The Tale Of Two Worlds

By Knightshadowbarnes

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Sasha was an average woman living in a small town. She had a steady job and a close-knit group of friends and... More

Chapter One;
Chapter Two;
Chapter four;
Chapter Five;
Chapter Six;
Chapter Six;

Chapter Three

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By Knightshadowbarnes

Sasha saw Optimus punching the punching bag and he punched it off of the hook. Sasha caught it. "Are you okay?" Sasha asked. Optimus sighed. "I'm fine," Optimus said.

"Optimus, I'm a very empathetic person and I watched your emotional changes, so I can tell that you're not fine," Sasha said.

"I said I'm fine!" Optimus growled and left. Optimus stood outside and he rarely smoked. "Optimus?" Sasha asked. "Sorry, I don't know you that well, and I do trust you, but I don't want to tell you my past because I worry that you would judge me and see me as weak for not keeping my deep emotions down," Optimus said.

"No, talking about it is way better than bottling up your emotions," Sasha said.

Sasha thought for a moment before continuing. "I know it's hard to trust people with your story, but I'm here for you if you ever need to talk. It's okay to feel emotions, and it's okay to show them. I'm not here to judge you. I'm here to listen."

Optimus watched as she left and he sighed and went back inside, he was in his office he was reading some reports when he saw Sasha.

"Hello, Sasha," Optimus said. "What are you doing?" Sasha asked. "Work," Optimus said. "Sounds fun." Sasha chuckled.

Optimus chuckled a little too. "Just reports?" Sasha asked. "Yes, too many Decepticons and they got a recruit by the name of Arachnid, she is deadly," Optimus said. "How does she kill?" Sasha asked.

"By poisonous acid that can leave scars just from a small cut," Optimus said. Sasha patted his shoulder. "I'll be there to help take her down along with the other Decepticons," Sasha said.

Optimus smiled at her. "It's good to have you on our side," he said. "We'll take them down, don't worry." Sasha smiled back. "I'm sure we will," she said.

She turned and left the office, Optimus went back to his work, feeling more confident that they could take on the Decepticons and their recruit.

Sasha was nervous about telling Optimus how she felt and she saw Optimus gathering his gear for a routine scouting mission with Ironhide.

"Good luck." Sasha wanted to say more but she couldn't and she left to let Optimus and Ironhide get ready for the mission.

Sasha felt her heart sink as she watched Optimus and Ironhide depart. She wished she had the courage to tell Optimus how she felt, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. As she watched them go, she silently wished their luck, knowing that she might never get another chance.

Optimus was on a mission and he was in a warehouse with Ironhide they were searching for whoever gave a distress signal and Optpimus aimed his gun in any direction. Ironhide did too.

Suddenly Optimus was tackled and he began to fight back. He was knocked out. Before he blacked out he heard Ironhide yelling his name.

"OPTIMUS! NO...GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME! KID, Get up!" Ironhide yelled for Optimus to get up. Optimus blacked out.

Ironhide and Optimus had been searching the warehouse for whoever had sent the distress signal. After a few minutes, Optimus was attacked and he began to fight back.

Ironhide saw what was happening and yelled for Optimus to get up, but before he could, Optimus was knocked out. Ironhide was left to fend off the attackers alone, and he was eventually overwhelmed.

When Optimus awoke, he found himself alone in the warehouse and Ironhide was nowhere to be found.

Optimus saw Elita. "What do you want with me?! I told you we're over!" Optimus yelled. Elita chuckled evilly. "It's not that, I wanted to make you suffer," Elita said. Optimus struggled against his restraints.

"Release me!" Optimus growled. Elita grabbed him by the throat. "Ngh!" Optimus struggled. "You will pay for leaving me for Sasha!" Elita yelled as she stabbed Optimus in the waist.

"AHHGNMM!" Optimus yelled in pain as he fell and he held his injury. Elita left him alone and Optimus sat against the wall Ironhide and Ratchet were thrown in but Ratchet's leg broke, and he held his leg.

Ironhide got angry at the Decepticons and Elita. "You're a Decepticon now, Elita?" Ironhide growled. "Well done for finally figuring it out." Elita chuckled evilly. Ironhide gritted his teeth. "Help my son, from dying you, bitch!" Ironhide yelled.

Elita laughed mockingly. "You can't stop me, not now. I'm stronger than ever," she said. Ironhide glared at her, then quickly moved to Ratchet's side.

He began to inspect the damage done to Ratchet's leg, trying to figure out a way to stop the bleeding and help him. Ratchet winced in pain, biting his lip to keep from screaming out in agony.

Optimus looked at Elita with hatred in his eyes, but he was too weak to do anything. He watched as Ironhide tried to help Ratchet, his vision blurring from the pain.

Elita turned to leave, her laughter echoing in the air. Ironhide yelled after her, his voice filled with anger and grief.

Ironhide managed to escape with Ratchet and Optimus Ratchet made makeshift crutches as he helped Ironhide and Optimus out and they managed to escape they found Ironhide's alt-form and they sped back to base.

Optimus was put into a medically induced coma and Sasha stayed with him until he woke up. Optimus was hooked to an IV, oxygen, a heart monitor, and a blood pressure cuff to keep track of his blood pressure.

Optimus looked horrible after he returned from his mission and was injured badly by Elita Ratchet had a few injuries and had to stay in the medbay too, Ironhide stayed with his family too, and he rested a hand on her shoulder.

"You love my son, so much huh?" Ironhide asked. Sasha nodded as she ran her fingers through Optimus's hair and she kissed him.

"Yeah, I...I wish I told him before you guys left, but I was nervous and scared of not telling him how I felt because I wasn't sure if he felt the same because he was always closed off." Sasha said.

"You're wrong about one thing. He's in love with you, but because of his past relationship with his ex, and his biological father; Sentinel broke his trust and Optimus kept his emotions closed off as his way of protecting himself from getting hurt emotionally...again, my husband; Ratchet and I adopted Optimus when he was nine." Ironhide said.

"You're saying that Optimus was emotionally and physically abused by his father; Sentinel?" Sasha asked as she held Optimus's still hand.

Ironhide nodded, "Yes. Sentinel was a cruel and abusive father, he never showed any love or compassion to Optimus, he always treated him like he was nothing and worthless. We tried to protect Optimus from the pain and suffering that Sentinel inflicted upon him, but he always found a way back to him."

"Why did Optimus keep going back if Sentinel treated him like that?" Sasha asked. "Because he couldn't leave his mother; Quintessa." Ironhide said. "He was close with her?" Sasha asked.

"She died a year before my husband; Ratchet and I adopted him, he barely knew her but he recognized her love for him that's all he went by, until she mysteriously died." Ironhide said. Sasha kissed the back of Optimus's hand.

"Wake up, Optimus, I love you, I'm sorry for not telling you before you left for the mission, I was scared to tell you how I felt about you, and I'm in love with you, Optimus." Sasha said as she kissed his forehead. "We don't know if or when he's going to wake up." Ironhide said.

Ironhide put his hand on Sasha's shoulder to comfort her. "He loved his mother, and that's why he went back no matter how Sentinel treated him. He wanted to protect her and it was a mission only he could do," Ironhide said.

"Optimus was willing to risk his life for her, and I can understand why." Sasha said. "He was willing to risk his life for all of us, and that's why he's a hero," Ironhide said.

It had been a month since Optimus was in a coma and Sasha was trimming his hair and his goatee. Sasha never left Optimus's side. Ratchet saw Sasha caring for his adopted son. Sasha slept on his lap too. She never left his side only to shower and eat. Sasha was worried about him.

Sasha didn't give up hope on him. Sasha was asleep when Optimus began to wake up. "Morning, Son, Sasha is in deep sleep." Ratchet said as he began to take the oxygen mask off and the IV. Optimus saw Sasha asleep on his lap.

"My hair is the same." Optimus said. "Sasha kept your hair and goatee good looking so you didn't look horrible." Ratchet as he helped Optimus sit up. "She loves me huh?" Optimus asked.

"Yes, she cried because she never got the chance to hear you say that you love her too." Ratchet said. Sasha woke up and she hugged Optimus and she kissed him. It surprised him but he pulled her closer and kissed her back.

Ratchet smiled as he saw the two together and he left them alone. He was happy for them. He knew that Sasha had been waiting for this moment.

He was glad that Optimus was finally awake so that he could tell Sasha that he loved her. He went back to his room to give them some privacy.

"Sasha, I love you too, and I was afraid of you rejecting me because of my past of being hurt." Optimus said. "Optimus, I love you for all of you and I love your flaws too." Sasha said. Optimus smiled and kissed her back.

"I love you so much, Sasha moniker." Optimus said. "I love you too." Sasha said. Optimus held her waist as they kissed each other their tongues swirled together. The kiss was heated. Sasha allowed Optimus to kiss her roughly and Passionately.

After the kiss, they both smiled as they looked into each other's eyes. They both knew that this was the start of something beautiful.

They embraced and held each other close, as they whispered sweet nothings to each other. They knew that no matter what happened, they would always be there for each other, through thick and thin.

Ratchet walked away with Ironhide, still feeling embarrassed from the public display of affection. He glanced over to Optimus and Sasha, a feeling of contentment washing over him.

Optimus stayed in the medbay for six more weeks and then after that he was not allowed to do heavy-duty work until Ratchet said so or believed that Optimus healed enough to go back to his duties as a Prime.

Ratchet was doing his reports for the day and Ironhide saw him and kissed him with his tongue. "Ironhide, not in front of the apprentices and other nurses." Ratchet gasped as he tried to regain his balance.

Ironhide chuckled. "I love you so much." Ironhide said. Ratchet chuckled and shook his head. "Looks like Prime is with his new girlfriend." Ratchet said as he saw Sasha working on her Truck and Optimus standing next to Sasha as she worked.

He was happy that Optimus was finally happy with someone who cared for him as much as he did. Ratchet knew that he and Ironhide had a special bond, but it was nice to see Optimus have that connection with someone else.

Ratchet smiled and looked up to the sky, grateful that Optimus was on his way to recovery. Optimus and Sasha were talking as she worked on her truck. "Your parents look like they miss you," Sasha said.

"I guess I have not spent enough time with my dads, guess I should, I'll see you later?" Optimus asked. "Yeah, go spend time with your dads, you need it, because of your ex-girlfriend you never got see your dads, and Ratchet and Ironhide will be happy that you're going to spend time with like old times, now shoo, go see them, and if you don't I'll have Ratchet drag you to spend time with him and Ironhide." Sasha said.

"You're more ruthless than my adopted carrier is, he's just as threatening as you are, Sasha." Optimus said as he kissed. "Mnhf!" Sasha moaned in the kiss.

Optimus smiled and said as he pulled away, "You know I love it when you get bossy." Sasha laughed and nodded in agreement.

She watched as Optimus started to walk away, but then she called out after him, "Don't forget to come back and tell me all about it!" Optimus waved and smiled as he continued on his way.

Optimus was drinking a beer with his adopted Sire and Carrier. Ratchet was happy to spend time with his husband and son. "So Sasha kinda kicked you out of her workshop to get you to spend time with us?" Ironhide chuckled.

"Yeah, she's just as ruthless as you are Carrier." Optimus said. Ratchet laughed. "Of course she is, and she is a good femme for you, she's a better improvement than Elita was." Ratchet said as he drank.

"Thanks, I'm glad it was Sasha that helped me open up a little bit." Optimus said. "Yeah, kid she saved you from being alone again. I knew you two would hit it off as soon as you two look at each other in the eyes." Ironhide said. Optimus smiled.

Ratchet put a arm around his husband and son. "Now, I'm glad that you two are happy together, but I am also proud of you Optimus for taking the initiative and opening up. You're not alone anymore, you have us to lean on." Ratchet said with a proud smile.

Optimus smiled and hugged both Ratchet and Ironhide. "Thanks, I appreciate it," Optimus said.

The three talked and Optimus saw Sasha walk over. "Hey, hun, I thought I'd come and see how you and your dads are doing." Sasha said. "We're good, Sasha." Optimus said smiling as he kissed Sasha.

"Good, because I don't want you to be alone again, okay?" Sasha said kissing Optimus. Optimus set his beer down and he lowered Sasha in a dip and kissed her, and Sasha held onto her boyfriend. "Черт, ты потрясающе целуешься, Прайм," Sasha said. Optimus smirked.

"Помни, любовь моя, меня усыновил русский, мой приемный перевозчик; Рэтчет - русский." Optimus said as he kissed her with his tongue.

Sasha giggled in the kiss. Optimus chuckled. "I love you, Sasha moniker." Optimus said. Ironhide and Ratchet chuckled.

"Я тебя тоже люблю, Прайм." Sasha said blushing. Optimus smiled, "Навсегда и навеки." he said as he kissed her forehead and held her close. Ironhide and Ratchet smiled at the couple.

Optimus was happy to have Sasha in his life, he was lucky to have survived his abusive father and later he survived ex girlfriend twice. Sasha was with through his recovery after he was captured and brought back home.

Sasha had been Optimus' rock during the toughest times of his life; she had been there to comfort him when he was struggling to heal from the trauma of his past.

She was always there to lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on, and her unwavering support helped Optimus find the strength to keep going.

He was thankful to have her in his life, and her presence helped him cope with the aftermath of his difficult experiences.

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