Her Alien Protector: A Sci-fi...

Oleh SKralishyn

73.6K 4.6K 582

[COMPLETE] I'm Ava, a human who has been kidnapped from my home world and forced to live with an abusive scou... Lebih Banyak

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50

Part 41

1K 82 10
Oleh SKralishyn


Kayla greets me when I arrive for the ceremony, whispering into my ear. "Sorry about everything. I made a few erroneous assumptions, applying Phoenix Borealis protocols to the Firefly, which Tarak assured me do not apply to us... I worked with Dylan to get what I hope is close to his custom."

I squeeze Kayla's hand. "No, I'm the one who is sorry. Dylan seemed enamored by the creature in the tree. If I hadn't let him keep it by his bedside overnight in the sampling container, this might never have happened, and—"

"Silence," roars Tarak. "Gather around the casket."

Casket? At the center of this empty room is a rocks sampling box, no larger than my hands.

The five of us make a small circle around the box.

"Why don't you tell us what to do," Kayla says to Dylan.

Dylan scrunches his nose.

"Bug Eyes needs to know we member him..."

"Member him," Rigel asks, tapping his translator.

The translator doesn't work right if there is a mispronunciation or if the word is not used correctly, which is highly likely when a four-year-old speaks. Fortunately, Kayla clarifies and explains what we are to do next.

"This part of the ceremony is done to remember the one who has departed, usually by painting the casket," says Kayla, bringing forward a bucket from a corner of the room. "Everyone can dip their hand or finger into this colored dye I extracted from the tree's leaves and apply it to the box."

Even with coaxing, Dylan is too shy to start the process, so Tarak goes first, dipping his fingers into the liquid and painting legs and big eyes at the side and front of the box.

"Are you okay, Dylan," I ask, putting my hands on his shoulders.

"It looks real," whispers Dylan who watches Tarak work. "It's like Bug Eyes is with us."

Tarak's tail makes a slow swish-swish sound. "The eyes are important so that Bug Eyes can find his new home in the universe."

I go next, pressing my hand into the liquid and pushing my handprint onto the box. After me, Rigel, Kayla, and Dylan add their marks to the box. Even Glow Ball joins in, dipping a paw in the green liquid and pressing it in the middle of the lid.

Kayla prods Dylan to explain the next part of the ceremony. "What do we need to do next?"

"Bug Eyes needs things for his trip," says Dylan.

"I put together a few things Bug Eyes can bring on his journey," says Kayla, indicating what looks like another small sampling container in the corner of the room.

Dylan runs to me, tugging at my hand. I crouch down and he whispers in my ear.

I repeat Dylan's request to Kayla, and she rushes out of the room, bringing back a small bit of tree bark. After examining what we are going to send off with Bug Eyes on his voyage, I unravel the bark and using the green dye, write a letter.

When I finish writing the letter, I read the words aloud.

"Dear Bug Eyes,

We are providing you with two tomato plant seeds, one leaf that fell from your favorite tree, and one feather as you set out on your journey into the universe.

Love, the crew of the Firefly."

Then I let the bark recoil like a tiny scroll and add it to the container Kayla prepared.

Once again, Kayla prods Dylan. "What do we do now?"

"Before Bug Eyes goes on his journey, we say what we member about him."

I'm at a loss. To me, the animal is the equivalent of a goldfish that spent one sleep cycle in a jar. How can we say something about it? No one moves, until...

Tarak bows his head and puts his fist to his chest, a sign I'd seen other scourges use to greet each other on Hydra. I nearly gasp when a sound between a howl and a rumble comes from Tarak.

Slowly, the translator in my ear buzzes. It takes me a moment to understand the delay; the translator needs extra time to work to translate the lyrics of the song Tarak is singing.

"Another soul joins the great migration, searching through the star clusters for a place they will call home," says the voice in my ear. "One day we will rejoin them; until then, we remember our loved one and ask them to light flames for us so one day, we may find our way back to them."

We are saying goodbye to the equivalent of what was an insect or an alien frog, only with us for one sleeping cycle. Nonetheless, I find myself blinking back tears when Tarak sings to us. I raise my hand and hold my fist to my chest, just like Tarak does. Rigel and Kayla do the same.

The boy stands next to Tarak and grabs his leg. It is odd to see the two of them side-by-side. Maybe it's because of their size; the kid only reaches Tarak's knee. Tarak lifts Dylan and holds him in his arms.

Witnessing the ceremony, I ruminate about all the things that might happen to me, out here in space. Death is entirely possible. What would I want to happen to me if I were to die, far from my home? Surprisingly, I don't feel sad. In fact, I'd be honored for Firefly's crew to send me off into the universe in a painted box with Tarak singing his song.


Something about the ceremony changed us and Dylan in particular. For one, Dylan does not follow Kayla or Rigel everywhere. No, Dylan is now Tarak's shadow.

One might think Tarak, a big and fierce-looking scourge, is too harsh with a human child. He's not. He carries him around the ship in his arms or on his shoulders, showing him everything.

At the start of the next sleep cycle, Kayla tells Dylan, "Go get ready for bed and I will come to tell you a story."

"No," says Dylan.

"What? We discussed this. We all go to bed at the start of the sleep cycle. All of us will be going to bed soon, won't we," says Kayla, looking at me, Rigel, and Tarak.

"Yes," I say, nodding.

"No, I want..." Dylan goes to Tarak, wrapping himself around his leg. "I want Tarak to tell me a story."

I hold my breath. Although Dylan seems to want this, I am certain Tarak will say something to dissuade the boy.

"I would be honored, young hooman. Do your sleep preparations and then I will tell you a story."

Dylan grabs Glow Ball and runs into the corridor.

Rigel gazes at Tarak, his mouth half open.

Tarak squints at Rigel "Why are you looking at me like that, bird?!"

Oh my. I gently nudge Rigel.

Rigel closes his mouth, his eyebrows going up. "Nothing, I just didn't know that scourges..."

Rigel doesn't finish what he was going to say, and I understand why. None of this seems like something scourges would do, from tucking human children into bed to telling them stories.

Rigel's nostrils flare. "Do not mock me, bird, or I will tell the young hooman the story of how scourges hunt and eat birds."

Kayla rolls her eyes, and I nervously laugh.

When Tarak gets up and goes into the hallway, Rigel and I exchange glances. Rigel goes first and when I take a step toward the hallway, Kayla's fingers encircle my wrist.

"What are you doing," asks Kayla.

"Don't you want to see what Tarak does," I whisper, gazing toward the corridor.

"I do, but isn't that like eavesdropping," asks Kayla.

Kayla might pretend it's wrong, but she follows us down the corridor. The three of us stand outside the open door to Dylan's room. Rigel has conveniently put part of his wing in front of the door, so it won't close.

Tarak's voice drifts to us. "What type of story do you want?"

"Tell me a story about a little boy," answers Dylan.

"A hooman?"

"Yes. And a glowy animal... A glowy animal named Glow Ball."

"What do you want this boy to do in the story?"

"Mr. Tarak, that's not how you tell a story. Tell me a story?"

"Yes, but... shouldn't you first tell me, does the little hooman and its glowing animal have a mission?"

What kind of child has a mission? Telling a story is obviously difficult for Tarak. I know I can tell a story to entertain Dylan, so I step toward the open door, ready to come to Tarak's rescue, except Kayla grips my wrist and shakes her head no. So, I stay in the shadows.

"I want... A story about a boy who is lost," says Dylan.

"What happens next?" asks Tarak.

"You're not doing this right, Mr. Tarak... What's that," asks Dylan.

"This is my soul mark. I have it because I found Kayla, my soul twin," says Tarak.

I can't see Tarak, but I've heard this speech enough times to know exactly what he is doing; he is proudly puffing his chest out.

"Did she paint it on you?"

"Long ago, Kayla and I were forged in the same stars, but we got separated—lost—from each other. When we found each other again, the mark, the symbol of us finding our soul mate, appeared on each of our chests. Want to know a secret, young hooman?"

"Yes, tell me, tell me!"

Maybe I expect Tarak to divulge a real secret, because I lean forward, as do Rigel and Kayla.

"Kayla is mine and I am hers, but the journey never ends. I am still searching for my soul crew. Young hooman, I recognize that light inside you, and... You were lost, but not anymore. We found you. You are part of our soul crew and belong with us."

"And Glow Ball? Is he crew?"

"Yes. Being a pet is honorable. Glow Ball is also crew."

"And Ava?"


"What about Rigel?"

The only sound is the slow swish-swish of Tarak's tail. Is he going to say no?

After the long silence, Tarak says, "Yes. We are all crew."

Suddenly, there is a beeping noise and red lights flash. Tarak steps out of the room and into the hallway. His eyes get huge as he looks at us standing near the door with the red lights flashing around us.

I gulp. Is Tarak going to call us out?

Kayla goes to Tarak's side, rubbing his arm. "Sweetie, what does the alarm mean?"

Tarak's tail slaps against the floor. "That type of alarm signals the arrival of Hydra fighters. To the helm!"

We will probably never speak of this (after all, we were essentially spying), but as I race with everyone to the helm, I have a warm feeling in my chest, a fondness towards everyone. Crew.


The alarm blares and Rigel, Kayla, Tarak, and I run to the helm.

Kayla activates the speaking wall. Red triangles flicker on the wall.

"Hydra fighters incoming. Report to your stations," Tarak says with a growl.

Kayla and Tarak take their seats at the front of the helm. Rigel runs to the far corner of the helm, lifting a door on the floor.

Half of Rigel's body disappears as he climbs inside.

Suddenly, I cannot bear the thought of Rigel and I being separated, especially when there is the possibility of death. So, seconds after Rigel's blond head disappears from my view, I run, leap, and–

Down I go, literally and figuratively landing in his lap. Oomph, it is a very tight fit.

Rigel's wings are spread behind the chair and against part of the turret, a spherical-shaped chamber. "Ava, no."

I need to tell Rigel why I need to be with him: scourges might storm the Firefly and slaughter us or our ship might be shot and explode into smithereens. I would rather die with Rigel. When I open my mouth to explain...

All my words leave my head. "No scourges, no scourges, no scourges," I whisper.

Moments ago, I was fine. Now I'm shaking, likely triggered by... the alarm? The knowledge that Hydra fighter ships are pursuing us?

"Ava, it's all right," he says, kissing the top of my head. "Stay."

Rigel reaches for the hatch door. While he struggles to close it, I hear a familiar peep. A familiar glowing shape drops into the turret and into my arms.

I hug the rahoni. "Glow Ball."

"Oh, my stars," Rigel mutters under his breath.

With the door closed, Rigel slides his arms around my waist, and he grips the joystick-looking lever above my knees. He fiddles with it, and the walls drop, revealing what looks like glass walls. In every direction, millions of stars shine. So beautiful.

Hydra fighters are nearly upon us—I can see the hull of an approaching ship in the distance—yet somehow, I feel safe and protected in the turret, with Rigel's body wrapped around me, and a glowing rahoni in my arms. We are nestled in the sea of stars, although at any moment...

Tarak's voice cuts through speakers next to my knees. "Stay alert, incoming Hydra ship close to our stern."

More of the Hydra fighter comes into view. The fighter is so massive we might as well be a minnow next to a whale.

Rigel spins our turret chamber, blasting bright red laser bursts at the Hydra fighter. Is it possible for us to inflict damage on something that size? I can't help feeling as if we are lobbing pebbles.

The Hydra fighter fires back with a blast of fiery white balls. A shot slams into the Firefly's hull, and it feels like an earthquake inside our tiny chamber, or that our ship might disintegrate, spewing us into space.

Between Tarak's maneuvering to dodge the Hydra fighters and Rigel rotating the turret to get in another volley of shots, my stomach lurches, and flips— left, right, upside down— which way is up?

The speakers inside the turret crackle. and Tarak says, "There are too many incoming ships. We will retreat to planet X044."

A laser blast explodes so close to our turret I can feel the turret shake. My stomach lurches. Can we become separated from the ship? What would happen to us if we did?"

"That was close," I say, thankful that the turret is still intact.

"Ava, where are you," says Kayla's worried voice through the speaker.

"She is with me," answers Rigel.

Tarak growls. I don't understand why he is upset. If the Firefly takes a direct hit, no matter where we are, all of us will die.

"Let's focus on the current plan. Tarak, why are we changing course and going back to planet X044?" says Rigel.

"With its frequent electric storms, we might escape detection. It will give the Phoenix its best chance at survival," says Tarak.

"I'm going to tell the Phoenix Borealis to input a route to our new destination," says Kayla.

"Will we need to do anything in particular to accommodate this new plan?" Rigel asks.

"Continue attacking the fighter ships and defend the Phoenix Borealis. Once we are on the planet's surface, our odds should improve."

Tarak zigzags the ship so much I can feel the vibration in my bones. Rigel spins the turret, spewing shots everywhere. I'm so dizzy...

I sag against Rigel, closing my eyes. Please, get us out of here, and soon, or I might get sick all over the turret.

How long do I lay like this, clinging to Rigel? It feels like hours when Tarak's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Prepare for the descent into the atmosphere. In 10, 9, 8–"

The ship plummets and it feels as if my stomach tumbles and flips.

Soon, we are in the middle of a sea of dark churning clouds. I had known about the electrical storms. An interconnecting web of lightning branches across the sky. The hairs on my arms stand on end; this is terrifying.

Lightning flashes and it is so luminous and bright it must be within inches of our turret and suddenly, everything is white.

I gaze up at Rigel to tell him about it, but everything I love seeing in Rigel, from his blond hair, blue eyes, gorgeous chest, and luminous wings is gone. There is nothing but a sea of white.

I can't see!

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