anakin and Ashoka, with Caleb by my side. "Let's uncover how Jackar acquired these nano-droids.

With a sense of anticipation, the droid placed Bowmani's files into my hands. Eagerly, I began sifting through the data, my gaze intent on uncovering any shred of valuable information that might provide answers to the questions we were facing.

"He's a munitions expert," I noted, my tone weighted with the seriousness of the discovery, before passing the files along to Anakin. Each piece of the puzzle was crucial, and it was clear that Bowmani's expertise was central to the investigation.

As Anakin combed through the files, the realization of Jackar's specialization became evident. He paced the room, lost in thought, and suddenly, he halted in his tracks, turning to face us with an expression of revelation. "His specialty lies in nano weaponry."

I couldn't help but let out a weary sigh, raising a hand to my forehead, momentarily overwhelmed by the complexity of the situation. "We must find him," I muttered, my attention returning to the intricate web of security tapes displayed on the wall. They moved at an expert pace, making it a challenge to discern individual moments within the chaos.

Anakin, mirroring my concerns, posed a question. "Isn't the pace a bit too fast for us to make sense of it all?"

Russo, our droid specialist, interjected with an explanation that brought a glimmer of hope. "This is straightforward data. At this rate, I can analyze hundreds of hours of footage in a fraction of the time."

Inquisitive and proactive, Caleb turned to the droid beside me. "Have you managed to locate Jackar?"

The droid paused, removed its glasses, and met our collective gaze with its mechanical eyes. "No."

My hands dropped in a gesture of resignation. "I'll gather a team of Jedi to conduct a thorough search of the temple. If Jackar is still lurking here, he might be devising another attack as we speak."

Russo, however, offered a different approach, proposing, "Instead of Jedi, I have droids capable of completing the task much more swiftly." His small squadron of droids obediently lined up behind him, poised for immediate action. I expressed my gratitude with a nod, and together, we left the security room, our mission clear.

"Regardless of our approach, we must keep the council well-informed about the progress of our investigation," I reminded my companions as the doors sealed us off from the surveillance room. The Jedi Council's guidance and support were integral to our efforts.

Anakin sighed beside me, his frustration palpable, and his voice barely above a mutter, he quipped, "Is it really so challenging to find a moment alone with you?" His words were meant for my ears only and elicited a soft chuckle from me.

"Patience, Master Skywalker," I responded with a teasing smirk, leading the way forward, with Caleb at my side.

As we entered the solemn Jedi Council room, the venerable masters were already seated, their expressions a mix of anticipation and concern. I made a silent gesture to Caleb, indicating that he should remain outside. He wasn't officially part of our mission, after all.

Master Windu, his arms crossed, observed us with a discerning gaze before breaking the silence. "Have you made any progress in your investigation?" He inquired, almost assuming the worst. I stifled a scoff under my breath, refusing to be intimidated.

"In fact, we've uncovered a promising lead, thanks to Ahsoka's relentless questioning," I responded, my tone unwavering. Master Windu and I shared a rare bond – both of us wielded purple lightsabers, a hue that symbolized our affinity for both the light and dark sides of the Force. These unique crystals granted us the power to transcend our physical and mental limits.

The blue lightsaber, emblematic of the Jedi Guardian, symbolized combat prowess and righteousness, a trait Anakin exemplified. The green lightsaber denoted wisdom in the Force.

Anakin, standing beside me, added, "But the answers remain elusive." Master Windu redirected his penetrating gaze from me to Master Yoda, and they engaged in a silent conversation that only they could decipher.

"It is of utmost importance that we uncover the truth swiftly," Master Windu stressed. I nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "There are rumors that the Senate is considering involving the military police in the investigation," he continued, prompting a furrowed brow from me.

"That can't be allowed!" Ahsoka interjected, taking a step forward, but Anakin restrained her with a calming touch on her shoulder.

Master Windu leaned forward, intertwining his fingers thoughtfully. "The explosion claimed the lives of not just clones but also civilians and maintenance workers on the gunships. The Senate is bound to take notice," he explained, directing his words in a way that subtly undermined Ahsoka's comprehension. Little did he know, she was one of the brightest padawans I'd ever met for her age.

An urgent beep interrupted our conversation, emanating from Anakin's comms device. Russo's voice echoed through the room, "Master Skywalker, we've located Jackar." My head snapped in Anakin's direction.

"Seal all exits to prevent his escape," Anakin ordered, and I quickly nodded to the council before departing, heading back to the medical room.

Upon our arrival, the room was disappointingly empty, russo, shot a disapproving glare our way. I glanced around, puzzled, while Caleb sauntered in with an air of confidence, spinning around to face me.

"Did you happen to forget to keep an eye on him?" He quipped, directed at Russo, and I couldn't help but smirk at my padawan's unwavering self-assuredness.

"Well, we've got a small remains of him here," Russo replied, leaving me to tilt my head in perplexity.

"Now is hardly the time for jokes," Anakin interjected, his tone tinged with frustration. I frowned, not appreciating the edge in his voice, and we moved closer to the medical table.

My eyes fixated on the bare green hand resting on the table, and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. "This is all that remains of Jackar," Russo pointed out. It was a grim sight.

"His hand?" Anakin inquired, bewildered.

"The rest of him perished in the explosion," Russo disclosed, and I couldn't help but cast a mournful gaze downward.

"Because he was in such close proximity to the bomb?" I asked, seeking confirmation.

"No, it's because he was the bomb," Russo revealed, and my heart sank even further. This was worse than I had feared. I looked at the machine of the blood sample showing the Nano-droids.

"How did he become the bomb? How did the Nano-Droids infiltrate his bloodstream?" I questioned, struggling to wrap my head around the gravity of the situation.

"Me and Ahsoka will comb through Jackar's home for any evidence," Anakin declared, his tone softer now. "You must stay here and ensure the Council knows of our investigation, I'll keep you updated." I nodded in agreement, understanding the necessity of maintaining discretion.

"Very well, but be careful," I urged, my fingers absently fiddling with the necklace Anakin had gifted me earlier. His eyes caught the gesture, and a warm smile graced his lips.

"When am I ever not?" He playfully teased, evoking a chuckle from me.

"Far too often, Skywalker," I retorted, and with that, he set out on his mission, leaving me to navigate the treacherous currents of politics within the Jedi Council.

Leaving Caleb behind, I set out to find my father, my need to confide in him pressing heavily on my heart. His calming presence had always been a balm for my inner turmoil, and today was no exception. I located him in a quiet, dimly lit chamber, engrossed in meditation. His eyes, as I entered, rose to meet mine, carrying an understanding that transcended words.

"Hello," I began, my voice quivering with the emotions I needed to release. "I need someone to share my thoughts with."

Obi-Wan gestured for me to sit, and we embarked on a conversation that extended beyond mere words. We spoke of the immense grief I carried within me since my mother's tragic passing, a sorrow that had taken root and refused to let go. Obi-Wan offered gentle guidance, encouraging me to delve into meditation as a means to find solace amid the tumult of my emotions.

But as we explored my own struggles, curiosity overtook me, and I couldn't help but ask, "How have you been managing?"

He met my gaze with a reflective look. "It is a journey, my child," he replied, his words carrying the weight of his own loss. "Time, meditation, and the support of those who care have all played their part in helping me heal."

Grateful for his insight, I nodded. Yet, my frustration and doubts couldn't be contained any longer. "Master Windu," I confessed, my voice trembling with anger, "seems to harbor suspicions about my involvement in the explosion, even though I've been doing everything within my power to unearth the truth."

Obi-Wan's expression conveyed a mix of understanding and concern. "In times of great uncertainty, emotions can lead to suspicion," he acknowledged. "But remember, Amara, the truth will emerge, and your unwavering commitment to it will be your greatest ally."

His words brought a measure of calm to my turbulent thoughts. In the comforting silence that followed, I felt reassured that, despite the trials we faced, I was not alone.

As I was lost in my thoughts, a sharp, urgent beeping startled me. Anakin's voice crackled through my communicator, pulling my attention away from the reverie.

"Amara, do you read me?" he inquired. Concern laced my voice as I responded, "Yes, I do. Is everything all right?" Anakin's chuckle eased my anxiety.

"Yeah, we've apprehended Jackus's wife. It turns out she was the one who poisoned his blood with those wretched Nano-Droids. He acted alone, Amara. No Jedi were involved."

His words ignited an enormous smile on my face, and I glanced at Obi-Wan, who shared in my joy. "Well, that certainly proves Master Windu wrong, doesn't it?" he murmured, offering a supportive nod. I laughed in agreement, a weight lifted from my shoulders.

"Where are you now?" I inquired through my wrist communicator.

"We're in the main temple room," Anakin replied. I nodded and pushed myself up from the comfort of the meditation pads, bidding Obi-Wan farewell.

"I'll be right there," I promised with a sly smirk, thrilled at the prospect of some alone time with Anakin. My feet carried me with swift purpose as I hurried to reunite with my comrades, basking in the glow of yet another successful mission.

Unbeknownst to me, this moment of triumph masked the foreboding truth that soon, one among us would face the grave accusation of murder.

I've been up all last night trying to write this chapter and I'm still not happy with it so I may go back and edit it later on!

These next few chapters are huge, if you know you know....

As always enjoy and vote and comment🩵

Song of choice today - it's been a long, long time -  Harry James - #peggyandsteveanthem

Pokraฤovaลฅ v ฤรญtanรญ

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