Je T'aime

By Astra_Akivili

17.8K 460 128

Furina was missing. The people of Fontaine are in shambles, scrambling to find their missing Archon. Unable t... More

Chapter 1: The Missing Archon
Chapter 2: Dinner?
Chapter 3: Blue
Chapter 4: Justice for Justice
Chapter 5: It's Not A Beach Date
Chapter 6: Bloom (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Bloom (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Rising Waters
Chapter 9: Black and Red
Chapter 11: The Comfort That Carnage Brings
Chapter 12: Mirror, Mirror
Abyss Aether AU Part 1: Cursed
Modern AU: The Value of a Name
Fatui AU Part 1: A Monster

Chapter 10: A Little Language Lesson

1.1K 34 6
By Astra_Akivili

Love is... utterly confusing. 

It's amusing, too. That's why she loves it. The thrill of seeing the hero save his soon to be lover. The obstacles in the way of their love. The drama that it can ensue. Furina's always wanted to fall in love. It would be even better if it was a hero.

But the hardest part is that she's used being the audience. She's used to being an actress. She's not used to actually experiencing something like actual love. Towards...

The boy who's nonchalantly cuddling her while he's asleep.

Thankfully, he's still asleep. That way he won't be able to hear the fact that her heart is beating rapidly. It's weird how he could literally tear her apart, but is so lovingly gentle. 

She really wants to brush his hair with her hands. Give him a little kiss on the cheek. Whisper something in his ear that only he should hear. But she had to restrain herself. They... were not there yet. 

She hoped that they would be there already. They did share a kiss...

A kiss that she still can't believe actually happened. 

She's still pondering how in the world are they not a couple yet- 

But she knows that all good things take time to achieve. The fact that he's even allowing her to... hold his hand, kiss him and... be around him means that she's on the right track. 

She just watches him as his chest expands and contracts with his breathing. The golden sunlight reflecting on his hair. She really doesn't want to disturb him. It should be boring to anyone else. It's just somebody sleeping peacefully. 

There's no action. No drama. No conflict in sight.

And yet, Furina was hopelessly entertained. 

"Were you just watching me the whole night?" Aether asked, groggily waking up with a bedhead. 

"N-no. I just didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep," Furina replied, yawning elegantly with a palm hiding her mouth. She summoned a bubble with a macaron inside of it, popped said bubble and handed over the macaron. "Breakfast?"

"Nom," He said as he ate it from her hands. Carefully, so that his teeth don't bite down on her fingers... too hard. 

Furina's hand has no idea if she should feel disgusted or... bashful.

"You got some more?" He asked after retracting his mouth from her hand. 

"Of course! Always a pl-pleasure to share desserts with... others," She said, summoning more bubbles with macarons inside of them. She popped the one containing a yellow one. "Here you go."

"Merci," He replied with a sort of strange accent. It was a mix of Mondstadter and Sumerian. Guess he still had to get used to the pronunciation of her people's language. 

Maybe she could teach him a thing or two.

"It's pronounced Mair-see, my dear friend," She retracted the macaron before it even entered his mouth. "Say it again."

"Merci," He said, with an actual proper pronunciation. 

"Good," She hands over the dessert to which he ate it quickly.  

"Are you seriously going to teach me Fontainian like this?" He asked, looking at the bedsheet to make sure that there ain't any crumbs that he has to clean up later on. 

"It... is amusing," Furina smiled. "And I've got plenty of macarons left."

"You're lucky that I'm not in the mood to cook immediately after waking up," He smirked. "Feel free to start, Professor Focalors."

"I do like the sound of that. Very well. Let me do a little test of sorts with the basics. What's cat in Fontainian?"


"What about dog?"


"How do you say: 'Excuse me?'" 

"Excuse moi."

"What about: I Love You?"

"Isn't it Je t'aime?"

Furina thanks her ears for giving her a core memory to replay and keep her up at night. Aether could've sworn that there was some steam coming from her forehead. And her face was red. She looked adorable. A girl in love looking at her crush.

It just makes him feel a lot worse because he knows he has to crush her heart one day. 

But he can indulge in her fantasy for a while. He's supposed to lift her spirits. Not destroy it. Even if he has to play pretend that he...


He wonders if he feels the same way. The kiss did feel nice. Hugging her brought a sense of relief to his entire being. Seeing her being slandered did piss him off. He is willing to look out for her...

"Now for... For the... ahem. Sorry. The sunlight got in my eyes. Uh... How about: 'I love you too?'"

He hesitated. With a puzzled look on his face, he replied: 

"...I don't know that one."

"It's Je t'aime, aussie."


Was he really going to lie to her?

It's just a language lesson. It's not really him telling her that he loves her. 

He does.

Just a platonic extent. Romantic... is out of the question. She's an Archon. She's got her nation to lead. He's just a Traveler. He will never stay in Fontaine. Even if he did, she'd just get hurt. She's the weakest Archon he's seen so far outside of Venti. That is if Venti's telling the truth. If anything were to happen to her just because he treats her like she's special...

He'd pretty much lose it and join Lumine. 

So ignoring the fact that Furina was practically evaporating, he repeated the words told to him. 

"Je t'aime, aussie... Huh. Good to know."

He ate the last macaron. Letting the sensation of it's fluffy goodness overtake the feeling of her gloved fingers on his lips. 

"A-and that was my last macaron... WAIT. THAT WAS MY LAST MACARON."

Aether was still chewing on the damn thing. Unironically, relishing her stupidity. It was charming. When it didn't cause him any trouble at least. Then, it becomes annoying...


Sounds like another white haired blue eyed friend of his...

He swallowed his food and got off of the bed. He stretched and said: 

"I'll buy you some new ones."

"Non, non, non! I'll bake some new ones. Carry me to your kitchen at once! The best macarons are the ones I bake myself."

"Can't you use your legs?"

"...I l-literally cannot walk. My legs are cramped," Furina tried to stand up, but the searing pain on her knees made her sit back down and hiss. "Forcing a lady who sits down and watches trials all day to suddenly fight for her life isn't such a good idea now is it? Maybe treating me with a bit more respect would yield more fruitful results?" 

Aether sighed. Maybe he should keep the training to be... easier on her. 

"Okay then, Lady Furina," He picks her up as if she was a bride. "As your loyal retainer, I shall carry thee to my kitchen so you can bless me with your finest treats."

'I swear, he's doing this on purpose,' Furina thinks to herself. "A-about time you changed your a-attitude." 


Is it wise to leave what is dear to you behind?

It's been bothering Aether. The loss of being able to manipulate Hydro. He just doesn't get it. He's studied how the tides rise and fall on the shores. How water moves and its uses in combat. How is he still not able to manipulate the waters itself? He doesn't know. 

He's tried pointing at the grass beneath him, trying to concentrate his Elemental prowess through his index finger. Nothing. Not even a single drop. 

Would his other powers be gone at the worst possible moments too?

Who knows?

Maybe he should ask Mona for a divinati-

No. That wouldn't work.

Maybe ask Venti for some advice? No. He'd be wayy too drunk. Besides, he's a lover. Not a fighter. If he was, he wouldn't have needed help from... a wide range of places.

Nahida... Well, they got nothing from her. 

Zhongli? Maybe. But he doesn't know everything. 

Ei could help... Since this is more of a combat issue. 

Those two are probably his best bets. They're experts in elemental combat. Maybe they can provide some insight into what's ailing him. So the next stops should be Liyue and Inazuma. The only issue would be that Furina is... Easy to spot. 

If only there was a place where he could easily get her a disgui-

He's got it. He put his hands together and teleported to-

Jade Chamber


"Lady Ningguang, a friend of mine needs a dress!" He opened the door to the Jade Chamber, to Ningguang's surprise.

She was in the middle of breakfast, in the other room. Just a simple snack of Mora meat was in her mouth. The refined woman finished chewing her mouthful and swallowed. She wiped the sauce off her lips with a napkin. She looked at Aether, who sat down across her in the dining table. 

"And here I thought that it was an urgent matter... You could've went to a tailor," She snapped her fingers. Her helpers immediately brought an extra piece of Mora meat to Aether, who didn't complain about digging into the snack. 

"I trust your taste better than some random tailor's. Because my friend is... Not really an ordinary person."

"I would need her measurements though. I've already sold all my old dresses since there was no point in keeping them since... I can't wear them. Not to mention, my wardrobe is extremely... extensive."

"Got any measuring tape?"

It was subtly placed on the dining table. Aether tried to grab it and place it in his inventory and-

It was taken away. 

"You didn't expect to get this for free now, did you?"

"Not even for a dear friend?"

"No exceptions."

"Is there something in Liyue that's more than you can handle?"

Ningguang looked grim. She does get that she's strong. Stronger than she's been due to his... Weird alchemical procedures that do help with flinging geo at her enemies. But she's more of a businesswoman. Fighting an unexpected assassin is feasible, but a whole group of them? When there's people at risk too?


She's better at fighting all out wars. When there are people she knows that can fight too. When the fight drags on. To weaken the enemy before her. That is her strategy. But when it comes to assassinations. It's about who dies first.

And she detests pointless fighting. 

It's best to leave it to Aether...

The one person she knows to be the embodiment of ruthlessness. 

"Let's just say the Fatui aren't the biggest fans of me. A certain patch of them is plotting to assassinate me. Until Yelan finds the ones responsible, I need you to be my bodyguard for the time being. Starting... in about an hour from now."

Aether's eyes had a malevolent glow on them for a second. His fists tightened at the audacity of those Fatui scum hurting someone he cares about. But it quickly relaxed and his mood was eased. He extended his right hand for a handshake. 

"Sounds easy enough. Deal."

"...I do get paid for this right?"

"Of course. I'm not stingy when it comes to giving Mora to those who truly deserve it."

Thank Morax this lady is generous. 

"Thanks, Lady Ningguang." 

He got the measuring tape from her assistant, caught a glimpse of Ganyu, but can't really talk to her right now because he's got to go back home. He can catch up with her later. And probably tease her for not telling him about her crush the last time she mentioned it at the Lantern Rite. 


A magical creature that can be seen rolling down the hills of Jueyun Karst

Furina burst the front doors of his house open, startling Tubby awake. She ignored her and walked down the stairs with a basket of macarons in hand, "There you are! Have you been doing commissions again? I've been looking all over the Pot for you. Come on, open wide. I've baked this one especially for you-"

"Could you take your measurements?"

Aether realized that he said that at the worst time possible...

But he planted the measuring tape on her hand anyway. 

Furina looked at the measuring tape. Looked at him. Clenched the measuring tape and pointed with that hand at him. 




Aether raised an eyebrow.

Furina realized her mistake. She calmed down a bit and looked at the measuring tape... She made a guess. 

"...Are you buying me clothes?"

"I'm getting you some, yes."

Furina wanted to dissolve into water right now. How much longer is she going to make a fool of herself? It's not her fault. It's his for being too handsome that it turns her brain into one of a fool. 

"It's not even my birthday, but... I suppose I'll take it as tribute."

She hands over the basket of macarons and he began to indulge in them. 

"I trust that you'll get the most exquisite clothing to decorate my divine frame. Very well then, I shall..." Meanwhile, her inner self was beginning to debate in her mental courtroom. 'Should I tell him or write this down? This is technically sensitive information so... And if it gets leaked then... No. No. This is Aether. I trust him. I'll just write it and seal it in an envelope because... common sense.'

"Wait for me here. I'll write down my measurements."

She went back inside and hurried to her room. 

Tubby looked at her Master, who used Anemo to send some macarons in her direction.


Yes, I'm a Hu Tao main

"Here you go. No peeking. That's a crime," She gives him a sealed envelope... A little too fancy for something to be given to a seamstress... but he understands why it was sealed. He was a guy after all. 

But he isn't that desperate-

"Got it."

He began to leave the Teapot, but Furina grabbed him by the arm, stopping him from teleporting away. "Wait! Can't I go with you?" She begged. 

"Not until I got your dress ready. It's also really dangerous. You... don't want to be put in the middle of an assassination attempt led by the Fatui right?"

"...I..." She wanted to retort. But her fear kept her heels glued to the teapot. Here she's safe. Here she's away from that dreaded... Fatui Harbinger. Here, she can just be herself. She wants to do the hard part, but... her fear led her to... the easy part. 

" on vacation! I shouldn't be putting myself in those kinds of affairs. Hehe... I'll just be here then. Keeping Tubby company. There are plenty of games here anyway so there's no need to worry about me."

"I'll be back for dinner. Au revoir, Lady Furina."

"Au revoir..." She said. Once he teleported away, she whispered, "Mon amour..."

"I heard that you know?" Paimon said as she was snacking on the macarons with Tubby.





It has been a while since he met Zhongli. He should bring him a gift. A bottle of perfume was the best thing that came to mind. But then again, that means he'd have to visit Ying'er and listen to her... Interesting way of describing things.

...Doesn't help that he also has a crush on Ying'er, but he is happy for her for ending up with a guy who cares for her. Rather than a guy who two times on her. He forever owes Keqing for helping him punish the guy. He didn't get jail time, but he did have to apologize to the girls he's wronged and pay compensation for it. 

He just has to deal with it. 

It's not like his heart isn't open to other options.

Speaking of those... other options...

Here's one right now. 

Hugging him from behind and joyfully enjoying his presence in her life is none other than the versemonger of the darkest alleys of Liyue, the ghastly ghoul of Wuwang Hill, the bane of all things undead. The one and only... 

Hu Tao. 

"I'd recognize that blonde braid anywhere! Hey, Aeth! How've you been? Missed me so much that you wanted to come back from Liyue?"

Aether definitely didn't want rumors to spread since they were both in the streets. But then again, with every girl he interacts with rumors begin to spread. Sometimes, it's even about the boys. Ah, people. Always obsessed about others' love lives. 

But when it comes to Hu Tao...

They aren't completely wrong about how he feels about her...

He just has to restrain himself.

"I missed you, but I'm here on other business, Tao."

"Oh?" She lets go of him and dusts off his shoulders. She gave his back a good pat and turned around, "Well, I shouldn't keep you delaying any longer. Just be a dear and spare some time for tea once you have the chance."

"I suppose I would since... I do need to talk with Zhongli..."

Hu Tao stopped at her tracks. She skipped to be in front of him. "Something the matter? Or do you want the old man to entertain you with his ancient stories?"

"Just... feeling a bit off."

"Do... you need a coupon? Or a... ugh, a visit to Baizhu?"

Her cringe made him laugh a bit. He pulls down her hat playfully to cover her face. She gives a little: "Hey!" and puts it back on her head. 

"No. Nothing that life threatening. I just... need to understand how to use my powers better."

"Oh. Thank the Archons. I would've been distraught had you become a customer of mine so soon."


That's the reason why he didn't date her.

The whole mortality thing.

He keeps saying that he shouldn't fall in love with someone who was mortal. If anything, he'd rather die before her. But that opens another can of worms. He's from another world. So where would his soul go? Definitely not in the border where she would go. That's another cruelty of this world.

Just like the Archons... or anything close to their level, when he dies, he can't reunite with the mortals that he loves. Because they'll be in the afterlife. Him? 

Who knows?

He knows that the Archons... if they died... they'd just turn into more monsters that he'd have to cut down. Or natural disasters that he has to fix somehow. 

He reassures her. He's a living legend. Someone she looks up to sometimes. Someone who always bounces back no matter how great the pressure seems to be. As long as he lives, he'll make sure that when he dies... If he dies...

It won't be a death that will make her fall into despair. 

"You and I both know that's never going to happen."

"That's a good thing. Because you're an exception," She smiled. Shoot. There it was... A wink and a finger on his lips. "Now enough of this depressing talk. Go on and make Teyvat a better place, you shining star of mine!"

He replied with his wits leading his words, "My sword shall defend those I befriend, whether mortal or divine."





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