Cheaters/Abusers x Male Reade...

By Shadowking2030

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A Story where you (Y/N) is cheated and abused by those who you thought was people you loved but apparently w... More

Important Notice
Bio Information
Prologue The Day A Protector Vanished
Chapter 1 A New World DxD Part 1
Chapter 2 Meeting the First One DxD Part 2
Chapter 3 The Magical Advisor Appears DxD Part 3
Chapter 4 Magic Training Under a Devil Leader DxD Part 4
Chapter 5 A Meeting with a Fiance DxD Part 5
Chapter 6 a Hellish Training DxD Part 6
Chapter 7 The Match For Ones Freedom DxD Part 7
Chapter 8 A Familiar plus A Holy Meeting DxD Part 8
Chapter 9 Meeting with the Angels and Fallens Dxd Part 9
Multiversal Army
Chapter 10 Facing a War Crazed Fallen DxD Part 10
Chapter 11 Meeting the White Dragon Emperor + Reading the letter DxD part 11
Chapter 12 The fifth Lover Plus Training DxD Part 12
Chapter 13 Answers received Dxd part 13
Chapter 14 A Life Changing Wish DxD Finale
Bio Update
Chapter 15 A New World RWBY Part 1
Chapter 16 A Day in Remnant RWBY Part 2
Chapter 17 Training The Arc + Tearful Reunion RWBY Part 3
Chapter 18 Match Against the Bully's RWBY Part 4
Chapter 19 Defending a City RWBY Part 5
Chapter 20 Immense Training + Confessions RWBY PART 6
Chapter 21 Meeting a Thief and a ice cream RWBY PART 7
Chapter 22 Obtaining the Golden Transport RWBY PART 8
Chapter 23 The Trap is Sprung RWBY PART 9
Chapter 24 The Unforgettable School Dance RWBY PART 10
Chapter 25 Triple Confessions RWBY part 11
Chapter 26 A Short Vision + Training RWBY Part 12
Chapter 27 Old Foe Appears + Clue RWBY Part 13
Chapter 28 Answers + Departure RWBY PART 14 (Final)
Chapter 29 Reunion and Confrontation Genshin Part 1
Chapter 30 Settling a Old Score Genshin Part 2
Chapter 31 Childhood Friends Reunite Genshin Part 3
Chapter 32 Meeting The Archon of Geo and Lightning + Confessions Genshin Part 4
Chapter 33 Visions Unlocked and a Family discussion Genshin Part 5
Chapter 34 Confessions + Training Genshin Part 6
Chapter 35 Tragedy Strikes Genshin Part 7
Chapter 36 New Universe Borderlands Part 1
Chapter 37 Saving a Leader Borderlands Part 2
Chapter 38 The Evil Jack appears Borderlands Part 3
Chapter 39 A Special base + Discussion Borderlands Part 4
Chapter 40 A Test and meeting the b-team Borderlands Part 5
Transformation Question
Chapter 41 Training Session and Confession Borderlands Part 6
Harem + World Question
Chapter 42 an attack on Sanctuary Borderlands Part 7
Chapter 44 The Royal Reveal Borderlands Part 9
Chapter 45 Training with the Raiders Borderlands Part 10
Chapter 46 confessions and meeting the Sheriff Borderlands Part 11
Chapter 47 Training and a Confession Borderlands Part 12

Chapter 43 Stealing the key Borderlands Part 8

411 9 3
By Shadowking2030

3rd POV

After dealing with the attack lead by the robot called metal sonic the groups can be seen conversing about how to stop the evil jack from awaking the warrior

Sona:So what do we know of how evil jack will awake the warrior

Maya:Well from what we was able to gather he needs the vault key to awaken it which is supposedly up on a mountain cliff

Brick:It's also guarded by the bunker

Velvet:the bunker Mr brick?

Brick:just call me brick...Mr makes me feel old (Velvet nods) In anycase the bunker is a single turret that guards where the vault key is being held

Ganyu:not to sound like a complete b brick but I highly doubt the evil jack would only leave a turret to guard what he has on the top of the mountain cliff

Y/N who can be seen cooking a buffet for his familiar looks at the group talking

Y/N:Ganyu is right and if I'm right there is more than one turret guarding where the key is located at.

Amara:I didn't know you could cook Y/N

Y/N:(flips burger patties) yeah I never really showed it but I did cook for my girlfriend's in my home universe before coming here but I did make plenty extra if you guys would like something to eat

Axton: don't mind if we do

The group walks over and grabs some of the food before resuming their talk

Akeno:So we know that it's heavily guarded but is there any obstacle that need to be aware of

???? (Hologram):you will need to pass through two more doors before you can get the vault key

A hologram with two eyes appears in the middle of the table

Xingling:who are you? *Takes a bite of dumplings*

Roland:She is called Angel and she's the one who led myself Lilith brick and Mordecai on a hunt for the vault four years ago

Shenhe:huh the more you know

QiQi:but why did she contact us and more importantly how?

Y/N:*Turns over Steak*I'm just going on a lim here and say that angel is a siren like Lilith Maya and Amara are

Maya:How can you tell that she's a siren?

Angel (Hologram):yes I would like to know as well

Y/N:*seasons Steak* it's simple really during the time my girlfriend's and I been here we looked into things related to this universe and one topic talks about sirens and their siren abilities which the info talks about a siren who can control anything machine related on Pandora...which is angel herself seeing that she appeared as a hologram and not come in person

The residents of Pandora are silent at Y/Ns deduction

Amara:you really did your homework I'm impressed

Serafall:regardless what doors do we have to get past angel?

Angel (Hologram):You will have to first get past a death wall which will only let Hyperion officials through

Irina:I think we can bypass the security of that death wall

Yang:*eats chicken* and the next? *Swallows bite*

Angel (Hologram):the next door you must pass is a door that will only open for handsome Jack

Y/N:*cooks fries* I'm sure I can ask the good version of jack to lend a hand with getting through that door

Angel (Hologram):wait what good version?

Amber:it would take too long to explain just know that we will be able to get past that door

Angel then disappears

Brick:by the way Y/N what are you to learn from us while your here searching for Clues?

A paper floats in front of Y/N of whom grabs the paper

Y/N:according to this paper we are supposed to learn leadership and how to use our guns like an expert

Roland:I think I know how we can teach you and your girls those things

Lilith:but for now let's focus on getting the vault key

Everyone nods in agreement

As the group eats the food Y/N cooks they also discuss how they will steal the vault key from the evil jack

A few hours has passed before they decided on what to do

Roland:Now does everyone know their roles?

Sona:Yes myself and Shenhe will stay at our building that we are using here and by pass the death wall

Yang:which after we get passed the wall myself brick Velvet and Amara will fight through the hordes of Hyperion forces up to the entrance to the bunker

QiQi:meanwhile myself moze Blake and Zane will be stealthly hiding near the entrance for Yang and the rest to arrive which the 8 of us will enter the area where the bunker is located at

Akeno:Myself and Irina will be up in the air supporting the support buzzards brick has set for our attempt to defeat the bunker providing support for everyone

Serafall:Meanwhile Ravel Weiss Neo and I will be waiting near the door that will only open for darlings mentor handsome jack

Y/N:I'll be meeting with master jack and informing him of what is going on which once you destroy the bunker the two of us will arrive to open the path to the area where the key is

Lilith:Roland and I will be making sure that the morale of the troops is kept high for the assault

Mordecai:I'll supply sniper support for the assault which Tina will arm the ones with powerful explosives in the off chance they are needed

Tina:Yup I got everyone prepped for explosions

Axton:myself Maya moxxi Krieg and Salvador will prevent any from pursuing those making their way to the bunker

Zer0:Snipe/Provide Assistance/Help Mordecai

Roland:Good let's get this mission started People!

Everyone nods and goes to assigned locations

Arriving at the death wall in thousand cuts the assault team awaits for the death wall to be brought down

Sona (Headset):Alright everyone we are about to shut the death wall down remember the objective is to reach the bunker defeat it and grab the vault key so be ready

Every team readies themselves

Shenhe (Headset):Shutting down in 3...2...1 NOW!!!

The death wall at thousand cuts shuts down which Yang lets out a battle cry

Yang:Let's Go!!!!

The teams begin their missions

With Y/N he has now arrived at where his mentors reside when they are not training Y/N and his harem

Y/N:Master Jack may I speak with you

Jack:What is it kiddo?

Y/N:I need your assistance with a door on Pandora which is said to only open for you

Jack: You're going trying to reach the core huh?

Y/N:Yes sir the others are already beginning the assault to the location where the door is located now

Jack:Very well when they reach the door we will go and meet with everyone I assume you have a headset ready

Y/N nods and shows the headset in his ear which Jack nods

Over with the teams assaulting the bunker the group has reached the area where they effectively took out the bunker and are standing at the door

Akeno (Headset):Honey the path is clear we are waiting at the door now

Soon both Y/N and the good jack appears which good jack stands on the emblem and says the passphrase which opens the door

Good Jack:Alright everyone the rest is up to you good luck

Good Jack disappears to return to the other mentors

Y/N and everyone walk through the door which they all ride the elevator to the bottom which they all enter the area where the key is

Upon entering they see they are in a chambers

Brick:Where are we?

Axton:I don't know.. hey there's a button over there *points to the button

Neo:it might be the only way to get to the key


The group walks over which Y/N presses the button

Upon pressing the button the group is introduced to Angel

Ravel:So darling was right you are a siren Angel

Angel:Yes I am now for the only way you can get the vault key you will have to destroy my eridum amplifiers that keep me alive as it is the only way to stop jack from charging the vault key as it needs a siren catalyst to charge it

(Hologram) Jack:You get the fuck away from my daughter!

Angel is pulled through the door near the group which they then see Angel inside a dome with three large tubes on the top of the dome

Y/N:Alright everyone get ready I'm sure we are about to have a ton of Hyperion come at us so get your guns ready

The group  readies their fire arms while brick readies his fists

Soon robots start to appear and attack the group which the group retaliates by firing their guns at the robots

Evil Jack (Hologram):How the fuck did you even get in here anyway?!

Yang:*fires bullets from gun* you're really dumb if you think you're the only jack that encountered

Amber:I agree...BACK OFF YOU DAMN MACHINES! *Destroys several robots*

Angel:you need to bring down my eridum injectors!

Y/N:You heard the woman get up and by pass the barriers covering the injectors!

Sona and Shenhe arrive and help with the robots

Sona:we will help with the robots darling

Y/N nods which the group continues their assault

After a while the last injector falls which ultimately kills Angel in the process

Going limp the group all lower their heads in a moment of silence

Suddenly sensing danger Y/N grabs the key and quickly casts the barrier to prevent evil jack from seeing or hearing them

After a bit of cursing that will make sailors blush evil Jack disappears and returns to his base which the barrier disappears

Brick:We got the vault key and no one got injured

Lilith (Headset):Good work everyone make your way back and we will figure out what to do next

Everyone nods and returns to sanctuary where the group hands the vault key to Roland who puts it up for safe keeping


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