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Von Jayycz

4.2K 759 97

Mia, a twenty-four year-old multimillionaire who has dedicated the past fifteen years of her life to hustling... Mehr

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95 18 6
Von Jayycz

6:35 am

Leah's POV

    I woke up to the annoying sound of my blaring alarm, fluttered my eyes open, and quickly shut it off. As I turned to look at Mia's side of the bed, a deep sigh escaped my lips. The emptiness next to me reminded me of how much I miss her. It's only been almost a month without her, but it feels like an eternity. I let out another sigh, feeling the weight of longing in my chest, before sitting upright and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

As I made my way to the bathroom, I turned on the faucet, the sound of rushing water filling the air. I untied my bonnet, feeling the cool air on my hair, and then slowly undressed, stripping my pajama set. Stepping into the shower, I closed my eyes, savoring the sensation of the warm water enveloping me, starting from my scalp and cascading down my body,

After I finished showering, I did the rest of hygiene and hair my routine. Styled my wet hair in a low slick back, and tied it into a bun. I did my makeup, I brushed my eyebrows with gel and filled em up, applied YSL all ours precise Angels concealer under my eyes followed by a hint of blush to add a subtle flush to my cheeks. A light dusting of powder helped set everything in place, curled my eyelashes and carefully applied a coat of mascara for some extra definition. I applied a touch of highlighter to the high points of my face. Finally, I completed my look with a nude lip combo.

Once I finished, I slipped into a stunning white corset top, paired with black trousers that had a slight oversized fit on the thighs, but hugged my small waist perfectly. To elevate the look, I decided to wear white stiletto heels, their elegance peeking out from beneath the hem of my trousers. I added the Mejuri gold hoops, Mia got me, along with matching gold rings. Before heading downstairs, I spritzed Coco Chanel Mademoiselle perfume on me.

With my handbag and phone in hand, I made my way downstairs. Each click of my heels resonating through the house, I descended the staircase. As I entered the kitchen, the scent of lavender filled the air, mingling with the sweet scent of the pop tart Zackeel was eating. He sat perched on a barstool at the kitchen island, engrossed in a captivating YouTube video playing on his Mac.

"Morning handsome," I greeted him, setting my bag and matching coat on the sleek marble kitchen counter.

"Morning ma'," he responded with a smile, I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a refreshing bottle of water.

"You're up early," I remarked, taking a sip of the cool water.

"Yeah, woke up early to finish some homework," he explained.

"How's back to school going, by the way?"

"It's going okay but people keep asking me a questions." He replied. "Like why'd my sister's girlfriend kill my dad and stuff like that."

"I figured, I'm sorry."

I sometime I forget people don't know Zack's my son.

"It's okay, I just ignore them," he reassured me, "It's the paparazzi who's annoying. Can't catch a break with these people. They're probably outside right now, waiting," he said, clearly annoyed. "I don't even wanna go to school today."

"You don't have to if you don't want to," I told him.

"I've already missed a couple of days when we went to New York. I'd rather not miss any more," he stated.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes ma." He reassured me.


I should've left him in New York with my mom and my aunt, so he wouldn't have to deal with all of this but he's as stubborn as me. He didn't want me to deal with this alone.

What would I do without my lil man?

After he finished eating, we stepped out of the house. I locked the door behind us before stepping in my pink Mercedes Benz. I started the car and drove off the driveway, as the gate opened journalist swam to the car, I drove off and some even followed the car.

It's only been weeks since Mia's arrest. They haven't found a new topic to talk bout? It's getting mad annoying, I had no idea Mia was this well-known.

The whole car ride I was lost in my thoughts I didn't even hear Zack calling me.

"Ma...Leah?" I heard Zack call.

"Sorry, baby" I apologized. "What were you telling me?" I asked.

"I was asking if Mitchell can come over?After school." He repeated.

"You and Mitchel got something?"I questioned. They are really close, too close.

"No ma she's just a friend. I already got a girlfriend." He stated.

"Girlfriend? Since when?" I questioned. "You didn't tell me this Zack."

"I was going to tell you the day you said we had to fly to NYC" He explained. "But I did tell you I liked a girl."

"Okay, but it's been a month you never mentioned a girlfriend." I stated. "Why you ain't tell me nun? I thought we tell each other everything?" I questioned.

"I did tell Mia, I told her not to tell you because I wanted to tell you. I didn't mean to tell her first it's just she was already home and she was the one who helped me ask her and—"

"Why you acting like I'm mad at you for telling Mia, she's also your mom."

"I just know how you act sometimes—"

"—How do I act sometimes Zackeel?"  I questioned.

"The jealous type." He replied without any hesitation.

"I'm not the jealous type." I frowned.

"Really?" He said chuckling. "I told Mia I passed my exams first and you were mad" He said before I could say anything he cuts me off saying. "You started acting up cause, we spent too much time together."

"I wasn't being for real." I defended.

"Right..." He drifted off. "And whenever Mia would come home smelling supposedly different you were so quick to assume she was cheating."

"Why she smelling like an another female?"

"She works at an orphanage she be around kids and stuff, let's not forget she's an entrepreneur, of course she gon' be around so she smells different sometimes" He defended.

"Okay Mia's advocate, you wanna be her lawyer instead?" I joked and he chuckled.

"I'm just saying." He shrugged. "Talking about Mia, have you spoken to her?" He asked.

"Not yet" I replied. "She can't receive any visits yet, I'm going to meet her lawyer today."

"Oh alright, keep me updated." He said.

"I will." I said, by the time we were in the school's parking lot.

"Well I hope everything goes well." He said taking his bag from the back seat.

"Me too, have a great day the at school."

"Thank you" He said before kissing my cheek, he then opened the car door.

"Bye" We said in unison as he closed the door, immediately I headed back on the road to the cabinet firm, to meet Mia's lawyer.  Then I heard my phone vibrated, a message popped up on the screen of my car.

Morning pretty, I miss you.

I frowned then ignored it and focused on the road, she's annoying as fuck.

Moments later I arrived at Legal Maverick, I parked the car then stepped out. The tall building was pretty nice, transparent glass everywhere, with Legal Maverick written in bold gold lettering in the center. I walked into the establishment, through the revolving doors, a cold air immediately hit me, AC on blast in here.

I walked into the spacious lobby, my heels clicking on marble floors of the spacious room. I walked up the reception desk, who was in the center of the lobby. I'm honestly fucking with aesthetics in her, it's giving rich and expensive as Skaï Jackson would say. Don't let me get started on the receptionist she was just absolutely stunning, I was met a pretty bright smile on her face, her chocolate skin was flawless and that middle part lace front bob suit her so well, the lip combo on her pretty pink lips-

"Good morning" She said snapping me out of the trance I was in. "Are you Leah Hernandez?" She asked, that same smile remaining on her face.

"Good morning, yes I am." I responded returning the smile.

What are you doing Leah you got a girlfriend.

"Misses Standfield is awaiting for you in her office." Stated as she got up, I followed behind her as I might've started at her ass. I couldn't help it, it sat perfectly in the pink trousers she wore. She stopped in front of a door before she knocked, then opened it. She walked in and I followed suit, to my surprise Haylee Stansfield sitting down behind her office with Ayden sitting across her.

What the actually fuck?

Soon after the woman left the office, closing the door behind her, leaving me in the room with them.

"Leah before you start some, it's 8am." He reminded me. "Haylee's one of the best lawyers in Chicago she won every case, she's only here to help"

"Yea and Latto's my long lost twins sister, you really think I'm stupid?" I questioned looking in between the two.

"Leah, this ain't bout you and your insecurities right now it's about getting Mia outta there." Ayden stated.

As much as I hated her he was right, I miss her so much I'll do anything to get her back, I'll put my hatred aside. I hate that bitch with my all.

"Fine." I said as I made my further in the office than sat beside him, facing Haylee.

"Now, Haylee please tell her what you were telling me earlier." Haylee took a deep breath before she spoke.

"I went to see Mia couple days ago." She said.

"What?" I asked. "I thought we couldn't see her yet?"

"I'm her lawyer so I was permitted to speak to her" She stated. "She will be able to receive visitors starting tomorrow." She added.

"How'd she look?" Ayden asked.

"She actually looked okay." She replied.

"I'ma go visit her tomorrow." Ayden stated.

"So will I" I stated.

"I told you she doesn't wanna see you, I'll see her first then I'll let you know." He said.

He ain't had to do me like that in front of Haylee, I had to calm myself down, before I joined Mia over there.

"So uhm as I was saying her trial begins in 4 weeks." Haylee started. "July 1st, it's soon but enough time for preparation." She continued. "It was hard to do, I had to ask Charles for help."

"Thank you boo." Ayden said.

"It's his fault we in this shit in the first place." I reminded them.

"Girl if you didn't leave and told Mia, he was threatening you in the first place we could've avoided this shit." Ayden retorted.

"What's up with you for real?" I questioned. "You been on my ass since I got here."

"What? You wanted me to be happy to see you?" He questioned. "Girl bye." He scoffed. "Acting like this shit isn't your fault, you're narcissistic as fuck. "

"How does that make me a narcissist?" I questioned, he's starting to really get on my nerves.

"Come on guys we need get along if we wanna be ready on time." Haylee reminded us. "Charles's the one who got us in this mess in first place, not Leah please, so Ayden leave her alone."

Did she just defend me? I'm confused, I wanted her dead a few minutes ago and she's defending me...

"I'll try." Ayden said crossing his arms.

"Good." Haylee said. "Leah, Thursdays you're coming with me to see Mia so you can tell her everything you did that day without leaving any details, this is important if they can't find out she's lying to cover you up, or you're both fucked."


After we finished discussing the basics of the trial and all the potential evidence the prosecutor might bring up, it was really getting to me. I needed to de-stress, so I bought to eat before heading home. Once there, I treated myself to a much-needed bubble bath. As the sounds of SZA filled the air, I finally found a few moments of peace. But just as I was starting to relax, my phone buzzed, interrupting the tranquility. I picked it up, only to see a message from Kendra.

u gon' keep ignoring my text? Uk u miss me more than I do.

Then another popped up.

Ik ur home alone rn cs around this time ur brother's at skl.

U won't be able to resist any longer, u n I both know you can't last a week without sex, let alone 4.

Fuck, I'm trynna be loyal to Mia right now and she's making hard. She's right I am horny as hell and touching myself doesn't satisfy me anymore. I felt my phone vibrate this time, my eyes widened in shocked, I opened the chat to text her back.


Since u ain't answering
I'm pulling up rn.

What the fuck? No.
There's paparazzi!

Ion see no one.

You're already here??

At the gate, let me in.

Go away Kendra.
I'm not cheating on Mia.
Especially now's she's in prison.

Stop fwm
Open the gate.
Actg like u ain't been chtg

I hate her so much sometimes but she does fucks me so good. Don't get me wrong sex with Mia is good, real good yet she's soft and don't let me explore her. I love rough sex and as much as I enjoy receiving and I enjoy giving even more but Mia hardly let me touch her.

Kendra's also stud but she's one of the ones who's comfortable in her femininity if I tell her let me break her back, she'd gladly go on all fours for me and give a good arch with too.

Just thinking bout it turns me on.

Fuck it, I swiped out of iMessage and used my phone to open the gate. I quickly hopped out of the bathtub, water droplets glistening on my skin, and swiftly wrapped a plush robe around my body. As I descended the stairs, the sound of the doorbell pierced through the air. Finally, I reached the door and swung it open, to her fine ass staring at me, she was in some grey sweats and a black tee and a couple of gold chains around her neck.

"Got the job done, huh?" she asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Don't flatter yourself, I was just taking a bath," I retorted,she walked in, her eyes still fixed on me.

"You have no idea how much I missed your ass," she confessed.

"Show me," I responded, my heart racing.

"Gladly," she replied, pulling me close by the waist, our lips eagerly meeting. The kiss deepened as she took control, pulling me towards her. Before I knew it, she scooped me up and carried me upstairs to my room.

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