Telltales TWD Izuku season on...

By Horseshoes2078

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so in this one izuku will be reincarnated into TWD telltales he will not have AFO no powers he would just be... More

Episode One MY NEW LIFE
EPISODE TWO Starved for Help PT1
Episode Three long road ahead pt1
Episode three long road ahead pt2
Episode three long road ahead pt3
Episode three long road ahead pt4
EPISODE Three Long road Ahead pt5
Episode Four Around Every Corner
Around Every Corner pt 2
Around Every Corner pt3
Around Every Corner pt4
No Time Left PT1

Around Every Corner pt5

187 7 2
By Horseshoes2078

Veron: this should be it . We're right underneath the center

Lee: "Okay, people, this is it. Remember the plan; we stay quiet, we stay hidden, and we stay together. We find everything we need, and we get the hell out before anyone even knows we're there. Got it?"

The crew nods their heads at the man, ready to put their plan into action. The old doctor steps aside to allow Lee to climb up the ladder. While the scavengers follow suit, izuku raised his hand a bit at the little girl and boy and strictly reminds them.

Izuku: "Hey. That part about staying together? That goes double for the both of ya."

Duck: "We got this. Right, Clem?"

She nods at both of them. Lee had reached the manhole cover, pushes it to the side and peeks his head out to get a look of the perimeter. It seemed to be deserted for the most part. Only thing he could see was a few school buses parked around the front and a chain-link fence outside the school grounds.

Lee: "Let's go."

Upon crawling out of the manhole, he remains crouched and sneaks over to the backside of one of the school buses. The rest of the group was right behind him. Vernon had a worried look in his eyes while looking around the area. Something didn't seem right.

Vernon: "Where is everybody?"

Travis: "What do you mean?"

Vernon: "I mean that there should be guards patrolling around here."

Kenny: "You disappointed?"

Vernon: "It's just strange is all."

Carley: "We should take advantage of this and get to the front door while we can."

Chuck: "Wait, I can see one. Right there."

He points out the guard he noticed and they all spot him a few buses down. Since he was all alone, this would make it easy to stealthily put him down without anyone noticing.

Lee: "Okay, me and izuku will sneak up on this guy and take him out quietly. The rest of you, wait for our signal and then follow us over."

Taking point, Lee brings out his fireaxe from his pack and stealthily proceeds towards the figure while izuku follows from a short-enough distance and draws his gun, just in case anything happens. As Lee gets close enough, he makes his move by bringing his weapon around the guard's neck in attempt to chock him out until he noticed the horrible smell and the guard was moaning. Once he got a look at his face to see it was all rotten and bloody, he realized that this man wasn't alive.

Lee: "What the fuck?!"

Quickly pulling the axe away from the walker's neck and shoving it back, it turns around and snarls once it saw the survivor and staggers towards him. Reacting fast, Lee lifts the axe up, swings it down on the corpse's head and kicks it down. Izuku aimed at it with his pistol until Lee put it down, lowers his weapon and approaches him to get a closer look.

Izuku: "crap! A walker?"

Lee: "That shouldn't even be around here."

Unfortunately, it wasn't the only one since the men were startled by another walker that banged against the school bus window, making the glass crack. There were more emerging from the sides and inside the other buses, closing in on the survivors.

Duck: "They're coming from everywhere!"

Once the walker inside the bus broke the glass, it starts to crawl through until izuku blasts it in the face with his shotgun. They can't stay outside any longer.

Lee: "Everybody, get inside the building! NOW!"

Izuku : "RUN!"

Heeding their words, the whole crew makes a break for the front doors while avoiding the undead monsters; Kenny uses his hatchet to chop one walker and shoots another in the brain with his rifle. Christa and Carley made sure the little girl and boy were close by and lead them to the doors while shooting any walker that stood in their path. Molly kicks a geek at a bus and stabs its head with her ice climbing pick and quickly elbows another behind her that got too close as Travis swings his meat cleaver at it, kicks it down and leads ben and chuck inside with Molly. Lee hurries past between two buses, swings his axe at one walker and quickly holds it up to stop another that tried to grapple him and shoves it back, giving izuku the opportunity to shoulder-tackle it, knocking the corpse down on the pavement and kills it with a headshot. As the two men reach the building, they turn back to see Vernon and Brie right behind them. Once everyone made it into the school, they shut the front doors. More walkers were clawing at the outside fence. Unbeknownst to any of them, they were being watched from afar by a man with a pair of binoculars hidden inside a boarded-up building just outside Crawford's barricade.

Izuku: "Go! Go, go!"

The survivors made it inside, but they weren't out of the woods yet. Far from it. They all continue to make a beeline as fast as they could up the stairs to reach the second floor. Lee and izuku were the first to burst through the doors and the rest soon joined them in the hallway. Vernon and Ben close the doors behind them, giving everyone a chance to catch their breath.

Kenny: "Fuck! You think anyone saw us?"

Lee: "Hard to say, but I think we're good. For now, at least."

Taking a moment to look around, the whole place appeared to be completely deserted. They found bullet holes, shell casings and bits of dry blood on the floor. This was definitely not going how they anticipated this raid to be. Somehow, someway, Crawford had fallen. The entire school has become overrun with walkers.

Christa: "What the hell happened to this place? I thought that this was all supposed to be secured?!"

Molly: "What always happens, I guess; In the end, the dead always wins."

Travis: "Yeah, that sounds very reassuring."

Molly: "Hey, just being realistic here."

Ben: "Oh man, we are so screwed!"

Vernon: "No, this is good."

Travis: "What? How?"

Izuku: "Because we can handle walkers a lot easier than people armed with guns."

Travis: "Oh. I see your point."

Kenny: "Okay, so as long as we don't let em box us in, we can still do this. The plan hasn't changed."

Ben: "Are you serious? The plan always changes every time the walkers get involved. Do we even know how many of them are out there?"

Christa: "No, and frankly, I'm not in the mood to do a headcount. The sooner we find those supplies, the sooner we can get the hell outta here."

The teen didn't dare to say anything else for fear of further getting yelled at.

Izuku: "Brie, which way are we heading?"

Brie: "Down here. We might be able to find a safe room this way."

With Brie leading the way, the group follows her through the school hallway. Ben was bringing up the rear and mumbles under his breath.

Ben: "I have a bad feeling about this."

There were multiple signs with rules written on them hanging among the walls. Henry glanced at them and gave them a quick glare that went unnoticed. The survivors look at the doors that had been boarded-up, each with a big red X on them. They could hear a lot of groaning and banging coming from the other side of the doors.

Carley: "I think it's safe to say that doors with Xs have walkers in them."

Molly: "Just leave em be and keep moving."

While continuing down the hall, izuku see an arrow and puts it in he's back pack After picking up the items, he catches up to the people just as Lee turns and looks at one of the pictures of a man he noticed posted up alongside the rules. It was a picture of the leader himself. "C. Oberson - Crawford Leader" was written above the photo, along with the words "Live within the rules! Live safe!" written beneath it. Brie came to a stop at the only door not boarded-up and directs them to it.

Brie: "In here."

Lee stepped up to open the door and takes a peek inside. There wasn't any walker or person to be found.

Lee: "Looks clear. Everyone inside."

One by one, they all entered the classroom. There wasn't much inside other than some papers, books and desks. There was also a TV in the corner of the room, but without power running in the school, it wouldn't work. Lee noticed a door at the end of the room labeled "Armory". He approaches the door and tries to open it, but it was locked.

Lee: "Yeah, that would've been too easy."

Kenny had walked to the center of the room and examined a map that had taken up the majority of the chalk board.

Kenny: "Looks like they were using this room as some kinda command center."

Most of them had taken a minute to study the map written in chalk, trying to figure out where the supplies are.

Chuck: "They've had people stationed around every corner of the school. But it doesn't really tell where they're keeping each of their supplies."

Brie was looking around the room until she spotted another map that was taped up on the wall near the door.

Brie: "Here. This can help us."

Everyone gathers around the young woman. This map was much smaller, but more direct since it had the layout of the building and each room was labeled.

Lee: "Where would be the best place to look for medicine?"

Molly: "Right here, the nurse's station. They were using it as a medical facility."

Her answer only made Christa develop a suspicion towards the blond since she was very quick to know that. A little too quick for someone who supposedly hadn't set foot inside this place before.

Christa: "How do you know that?"

She slightly widened her eyes and diverted her gaze away from the woman beside her.

Molly: "Well- I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it?"

Izuku: "Yeah, for sure. Good thinking."

Molly smiles at izuku,The lady was still feeling suspicious, but decides to save it for another time. Omid was her top priority right now.

Lee: "Any idea where we can find a battery?"

Vernon: "Maybe at the auto shop? There used to be one in the alley called "Herman's", right near the fire escape. Can't miss it."

Kenny: "Where would we look to find some gasoline?"

Brie: "There's a maintenance shed right across from the playground here. If they were storing fuel, that's probably where it'll be."

Kenny: "Okay, I'll make the run to the maintenance shed for the fuel."

Brie: "It'll be faster if I go with you. I can lead you straight to it."

Chuck: "I'll tag along with y'all, in case you need some backup."

Ben: "I can come, too."

Travis: "yeah me too."

Izuku: "No, groups of three is enough. You two stay here and use them tools we got to get that armory open. I'll head for the nurse's station and find the medicine."

Vernon: "I'll come with ya, I know what to take."

Christa: "I'm coming, too."

Lee: "Okay, then I'll see if I can get us a battery."

Carley: "I'm going with you."

Molly: "Me too, watch your backs."

Duck: "What about Clem and I? What can we do?"

At first, nobody had an answer to that and remained silent for a brief moment. But izuku had a role in mind for them.

Izuku: "duck, you and Clementine will be in charge of keeping this room secured. As soon as we leave, you lock the door and do not let anyone inside unless its one of us. And if it's not..."

Duck: "Yeah, we can handle that."

Lee: "All right, we've got a plan. Everyone be careful and stick close to one another. Once we got everything, we'll all meet back here and figure out on how we're getting back out. Good luck."

And so, the crew heads out the door in their groups and back out into the hallway.


Upon exiting the classroom, Lee finds Carley waiting patiently for him while leaning against the wall until he arrived. However, he noticed the third member of their small party wasn't here.

Lee: "Where's Molly?"

Carley: "She got impatient waiting on you and went to scout ahead."

They walk side by side down the hall until they come around the corner and find her at the very end of the hallway as she calls out to them.

Molly: "Hey. The door that leads to the auto-shop is down this way. You two coming or not?"

She doesn't even bother waiting for them and heads out to the alley to find the auto-shop. Lee and Carley proceed down the corridor.

Lee: "Hmph. We probably shouldn't keep her waiting."

Carley: "Yeah.

( Medicine room)

Christa: close the door!

Izuku closes the door behind them hearing growling from behind them

Izuku: crap they must of heard us

Christa: what we do?

Izuku: we wait for now hopefully the other will come and help us.

Vernon: I see a safe this we're they would keep the medicines but appres to be locked we need a code.

Izuku: let's keep looking around see if we can find something useful but be quiet don't want to draw more attention to ourselves

After awhile of looking and being quiet the trio here gun fire from outside, the door opens to reveal Lee, they explained about the medican being locked up Lee searches izuku asked about Molly and Carly he said Molly went somewhere with the battery and Carley is with the kids Kenny, Chuck and bire came back with the fuel, Izuku see Lee looking at a video camera he looks on a desk to find a medical file he opens it to reveal a patient and a tape he grabs it

Izuku: Lee I found a tape put it in it might have the code.

Lee : good job izuku

He smiles at Lee praise the group watch as Lee put the tape in the camera and plays the video they see a woman and man speaking about the day of outbreak name of the man doctor Logan with patient Anna Correa, as the video continues Logan says to Anna she's pregnant izuku remember Molly words about Crawford and he couldn't help but feel sick and saddened for this woman no place like this should have ever happened it doesn't matter if their old or pregnant or kids their human beings

The woman begged him not to say anything but he didn't and she'd begged him again wanting her baby izuku looked away from video of the crying woman he looks back seeing the woman running slamming the door and the man walking out of frame the video stops and Lee takes out the tape

Vernon: dammit we almost had it !

Christa: what the hell kind of place was this

Izuku: like molly said. The worst kind .

Lee nods in agreement Vernon the says

Vernon: Lee maybe there's another tape. We've got to keep looking

Lee : I think I recognized that doctor. He was one of the walkers out on the alley by the auto shop

Izuku: searching him would be a good plan I'll come with you for back up.

Lee: thank izuku you two stay here maybe find another way to get that medicine open.

Christa & Vernon nod in agreement izuku follows Lee to find the doctor corpse as their walking lee tells him about how Molly killed the walker doctor and as Lee told him izuku thinks to himself that wasn't just to kill a walker with style she knows doctor Logan personally and aren't definitely good acquaintance if she stabbed he's corpse ten times

They head into the shed to climb up the shelf izuku sees a Walker about to jump Lee izuku grabs his wrench and hits the walkers once and pushes him down to the ground as it looks up it's head gets squished by a TV Lee pats he's back and thanks him he turns to look at the corpse. Bakugo would of loved that kill he thought to himself, he then follows lee climbing up the shelf they jumped over the fence they see doctor Logan still alive and crawling Lee was about to Walk up but izuku stops him he goes up to the doctor and stomped he's foot on its head Lee walks up to izuku seeing the unrecognizable doctor

Lee : uhh.

Izuku: don't worry this definitely the guy lee .

Lee search him and finds a tape and a paper with code

Lee: Vernon Said the safe combination was only four numbers.

Izuku: it's for one of the lockers we should go find it inside maybe there's another tape in it

Lee nods in agreement the duo turn to see a walker approaching

Lee: shit time to go .

Izuku and Lee run off back inside they then look around for Logan locker at the end of the hallway they finally found it izuku puts the code in and the locker door opens inside they find a tape

Lee: another tape. The safe to the combination has gotta be on one of these.

Izuku: only one way to find out

The Duo head inside the medicine room Lee tells Christa and Veronica about the tapes they found Lee puts in one of the tapes the group watch to see the same woman Anna she had two choices keep the baby and leave or getting rid of it izuku teeth we're griting she begged the doctor for the last time the doctor goes to the locked medicine and puts in the code Lee zooms in to see what he's typing Anna the runs out frame grabs a knife a stabbed Logan she takes he's gun and runs

Izuku piece together how Crawford fell he turns to see Christa crying he couldn't blame her that was tuff to see

Lee : Christa you alright? What's wrong?

Christa: it's nothing. That was just...hard to watch don't worry about me I'm fine.

Izuku: yeah I'm with you on that Christa. Let's get those meds and get out of here.

Lee : couldn't agree more

Vernon puts in the code the lock opens Vernon reads the medicine they put it in izuku backpack enough for everyone to split

Izuku: you guys go on ahead their one more video maybe it could be something important

Christa: we got the meds for omid. That's all I care about.

Lee : I'll stay here with you bud I'm curious about that third tape too.

Vernon: will head back to the classroom you two don't take too long.

Izuku puts in the last tape and the Duo watch to see Logan zipping he's pants and as he runs away izuku eyes go wide to see Molly was their and he could piece together what happened for some reason he felt mory glad to have stomped that bastard head in . The doctor started talking about stopping the arrangement. She asked why someone checked for inventory. Probably noticing some medication missing. Izuku then hears why Molly made a deal it was for her sister

Izuku hand ball into a fist these bastards molly didn't deserve this neither her sister they had everything and they were cruel this was not the way to do things that's why the failed they were doomed from the start

Yeah that's the Crawford way isn't it.

The video ends Lee takes the tape out he turns to see izuku

Izuku: let's get out of this hell hole

He walks out the room Lee following him from behind they walked their way towards the classroom not noticing Molly climbing down from behind them they then turned to loud stomps to see it's only molly.

Lee : you scared the shit out of us . Where the fuck have you been?

Molly: sightseeing

Lee: I'll take that battery now.

Molly: oh... Yeah about that.

Izuku and Lee both have a worried looked but Molly smirks.

Molly: I'm just kidding.

She goes in her bag and gives Lee the battery he takes it and puts it... Behind him he looks down so does izuku to see Molly holding a picture izuku figure it was her sister

Lee : what's that?

Molly: nothing

She said putting the picture in her backpack

Izuku: we know your from Crawford Molly

Molly: what who told you that?

Lee : we saw you on a tape.

Izuku: I understand if you wanted to keep it a secret because it's to personal but If you want to talk about it I'm here to listen

Molly looks at izuku seeing him giving her a reshering smile

Molly: are we really going to do this now?

Lee : it's up to you

He said crossing he's arms together molly looks down the up at the duo

Molly: I used to live here with my sister. She was fourteen years old . When the dead started walking and Crawford shut itself in. It seemed like a pretty good idea at first. We were safe, we had everything we needed to survive then the rules started coming down. No-one who couldn't justify their place, earn their keep. No one who required special care. My sister was diabetic, and by Crawford rules that made her a liability. I kept a secret, kept her safe for as long as I could. But in the end . I couldn't protect her. That's When I got out Crawford, they always talked about how their system worked, how anything was better than becoming "one of them ." But I saw what they'd already become. I just wish I could have seen it before it was too late. Before it was too late. before they came and took my sister away.

At that moment izuku hugs Molly surprising her she hugged back he lets go of her

Molly: this is all I have left of her.

Izuku and lee see the picture of Molly's sister

Izuku: it's okay Molly I have a picture of my mom and dad she looks like a wonderful person.

Molly: yeah she would of have loved to have met y'all.

The bells then started to ring Lee looks at the two

Lee : I think that's our cue to get the hell out of here.

Molly & izuku nodded the Walk down the hallway onwards to the classroom izuku looks at the door. funny didn't Lee say their was a axe on the door he shrugs it of an contained following Lee and Molly they then here creaking then it was quiet they continue their Walk slowly only to get jumped by Ben holding a hatchet

Lee: shit!

Molly: Jesus

Izuku: woah it us !

Ben : oh crap sorry I thought it was walkers

Izuku: why are you out here?

Ben: we couldn't get the door open Kenny sent me out here to find something to get the door open. I found this

He shows the hatchet he found and izuku eyes go wide

Izuku: Ben I love you but your really dumb.

Ben : what why?

The doors then open walkers started coming in Lee pulls out his gun Molly runs in with izuku behind her killing walkers left and right izuku gets pind agents the wall by walker Molly gets grabbed

Molly: Lee shoot this fucker!!

Izuku Walker gets shot so does Molly they run up to Lee Molly saying nice shot

Lee: it wasn't me

The trio look to see Clementine izuku couldn't help but smile

Molly: good shot , kiddo

Clementine: thanks

She looks up to see izuku and Lee proud of her they then run to the classroom brie closes the door behind them Kenny looks at them yelling

Kenny: what the fuck going on!?

Lee : their coming!

Kenny: oh shit

Chuck: we need to hurry, how do we get out of here?

Kenny: through the armory

Travis: how the hell they get in

Ben : I'm sorry it was my fault I didn't think

He hands Lee the hatchet Chuck and Kenny started knocking on the door trying to take it down Travis looks at Ben

Travis: oh great job Ben you just had to screw us over big time hu pal.

He says walking up to Ben as he's looking away from Travis glare izuku walks in between them and pushes Travis away

Izuku: back off Travis he made a mistake.

Travis: this is all he's fault are you fucking serious right now !

Izuku: hey at least he's trying what have you done for this group except moping and being a crybaby

Travis: oh fuck you izuku don't act so high and mighty your the reason why Mr Parker gone and Dawn are dead your a bigger screw up and crybaby.

Izuku: you son of bitch at least I'm not the one who made a deal with the bandits!

Izuku closes he's mouth duck looking at Travis in shocked

Duck : what?

Christa: what the hell is he talking about?

Carley: now not the time .

Lee : will talk about it later

Christa: no I wanna know what he meant making deal with bandits

Kenny finally knocked the door down And turns around

Kenny: wait what are you saying?

Travis: fuck Kenny I'm sorry I messed up I made the deal with the bandits I thought they had our friends but they lied to me and I had to give them more or they would have killed us but when they didn't get their stuff that's When everything happened...that when Katja-

He looks down and Kenny look at him full of rage he jumps forward but izuku and Lee stop him from trying to hurt Travis

Lee: now not the time.

Izuku: Kenny you can't do this it was a mistake!

Kenny: you little pissant! You are fucking hear me ? DEAD! my wife you got her fucking killed!

Ben : Kenny please stop!

Lee : Kenny listen to me ! You can whoop his skinny ass later but right now we gotta go!

Kenny stops trying to attack Travis Molly looks at the scene

Molly: nice group you got here.

Lee : not the time Molly!

Kenny: if this asshole thinks he's getting on my boat after what's he did he's out of he's mother fucking mind you can stay behind and fucking rote

Ben : Kenny he was trying to help

Kenny: fuck off Ben I don't care he's not getting on the boat's it's not Big enough for all of us somebody gotta get left behind, might as well be this piece of shit right here!

Izuku didn't want to leave anyone behind even if it is Travis he won't do it

Christa: well I vote we leave him sorry Travis

Travis: are you serious!

Ben : please not this again

Izuku: this isn't right

Clementine: wait don't I get a vote?

Lee : of course you do

Clementine: Travis is nice sometimes he's my friend and we don't leave friends behind that's my vote.

She turns to look at duck but he doesn't say anything still shock of the News he didn't know what to think of Travis

Ben : he made a mistake he regrets it he stays with us

Izuku: I'm with Clementine

Chuck: he's just a stupid kid but we have no right to leave him to die he stays

Carley: even though you got my ear shot off It wouldn't be right to just leave you here but don't fuck this up

Lee : I've seen enough of Crawford to know becoming like them is the beginning of the end. I vote Travis stays with us

Clementine smiles at him Brie speaks up but gets cut off with a arm breaking through grabbing her opening the door as walkers started devoring her

Vernon: bire !!!

Chuck: we need to go people!

Molly: listen to Gramps

Lee : Vernon let's go!

The group head inside Ben holding gas cans next to Christa Clementine & duck beside him was Travis Kenny was looking down stairs and Vernon Molly looking around Lee and izuku trying to keep the door shut with Chuck help but no luck

Lee: so much for the armory

Kenny: what's left of it

Christa: a few rounds that's it .

Izuku: we better make them count

Kenny: you didn't close that door behind us

Lee: I couldn't the lock was busted

Kenny: shit fucking great.come on their gotta be a way out down here

Izuku: Wait guy I do-

Everyone walked downstairs izuku sighs following them Lee opens the door revealing a bunch of walkers


Lee slam the door shut

Lee: that's not gonna hold. Back upstairs!

Everyone run back up chuck then sees a corpse with shot gun he runs towards it and grabs it he turns to izuku and Lee

Chuck : you two get going I'll be right behind you

Izuku: you sure you know how to use that?

Chuck smiles: don't worry green.(he cock the shot gun) I got this

Lee and izuku run upstairs Lee behind izuku making sure Chuck okay, he started killing walkers one by one as he kept walking backwards up the stairs as he backed up more he's leg got caught Lee sees this and tries to save him but.

Chuck: no Lee go get the others out of here I'll be right behind you. (He says looking at him with smile)

Lee frowns and runs up the stairs Chuck shoots the last shell of the shotgun he grabs he's revolver points it at he's head

Chuck smiles: it was a good run

A shot echoes in the Tower

Everyone turn to see Lee making it on top but no chuck Clementine runs and hugs him

Lee: it's alright clem I'm fine

Duck: where's Chuck?

Lee gives a frown at the boy duck runs and hugs he's dad izuku looks down and hits the wall Molly grabs he's shoulder he looks at her and he sighs

Lee : anyway out of here?

Christa: this leads to the roof, we might be able to find a way down from here

Vernon: you didn't come into town from railroad did you?

Kenny: yeah why?

Vernon: never mind. I can see the sewers where we came in from here. I think we can do this .

Ben : let's go

Kenny: you heard the kid what are we waiting for GO!GO!

Vernon went down first duck and Clementine climbed down next with the help of Ben Christa ,Carley ,Ben Molly,lee and Kenny climb down next was izuku and Travis

Izuku: Travis come on let's go !

Just then the bell rung again making Travis and izuku put their hands on their ears not noticing the hanging walker on the bell swinging grabbing onto Travis izuku turns and sees Travis struggling he pulls out hea pistol

Travis: izuku please I'm sorry please help!!

Izuku fires he's gun killing the Walker making it fall dragging Travis down but he manages to hold to the floor izuku jump down grabbing Travis arm

Izuku: hold on Travis I've got you!

Walkers coming up trying to reach Travis dangling legs izuku struggling to hold on to he's friend

Izuku: Travis climb up come on you can do it !

Travis: no I can't izuku Kenny will just kill me anyways... their no time you have to go now!

Izuku: Kenny not gonna kill you don't you fucking do this Travis!

Travis: let go dammit get the kids and others out of here!

Kenny: izuku

He turns to see Kenny giving him a look izuku gave him a pleading face to help him but he climbs down leaving him he looks back at Travis

Travis: tell Ben I'm sorry.. please izuku let me go .

Izuku sees walkers coming up and he looks back at he's friend a person he knew for a long time he may have been asshole but he's not dying like this too many people have died already so with all he's strength he pulls up Travis landing on he's back he gets up the same time Travis does

Travis: izu-

Izuku: later let's go!

They both climbed down the ladder and on their way back the the house


As they made it back to the house Christa ran up the stairs,The group followed after her, hearing the door hit the wall upon being swung open. They had caught up and find her kneeling right beside the wounded man lying in bed with a tight grip on his hand. At first, they thought he was asleep. But then they saw Christa's eyes watering.

Christa: "Omid..."

Lee : Clem stay back. Don't get any closer.

Izuku closing he's eyes: please not again

Christa: I never should have left you... I'm so sorry...

Carley: Christa you need to get away from him

Without warning, Omid had lifted up his head and groggily moans. Lee hurried to grab her shoulder and pulled to keep her from a safe distance, thinking he had turned. But then, his eyes opened to reveal they were still normal and he spoke.

Omid: "Yo. Where have you been all my life?"

He's alive. Omid is still alive. Seeing this allowed Lee to release Christa as she place a hand over her mouth and exhales in relief. They've made it in time.

Christa: "Thank God. We got your medicine, sweetie."

Omid: "Awesome. Definitely could use some right about now."

Vernon came around the other side of the bed with the bottle of antibiotics in his hand, takes out a pill and feeds it to his patient. After swallowing it down his throat, he could see the people gathered around the bed to see him. In his perspective, they looked a lot worse than he did when he last saw them.

Omid: "Hey, everyone. Geez, you look worse then me kid. - wait, where's Chuck?"

Kenny: Lee and izuku will tell you the story since their the ones that wanna keep the son of bitch.

He said with venom glaring at the boy he looks down not wanting to face Kenny

Kenny: I'm gonna work on that boat duck stay here with Clem Ben you mind helping me

Ben nods : sure Kenny

The two walk away to fix the boat Vernon ask Lee for a talk Carley give Lee a kiss on the cheek and walks out of the room along with Molly, izuku and Travis after awhile izuku comes out of the room and see office room Lee and Clementine talking he then see Molly about to go downstairs

Izuku: hey . Going somewhere

She stops and looks down izuku felt something was up he walks up behind her she turns

Molly: I thought this would be easier but I'm heading out ... With the boat and everything else I don't really like staying here any longer

Izuku looks down not sure what to feel he really liked Molly and he did wanted her to stay

Molly: do you wanna come with me . I mean you and me work great together and I .. I would love the company

Izuku looks at her with small smile he walks up to her and puts his hand on her cheek she gives small sad smile

Molly: your not coming are you?

Izuku: I'm sorry I can't leave them..I hope you understand

Molly: I do..I'm gonna Miss you Tell Clem I said bye

Izuku: I will.. here I got something for you to remember us by

He gives her a drawing of him and her together she smiles and looks up into he's Green eyes and leans they both shared a last kiss goodbye and she walks away

Izuku: I hope we meet again some how.

Molly: me too

Then it was quiet izuku walked around he sees Travis talking to Carley he walks to them and tells them about Molly leaving after awhile he falls asleep with Carley sleeping next to him on the sofa Travis was still up not tired he then hears duck and Clementine he grabs he's rifle and heads outside Kenny and Ben we're inside he looks around and goes outside of the gate he then sees duck and Clementine walking up a car he shouted

Travis: hey what are you two doing out here are you crazy.

Duck : Travis wait listen!

Clementine: this man going to help me find my parents.

Travis with raise brow: what man?

He then gets hit in the head by something and goes down to floor vision blurry he tries reaching for he's rifle but gets hit again everything fading to black only hearing Clementine and duck screaming

Lee : Clementine... Clementine!!!

as he walked to open the vine-covered garage, something had came rolling in the sidewalk from the other side of the fence. Lee's eyes widened when he recognized it was Clementine's hat.

Lee: "What the fuck?"

With his heart beating fast, he climbed over the fence and picks up the hat he also sees duck pistol Wich he knows is he's because he asked izuku to write he's name on it. He then sees Clementine walkie talkie next to a pile he reaches for it only for a walker to jump out it scratched he's arm he moves away and shoved the Walker away then smashed its head in with he's foot he then grabs the walkie talkie then the hat then noticing the wound on he's arm wasn't a scratch it was a bite mark

Lee: no oh fuck

Izuku: Lee you out here Lee!

...Lee ....

He turns around to see a wounded Travis getting up blood on he's right side of face he walks up to him Lee looks at him grabbing he's shoulder

Lee: Travis what the hell happened to you!

Travis: I heard Clementine and duck next thing I knew I get hit by someone

Carley: are you crazy what are you doing out here

Kenny: Lee I can't find duck

Izuku: and where's Clementine she's not in her room

Kenny: Vernon ain't in the house either what's going on

Christa: Travis what happened to you and who's blood is that Lee?

Lee hides he's bite mark and turns to look at the others

Lee: it was a walker fucker jumped me

Kenny: where's my son and Clementine

Lee : Clementine and duck are gone I found he's gun and her hat & radio on the ground that's all I found

Kenny: what the fuck

Omid : their no chance they just wandered off on their own ?

Lee: no no way

Kenny: my boy would never do that

Izuku: we have find them who took them. Travis do you know?

Travis: no the person got the jump on me they drove away

Kenny: you didn't put up a fight are you fucking serious first my wife and now my son you piece of sh-

Lee: now not the time Kenny last night Vernon came to me and offered to take Clementine and duck . Said they be better off.

Kenny: son of bitch. I knew we couldn't trust that fucker.

Lee: wherever she is I have to find her

Kenny: I'm with you let's get are kids back Lee.

He says standing next to him Lee gives a nod and looks at the others

Lee: Clem and duck may not have much time.we have a better chance of finding them if we all go together who's with me?

Carley: you know I'm with you Lee i always will be,Clementine like the daughter I always wanted and I'll be damned if I let something happen to her or duck

Izuku: I'm coming with you Lee Clementine and duck are like the siblings I always wanted we're going to get them Back together .

Kenny and Lee smile at him Christa then speaks up

Christa: I'm sorry we can't it's too risky for us and I have to put him first. he's not well enough to go off on some rescue mission.

Omid: Christa I'm fine, I can-ow!

Christa: he's just not up to it , Lee. And I'm not leaving him again. I really Am sorry you're going have to do this without us

Kenny: after everything we've done for-

Lee: it's okay we understand.

He said cutting Kenny off he then looks at Ben

Lee: Ben ?

Ben : you've been good to me Lee Clementine and duck are like family to me I'm not going to screw things up I promise you I'm going to do the best I can do.

Izuku pats he's friend on the back Lee nods at the teen smiling he then turns to Travis wiping the blood off he's face

Lee: what about you Travis

Kenny: now hold on a minute I'm not letting this shit bird help us after what he's done.

Lee: Kenny it's he's choice we need all the help we can get.. what you say Travis

Travis: Clementine stuck up for me at the classroom and duck the nice and funniest kid I've met ...I've fuck up I wanna do this for them but I also wanna do this for Kenny some how I gotta make It right.

Lee: well looks like it's just us we should go find Vernon see if he took them.

Christa: good luck

Omid: yeah to six of you. Bring them back safe

Kenny: if we're not back by nightfall then just take the boat and go

Omid and Christa nodded Lee looks at the search party

Lee : come on let's go

Izuku load he's Crossbow, Travis check he's rifle and Ben check he's Glock 19 so does Carley they head out following Lee behind

Izuku couldn't help but be reminded of eri he hopes nothing bad happening to them just hold on Robin & Batgirl we're coming


Lee opens the hidden wall to the morgue the group walks up to the door Lee looks behind him they give a nod he pulls out he's gun puts he's hand on the knob then opens the door pointing he's gun to reavle a empty room nobody in sight

Kenny: where the hell are they

Lee : I don't know?

Carley: this is we're you found them before?

Ben : yeah we did

Lee: huh huh

Izuku then walks up looking around Lee Next to him

Izuku: Vernon!

Lee: Vernon get out here! There doesn't need to be trouble out here all we want is the kids give them back and nobody needs to get hurt!

Nothing but silence Lee puts he's arm on the table resting

Travis: hey don't worry will find them

Ben: yeah we can't loose hope

Something caught Lee attention he looks at the small window shining daylight in the dark room izuku also looks up hearing walkers and not just one but more sounded like hundreds They could also hear walkers growling in the sewers, heading their way. No doubt they heard the sounds they were making in the Morgue. Yet, it sounded like there was more than usual. They didn't have time to ponder on that when a small voice called out.

Clementine: "Lee?"

The voice came from the walkie-talkie. Lee quickly grabs and uses it to respond.

Lee: "Clementine! A-are you and Duck okay? Where are you two?

She didn't answer back. Lee figure their kidnapper was preventing her from saying anything else and cursed.

Lee: "Vernon, you son of a bitch!"

Stranger: "Hello, Lee."

Izuku got started hearing that voice but knowing someone has the kids he puts fear away he's face worse things then this this Guy just fuck with the wrong people

Lee: who Is this?

Stranger: "it's not Vernon, if that's what you're thinking. And you should really watch your tone.

Kenny: this mother fucker

Stranger: Clementine and Duck are fine . But if I were you. I'd choose my next words very carefully.

Lee looks at Kenny then at izuku then at the radio holding it up clicking the button izuku could see him thinking of what to say to the stranger he couldn't help but wonder




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