Knotted in Love

By Lost_outlander

11.9K 1.1K 463

A journey through the chaos of marriage and the beauty of understanding Cast in Love S2 More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 8

423 52 21
By Lost_outlander


Haseena waves awkwardly to Danielle. The girl in her yellow flannel with a couple buttons leaving undone quickly sends Danielle into unfunctional mode. She has just got off her night shift and her brain refuses to process anything right now and Haseena’s presence doesn’t help with that.

“Picking up Karishma?” Danielle asks; trying to seem casual but her eyes travel down Haseena’s shirt; button to button. She doesn’t want to seem awkward so she clears her throat a few times that they send her into a tiny coughing session.


“Perfect weather for Sunday morning, isn’t it? Picnic and stuff.” Danielle looks at Haseena leaning against the pillar, her baseball cap and glasses cannot hide beautiful hazel eyes that are not very sparkling but still warm and intriguing. “A bit too chilly for a picnic though.”

Haseena grins a bit. “We’ll just have lunch with my mom.”

“Perfect weather for that too.” Danielle chuckles nervously. She hasn’t seen Haseena much but every time she is right in front of her, there is this tickling feeling happening within her and she hasn’t figured out the way to manage it. “She is probably finishing some reports.”

“Yeah.” Haseena nods before the awkward silence.

“Hey.” Karishma greets with a smile. She immediately wraps her arms around Haseena’s waist and leans in for a quick peck. "Are you chewing gum?"

“Yeah.” Haseena opens her mouth to let Karishma see it and Karishma has to cover Haseena’s open mouth with her hand before looking over at Danielle. “I’m sorry. She gets weird sometimes.”

Danielle chuckles lightly. “Yeah. Hm. Have a nice morning... afternoon, you two. I’m going to head home and get some sleep now.”

“Yeah. See you.” Karishma bids her good bye and Haseena waves quietly.

“Bye.” Danielle turns around and leaves. She makes sure to give an awkward wave before going off her way. She tries not to be awkward but now with Haseena, her awkwardness just goes through the roof of Empire State building.

“You don’t chew gum.” Karishma doesn’t let this slide easily. She starts her little interrogate of this unusual event.

“Someone gave it to me. I don’t want to be rude.” Haseena places her hand on Karishma’s shoulder and leads her to a red Mazda CX-5 that is parking by the sidewalk; not so far away from the ED entrance. “I’ve got a surprise. Surprise! Are you surprised?”

Karishma suddenly stops and looks at Haseena suspiciously with a bit sprinkle of anger. She is a bit tired for a fight but she has to get into one if Haseena has just bought a car without talking to her. “Did you buy a car?”

“I did not.” Haseena chuckles. “I’ve rented it. If we’re buying it, we have to test it first.”

Karishma still doesn’t leave her suspicion behind as she approaches the car with a little push from Haseena. “Do you want me to drive it?”

“No. I’ll drive it.” Haseena opens the passenger seat door for Karishma and helps her get in. She even fastens the seatbelt for her. “You just take a seat, take a nap and relax.”

“Listen, baby, you’re a terrible driver.” Karishma makes a remark that stops Haseena from closing the door. “You can’t even parallel park, Haseena.”

“I can parallel park.” Haseena scoffs and secretly checks the position of the car. The wheels are not turning straight and the word ‘parallel’ is not the suitable word for how she has parked the car. “Well, you can’t... say no to me.”

“Please.” Karishma scoffs. “I’ve said no to you like millions of times and I’ll say no to y...”

Haseena suddenly puts her cap back and moves close to Karishma. As she bends down, her undone buttons open a passage for Karishma to see what she has to offer underneath her shirt. Haseena places her hand on Karishma’s thigh and gazes into her beautiful blue eyes. Her eyes move down to her lips and when they are an inch from one another and when Karishma moves her lips a bit closer with her eyes closed, Haseena tilts her head and kisses Karishma’s cheek instead.

“We’d better be hurry.” Haseena grins like an evil that comes straight from Karishma’s nightmare. Karishma can feel her heart beating so fast and loud out of her chest as her cheeks are turning red. As Haseena pulls away, she hits her head with the door frame.

“Well, karma is a bitch.”

Karishma looks at her wife walking to her driver seat with a tiny smirk. There is no way that she will let Haseena get away with this. A revenge is needed.

“You need to put your seatbelt on.” Karishma says casually when Haseena finally closes the door and settles on the driver seat.

“I kno...” Haseena doesn’t stand a chance to finish her sentence or fasten her seatbelt when Karishma leans close and reaches over to get Haseena’s seatbelt. Haseena freezes by her not-so-accidental touch on her cheek and her breath by her ear. Karishma has the seatbelt in her hand and she also has Haseena in her another. Karishma lingers by her ear and once her nose touches Haseena’s ear, she whispers.

“Don’t forget to check the rear-view mirror.” Karishma finally pulls the seatbelt down and locks it in place.

Haseena sighs with a smile. “What have I done to deserve you?”

Karishma grabs Haseena’s placket and pulls her in for a kiss before starting to button the undones. “I’ve told you before and I will always stand by that. Everything.”

“I haven’t done anything.” Haseena whispers underneath the engine ignition’s noise. Although it is so low out loud, the words scream in her mind. The more she looks the more she sees how fucked up her life is and how bright Karishma’s life is. It might not happen now but in time, she will dim that bright light.

After a few teases and a few naps on Karishma’s part, they safely arrive at Haseena’s home. Hugs and warm welcome are offered from Noor Jahan before Karishma excuses herself to catch some more naps in Haseena’s old room. They are still waiting for and her little family to arrive so Noor Jahan hasn’t started preparing anything. Karishma promises that she would help when she is up but everyone knows that it is quite impossible; Karishma rarely regains conscious until she gets a tap from Haseena and Haseena never gets her a tap until the meal is ready.

Noor Jahan is watering some plants in her backyard when Haseena walks out to the porch with a glass of water in her hand. She smiles for her mom; mostly at her ridiculous gardening outfit that is sent straight from the old-lady-in-the-garden stock photos with big hat, gloves and apron.

“Did you buy a car, honey?” Noor Jahan asks something she has meant to but was distracted. She was making sure that Karishma was comfortable under her roof. She doesn’t care if this is a thousandth time Karishma has slept here or if this is a thousandth time Karishma ensures her that she is comfortable, she just needs to make sure.

“I didn’t. I rented it.” Haseena sits on the steps looking out to the plants that are ready to shed their leaves for a season. “We’re planning to. Hopefully.”

“Oh.” Noor Jahan exclaims with a bit of smile on her face. She assumes something on her mind and hopes it will come true.

“What is with that ‘oh”?” Haseena mimics her mom’s exclamation while sipping the ice cold water from her glass. She hates the taste of the gum that is left in her mouth but coffee is not what she wants now. She has been having a few sleepless nights and the last thing she wants is adding another one.

“Are you and Karishma having a baby?” Noor Jahan blunts out. She is excited. She loves babies; especially those who are her grandkids. Haseena is practically surrounded with babies now so she figures it might be something they are considering. The car must be one of the plans directing that direction.

Haseena chokes on the water and coughs repeatedly. Noor Jahan needs to approach for a rescue. She sits next to her and stokes her back with a bit of a gentle slap. “No. Why would you think that?”

“I’ve read.” Noor Jahan starts and immediately her enthusiasm shows. “I understand that the process of you both having a baby is not the same as Mira and Amar so...”

“Mom.” Haseena tries to stop her mom from the ‘how babies are made’ talk but she has never been able to stopped her mom from talking and this will not be the first time.

“There are steps you have to go through and...”

“Mom, I know. I’ve also read.”

“I thought that getting a car is one of the steps... your step to prepare.”

“It is just a car.” Haseena tries to wrap this topic up. She feels uncomfortable talking about it all of the sudden. She knows she has talked about this with Karishma but when it gets real, it gets scary.

“Whose car is in our driveway?” Mira walks in with baby Harry in her arms. He is all smiley with his fingers in his mouth and his arm on Mira’s shoulder. His attention is on his dad who is right behind Mira to greet everyone at the porch.

“Hey.” Noor Jahan quickly shifts from Haseena to Harry and asks Mira if she can hold Harry. Mira passes him to his grandma and he doesn’t even budge. He knows this is family.

“Is it yours?” Mira continues to search for the answer after Noor Jahan and Amar walk upstairs with Harry. They set up his crib in Mira’s old bedroom and he needs a nap after a drive from home. “Did you buy a car?”

“It’s Robert’s.” Haseena answers and stays seated on the porch steps. She has her drink and she wants to be unbothered for a quick second. “Who is Robert?” Mira asks confusingly with her hand on her hip and leans against the porch.

“The guy at the car rental company.”

Mira sighs with the answer. Haseena is always like this and she can’t seem to get used to it although she has been trying for the rest of her life. She always wonders how Karishma copes with it. “Can we talk?”

Haseena immediately looks up at her sister who seems to be in a distress. It is something important and this important matter needs a private spot by Noor Jahan’s flower pots. Haseena still has her glass in her hand while being all ears to the matter. Whatever it is, she is willing to jump in if Mira asks her to.

“Did you see dad?” Mira’s question immediately triggers Haseena. She stops jiggling the ice in the glass.

“You saw him? What did he want from you?” Haseena tries to stay cool but she can’t control her facial expression or her body language. Her hand is forming a fist and she starts to sweat from her forehead.


“Money.” Haseena answers her own question. “Did you give it to him?”


“Mira.” Haseena whines. Her fisted hand stretches out and is now placed on her forehead instead. “We agreed. We talked about this and we agreed.”

“If I hadn’t given him any,” Mira tries to initiate her explanation but Haseena’s mind is too far gone that she needs to reach out and brings her sister back to the presence. “If I hadn’t given him any, he would have messed with you.”

Haseena glances over Mira’s shoulder to see their mom start cooking something in the kitchen. “You should help mom. I’ll check on Karishma.”


“Thanks.” Haseena whispers and leaves Mira hanging by the flower pots. She doesn’t want to be mad and she doesn’t feel that mad. It is mostly a sense of disappointment. They were on the same page but then, when it comes to it, Mira flips her page while Haseena is still reading on the same one.

Haseena drops her glass in the sink and gives her mother a kiss on her cheek before making her way upstairs where Karishma is supposedly asleep on her bed. However, her bed is empty and there is no sign of Karishma until she turns around and looks across the hall where Mira’s old room is. Karishma is there with Harry in her arms. He smiles while using his tiny hand to grab Karishma’s auburn hair. Karishma is natural. She looks so good with a baby in her arms. For a second, Haseena sees into the future where there are more than the two of them.

“Hey, Haseena.” Amar greets as he sees Haseena stand at the door with a smile on her face.

Karishma turns around and smiles for Haseena. She tries to turn Harry to face her wife but Harry is too distracted by Karishma’s hair in his hand. “Look, who’s here? Harry, look, who’s here?”

“Hi, buddy.” Haseena bends down a bit to be in the same eye level as Harry’s before gently holding his hand.

“Do you want to hold him?” Karishma asks whispery.

“Sure.” Haseena takes Harry from Karishma whose hand still supports Harry’s back with her another hand placing on Haseena’s shoulder. Amar looks at them with a smile on his face and sneaks a picture of the two to send for Mira. He knows Mira will have things to say about this scene. “I’m going to buy something. Do you want to go with me?”

“I should help your mom cook or something.” Karishma whispers while keeping her eyes and smile on the baby boy who is still so active and expressive.

“Ah.” Amar gets their attention. “Mira and I can help in the kitchen. You guys can go. It’s fine. It’s not a big meal. Don’t worry.”

After a reassurance from Amar, Karishma agrees to go on a short trip to Main Street with Haseena. She doesn’t make herself clear of what she wants to buy so Karishma assumes that Haseena just wants to drive around in her brand-new rental car for a bit. They will probably end up buying useless things and pretend that they are something they have always looked for.

“What are we buying?” Karishma waits for Haseena by the car after getting out and once Haseena walks on the sidewalk from the driver seat, their hands find one another.

“Frozen yogurt.” Haseena smiles cheerfully like a child and taking off her cap to comb her hair back with her fingers. So, Karishma takes this chance to steal her cap and put it on her instead.

“What happened?” They might not be together for years but with the time that they have together, Karishma has learned that there is always a reason if Haseena wants to leave a place for nonsense things.

Haseena doesn’t respond right away but she takes her time to adjust her cap on Karishma’s head. She can’t lie and she can’t hide but since they park the car quite far away from the frozen yogurt place, Haseena can’t stay silence forever. “Mrs. Dolls?”

“Huh?” Karishma is confused by the new name but Haseena’s reaction clears up her confusion. She is approaching an old lady who has walked out of a yarn shop at the corner. She pauses away from them. She doesn’t want to interrupt this little reunion.

The old lady who starts to develop grey hair and walking difficulty looks as pleasantly surprised. Haseena points at herself before saying something that Karishma cannot hear but her best guess is that she reintroduces herself to the old lady. She reaches her hand out to touch Haseena’s arm and smiles so widely. A few conversations later, Haseena turns around to find Karishma and points towards her with a smile. Then, the old lady starts walking towards her by holding on to Haseena’s arm as her personal walker.

“Hi.” Karishma meets her half way and greets with a smile and an extended hand. “I’m Karishma.”

“Karishma’s my wife.” Haseena introduces her so comfortably with the title she loves. “This is my high school English teacher, Mrs. Dolls.”

“I’ve always wanted to meet you since I heard that Haseena got married.” Mrs. Dolls says with a warm gentle voice. “I hope she isn’t a handful.”

Karishma chuckles and glances to Haseena who seems to be over the moon to see this teacher. “Well, sometimes.”

“It’s okay. You can say all the time.” Mrs. Dolls leans in and whispers as if it is a big secret between them. “It’s really nice meeting you and you too, Haseena. I’ll let you kids be now.”

“Are you still living near Barnhart Park? Let me give you a ride.” Haseena is so enthusiastic and that is something Karishma has rarely seen.

“Oh.” Mrs. Dolls hits Haseena’s arm lightly to suggest her disagreement. “You go and run your errands. I can take the bus.”

“Please.” Haseena looks at the retired teacher with determination in her eyes. “It’s the least I can fo.”

“Oh. Fine.” Mrs. Dolls gives in after seeing her eyes. They are something that haven’t changed much throughout the years and that worries her a bit.

“Great. Wait here. You both wait here. I’ll get the car.” Haseena manages to tell both ladies to wait for her and runs off to the car. She is suddenly so hyped up and Karishma can’t help but chuckle with her action.

“She has grown up a bit.” Mrs. Dolls jokes. “I bet it is still chaotic when she is with Kevin and Alice.”

Karishma offers the teacher an arm to hold as she doesn’t seem to stand right. “It is indeed chaotic.”

“It’s amazing how they are so different, yet so alike. They always know what is up with each other.” Mrs. Dolls explains as if she is telling a mythical story of the friendship. “They probably know right off the bat that you two were going to get married. I’m glad Haseena chooses you.”

“Get in, guys.” Haseena parks the car. She helps Mrs. Dolls get in the backseat and closes the door for Karishma.

Their five-minute ride is filled with uplifting atmosphere. Haseena doesn’t say much as usual but Mrs. Dolls fills all the blank with Haseena’s high school stories. Although it has been years, Mrs. Dolls still remembers most of the things so well. Once they arrive at her house, she politely invites them inside to get some coffee or tea but her invitation is unfortunately denied. They have lunch to go back to and this detour has already delayed them.

“I can see why she is your favorite teacher.” Karishma says as Haseena takes a turn off a corner from Mrs. Dolls’ house. 

“Yeah?” Haseena smiles while her eyes are on the road leading them back to Tarrytown.

“She seems to understand you.” Karishma explains her feelings and observations into words but leaves some blanks for Haseena to fill in. She doesn’t want to tell Haseena’s story. It feels wrong and it will only be an assumption.

“There was one time in her class. She got us to write something. Anything. Anonymously. You know, it was high school. People made fun of one another. So they were all anonymous. About a week after that assignment, she asked me to stay after class because she had read my work and she took a wild guess that it was me. And. From that, she looked me in the eyes and asked if I was okay. She took her time to ask me that and I said no. So. I think we bonded.” Haseena chuckles and tries to make it into a joke but when the joke is not funny, it gets uncomfortable.

Karishma listens attentively as her eyes travel along the beautiful roadside scenery before traveling back to Haseena who seems to be unbothered by her own story. “What did you write?”

“Things at home. Me. Stuff like that.” Haseena keeps her eyes on the road and her mind on the music that is playing on the radio. “Nothing special really. I guess I was just very good at writing back then... to make her moved by my good choice of words.”

Haseena glances over and caresses Karishma’s cheek gently.

“It’s nothing.” Haseena knows she has gone too deep and now Karishma is worried about the things that happened. “It was like 10 years ago, okay?”


They go back just in time for lunch while Harry is asleep upstairs. Haseena mentions Mrs. Dolls which makes both Noor Jahan and Mira excited. Noor Jahan sees her almost regularly as they sometimes run into each other at farmer markets. She reveals that it was her who told Mrs. Dolls about Haseena and Karishma. As for Mira, she also had classes with Mrs. Dolls in high school. She was not a big fan of either reading or writing so her memory of the teacher is foggy but the name is clear on her mind.

After lunch, Haseena and Karishma make their way home with short pitstops here and there. They finally get their frozen yogurts but it takes them another 10 minutes to leave the place. Haseena who volunteers to get out of the car and get them. The frozen yogurts is locked outside the car by her lovely wife who seems to enjoy it with her hysterical laugh. Once Karishma unlocks the car and Haseena can get to her, it is another 10 minutes of chasing each other around the car. The frozen yogurts are no longer frozen when they get to it but the taste is still good when they have them together.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Karishma has one foot out of the car in front of their place. Haseena has to return the car so she drops Karishma off here first.

“Yeah. Just go nap. You haven’t slept much today.” Haseena says and leans in for a kiss.

“Okay. Drive safe.” Karishma gets out of the car and stands by the curb to send Haseena off. When she sees that Haseena turns at the lights, she gets her phone out of her pocket and dials. “Alice. I need to ask you something. Can I stop by for a bit?”

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