Complications (MxM)

By StxnedWriter

4.4K 151 82

**WARNING** ~contains explicit content that may not be acceptable to all viewers. discretion advised~ "No no... More

Introduction - A/N
Plans of Escape (1)
Transition (3)
Learing to Cope (4)
Struggling is Pointless (5)
Struggling is Pointless (5.5)•TW•
Illogical Rage (6)
The Dangers of Healing (7)
A Shift in Perspective (8)
Accepting Happiness (9)
What's Worse- Rejection or Revenge? (10)
Cry Me An Ocean (11)
When You Think the Dust has Settled (12)
Complications (13)•TW•

Fated to Meet (2)

460 17 12
By StxnedWriter

(Spicy scene below!)

As the alarm clock at Micah's side started to scream into the quiet morning, you could see his arm snake out from under his blanket. He reached for the disruptive noise before yanking the cord out of the wall with a grumble.

He attempted to snuggle back into his blanket, not wanting to face the responsibilities of the day. On this particular morning, unfortunately, he has an important meeting with another Pack, just South of his Territory. The RedMoon Pack.

The light was casting into his room from the window on his right, gentle sunbeams caressing the sheets covering him. His dark hair was matted on his head, a mess from what you could assume was a good nights sleep. His eyes, still squinted closed, were a crystal blue, comparable to a clear sky.

No sooner than he felt himself drifting back off to sleep did another loud noise disrupt his peace, a loud banging from the door.

"Hey! Micah," A familiar voice called, "I heard your alarm go off, get your Alpha ass up!" It was Axel, his Beta and best friend. Micah groaned into his pillow before throwing it at the door, rolling onto his back and huffing in annoyance as he stared at the ceiling.

He could hear Axel laugh, just outside the room. A small smile lifting his own lips in response, still not moving from the bed.

Axel's voice got low when he spoke, a hint of excitement tracing his lips,

"If you don't get up, you're gonna force me to come in there and drag you out of bed."

Micah's eyebrow rose, lifting himself up onto his elbow as he glued his eyes to the door in front of him.

"Bite me." There was a hint of a smirk on Micah's face, anticipation gleaming in his eyes.

The door swung open, revealing Axel's tall frame, his brown eyes instantly locking with Micah's. He wore a tight black t-shirt and grey gym shorts, sweat sticking his light brown hair to his forehead. Micah sat up in response, his legs hanging over the edge of his bed.

Axel closed the door behind him, walking up to Micah and towering over him, leaning down until their noses almost touched. Teasing him with the closeness.

"Don't temp me." Axel's voice was low, a smile on his lips as they inched for Micah's.

Micah, clearly not known for his patience, pushed himself up into Axel, their lips meeting softly, Micah's hands going up to cup Axel's cheek. He could feel him smile into the kiss, Axel's hands wrapping around Micah's shoulders as he moved forwards, straddling his lap.

Soon, their clothes scattered the floor, soft moans filling the silence. Gentle touches growing rougher and more desperate. As they laid in the bed, Micah flipped them over. Having Axel exposed under him drove him a little crazy, craving more.

Axel skin felt hot under Micah, his hips grinding with anticipation as Micah reached to his bedside table, pulling from within the drawer both a condom and lube, offering Axel a smirk.

Axel's lips parted in a laugh,

"You think we'll be late?"

"Guess we'll just have to make it quick." Micah snorted, smiling down at Axel before capturing his lips once more.


After showering and getting dressed, wearing a simple black v-neck and dark washed pants, a leather jacket hanging over his shoulder, Micah called for Axel, warning him that if they didn't hurry, they really would be late.

"It's not my fault! You're the one that said we would make it quick." Axel laughed at him as he caught up to Micah from behind him. They walked side by side to one of the many cars in the Packs garage.

Being the biggest and strongest Pack in the state had its ups and down. It felt like they were constantly having to expand their Territory. There were nearly 100 people living in the Main House, almost 400 others scattered around the rest of the area.

Micah sighed to himself, a smile on his face. Opening the driver side door, he plopped in, putting on his seatbelt. Axel followed suit, clicking his own seatbelt into place in the passenger seat before fiddling with the stereo.

They started on their way, watching the trees pass by in the peaceful atmosphere. Axel filled Micah in on various things regarding the meeting.

Mostly, it was about keeping the peace and negotiating a Territory shift, especially since the RedMoon Pack was the second strongest in the state. They could even potentially trade resources.

Micah found the whole thing to be dreadfully boring, having no real interest in conversing with Alpha Dave. He would rather keep away from such a man, a terrible reputation following him around.

The rumors about the RedMoon Pack traveled throughout the state, but no formal complaints had been received so there was no investigation.

If the rumors were true, the things Dave got away with were despicable. Micah could hardly believe it.

The drive was comfortable, both Axel and Micah enjoying the wind blowing through the trees and the music filling the silence. They had grown up together, Axel's family being close to Micah's. They had practically taken Micah in when his father died. Axel would smile when thinking back on those days, at how much of a mess Micah had been.

Losing his father and having to become an Alpha at such an early age, even before his first shift at 18, took its toll on Micah. It weighed him down, Axel could tell. He tried to support Micah as best he could. Watching him lose 4 of his 5 potential mates was hard, too. He took the most recent one the hardest, but that was almost 2 years ago now.

Axel got torn from his thoughts when Micah's hand rested on his thigh. The two-hour drive blowing by faster than he realized.

"We're here." He said it with a smile, leaving Axel to wonder how Micah could carry it all.

Returning his smile, Axel said,

"Let's go then."

They both exited the vehicle, taking in their surroundings. Alpha Dave's Pack house was huge, almost as big as theirs back home. The Territory was big too, not seeing another house for miles in the empty field, trees encasing them.

Micah and Axel walked up to the front door together, where Alpha Dave and Beta Jackson stood waiting, their shoulders nearly touching.

"Alpha Micah, good to see you." Dave spoke politely upon meeting them, outstretching his hand for Micah to take.

"Alpha Dave, I could say the same." Micah took his hand, giving it a firm shake, pressing his lips together. He couldn't understand how Dave could still be an Alpha. He seemed older, little to no hair atop his head, a slight gut spilling out over his pants. His eyes bore, nothing in them. A smile that didn't seem genuine stretching his lips. Why hadn't his child taken over for him yet? Were they not of age or did he not have one to begin with?

Micah tried not to laugh at the thought, not doubting that even a mate of Dave's would refuse to lay with him. He wasn't necessarily attractive at all.

Axel cleared his throat at Micah's side, his impatience evident as he tried to move things along, clearly hating having to deal with small talk. Even more so than Micah.

"Oh, of course. Hello Beta, how are you?" Dave smiled kindly, extending his hand for Axel as well. Axel ignored it, meeting Dave's eyes before saying,

"I'm well, thank you. Shall we proceed?" Axel didn't wait for a response, pushing between the two and walking up to the door.

Micah looked to Jackson,

"Apologies for his behavior, I don't let him out much. I hope you're well." He offered Jackson a smile, presenting his hand to shake, urging them to walk behind Axel.

Micah sighed to himself, thinking,

Well, this should be fun.


Micah pinched the bridge of his nose, excusing himself to the restroom as he exited the conference room, entering the pale-yellow hallway. He leaned against the wall, taking in a deep breath.

It was then that a sweet scent hit his nose, the bitter smell of blood soon following. He glanced up, eyes peeled and body slightly tense as he glanced down one side of the hallway.

'What the hell?'

Before he had the chance to turn and look the other way, someone bumped into him, electricity tingling his arm where they had made contact. He could feel his pupils blow, a familiar feeling rising in his chest.


Before he could properly cope, the man had slipped past him. Micah could feel his heart rate, fast and steady in his ears.

"Wait!" He called, not even having had the chance to see the man's face.

When he paused, Micah's breath caught. He was wearing a dark hoodie, the hood pulled up and hiding his face, wearing dark sweatpants to match. He turned his head slightly and Micah could see the fearful look glimmering in his green eyes, his pupils equally blown.

Despite the baggy clothing, Micah could tell that this man was way too small. He was short too, barely reaching Micah's shoulder. He could see how the man's cheek bones protruded from his face, his eyes slightly caved in.

There was an uncomfortable feeling rising in Micah's chest, worry knitting his eyebrows together.

"What's your name?" Micah asked, hesitating to take a step closer to him.

He cleared his throat, dropping his gaze from Micah, once again hiding his face from view.

"My name is Blake." His voice was clipped and broken, like he didn't speak much. Micah could see how tense he was, his shoulders practically reaching for his ears.

"I'm Alpha Micah." He hesitated to take another step forwards, feeling like any sudden movement would send Blake running in the opposite direction.

"I-I'm sorry, sir, but I really need to leave." Blake's voice came out softly, a slight tremble to his tone. Micah could see him shaking, visibly terrified. It made him furrow his eyebrows further when the smell of blood became more prominent. He took another step forwards.

"P-please!" Blakes voice came out desperate, "Just, leave me alone. You have to understand, I have to go now. I might not get another chance!" His fists were clenched tightly at his sides, his nails digging into his skin until blood started to drip from them.

Micah's eyes blew open in shock, flinching back, hearing Blake's heartbeat in his ears.

"I-I'm sorry, I have to go." Blake started to walk away again, a surge of anxiety piercing through Micah at the thought of losing yet another mate.

"Wait! Please, I'm sorry. Do you know where my Pack is located? North of here?" Micah didn't recognize the desperation in his own voice, he ached to reach out to Blake. Blake only nodded, not stopping as he continued on his way to the door.

He opened it, glancing back to face Micah properly. The smile he offered him was sad, a distant look in his eyes when he spoke,

"I'll meet you there." The door closed behind him, and just like that, he was gone. Leaving Micah speechless, questions swirling around in his head. Anger creeping up his back.

'What the fuck?'

A part of Micah wanted to storm into the conference room and demand Dave offer him an explanation. To cause a scene. Another part of him felt it was best to keep a lid on his anger, handle things more politically.

Clearly the former was too tempting, the door slamming open. Micah's eyes flashed black at the sight of Dave. All the rumors already swimming around his name, and now this? It couldn't be a coincidence.

"You want to tell me what the fuck is going on around here?" All eyes were on Micah, Axel furrowing his brows in confusion, a question in his eyes. Dave glanced to Jackson, an unspoken understanding between them.

"I don't know what you think you saw or heard, but I assure you, everything is fine here. Really, why don't you sit, and we can talk about this?" Dave's voice didn't sound reassuring to Micah at all, his body temperature rising as his patience wore thin.

Beta Jackson had taken the opportunity to stand, attempting to make a break for the door. Thankfully, Axel stood too, blocking his way.

Micah made his way over to Dave, grabbing him by his collar and pulling him to his feet.

"You want me to just 'talk about it' when members of your pack are walking through the halls clearly malnourished and abused? Now, I may not be entirely sure what's going on but what I've seen on just this short visit? It's disgusting. You better pray to the Moon Goddess because I will definitely be bringing this up to the Council." Micah's voice was low, his anger evident.

At their proximity, Dave couldn't help but pick up on the lingering scent of Blake mixing with Micah's clothes. Fear rising in his stomach as the realization hit him.

He struggled away from Micah, taking a few steps back before straightening his collar, trying to put his frazzled nerves back together. Clearing his throat, he said,

"Well, I guess we'll just have to see what the Council has to say. Now if you don't mind, I'd like you to leave." He gestured to the door, clearly uncomfortable. Micah smacked his teeth at him, nodding to Axel as they made their way into the hallway and out the front door.

Neither of them bothered to close it behind them on their way out.

Axel broke the silence as they walked towards the car,

"What was all that about? I haven't seen you pissed like that in a minute." His tone had an air of playfulness to it, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

Micah felt his shoulders sag, moving around to the passenger side. He didn't know how to tell Axel that he had found his final mate, scared of how it would make him feel.

"I- uh. Well. I ran into my mate. Actually, more like he ran into me." Micah couldn't bear to hold Axel's gaze, looking down at his feet as he opened the car door.

Axel stayed silent, a weight settling on his shoulders.

"Oh. Okay." He didn't really have anything else to say, opening his own door and getting inside, ignoring the twisting in his gut as he roared the engine to life.

Micah flinched when the door closed a little harder than necessary, another sigh heaving its way from his lips. He knew that Axel was probably hurt, also only having one mate left. For a long time, it seemed like they only had each other. And it hurt Axel that that was changing.

He was happy for his best friend. But sad for himself. And he didn't know how to properly express that, so he chose not to say anything at all as they started driving away.

Micah knew how Axel would feel. Left behind.

He had felt that way too. But he also knew that they would always be there for each other. He found comfort in that, so he allowed Axel to stew with his thoughts. They would talk about it when he was ready.

Deciding to roll his window down to let in the breeze, Micah rested his head against the side, feeling the wind blow through his hair and closing his eyes, listening to that same music track Axel swore by. He attempted to relax, wanting to just rest the whole way home.

Until he picked up the scent of blood.

"Stop the car!" Micah sat up straight, his breath catching. Axel didn't hesitate, slamming his foot down and screeching the car to a halt.

Turning to face Micah, Axel said,

"What the fuck? What's going on?" Micah unclipped his seatbelt, opening the car door and stepping out before answering Axel,

"Do you smell that?" Axel followed Micah's lead, stepping out of the car and looking around. They both stayed still. Axel looked around in confusion, flaring his nose before his eyes widened.

"Blood." Axel was quick to take action, his sense of smell better than Micah's, taking off in the direction the scent was strongest.

Micah didn't waste any time either, his body moving before his mind could catch up, chasing behind Axel.

Fortunately, they didn't have to run far, the smell getting stronger as they came across Blake's limp body. Micah could hear how shallow his breathing was, how slow his heart rate had become. The relief he felt was nearly unmatched, Blake may be hurt, but at least he's still alive.

"Do you think this is someone from Dave's Pack? We're barely 10 minutes away from the Pack House. Should we bring him back?" Axel looked to Micah, leaning down over Blake's body, concern written across his features.

Blake's words rang through Micah's head then,

'... I have to go now. I might not get another chance!'

Micah couldn't help but remember just how scared Blake had seemed, how shaken his voice sounded. Looking down to Axel, Micah said,

"Take him back? Are you crazy? How do you think he got like this in the first place? I'm telling you, that Pack is twisted. Dave is up to something and I refuse to send him back there until we know more about what's going on." Micah paused, a lump forming in his throat, hesitating to tell his friend who Blake is to him, a sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Finally swallowing the discomfort, Micah spoke,

"This is Blake. He's.. my mate."

He leaned down, avoiding Axel's gaze as he attempted to pull Blake up. He had one of Blake's arms tossed over his shoulder, his arm going around Blake's waist for support. Axel didn't speak, going to Blake's other side and mirroring what Micah had done.

They walked in awkward silence back to the car, dragging Blake along.

Once they were there, Axel let go of his hold on Blake, opening the back door for Micah. As gently as he could, Micah laid Blake out across the seat, closing the door after him.

Axel and Micah shared a look, standing together silently.

Rolling his eyes, Axel heaved out a sigh.

"I'm going to text Lily, have her meet us at our Pack's Hospital." Without looking to Micah, Axel pulled out his phone and walked around the car to the driver side. Micah chose not to speak, getting into the passenger side and clicking his seatbelt into place.

Without looking, Axel turned the music on the stereo louder, pushing his foot down on the gas until the tires squealed, sending them flying forwards, leaving clouds of smoke in their wake and the smell of burnt rubber through the air.

Once they arrived, an excruciating hour of silence later, Micah's cuticles had been picked raw. Axel had sped the whole way, cutting the drive nearly in half.

There were staff waiting outside for them, Lily at their sides, a worried look on her gentle face. Axel swerved the car around to them before hitting the breaks, throwing it in park. Turning the car off and stepping out in one quick motion, he rushed around to Micah's side.

Micah pulled Blake from the back seat, again throwing Blake's arm around his shoulder to get a grip on his waist before moving him towards the stretcher. Both Axel and Lily helped assist the doctors to load Blake onto it.

Trying to assess the length of his injuries, the doctors lifted Blake's shirt to find him covered in bruises, the dark purples and blues staining his skin. The marks were old and new, fading yellow blemishes scattered throughout. The sight had anger once again forcing its ugly head to the forefront of Micah's emotions. Axel held his breath at the sight, glancing to take in Micah's reaction.

Micah was unable to believe that someone with such an innocent face had to endure such torment. As they rushed him inside, something told Micah that what he could see here? Was only the tip of the iceberg.


It had been a few hours since their arrival to the hospital. Micah stayed by Blake's side, a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. Axel stayed too, trying to support his best friend in any way he could. Even if, really, he didn't want to be there. Lily was out with the other doctors, discussing next steps for Blake's treatment.

The doctors had told them that Blake was severely malnourished, how shocked they were that he had made it as far as he did. That made Micah feel an odd sense of pride. According to the doctors, Blake's abuse had been going on for quite some time, even having broken bones that never healed properly. Micah tried to control his anger, tapping his foot at Blake's side.

Really, Micah felt more nervous than anything. Having lost all his mates, sitting in the hospital with his final one. The anxiety it caused him only served to irritate him more. Axel didn't know how to help, so he just sat quietly, playing with his cuticles.

Micah didn't like the silence. Nor the smell clinging to the air. Truly, he hated hospitals. Both his parents died in one, as well as one of his fated. They made him feel small, like he couldn't breathe.

He sighed to himself. It was considered to be so fortunate to find even one of your mates in this big world. Yet somehow, Micah was able to meet all 5. He wanted to laugh at the irony. Some people out there never get to meet even one and Micah had lost almost all of his. The thought sent an unwanted pang of sadness to his chest. He decided it best not to think about it anymore, leaning back in the uncomfortable chair and closing his eyes.

Axel, however, couldn't stop thinking about it. Now that Micah has his final mate, he really had no use for him anymore. Axel thought about all the great memories they had shared together. How every time Axel needed someone to pick him up, Micah was there. Worry ebbed at his mind, would all of that change now? Would Micah even want him around anymore?

He tried not to think about it. They had been friends for years, surely there was no way Micah would just end things so suddenly. But even knowing it, Axel couldn't help feeling anxious. He had to admit, maybe a little embarrassed too. What they had been doing together in the dark wasn't exactly favorable. To lay with anyone other than one of your mates was once illegal.

It hasn't been for years, but it was definitely still taboo. Did Micah feel ashamed of him? Embarrassed by him? Axel didn't know the answer. The negative thoughts had his lips pulling down in a frown, his mind feeling cloudy.

"Are you going to tell him? About us... I mean." Axel decided to break the silence, gluing his eyes to Blake's sleeping body. The hospital room felt cold, the walls bare of any art and the white sheets making the lights in the room feel brighter. The sun was starting to set, casting an orange glow through the window against the sterile white of the atmosphere. Axel bit the inside of his cheek, waiting for Micah to respond.

"Eventually, yeah. I kind of feel like I have to, you know?" Micah shifted uncomfortably, too emotionally exhausted to open his eyes, his head still lazily thrown back against his chair.

"Yeah," Axel paused, looking down at his hands with a small smile, "I do. I get it. I know that since you have him, you won't need me around as much. But," He stopped short, daring to glance in Micah's direction, "I'll always be here for you."

Axel was surprised when Micah let out a laugh, glancing over at his best friend with a toothy grin. Axel thought he looked a little silly, his head turned upside down like that, returning Micah's grin.

"I could have a million mates and I would still need you around. You're my best friend. I don't know what I would do without you. Really. Sorry if I don't tell you that enough." Micah's smile had turned sheepish, Axel was surprised to see his cheeks tinted a light pink.

He laughed at his best friend.

"Yeah." He nodded, clasping his hands together and leaning his elbows onto his knees. "I'll always be here if you need me." He stood, grabbing his coat that was tossed over the back of his chair. He reached up his arms, stretching them to the sky, his shirt lifting slightly to reveal his v-line.

Micah felt a pang of guilt for stealing a glance, turning his eyes away.

Axel walked up to Micah, patting him on the back.

"I know being here in the hospital sucks for you but try to remember what the doctors said. He's gonna be okay. He'll be here a week, tops, yeah?" Axel tried to be reassuring, offering Micah another smile. Hoping it met his eyes. Micah pursed his lips together, standing to wrap his arms around Axel in a hug.

"Thanks man. I'll see you later." They pulled away and Axel made his way to the door. Opening it, he gave Micah one last smile before closing it behind him and heading home for the night.

Micah sighed, patting his hands down onto his thighs, trying to ignore how clammy they had become.

Well, fuck. That was awkward, he thought. But at least it was finally over, the uncomfortable conversation out of the way.

Micah glanced over to Blake. Slowly, he made his way to his side, carefully sitting on the bed next to Blake's small frame.

He took in Blake's appearance. His raven-colored hair, full eyebrows to match. He had such long eyelashes too. His lips were full and plump, a cut on his bottom lip that looked barely healed. His face was delicate. His complexion like porcelain. You could see his collar bones poking out from his chest. The evidence of malnutrition. His eyes looked slightly sunken in, and his cheeks were uncomfortably hollow.

Micah couldn't help but wonder just how beautiful this man would look at full health. His skin already looked soft, leaving Micah's thoughts to drift, thinking of how smooth it would be to the touch.

As if not being able to help himself, he reached down to caress Blake's face, his fingers tracing Blake's jaw. He smiled to himself; he was even softer than he thought. He felt that if he pressed down too hard, he would break him. The thought sent another uncomfortable wave of anger over him. How could anyone treat someone so delicate with such malice?

Micah trailed his fingers over Blake's forehead, framing his face. Finally, his fingers made it down to his lips, tracing over the cut. Blake's lips felt swollen under Micah's fingertips, and he wondered just how much abuse the man beneath him had had to endure. He could feel his own lips turn down in a frown.

Sighing, he stood from his place on the bed, turning his back to Blake and facing the door. Micah pinched the bridge of his nose, something he did when he was feeling stressed. Hoping the tension in his shoulders would soon release.

He didn't like having to feel such strong emotions, feeling them swirl negative thoughts around his head.

Micah snapped his head back in Blake's direction upon hearing a groan.

When he turned around, he saw Blake sitting up in the bed, leaning his head into his hands.

Micah's mouth fell open, his throat felt dry and suddenly he was at a loss for words. Blake looked around in his confusion, his nose flaring around, taking in the new scents and sights around him. Finally, his eyes settled on Micah, an unknown emotion glazing them over.

"Forgive me for asking, but, where the fuck am I?"


Whoo! Chapter two!

Honestly, writing in the third person like this is difficult. It was quite the interesting challenge for me, so I hope you enjoy!

Click the star to show the world you shine! <3

Thanks for reading!


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