Kidnapped or Saved? || Enhype...

By penguins165

15.3K 600 343

Imagine your everyday life is usually pretty boring. Always just scrolling social media and thinking about wh... More

First Encounter?
New Development?
Making Friends?
Absolute Chaos?
A real fun time?
A Party?
The Truth?
What the hell?
Final Chapter?
~ The Bonus Chapter ~

A Proposition?

1.2K 42 13
By penguins165


Literally what is happening. Hours went by, well not actually hours. It was probably 30 seconds but it felt like hours. You were just staring at the table, fully frozen.

Suddenly the air went from tense to frigid as someone spoke, "Are you sure this is the right one? Don't want to have to sign another NDA because a crazed fan wants to become our slave." You looked in the voice's direction. Sunghoon aka the ice prince was definitely living up to his name. His words cut through the air like daggers, each sending you a shiver of fear. Was this the same boy you'd seen smiling and teasing his members in videos? He might seem cold on camera but you thought he was just misunderstood. Maybe you don't really know them at all. Besides that, what does he mean slave? You are a strong independent woman, no man could ever make you their slave... well maybe Enhypen could but if they all act like this it's definitely a no.. Damn your perverted mind. This is a thought for another time.

"Bro, what's wrong with you? That's not how you talk to a lady. Sorry this guy is practically scared of women. Your name is written on that contract right?" Jake spoke up, hitting his icy friend on the back of his head. Sunghoon let out an "ack" while rubbing the place he was smacked. You held back the urge to laugh, realizing your previous thoughts were a little hasty but you'd still be cautious not to push his buttons.

As you were thinking to yourself, the man who led you to the room placed his clipboard in front of you. He flipped the first page and at the top it stated your full name and the fact you had a rare blood type next to it.

"That's my name but why? How did you know my blood type? I don't even know what it is and apparently it's rare? What does my blood even have to do with this? Why did I get kidnapped? Am I going to be some slave?" You blurt out all at once. Everyone looks at you in shock, then to the man standing next to you.

"You didn't tell her? Also kidnapping? What the hell happened?" Heeseung yells, slamming his fist on the table.

"Let me explain everything." The man went on to tell the state you arrived in and how you were supposed to be filled in but there was no time. You also chimed in adding how the baldys almost ran you over. You haven't seen them look this disappointed and worried since I-land and we don't talk about that. "So that pretty much sums up how she got here and why she knows nothing. I thought it would just be easier if you all explained why she's here. We found out she's actually a huge Enhypen fan when we dug into her background. But since she doesn't know anything, she's not biased." He finally finished his speech.

"Manager O, you know we asked specifically for someone who doesn't know who we are. No offense, but you know this never works out." Jungwon breaks the tension.

"Seriously I called it. Where is the NDA?" Sunghoon chimes in again. You almost want to roll your eyes but you still have no idea what's going on so who knows if that would be the right response.

"Will someone just tell me why I'm here already? Not to be rude but I'd like to know why I am in this room with Enhypen, right now! I will sign whatever, just tell me. I'm not one of those fans that wants to tear you guys apart or hurt you. You can take my word or make me sign my rights away, I don't care just tell me. I'm not leaving until you tell me." You shout, gaining a few shocked expressions from the men in front of you. Even the staff look surprised at your directness.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry for all the trouble really. We need your blood. I can't tell you more unless you agree to sign a contract with us. I want to trust you and honestly you are the first fan to not scream and try to jump us so I think everything will be ok. Manager O will show you what the contract entails. I'm really sorry that you were kidnapped and don't feel obligated to sign if you don't want to. Although your blood is really rare and we really do need it, it's ok if you don't want to." The leader spews out everything he's thinking. You always thought Jungwon was cute but his rambling just now was the cutest.

The man, who you now know as Manager O, begins going over the contract. It's pretty basic NDA stuff, not that you would know what goes in one. It's not everyday you get kidnapped and the kidnappers turn out to be fucking Enhypen but whatever. It's a bunch of "don't say this don't say that" then it gets to the real shit.

Signer must give at least one pint of blood every 2 months. If contractor(s) request more blood, then it shall not be given under any circumstances.

Well that's not ominous at all. You continue reading.

Signer will be given compensation for each pint. They are also subject to residing within the contractor(s) residence. Contractor(s) may revoke this right at any time. Signer can request to live elsewhere but only with contractor(s) signed permission.

Wait... you have to live with them? Fuck yeah. This is something you fantasized about since you fell in love with the group. Living with seven of your dream men? That was a no brainer.

Compensation will include a weekly allowance of $300 and $500 for every pint of blood. Food, housing and other amenities will be taken care of by the contractor(s).

Shit, all of that and you get to live there for free? This deal is getting better and better. The last section is blank lines so you ask the manager what goes there. He explains that if you have any specific requests you can add them to this section but they must be approved by the members of course. You thought for a few moments and finally decided on a few things.

"First I need to have my emotional support cat with me. He already lives in my room at home so that works out. I'll take care of all his needs but I can't go anywhere without him. Also I didn't see anything about going on tour with you guys so I'd like to at least see one show on every tour." You conclude your demands. Seems pretty doable in your eyes. Jay gives you a grimace and Ni-ki snickers, whacking his friend on his shoulder.

"Aw poor Jay will have to live with a cat." The youngest continues to tease.

"As long as it stays in the room I'll be fine. Just make sure it's hair doesn't get on anything." The older man sighs in defeat.

"I'm pretty sure he's hypoallergenic anyway. He just likes to sleep so keeping him in my room would make him the most comfortable." You add with a shrug. They all look astonished.

"No way! We can all meet the kitty. I've always wanted a cat. Jay, we can finally have a real cat!" Jungwon says happily.

"When Layla comes to visit, maybe they can be friends." Jake adds, thinking deeply about his plans for your pets. You laugh hysterically at their excitement.

"Well that settles it, we are just fine with the concert thing too. Actually you can come to as many as you want and even hang out backstage." The oldest states. Is this what people mean when they say die of happiness? Wow.

With that, you decide signing the contract is like winning the lottery. Although you'll miss your family, it was time you spread your wings and got a move on with your life. You scribble a signature on the highlighted sections and it's final.

"Ok so now I can tell you the truth, we are actually vampires. We need your rare blood to help heal us as we are kinda dying. Well not exactly dying but if we don't continue to drink your blood, we will die. It's a long story." Jungwon says, showing you a half hearted smile.

"I'm sorry? What? Is this a prank? Am I on that one show, are the cameras about to pop out? Ha ha real funny." You say giving them a fake smile.

The leader tilts his head in confusion, "Show? No I'm serious, we're serious. This is no prank, I promise. Here let me show you." He reaches his hand up to his mouth, pulling his top lip up, showing his pearly... fangs? Then they literally retract back up into his gums. You must be hallucinating, that's it or this was all a dream. You pinch your cheek but it stings. Oh, this is really happening. As if this day wasn't weird enough. The sun wasn't even up yet, how were you supposed to process literally anything that just happened.

"I think I need to take a nap." You say, as your head hit the table, knocking you out cold.

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