
By khadyjatt

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Love and lies More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3


135 17 7
By khadyjatt

Written by: khadyjatt


It's doesn't matter how busy she is jannah always create time for the little girl, she has grown so used to her that she feel like she gives birth to her, other days she curiously wonder how life would have been if Anisa is alive.

"Ya jannah I will slap this girl."Mama complain as she slightly hit the girl on the head and pick her phone from the floor where the little girl throw it.

"Very stubborn girl."

"Don't disturb that girl, you will come to this house and always harassed her, did I not send you?"jannah ask walking inside the parlor.

"Ya jannah Faruk........

"Mama go and come back,
Faruk isn't going to run away,
Go and come back I am also going to the hospital."

"Ok."mama say and enter the kitchen while jannah sit in the parlor wondering, she stare at the little girl who's name was later concluded by faisal dad, she was named Anisa although jannah and even everyone seems to comfortable calling her baby, she neither look like faisal nor her late mum but she's beautiful and extremely troublesome ofcrse.

The doctor spoke with faisal dad and they concluded by end of the month is there isn't any change in faisal health they would remove him off the life support, ofcrse jannah object but the doctor told her she have the entire month to think and whatsoever is her conclusion she should tell him, today is end of the month and she did think and mull countless of time,
Removing the life support means giving up, faisal is alive ofcrse since his heart still beat so why removing him from the machine but leaving him there hurt her every single day, it's badly affecting her mental health she is so confused and honestly cannot distinguish right from wrong.

"Baby stop."jannah say tiredly staring at the little girl hitting the children educational pad on the tiles.

Her phone ring and she sigh exhausted, feel so far away from the kitchen and it's barely 10 steps away it rings and stop but started again making her to groan and stand up, she sluggishly walk to the kitchen and by the time she enter it stops ringing and she grab the phone from the kitchen island.
It started ringing again and she sigh before looking down the screen, not really surprise that's from the doctor probably wanting to know her final decision but she's still indecisive ofcrse this is a difficult decision to make.

"Hello."she answer as bored as always, but her ears quickly on alert as she saunter out of the parlor grabbing the veil that was hanging carelessly on the kitchen door.

"I will be on my way."was all she say and quickly grab the car key from the dinning table, she scope the little girl from the floor and saunter out of the parlor sprinting to her car.

To be in Coma is when a person shows no sign of been awake and no sign of been aware, but faisal he know he wouldn't ruled out the state he was in as coma because he shows no sign of been awake but he was aware, his eyes were close and doesn't respond to environment, voices or pain but he could hear he just couldn't move, all he does was pray in his heart hoping that one day he can be able to at least open his eyes or perhaps even speak and after a very long period of time today Allah swt fulfill his silent du'a.

"He's kinda in the vegetative stage now so it's normal for him to fall asleep like this at regular interval."

"Has he speak?"jannah impatient voice ask glancing at the hospital room room window.

"Not yet,
This process require a lot of patience, so you need to calm down, we will try our best,
Congratulations ma."the doctor say and jannah nod before sprinting inside the hospital room, she rush to the bed and drop the little girl on the chair before hugging her husband as she breakdown.

Slowly opening his eyes as it adjust to the light he try to move his hand but couldn't only success was the move of his finger as jannah looks up to his face, for the first time in 9months she gets to see faisal eyes, they are as beautiful and warm as always.

"Faisal ."jannah call staring at him as she use her finger to slightly brush his left eyebrow.

"I missed you a lot."she say Ashe just stare at her blankly there's a lot he wants to say but he could barely open his mouth so he just stare.

Barely 5minutes he found himself zapping out again the doctor came back and explain to jannah that it would be a while before he recover and that recovery would probably be slow but will be a successful process althrough, jannah left the hospital happy and excited all together she called faisal dad first and share the wonderful news to him, that week was the beginning of her happiness, the reward of her sabr would pay off and after all the suffering she would be at peace.

There is really nothing enticing about getting better especially the healing process of been in a coma, one have to literally start learning everything afresh, physiotherapy and psychotherapy, jannah always stick by his side, faisal was able to speak after two days and his first words was
"where is Ammah?"
jannah break the news to him and she knows faisal has always been an emotional person so she wasn't really surprised when he cried, she also told him about Anisa's dead and told him the baby who even with a mere glance faisal knows she's his because she looks like the female version of him when he was a baby, it's been a really quite supportive 3weeks.

"Where is Mami?"faisal ask the single question that has been budging him lately, his dad came with his wife several times and Mami never show up so he's been really curious.

"In the prison."jannah reply flatly and summarize what happened to Mami and quit the conversation, something inside her whispering to voice the truth to faisal but she knows something's are just better left unsaid, faisal try to prolong the conversation but jannah uninterestedly ignored he hate the fact that a part of him always want what's best for Mami regardless the pain she has caused in his life, the couple continue there conversation mostly about faisal treatment which is mostly the physiotherapy that he started few days ago, his walking steps getting back to normal and hopefully the psychotherapy help him to let go somethings.
Like Ammah's dead that he never stop talking about.

Saturday evening came and faisal was discharged from the hospital though a lot of doctors still can't comprehend why his healing process seems jiffy especially him been in coma for a while all faisal could say is Alhamdulilah because he fully believe if it wasn't for du'a he would be 6feet under at the moment he just know he have to work very hard to pick up his life and try to work hard on his career.

Faisal has always been a family man, his family will always be his first priority and he like the fact that jannah also adore family a lot, he get to bring his son to stay with them, jannah may not be able to have her own child but she have two kids that look up to her and call her mum and that is enough for her, she did try an IVF again but failed which she wasn't really expecting it to work since the doctor had told her already, they are currently sitting in front of the doctor despite jannah disagree to trying another IvF faisal was persistent so she agreed and it's been a rough 6weeks and they are back, everything seems to be going great for now which is normal because the doctor told her she is likely to carry the pregnancy but unable to deliver or have a high chance of premature delivery which faisal say it was ok in as much the baby will be alright.

The doctor walk in with a smile which from all indication is good news, he told them there baby is doing great and jannah should avoid stress and stick to the healthy diet he gave to her, the couple left happy, they went to the school and pick there children.

"Mummy, baby is cutting her hair with the scissors."the 5years old boy yell and jannah rush out of the kitchen, she collect the scissors from the little girl and left with her to the kitchen ranting about the little girl promiscuous way of doing things, she barely Finnish cooking when faisal come she wasn't surprised when he started nagging about her stressing herself since the doctor advised she take as much rest as she can, he roundup the cooking himself and serve the dinner to everyone jannah laughing at faisal ways of things, he seems extremely busy this days, working himself out day and night.

Fast forward to 7months, mornings are usually quiet in the house especially weekends morning, jannah called mama to come stay with the kids while she and faisal left for the hospital, the doctor advices they remove the baby now to avoid any complications before delivery which both faisal and jannah agreed to it, they left home that morning and the drive to the hospital was a quiet one the doctor told them they are having a baby boy which faisal agreed to jannah request to name him after her dad, once at the hospital jannah was taken to the theatre the 45minutes turns to long 1hour 15minutes before the baby was brought to faisal who has been pacing around the theatre lobby, he happily hug his son with a smile as he remembered all the roller coasters they've been through with jannah, there love isn't so perfect and certainly there marriage life isn't the best  but they scale through, jannah was moved to the resting room and barely 10minutes she gain consciousness.

"He looks like me."faisal say with a smile.

"He looks like my dad."jannah say staring at the little boy who look nothing like either of them, the nurse came shortly and took the little boy with her, like Anisa he's gonna spend few weeks in the incubator before they gat to have him all under there care, the hospital room open and the little boy is the first to enter along side Mama and baby.

"They were disturbing me and asking your whereabouts since they wake up."mama defend even though jannah barely glance her way since her attention is all on the little boy who's yapping about what mama did to them, she glance at faisal and he has Anisa on his lap as she drag his beard, shortly afterward her junior brother jibril comes in with his fiancée, Lawrat also came and they got on a Long video call with Yusuf who's now working with the UN in the Middle East, that evening as she stare at every single person in the hospital she realizes, deception or not they are all victims one way or the other but deception is everywhere because we are not what we think we are, we are what we hide and when we couldn't hide that ugly side of us we unravel a layer a deception that quench even the most biggest flame of affection.

"I love you."faisal say staring at her and she looks up at him with a chuckle.

"I'm a living dead without you."she say and he entwined there fingers.

"I'm sorry."he say with a paused
For everything."

It's the only thing he can say because when people often talk about love it never supposed to be deceit, love is many things but deceptive, nothing toxic should comes from genuine love,
Deception is the ultimate betrayal it shattered the fragile string of trust that hold a relationship and it takes 1 in 100 to mend a broken relationship destroy by deceit and he's glad him and jannah get to mend that shattered relationship, they aren't perfect but it's there imperfections that keeps them together,
We are all capable of immense love and loyalty unless we unlock the darkest part of heart that leads to absolutely nothing but regret, whichever it is faisal and jannah both know they belong to each other.

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