
By PrimKayeCaete

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Pha's sister Mai is an avid fan of Kwan,the lead vocalist of the band Shinyu. Being older he is to chaperone... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:

Chapter 16:

345 22 11
By PrimKayeCaete

Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Pha woke up feeling tired, exhausted.. you name it all. He had been avoiding Ming for 3 days now, ignoring his calls and messages. He heard a knock from his door.

"Pha?" his mom called out.

"Yes, I'm awake Mae" Pha replied.

His mom took this as a signal to come in as she opened the door. She could only look at her son with worry, bags underneath his eyes and he hasn't had much of an appetite since that night he came home crying.

"Good morning baby, brunch is ready. Why don't you come down and join us"his mom said.

"I'm really not that hungry Mae" Pha replied.

"Nonsense! You are getting up and eating! I made your favorite, end of discussion" his mom said sternly.

Pha knows not to argue when his mom has that tone of voice. He sighs as he forced himself to get up and follow his mother to the dining area where his dad and sister were awaiting him.

"Finally!" Mai groumbled.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm here, quit complaining" Pha  said.

"You are so grouchy, even the regular you wasn't this grouchy. I miss the old lovesick P'Pha" Mai teased.

"Lovesick my ass. Who is lovesick?" Pha said .

"You. And don't deny it. Why can't you just talk to Ming? I'm sure he had his reason"Mai said.

"Reason to lie to me? To make me look like a fool? Yeah,okay"Pha said sarcastically.

"Son, while we do understand you were hurt by what he did.. he did explain to you. Plus, you made him get over his ex. He loves you now, not him"his dad explained.

" But Por, you know me. I really hate liars"Pha said.

"I do, son. But not everyone is perfect. He has his flaws and he admitted them. You will meet different people but not everyone will get you and be compatible with you. Did you think I met your mom easily? We didn't but we worked hard to make it work between us"Por explained.

"I don't know Por"Pha said.

"Then let me ask you this, are you okay with accepting the fact that you are walking away to what could potentially be "your person"? N'Ming seems like a very charming and approachable person, are you really letting him go like that?"his mom asked.

Pha was silent for a bit. True, he was hurt but is he willing to let Ming go? Let him be happy in someone else's arms? The reality of that bothered him.

"Tonight is Shinyu's concert, why don't you come with me?"Mai asked.

"No, thanks. Beam and Kit are picking me up. Apparently, Kit's cousin wants us to tour him around the campus since he is considering Medical faculty"Pha said.

"Okay, but if you change your mind. I'm leaving this by the door"Mai said as she waved the ticket around.

They finished brunch, Pha offered to clean up but was shooed away by Mai, which surprised him. Maybe he should be moody and hissy, then Mai would take initiative with chores. Pha took his phone and looked through his photos, he wanted to delete the photos of him and Ming but he couldn't. He didn't want to admit it but he missed Ming, but he can't just get over the fact that Ming lied and used him.

'Forget it Pha, he might have given up on you already and went back to his ex'he thought to himself.

Moments later, Beam and Kit picked him up. Despite him protesting that he can drive himself to meet them, they convinced him to not do so. Which was weird, since they usually let him drive them around. They picked him up around 4pm.

"What the hell are you wearing?Even Kit is dressing better than you today" Beam teased.

"Hey! I dress quite well, thank you" Kit yelled.

"What I meant was, Pha is looking too casual. Go change into these" Beam said as he shoved some clothes he picked out from Pha's closet.

"What? Why do I need to change? We are just meeting Kit's cousin right?" Pha asked.

"Well, we are meeting him at a fancy place, so we need to dress up" Beam lied.

"Really? Fine!" Pha grumbled, as he took the clothes and changed in the bathroom, leaving Kit and Beam.

"Is everything in place?" Kit asked.

"Yeah, we should be there on time. Don't worry too much" Beam said.

"Of course I worry, I want everything to work out"Kit replied.

"It will. Now stop being silly or else Pha will notice"Beam said.

" What are you guys talking about over there?"Pha asked.

" Nothing. Just talking about possible routes to take just in case there's traffic" Kit lied.

" I see. How do I look? Isn't this kinda formal for just dinner? "Pha asked.

" Nonsense. You look great, I'm sure he'll like it"Kit said.

"Like who? Your cousin? Are you doing this to set us up?"Pha asked.

'Dense as always'Beam and Kit thought to themselves.

" Of course not. Now, let's go before we get stuck in traffic"Kit said.

They got into Beam's car and slowly made their way to the venue, unknown to Pha. Traffic wasn't that bad, until they were at the concert's vicinity. Pha had to take a double look at the posters and the billboard of Shinyu outside the venue.

"W-Why are we here? Aren't we meeting your cousin? "Pha asked Kit.

"No we are not, I am sorry for lying to you Ai'Pha but it's for your own good"Kit said.

"How is it for my own good?He lied to me! "Pha said.

"And what you are doing now is lying to yourself! "Beam said.

"I refused to be anyone's rebound"Pha said.

"It may have started that way but he's in love with you Pha. Don't you trust his feelings for you?"Kit asked.

"I don't know what to think or believe at this point"Pha said.

"Here. Listen to this" Beam said as he tossed Pha his phone. It was a video of Ming sent to Beam by Forth.

"Hi P'Pha, it's been a while since we last talked. I apologize for what went down, it was never my intention to hurt you. I really did mean what I said, that have fallen for you"Ming started,he forced himself to smile.

" But I know what I did to you is unforgivable,I know these feelings of mine are just a burden to you. But I just want to see you one more time, you don't have to talk to me. Just come to the concert. Then I'll give up on you. I promise, I'll keep my word. I hope you will come. I hope to that I can see you, even if it's the last time"Ming continued and the video cut off.

" Just at least do it so you can both move on Pha"Kit said, as he turned to Pha who had tears in his eyes.

"P-Pha? Why are you crying?"Beam asked.

"I-I... I wanna see him"Pha said.

" Then let's go inside then, nothing's stopping you"Kit said.

" But... I didn't bring my ticket"Pha said.

" About that"Beam said as he turned to the window where Mai was  waving Pha's ticket around.

Pha wipes his tears, he picked up his phone  and tried to call Ming and his friends but it all went to voicemail.

"They are not answering"Pha said.

" They are probably busy with the preparations"Kit said.

Pha nodded. They got out and slowly made their way inside the concert hall where it was slowly filling up. They took their tickets out and slowly made their way to their seats. They were VIP seats.

" Omg P'Pha, I'm so happy. I've never had VIP tickets before. I love P'Ming"Mai said, happily.

Pha was about to smile at Mai's remark but he saw a familiar face just right behind Mai.It was Chimon.

"We meet again. P'Pha? Is it?"Chimon said.

"I can see that. What are you doing here?" Pha asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Au. Why? Can't I be here?It's my Ming's concert after all. I'm the one surprised that you're here, he was the one who gave me a ticket" Chimon said.

'He gave both of us tickets? What the hell are you planning Mingkwan? 'Pha thought to himself.

"Your Ming? Last I heard, you are his ex, I doubt it had changed" Pha replied, Chimon's fave twisted but he forced a smile and looked at Pha.

"Ex for now, we are getting back together. What about you? You have the nerve to show your face here after you just abandoned him like that. Well, I guess it's perfect that you're here. Ming wants to talk to me after the concert after all"Cholimon said, smiling widely.

"Shut it"Kit said.

" Or what, Shorty? "Chimon mocked.

"Kit calm down, don't waste your time talking to him"Pha said.

Kit tried to calm down, Chimon just chuckled and  sat back on his seat.

Suddenly the lights had dimmed, all the people in the hall chanted and cheered until the band members from Shinyu appeared, with their costumes and masks.

"How's everyone doing tonight?"Ming yelled, everyone just yelled in response.

"Wow! What a crowd we have tonight! Don't we Kwan? "Yo asked.

"Absolutely. There's a lot of people out here. Thank you for coming out tonigh to see us, we hope you enjoy our concert tonight. Without further ado, let's start the show"Ming said.

The show started and they played song after song. Pha could only smile, Ming and his group are definitely talented.

Suddenly Ming put the mic on the stand as he signaled Yo to be on keyboards as he sang.

"This next song, is decldicated to someone special. This is his favorite song from this artist. Please sing it, if you know the lyrics"Ming said.

Pha was surprised, he mentioned this song to Ming quite often.


"Au. You like Taylor Swift, P'Pha? "Ming asked.

" Yeah,her songs are fun and relatable. I know what you're thinking, it's so not me. But I really like her songs especially Enchanted"Pha replied.

*end of flahback*

" Don't you like this song Pha? Maybe he's dedicating it to you"Kit said.

" As if. This song is definitely for me. Ming used to sing it to me all the time"Chimon said.

Pha bit his lip, maybe he was fooling himself.

"This is  the last song for tonight"Ming said.

"Finally, he's playing MY song"Chimon said, eyeing Pha.

Pha knew this was the last song of the night, he knows First Love would be  played. The song that Ming had written for Chimon would be played. Pha didn't want to cry, he was about to stand up when Beam held his hand.

"Don't go"Beam said.

Ming saw Pha from the crowd, he took his guitar and smiled.

"This is our last song for the night. As you all know, we always sing First Love every time we end the show. First love will still be a part of our show, but it certainly won't be sung at the end. This is a song I recently wrote, I wrote this for someone dear to me.Phana,I hope you all will like it. It's called Set Free"Ming said.

Cursed those lonely nights
When I couldn't fall asleep
Did everything I could
Got tired of counting sheep
When will this feeling
Of dread just fade away?

Refrain: I was lost
Didn't know what to do
Until the day that I found you

Coz your are the summer breeze
My calm through the storm
You're everything I wanted
And so much more
You made my life complete
You broke all these shackles
And now I'm set free

I was down and broken
And never really spoken
Of my pain
I was losing hope on of
Ever learning to love again

Refrain: I was lost
Didn't know what to do
Until the day that I found you

All the tears have run dry
I thought I was dead inside
Pulled me out from my dark side
And drowned me in an ocean of you

Coz your are the summer breeze
My calm through the storm
You're everything I wanted
And so much more
You made my life complete
You broke all these shackles
And now I'm set free

I'm set free.. Yeah.

I say thank you
For loving me
And setting me free

Once the song was ended everyone cheered and yelled loudly. The new song was well received. Kit grinned and turned to Chimon.

"Aww.. your song wasn't sung at the end" Kit teased.

"Hmm..That song was definitely for Pha" Beam added.

Chimon frowned and got up, leaving Pha and his group laughing.

"Finally! He left" Kit said

"Oh my P'Pha! Shinyu's lead vocalist just made a song for your and serenaded you" Mai said.

"Shhh! Be quiet, what if someone hears?" Pha said.

"Ai'Pha, don't be a party pooper. Aren't you happy about it?" Beam asked.

"He is. He just won't admit it" Kit teased.

Pha and the group exited the hall, Joong had texted Pha that Ming was in the dressing room.Once Pha got there, he could hear voices coming from inside. The door was slightly opened and he saw Chimon hugging Ming. Ming broke off the hug.

"Ming,I still love you. Please give me one more chance" Chimon said.

"I'm sorry Chimon, but it's over between us"Ming said.

"No, it's not! I know you still love me, you kept my bracelet and sung that song all those years.You are just using P'Pha to make me jealous"Chimon continued.

"Yes, I was in love with you, I thought I would never get over you but I did. I didn't expect to meet P'Pha but thanks to your bracelet ,I did. It did start with me trying to befriend him just to have your bracelet back but it ended up with me falling in love with him. I love P'Pha, there's no more room for you inside my heart" Ming answered.

"No! I don't believe you. But he left you, he doesn't love you like I do Ming" Chimon said

Pha got angry and burst through the door, surprising Ming and Chimon. He went over and pulled Ming in for a kiss infront of Chimon. He ended the kissd and looked at Chimon.

"He doesn't want anything to do with you, you better leave"Pha said sternly.

Chimon glared at Pha and Ming before storming out of the room, leaving them both.

"Is he always that thick-skinned and hardheaded? "Pha asked.

"Yup, then and now"Ming replied.

"You have poor taste in guys"Pha teased.

"Au. Does that include you too? "Ming teased back.

"I'm the exception.. you're taste have upgraded. I am handsome and smart"Pha replied.

"Yes, you are. I'm so happy to finally see you"Ming said.

" Me too"Pha said.

"Phana, I'm sorry for what happened. I was being stupid, but please believe me when I say I really love you. I want us to start over again. This time, all honesty no lies"Ming continued.

"You know, the time we were apart... I hated it. I missed you so much, even my parents kept asking where you were. I admit I was angry, but I'd rather have you in my life than live without you" Pha said.

Ming smiled as he raised his hand and caressed Pha's cheek. He leaned in and kissed Pha's lips. Once they broke the kiss off, he looked Pha in the eye.

"I love you P'Pha, will you be my boyfriend?"Ming asked.

"Yes" Pha uttered. They were about to go for another kiss but heard an: " Ahem! ".

They both turned to the side and saw both their gang's by the door, grinning widely. Mai ran to Ming and linked her arms with his.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe it, P'Ming is my Kwan"Mai yelled.

Pha rolled his eyes and seperated Mai from Ming and pulled Ming towards him.

"Stop fan-girling over my boyfriend"Pha said, making everyone smile.

"Ooooh!So possessive, didn't think you had it in you Pha" Kit teased, making Pha blush.

Everyone just laughed. Everything had finally fallen into place.


A/N:  Ming and Pha finally got together. One more chapter for ForthxBeam and MilexYo storyline. Thanks for waiting patiently. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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