The professor

By Extraordinaryyyyy

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"Mia put down her empty glass and took a deep breath. She raises her hand and places it on top of Noah's legs... More

My first book !
Chapter One: One Night Stand
Chapter three: welcome to NYU
Chapter four: Awkward Situation's
Chapter five: An Agreement
Chapter Six: baby mama ?
Chapter seven: A Big Change
Chapter eight: it's a.....
Chapter nine: A Good Day
Chapter ten: lust & love
Chapter elven: The Chirstmass Party part 1👀
The Christmas party part 2 👀
Chapter thirteen: when doors close new ones open 😳
Chapter fourteen: 1 year later
Chapter fifteen: Teasing & Honesty
Chapter sixteen: unforgiveable choices
Chapter Seventeen: War Part 1
Chapter Eighteen: War Part 2 & Lust 😩❤️
Chapter nineteen: fight to the finish.
Chapter twenty: 1 year later
Thank you!!!

Chapter two: Hang Overs & moving day

2.4K 25 8
By Extraordinaryyyyy

The sun started to rise causing the sun to shine all over my face. I slowly Sat up and noticed that I was sleeping in a big bed. I look over to my side and see Noah sleeping beside me. My memory slowly started to jog back to me. Followed by a pounding headache. That's what I get for drinking.

I slowly got up out of bed. Tiptoeing over to the counter where my dress was. I hurried up and slipped it on. I grabbed my purse, phone, and shoes. I quietly walked to the door. Opening it silently and bolting out there.

I finally found my way to the stairs. I looked to see where everybody was at. But the place was spotless. It was like nobody was ever here.

I walk out the door heading to the nearest store available.

I go on my phone and see a whole bunch of missed calls and messages from my friends.
I click on Ava's number she picks up on the first ring.

Ava:" AND where did you run off to last night?"

Me: "I fucked the house owner." I noticed I was sitting right next to a family of 4. I smile and turn away from embarrassment.

Ava pulled up into the parking lot. Doing the walk of shame to the car. I get into the car and take Ava's sunglasses. I relax as she drives off.

Ava: "So was it worth it?"

Mia: "Best one-night stand ever."

Mia and Ava laughed the whole car ride home. We finally pulled up to my house. It felt so
good to be home. We pulled into my driveway.

Mia: All alright I'll see you around 2:30 for moving.
Mia and Ava said their goodbyes and Mia got her keys and walked into the house.

She walked upstairs to her bedroom. She threw off all her clothes and shut the door. She turned the shower on. And stepped into the shower. Letting the hot water beat on her skin. Having flashbacks about last night. How good it was. "I've never been touched like that before," she thought to herself. But Mia knew she didn't have time for men. She has to focus on herself and her career.

She snapped back into reality finished cleaning and risining her hair. She finally gets out of the shower getting ready for the day.

She threw on sweatpants a crop top and some sneakers and styled her hair into a messy curly bun. MOVING DAY.


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I hurried up and answered it. One of my students from NYU was calling.

Will: thanks for letting us use the house for the party. We made sure to clean up.

Noah: yeah I came home early. I met this woman.

Noah looked back at the bed to see if she was there. But her side was nicely made.

Will: you better hope Tiffany doesn't hear that. (Noah ex)

Noah: that girl needs to take a hint. Besides the women bolted on me.

After I got off the phone I put some clothes on and headed downstairs. I order breakfast from across the street every morning. A loud knock was at the door. I'm guessing my food is here. I open the door to my sister Isbella and her "friend" Tiffany. She smiled at me with my breakfast in her hands. But I shrug her off. We head into the kitchen. Tiffany placed my food down on the counter. My sister walks up to me. Looks me
Up and down and steps toward me and sniffs me.
"Why do you smell like sex? Tiffany snaps her head in our direction mugging me. "Don't worry about what I'm doing. You not even supposed to be here." She rolled her eyes "I was just coming to say good morning. " come on Tiffany let's go. Tiffany walks behind his sister and looks at him up and down In disgust.

Mias P.O.V
We have been on the road for hours but it feels like forever. I finally was able to see the NYU college sign. My dreams are finally coming true. Everything I worked for is paying off.

They finally made it to NYU's main entrance. The college had a beautiful campus. Mia was instantly in love. She was glad she chose to come here.

Mia and Ava finally get out of the car and wait for Cora. Little did they know their whole lives were going to change forever.

Finally, Cora arrived at campus. We all get together and walk through the main entrance. There were too many tables for me to even count. But signs were hanging from the table that
had letters A. So we would stand in the line that matched our last names and meet up afterward.

Mia: where will you guys be staying?
Ava: I got group A.
Cora: yes! Good me too.

Mia looked down at her paper. She was sad to see that she wouldn't be joining the group with her friends." I got group C" she frowned

Ava: "awe girl it's okay. We still gonna see each other."

Cora: "Yeah we're right around the corner. We aren't going anywhere"

Mia: "I know."

The girls had to say their goodbyes and discover where they would be staying for the next year.
Mia looked at her paper one more time.

As she was looking up a young man approached the girl."Hi, my name is Isaiah Morris. This is my second year attending here. You look a little lost. It's my job to help show the new people around."
Flashing a big white smile at Mia.

Mia was glad someone had offered to help her. She had no idea what she was doing.

" yes! I am so glad that you have found me. I need all the help I can get." Mia said with a sigh of relief. " that's good to hear" he said with his deep raspy voice.

we were walking down the hallway with big glass walls decorating the walls. It was a beautiful view she had thought. It almost looked familiar. Like she had been here before. She couldn't think of anything. So she pushed it to the back of her mind.

"This is where you'll be staying" Isaiah pointed at the door and walked closer up to it. He smiled and knocked on the door loudly. Beautiful women yanked open the door. "Isabella," Noah said. Hugging her. "it's nice to see you too". Isabella said with welcoming arms."

Another woman had popped through the door. And she is looking me up and down. " are you our new roommate?" she said filled with curiosity.
"Yes, I am. Hi, I'm Mia Martinez." she stuck her hand out and shook Isbella's hand. "This is our other roommate Tiffany. Mia shook her hand. They all followed each other entering the dorm.

Entering the dorm Mia was shocked once again. There stood a little walkway and a tiny kitchen displayed in the corner. We walk into a small hallway. There were 4 bedroom doors. " this will be your bedroom and the bathroom is right down the hall." I don't remember seeing dorms like this in the Tour. It was cute and comfortable.

I sat my bags down in my bedroom and walked back to the little living room where my new roommates were sitting.

They were talking about boys and parties. I hope I like these girls. I gotta be with them all year.

Isabella: So Mia? Where are you from?

Mia: I'm from Mexico but I was raised here in the U.S.

Tiffany: do you have your green card?

Isabella: TIFFANY?

Tiffany: what? I was just asking.

Mia: I took my test many years ago. I've been an American citizen since I remember.

Mia said loud and proud with a big smile on her face.

Isabella: So you meet any boys???

Mia just laughed to herself. And thought about the man from last night. She didn't realize she was biting her lip and staring off into space. Until Tiffany snapped her out of it.

Tiffany: GIRL spills the tea

Even though Mia didn't trust them. She thought would be the harm.

Mia hesitated for a second but continued "Well.. there was this one guy I met at a party this summer" Tiffany and Isabella looked at each other and smiled. They quickly focused their attention back on Mia. "Tell us more," they said.

"I've never had a one-night stand before. But it was the best sex that I've ever had." Mia said laughing realizing what she had just said. Isabella and Tiffany were laughing as well. "It's okay girl you are in college now. That's gonna happen more than you know." Tiffany said laughing with Isabella. But Mia knew she wasn't like them. She knew it was a one-time slip-up. Something that she needed. Something that they both needed.

N.o.a.h.s p.o.v
I couldn't stop thinking about the mystery Woman from the party. Her smile...the way she carried herself. How good she felt...on the insides. "You can't even remember her name," Noah thought to himself. He knew had too much to drink.

His train of thought was broken by a message from his computer. It was an email from his boss "principle Anderson." It was a list of all the students he would have for this semester. Noah sighs and clicks the email. He read the names. He knew a decent amount of the students. But he could tell there were gonna be some new students. Noah didn't get to read all the names of the students. He was distracted by a knock at the door. He opened up his bedroom door to a naked Tiffany...
(To be continued)

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