By goldenpinky

116K 4K 179

Arjun Varma is a doctor in his own hospital He is no.1 billionaire in india Arjun is a cold and arrogant per... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
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part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
part 43
part 44
part 45

part 14

2.5K 88 3
By goldenpinky

Arjun came to Amulya room to check on her......he slowly opened the door and entered into her room without disturbing her sleep

He entered and saw her sleeping peacefully.....he slowly went near her and checked her temperature but it is Raising instantly

He went to his room and got some injection and without her knowing he gave her injection and try to go to his room but stopped because he saw her pencil sketch of his family

By seeing that he made a fist and went near that sketch board and took the sheet and tore in to pieces and glared at Amulya and took the sheets and went to his room being very furious

He went to his room and throw the sheet in dustbin and went to bed and try to sleep but his past memories hunting him everytime

At last he slept at 4:00am thinking about his happy memories with his family

Next day morning

Amulya slowly wokeup from sleep and saw her drenched in sweat it means her fever is gone

She immediately went to bath and came out after sometime and got ready and went downstairs to cook breakfast for arjun and her

Amulya prepared breakfast and set in dinning table and waited for arjun to come downstairs

It's 8:30am still arjun didn't came downstairs.....Amulya got worried and went to his room to check on him and opened the door and saw him mumbling something while sweating badly

Amulya immediately rushed bear him and try to wake him up by seeing his condition

"Arjun wakeup it's just a dream" she said  by shaking him abit

"Mom....mom don't...don't leave me please don't leave me dad...come back I'm alone please mom and dad come back please" he said while mumbling little loud

"Arjun....wake up it's a nightmare wakeup arjun" Amulya shouted loudly making him to open his eyes with a jerk and saw her an inch away from him

Seeing her this close he pushed her hardly making her to fall back making to hiss in pain And glare him back and cursing him

"What are you doing??" He asked while glaring

"You got a nightmare and I try to wake you up but what you did to me mister??" Amulya asked while rubbing her Butt

"It's none of your business and get out of my room now" he shouted at her making her to flinch and glare him back

"Fine no need to roar like a lion which you not one" she said and went downstairs

Arjun sighed and went to get freshup and got ready and went downstairs to eat

He saw Amulya arranging plates with poker face he know he messed up but he shrugged and sat on chair like nothing happened and asked her

"How is your health??" He asked while eating breakfast

"It's non of your business" she said and took her stuff and try to leave but stopped by arjun

"What about your breakfast do you want to get sick again??" He asked looking at her coldly

"Thanks but I don't want to eat food and tq for your great concern Mr.arjun I'm leaving I might be late at evening" she said and went outside

Arjun rolled his eyes and ate his food and took his stuff and went to his hospital


Amulya is now at arjun granny house because she wants to know about arjun past

She knocked the door twice and opened by a maid around her 40s

"How may i help you??" She asked

"I'm arjun wife Amulya Varma I need to meet granny" Amulya said softly

"I'm sorry mam come inside I will inform to Nirmala mam" she said and gave space to Amulya to enter

"It's ok aunty you can call me Amulya" she said smiling

"Ok Amulya have a seat I will inform to mam" she said smiling

The maid went to Nirmala room and informed about Amulya arrival and came downstairs

"Amulya man told you to come to her room" she said smiling

"Ok thanks aunty" Amulya said and went upstairs to Nirmala room

Amulya knocked at Nirmala room

"Come in" she said in low voice

Amulya immediately went inside and saw Nirmala in her balcony looking around

"Hello! Granny how are you??" Amulya said and took her blessings

"I'm fine dear how are you and arjun??" She asked while smiling

"We are fine granny" she said smiling

Nirmala told her to sit in couch and asked her purpose of her arrival

"Tell me beta how can I help you??" Nirmala asked her Calmly

"Actually granny I want to know about atjun past and his parents can you tell me please" she asked while lowering her head

"Why you want to know Amulya??" Nirmala asked Calmly

"Actually I want to know him more and I hate his cold behaviour granny" she said still lowering her head

"Ok Amulya I will tell but don't inform him about this ok" Nirmala said

"Ok granny" she said and lifted her head this time looked straight into her eyes

"Arjun is late child of my son Mahendra and my daughter- in-law anjali only son" Nirmala said making Amulya to nod her head

"Arjun is happy kid who loved his parents so much...he loves his mother so much.......anjali use to take care of him and encourage him in everything and took care of him and accompanied him in any things...she teach him many things"she said smiling

"My son used to bring his favorite toys and snacks to arjun while coming back to home after work and take him to all different places every weekend and he treat his son like a king" she said

"But one day all our happy smile collapsed by news of Mahendra and anjali death" she said crying....Amulya immediately rushed towards her and consoled her

Continue in next part

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