Sweet Love (NG5)

By pseudoannie

37.6K 7.2K 1.9K

(Complete) After decades, it's the end of an era on The Point. Change is inevitable and Will Drake doesn't li... More

Sweet Love
1 - No Hailey
2 - Virginia
3 - Family
4 - Home
5 - Secret
6 - The best two
7 - Nick
8 - Duty
9 - Spring break
10 - Rumors
11 - Kitty Kat
12 - Pops
13 - The Point
14 - Her dream
15 - Blacklisted
16 - Maine
17 - Retired
18 - The same
19 - New boss
20 - Change
21 - Secrets
22 - New
23 - Double agent
24 - The man
25 - Offense
26 - Limited
27 - Vacation
28 - Friends
29 - Chef to chef
30 - Womb mate
31 - Just friends
32 - Happiness
33 - Again
34 - Self centered
35 - For good
37 - Tickets
38 - No secrets
39 - BFF
40 - Number four
41 - Tequila
42 - Chef
43 - Break
44 - Now
45 - Love
46 - Timing
47 - Yelp
48 - Venti
49 - Helpless
50 - Team
51 - Blah, blah, blah
52 - Commencement
53 - Favor
54 - After all
55 - Everyone
56 - Can't
57 - March

36 - Merry Christmas

656 133 52
By pseudoannie


Kat started a countdown to Christmas on the first of December. Everyone said things were slow on The Point in the winter, but The Landing had done a good business through November. Her menu items and baked goods brought customers in the door, but they bought other sandwiches too.

Kerry had email concerns about the price of the seafood stew, but it sold out in record time the second month. Word had spread. Even Will texted asking for her to make it in February. Kat smiled, because he would be home soon. She looked up his schedule and knew he could be home sooner depending on how his team did in the playoffs.

She put the finishing touches on chocolate peppermint cupcakes. After snapping a picture, she posted it to The Landing's social accounts.

"Gavin. Get ready."

"Okay. Ms. Kat."

Gavin worked the register. For a young man on the autism spectrum, he did a good job. Her biggest worry when she hired him was he wouldn't be personable, but he was in his own way. Occasionally, she stepped in when shades of gray were required, instead of black and white. Martha and Janice both loved him. Kat hoped Nick and Ivy would too.

Everyone who came in for a cupcake talked about the weather. The last she heard they were getting rain. When Nick's mom stopped for three cupcakes, Kat motioned her over.

She smiled. "Nick can't wait to come home for break."

"Did I miss something about the weather?"

Megan nodded. "The track has shifted, so we're supposed to get more snow. With the winds there's a chance for power outages and the causeway could flood. It might limit you to residents on Saturday night."

"No one will come in a storm."

"Not during the height of it, but after. You'll see."

On Saturday she planned to serve a choice of pan seared scallops or chicken with a cranberry chutney. Ordering was a tricky process in winter weather. The gingerbread cake she could sell later.

When Will texted her about the cupcakes, she called him. "You busy?"

"Salivating over a picture."

Laughing, she said, "I'm sure there are bakeries near you."

"I'm not eating sugar. Remember?"

"Right. I'm worried about the weather."

"Don't worry. Everyone goes to The Landing during a storm."

"But if the road closes?"

"Cook for The Point. I don't know. Have a special dinner when it opens on Sunday or Monday."

"Two days!"

"Probably not. It depends on the tides."

She sighed. "I'll have no help." Only Nick and Sophie lived on The Point and they were both at school.

"Ask Martha to sleep over. Doesn't she like time away from her husband?"

"She hits on young men like a single woman."

Will laughed. "I know. She's worse than Ivy's mom."

"Maybe. I'll talk to her. Thanks."


Kat smiled. Ivy was not like her mother. Kat liked to listen to her on Wednesday mornings. As she baked, she learned a lot of secrets. She knew Mike's daughter was pregnant although it wasn't public knowledge. As much as Kristi entertained her, she enjoyed when Dan Probst stopped in. He was quiet and rational much like his daughter. The friendly man updated her on Ivy and wished her a good day.

On Friday, she made sure she had enough supplies. Alex assured her the generator would power the entire place, even the ovens, so she could bake. The snow started after they closed that night, and Martha had jumped at the chance to stay with Kat. It might have been the mother in her, not wanting Kat to be alone.

On Saturday morning, when Kat went down to start the coffee, the snow was still falling. If no one came, she and Martha would be wired. She jumped when the phone rang through the quiet, empty business.

"It's Rick."

"Oh, hi."

"The road made it through high tide and the power is on. The snow should taper off this morning. Plows are slow to get to us, but you should put the coffee on and have lots of muffins."

"So good news."

"Very good news. Just be ready."

She hung up and laughed. "Martha, Rick says to be ready. I'm going to whip up some fresh muffins."

By the time the muffins were baked, every table was filled. Alex stood by the counter. "I told you the small space would only be a problem when it snowed."

She looked around. "Everyone is here."

Alex nodded. "It's what we do."

"How did John get here?"

"Four-wheel drive. The Taylors are here too." She looked, even the younger couple were there with the baby. They didn't live on The Point either.

When Phoebe came to the counter for a muffin, she smiled. "No one wanted to miss your first storm. We stayed at my parents' house last night. Plus, they are babysitting for date night."

Kat couldn't believe it. She and Martha were busy all morning refilling coffees, making hot cocoa, and selling the eggnog muffins she had made.

She took a picture and sent it to Will. He texted back. "I told you."

With only three days until Christmas, Kat put out a batch of peppermint cupcakes. The bell rang, and she looked up. A smile broke out as Nick crossed the threshold.

"I'm not missing one of those. I kept hearing how amazing they are."

"Nick, you look great." Her smile hurt her cheeks.

"I'm glad to be home."

She chuckled. "When do you want to work?"

"Whenever. I'm broke. Kat, when are you leaving to go home for Christmas?"

"I have to work. I might drive home for a quick visit and come back." She would spend as much time driving as she spent at home.

"Rick always closed at two on Christmas Eve and ten on Christmas Day. Ivy and I can cover both days."

"But it's your Christmas too."

He shrugged. "We'll have plenty of time to celebrate. Our families are here."


"Yup. Ivy told me you were staying and we want to give you this gift. Tell the man, we want time and a half."

Kat laughed. "I'll give you the number you can ask Kerry."

"Fine. I will."

"Better yet email, so you have a paper trail. Should I call my parents?"

"Yes, and pack. If you were paying us, we would do it for free, but the man is so we'll go for it."

She reached over the counter and hugged him. "Thanks Nick. Here's five cupcakes for your family."

"Or for me?" He laughed.

The bus stopped and Kat watched as Abbie ran in and stopped short when she saw her brother. "Nicky!" She flung her arms around him.

Kat had never minded being an only child until moments like she had just witnessed. She looked away; a line had formed. The cupcakes sold out, but the dinner hour was quiet. After she called her parents to tell them she would be home on Christmas Eve, she texted Will.

He called her. "I'm allowed to be jealous? My family will celebrate at The Point."

"Will you be alone?"

"Yeah, but it's okay. I'll be busy. Maybe I'll get an invite, but it's no big deal."

"Were you alone last Christmas?"

"No." He cleared his throat. "Just enjoy yourself."

"Yeah, okay."

He hung up, and she was left holding the phone feeling bad for him. Thinking of him with the girl in the pictures online left her feeling weird, not like a friend should feel.

When Kat arrived at home, she had forgotten she couldn't wait to move out nine months before. As she looked at the tree glowing, tears filled her eyes. Pops was gone. She had been so busy that she forgot to miss him.

Her father stood behind her, she sobbed, "I miss him."

"I do too. He loved Christmas. I'm glad you came home. You work too hard."

She laughed. "I worked harder when I had the restaurant. I have evenings off in the winter. We close at seven. I enjoy interacting with people."

"But you aren't cooking."

She smiled. "I am. I've perfected some recipes. People rave about my stews and soups. I look forward to Saturday nights, but I'm glad it's not every night."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. Even the man had relaxed. He probably saw the profits she was bringing in. Maybe she would ask for a raise. She really wanted to serve lattes. Before she moved to Maine, she never drank regular coffee. How many people like her didn't come across the causeway? She didn't want a drive thru like Starbucks, but to offer an alternative to Rick's coffee would be nice. Why was the man so adamant? Nick and Will were too.

Her father looked at her when she turned on the Buffalo game. "I thought baseball was your sport."

"I like football too."

"Football or a certain player?"

"Dad, we're just friends."

She cheered Will's catches and sat on the edge of her seat during the last seconds while they held onto the lead.

Kat stood. "I'll help Mom in the kitchen." Her phone rang, and she answered without looking. "You won."

"What did I win?"

She stopped walking. "Why are you calling me?"

"I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. I miss all our traditions. Walking around the neighborhood after dinner to look at the lights. Hot chocolate to warm up. Christmas day with your extended family and Pops making everyone laugh."

"We're starting new traditions. Goodbye."

Tears dripped down, not for Bryce, but for Pops. When her phone rang, she saw Will's picture. "You won!"

"You watched."

"Yup. I'm home." A sob slipped out.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I miss my grandfather."

"I'm sorry. I wish. I wish."

"What do you wish?"

"I wish I could give you a hug."

Kat imagined what his powerful arms would feel like. Somehow while he was away, he had become her best friend. The thought made her shiver. Bryce was once her best friend. Dating him felt so right until he abused her trust and ruined her dreams. Kat couldn't share her trust ever again.

"I'm fine. Really. You're the one alone."

"Don't worry about me. Enjoy your family. Merry Christmas, Kat." He hung up.

She wiped her eyes and put on a smile before heading to the kitchen.

Too bad this chapter didn't line up with Christmas.

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