The Tale Of Two Worlds

By Knightshadowbarnes

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Sasha was an average woman living in a small town. She had a steady job and a close-knit group of friends and... More

Chapter One;
Chapter Two;
Chapter Three
Chapter four;
Chapter Six;
Chapter Six;

Chapter Five;

13 0 0
By Knightshadowbarnes

Ironhide was drinking coffee and his mother had almost all the soldiers in the mess hall and he smiled at his mother. "Mamá, ¿qué estás haciendo? Necesitas relajarte, yo me encargo de esto." Ironhide said.

"Hijo, sabes que aquí soy el mejor cocinero, y ¿por qué no buscas a tu marido? Trinquete y su madre; Dala para el desayuno." Moranna said.

Ironhide chuckled and he saw Ratchet. "Hun, what's wrong?" Ironhide asked his husband. "My mom passed away in her sleep, I...I had no idea." Ratchet said. Ironhide held his husband; Ratchet in his arms.

Ironhide felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He couldn't even begin to imagine the pain Ratchet was going through.

He held Ratchet tighter as his husband's tears soaked into his shirt. Ironhide whispered comforting words in Ratchet's ear and kissed him gently on the forehead.

He then reached for his mother's hand and squeezed it, silently thanking her for being there for them in their time of need.

Dala had an honorable funeral and Optimus stood with his adopted dads, and the soldiers understood that Ratchet was very close with his mother. It was late at night and Ironhide Ratchet was going through his mother's things and Ratchet saw a photo of his father.

"Who's that ?" Ironhide asked. "I don't see a name, but I look like him," Ratchet said. Ironhide saw an address in Moscow or outside of the city.

"This gives us a clue," Ironhide said. "My childhood home," Ratchet said as he saw the address. "Charlotte Ironhide, me, Optimus, and Sasha are going to Russia," Ratchet said.

"Why?" She asked. "Because my father is alive, and I want to meet him," Ratchet said as he showed the address.

Ironhide was taken aback by Ratchet's declaration. "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't know how he might react to seeing you after all these years." Ratchet nodded and said, "I must know who my father is. I want to know why he left us and why he never tried to contact us." Ironhide sighed and said, "Let's go. We'll find your father together."

Ironhide, Ratchet, Optimus, and Sasha all traveled to Russia and they saw Ratchet's childhood home and Ratchet stepped out of the rental car and walked up to the house and he knocked.

"Чертовы дети... Рэтчет? Это ты?" Ratchet's father said. "Привет, папа, мама сказала в письме, что я должна с тобой познакомиться, а это мой муж и приемный сын и его девушка, она пошла с нами, потому что тоже говорит по-русски." Ratchet said as he introduced his family to his father.

His father hugged him and Ironhide then he hugged his adopted grandson and future granddaughter-in-law. Sasha smiled at Ratchet. "Твой папа очень милый." Sasha said. Ratchet chuckled at her. Optimus did too.

Ratchet's father was overjoyed to see them and welcomed them into his home. He invited them to stay for dinner and Ratchet explained to him how he had met and married Ironhide, met and adopted Optimus, and met Sasha when she joined NEST.

Ratchet's father was delighted to hear the story and he happily accepted Ironhide, Optimus, and Sasha as part of the family. The group enjoyed a wonderful meal together and Ratchet and his father had a chance to catch up and reminisce.

Optimus and Ironhide shared stories of their adventures with Ratchet and Sasha shared her experiences of learning the Russian language. At the end of the night, Ratchet's father hugged them all one last time and thanked them for coming to visit.

"Мама, умерла на прошлой неделе, и я нашел твою фотографию во время Второй мировой войны с нашим старым адресом, и я не знал, что ты полевой медик." Ratchet said. "Да, в конце войны я стал директором по санитарному надзору, главным врачом своего подразделения. Я вижу, ты пошел за мной, сынок, и ты нашел робота, который любит тебя за тебя, и теперь у тебя есть сын." His father said.

Optimus smiled and Sasha smiled too. Ironhide smiled and he held his husband. "Feel better now that you met your dad?" Ironhide asked. "Yeah," Ratchet said. "Will ya miss him?" Ironhide asked.

Ratchet nodded. Yeah, it's going to be hard to leave home." Ratchet said to his husband. They flew back to California.

Optimus and Sasha were asleep beside Ironhide and Ratchet and Ratchet was asleep. Ironhide stared out of the window of the plane and into the clear winter night sky.

Ironhide thought back to Ratchet's father and all the sacrifices he had made during the war. He was grateful for the sacrifices he and his father had made and felt humbled by the courage and strength of the man he was married to.

Ironhide knew that Ratchet would miss his father, but he also knew that Ratchet was now able to create his own family, with Ironhide, Optimus, and Sasha.

Ironhide smiled and put his arm around Ratchet, and they both fell asleep as the plane flew into the night.

Ratchet was in the medbay working on something and he heard yelling. "Dad, I'm not a fucking kid anymore!" Ironhide yelled at his father; Ironwill.

Ratchet ran out and Ratchet was suddenly pinned against the wall. "Dad, leave him alone!" Ironhide yelled. Optimus tried to help. "Optimus, don't!" Ironhide tried to warn. Ironwill tackled Optimus and Optimus tried to fight back and Optimus was stabbed in the same scar.

"ARGHNNM!" Optimus yelled. "Son!" Ironhide yelled as he tackled his father off of Optimus. Ratchet was protecting his adopted son.

Ironwill growled and tackled Ratchet and from the force of the tackle Optimus's wound was injured even more Ironwill looked at Optimus and Optimus growled and kicked Ironwill back knocking him out.

Optimus held his wound and he was bleeding more now. Ratchet applied pressure on the wound. "NNGAH!" Optimus yelled in pain. Sasha held his hand and Ironhide helped his husband; Ratchet.

Optimus was in the medbay after getting his wound stitched up and he was given morphine to help with the pain.

Ratchet looked at Optimus with a worried expression and said, "You need to rest now." Optimus nodded weakly and Ratchet said, "I will make sure you get the best care here."

Sasha smiled and kissed Optimus on the forehead and said, "I will be here when you wake up." Ironhide looked at Optimus with a relieved expression and said, "You are strong, my son." Optimus smiled and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Optimus checked his healing wound and he didn't like how it looked. And soon he was fully healed. Optimus rarely took off his shirts as his scar was reopened several times and it got bigger than the last one.

Sasha checked on Optimus. "Optimus?" "Sasha." Optimus said as he held his shirt down. "Baby, it's me, and remember I love you for all of you, even your flaws." Sasha said.

"I'm not as handsome as I was before I got the scar." Optimus said. "Honey, I love you, and I love your flaws." Sasha said. Optimus kissed her.

Sasha looked at Optimus with so much love in her eyes. She went closer to him and hugged him. She stroked his hair and said.

"You are beautiful, inside and out. Let me show you that your scar doesn't define you. I love you for who you are and nothing can change that."

Optimus looked at Sasha and smiled. He was finally starting to believe her. He hugged her tightly and thanked her for always being there for him.

Optimus and Sasha were on Optimus's bed and Sasha was riding him and Optimus had put a condom on before they began to have sex. Sasha moaned.

Optimus held her waist to help her move on his cock. "You're cock feels sooo good!" Sasha moaned. Optimus groaned from her moving on him. "So tight, baby." Optimus moaned as he thrusted his hips up into her and Sasha moaned and she moved with his thrusts.

"So beautiful." Optimus said. "So sexy." Sasha moaned. Optimus chuckled and he flipped them and she was on her back and he rammed into her. "OH YES...RIGHT THERE!" Sasha moaned. Optimus smirked and he kept hitting her G-spot.

Sasha felt her release building up and she moaned louder, her body shaking with pleasure. Optimus felt her grip around his cock tighten and he smiled. "You like that, baby?" Optimus asked, his thrusts becoming faster.

Sasha moaned and nodded, her body trembling with pleasure. Optimus smiled and he slammed his hips into her, feeling her walls clench around his cock as she came around him.

Optimus felt his own release and he filled the condom he groaned, collapsing onto her. They both lay there, panting, their bodies slick with sweat. Sasha kissed Optimus slowly.

Optimus massaged her boob and Sasha moaned. They chuckled and lay in each other's arms and Optimus held her from behind and gently kissed her shoulder and the back of her neck.

Sasha smiled as Optimus nuzzled into her shoulder.  They fell asleep a few minutes later. They fell asleep a few minutes later. They lay there, content and satisfied, their bodies intertwined as the night grew darker and the stars twinkled in the night sky.

The two of them had experienced something special that night, something that would stay with them forever.

The next day;
It was early in the morning and Optimus was getting ready for work and he kissed Sasha on the cheek. He left their Quarters and went to start on some reports.

Sasha woke up and got dressed and she saw Optimus and kissed his cheek. "We got a mission hun." Sasha said. Optimus got up and gathered his gear and they headed out on the mission.

Sasha and Optimus walked around the old building and they ducked Sasha began to shoot at the enemy, and Optimus covered Sasha Optimus was hit by a stray bullet in the shoulder and Sasha shot the enemy.

"I need backup, Commander Prime is down!" Sasha yelled in her comm link as she held pressure on Optimus's wound. Optimus was right as he was shot in the shoulder and nothing was damaged.

Optimus shot a Decepticon in the head as it was about to hurt his girlfriend; Sasha. "Don't move, Optimus." Sasha said as she held the wound from bleeding.

"We're stuck backup won't come for a while." Optimus said. "Stay hidden and I'll handle this." Sasha said. Sasha began to shot at every decepticon and human who helped the cons and the other Autobots found them and saw Sasha kicking ass.

The other Autobots came as reinforcements and began shooting at the Decepticons, taking out their enemies with precision and efficiency.

Sasha and Optimus had to hold their breath as the Autobots passed them by. Soon enough, the Decepticons were defeated and the Autobots helped Sasha and Optimus back to the base, where Optimus was treated for his wound.

Sasha was relieved that Optimus was alright and thanked the Autobots for their help. In the end, they were able to come out victorious thanks to Sasha's quick thinking and the help of the other Autobots.

Optimus and Sasha were back at NEST and they were checked on by Ratchet. "Well, no severe damage to your shoulder, Prime, and Sasha you only have a few scrapes and bruises." Ratchet said as he checked them.

Sasha smiled and Optimus was able to leave after his bullet wound was healed. Sasha saw a mech she had never seen before. "Who's that?" Sasha asked.

"Sentinel" Optimus said. "My son." Sentinel. "Sentinel let me remind you why you were in prison." Optimus said coldly. "Okay, sorry, I missed you." Sentinel said. "You never wrote to me, nor called me." Optimus said. Sentinel was manipulative and a gaslighter.

"Son, regardless I am still your father." Sentinel said. "A father does not harm their child, a father doesn't abandon his children." Optimus said. Sentinel scoffed. "This is how you welcome me?" Sentinel growled. "No, you showed up unannounced." Optimus said Ironhide and Ratchet Stood next to Optimus.

Ratchet saw his old friend. "What are you doing here, Sentinel?" Ratchet asked as he stood protectively in front of his adopted son; Optimus. Sentinel sneered. "So you and Ironhide raised my son?"

Sentinel asked, his voice dripping with disdain. Optimus stepped between Ironhide and Ratchet, shielding them from his father. "I found a new family," he said firmly.

Sentinel scowled. "You should have stayed with me, Optimus," he said, his voice tight. "I can teach you things no one else can." Optimus shook his head. "You may have been my father, but you are not my family," he said firmly.

Ironhide and Ratchet stood on either side of Optimus, their arms crossed. Sentinel glared at Ratchet. "You took him from me!" Sentinel yelled.

"No, you abused him, and your and she had no choice but to leave and we adopted Optimus because you refused to get help and be a fucking father!" Ratchet yelled as he stood protective of his adopted son.

Sentinel growled and he tackled Ratchet. "Carrier!" Optimus yelled. "Optimus, no!" Ironhide tried to warn. But Optimus threw Sentinel back as he drew his sword to protect the mech who raised him.

"Touch our medic and my adopted carrier, I'll fucking kill you!" Optimus growled. Sentinel drew his sword as well. "You are still weak, Optimus." Sentinel said. Ironhide jumped in and he helped Optimus fight Sentinel and Ironhide was thrown back and he got hurt.

"Dad!" Optimus shouted to Ironhide. "I'm fine, kid, kick his ass." Ironhide said. Optimus and Sentinel were fighting each other and Sentinel managed to stab Optimus in the leg and waist.

Optimus was trying to fight back and Sentinel was about to hurt Optimus and Ironhide jumped in to protect his adopted son. "Touch my kid, I'll end ya, punk!" Ironhide yelled as he fought Sentinel.

Optimus was getting his wound treated Sasha helped Ratchet. "Thanks." He said. "Anytime Ratchet, and Optimus is my boyfriend, and I love him so much." Sasha said. Ironhide was stabbed and Ironhide growled in pain but mostly anger.

Sentinel fled and Ironhide held his side. "Son." Ironhide said. "I'm going to be in the medbay for a while?" Optimus said. Ratchet nodded his head.

Optimus was devastated to see Ironhide get hurt. He wanted to help his adopted father, but was too weak to do so.

He looked at Ironhide and said, "I'm so sorry, dad." Ironhide looked at him and said, "It's alright, kid. You did your best." He then limped into the medbay with Ratchet to get treated.

Optimus was patched up and he saw his adopted dad. "Hey, Dad." Optimus said. "Hey, kid, how are you feeling?" Ironhide said. "Good, Sasha got me those, I no idea that she knew my favorite flowers." Optimus said.

"Yeah, she's very smart to know everything about you." Ironhide said. Optimus sighed. "I don't want to see Sentinel again." Optimus said. Ironhide smiled.

"We'll make sure that you don't see him anymore." Ratchet said as he checked on Optimus and his husband; Ironhide. Ironhide kissed Ratchet with his tongue. "You are always an amazing kisser." Ratchet said as he kissed Ironhide back.

Ironhide smiled and kissed Ratchet. "I'm glad I can still surprise you." He said as he pulled away from the kiss. Ratchet smiled and looked back at Optimus. "You don't have to worry about Sentinel anymore." Ratchet said reassuringly. "We'll make sure he doesn't bother you again."

Ironhide and Ratchet were in their quarters and they were making out. "I feel like we're teenagers again. Ratchet said. Ironhide chuckled and kissed Ratchet with his tongue. "It's been a long time since we've had sex, and I am gonna make you moan my name and I know you miss my spike/dick." Ironhide said against his husband's neck.

Ratchet moaned as he felt Ironhide bite his neck hard. "Ironhide!" Ratchet moaned as he threw his head back. Ironhide chuckled. Ratchet undid Ironhide's belt and he unbuttoned unzipped Ironhide's jeans and he pulled his dick out and went down on Ironhide. Ironhide groaned.

"Oh, baby!" Ironhide grunted. Ratchet bobbed his head taking more of his husband's dick down his throat. Ironhide grabbed Ratchet's head and started thrusting into his mouth, causing Ratchet to moan and gasp.

Ironhide kept thrusting faster and harder as Ratchet kept bobbing his head up and down. Ironhide kept moaning Ratchet's name as he felt himself nearing the peak of pleasure. Ratchet kept taking more of Ironhide's dick in his mouth as Ironhide kept thrusting faster and harder.

Finally, Ironhide reached his climax, groaning as he came. Ratchet kept bobbing his head until Ironhide was finished before he pulled away, looking up at Ironhide with a satisfied smile.

Ratchet stripped and he straddled Ironhide and he lowered himself onto Ironhide's dick. "Frag, it's been a long time since we did this." Ratchet moaned as he felt Ironhide's dick inside him.

"You're so tight baby." Ironhide said. Ratchet gasped as he felt Ironhide beginning to move. "Ah!" Ratchet gasped as he moved his hips against Ironhide's.

Ratchet was smaller than Ironhide and he was also slightly petite Ratchet threw his head back when  Ironhide slammed his down on his cock. "You like my cock huh, Ratch?" Ironhide grunted.

Ratchet moaned and he gripped Ironhide's uninjured shoulder as they fucked. "Moan my name baby." Ironhide said. Ironhide fucked Ratchet faster and flipped, and he was on his back.

"Moan my name." Ironhide said as he gripped Ratchet's waist and thrusted hard and fast into Ratchet who threw his head back in pleasure. "IRONHIDE, harder...ohhh, feel so good!" Ratchet gasped.

He felt Ironhide's cock go deeper inside him and he gripped the blankets beneath him and he had never felt anything like this in a long time. "That's it let go, babe." Ironhide said as he fucked his husband harder and faster. Ratchet threw his head back.

Ironhide felt Ratchet's body tense up and he knew Ratchet was close to the edge, and he increased his speed, pounding into Ratchet mercilessly.

Ratchet gasped out Ironhide's name as he felt his orgasm wash over him, and Ironhide followed soon after, spilling his cum inside Ratchet as he shuddered in pleasure.

They both lay there, panting and sweaty, until Ironhide finally rolled off of Ratchet and pulled him into a tight embrace, content in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

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