How Could You? (Souyo)

By personamo

5K 206 47

Kanji was just a decoy; Yu knew that. He also knew he had no chance with Yosuke. Even then, he couldn't let g... More

It's Not Love
Purely Platonic
On The Case
The Same
False Hope
Love & Affection
Each Other's Company
This World
For The Team
Catch Me If You Can
Out of The Loop
It Was Nice While It Lasted
A Call
Big City
We're Friends, Aren't We?
Stepping Stone
Funny Feeling
Won't Go
Peace of Mind
Nowhere Else
Best Friend & Girlfriend
Hold You
Someone Else
Old Friend
Light Being Shed
Lonely Together
Can't Keep Checking My Phone
Welcome Home
Another Guy
Real Man
Wannabe Detectives
Where Are You Now?

Bon Appétit

62 5 0
By personamo

Yu's POV:

"I just... can't believe him!" He groans.

He sits on the countertop, watching as I prepare the meal. I would like his help, but... He seems too upset for that right now.

"I'm not the asshole," he scoffs, crossing his arms. "He is, if anyone."


I crack an egg over the side of the bowl.

He frowns. "Are you even listening?"

"Of course." I turn my attention back to him.

"Kanji's just... always had it out for me, y'know?" He grumbles. "It's not fair."

I swallow hard. "I know."

"...I just wish he'd leave."


"Just... go. I guess," he shrugs.


"He's never been one of us, Yu," he grunts. "He's always been... the weird one."

"We can't just... cut him out," I say. "He's still our friend, with or without the case to solve."

"Just 'cause we saved him doesn't mean we have to be friends with him."

"Yosuke," I sigh.

"He thinks he knows you, man," he scoffs. "He thinks he's your best-fucking-friend."

I bite my lip. "That's not true."

"You just let him push you around. It's not right."

I turn back to the bowl. "It's fine, Yosuke."

"Don't even say that shit to me," he says. "You..." He hesitates for a moment. "You kissed me, man."

I feel my whole body freeze.

"A-and that's not like you," he continues. "It's not, Yu."

"...I know," I sigh eventually.

I thought... he wanted to forget about that...

"Fuck 'im," he grunts. "He can go run off with that lousy detective."

Naoto has done nothing wrong... Even so, I can't find it in myself to stand up for him.

"...Hey, partner?"

"...Yeah?" I clear my throat, cracking another egg open.

"...The bastard's in love with you."

I blink. "What?"

"Kanji," he groans. He swings his legs to the side. "I know that he likes you."

"...That's not true."

"Stop being so damn modest," he scoffs. "He always wanted you. Not me, or Chie or Yukiko, or Teddie. It was always you he wanted to be around."

"He doesn't have feelings for me," I whisper.

"...You were kissing him."

"I-" I trail off, suddenly feeling claustrophobic in the situation. "He kissed me."

"...So, he likes you," he concludes.

I bite my lip. "I don't know, Yosuke. And I really don't care."

"You have to tell him to back off," he frowns.

"I have, and he has, okay?" I mutter.

"...If you ever need to talk-"

"It's fine, Yosuke."

Not that you'd ever understand, anyway.

"...I want to protect you."

"You... what?"

"He's a bad influence, man," he sighs, resting his hands at his side. "...I don't want him to get inside your head anymore."

"I can take care of myself." I force a smile.

"Please, Yu." He looks at me now with hopeful eyes. "You do everything for me, so... Let me do this for you."

I nod slowly. "Okay."

I don't even know why I nod. I don't have time to comprehend it. All I know is that he's serious about this.

And the thought of him wanting to protect me cancels out the fact that I know it's wrong.

He picks up his cell, his face lighting up. "Uh... You gonna be okay in here, bro?" He briefly looks at me above his phone.

"Y-yeah," I say.

"Cool." He hops off the counter, Still smiling at the device. "Just gonna go in the living room. Give me a shout if you need anything."

"...Okay," I breathe. "And, uhm... Send Nanako through, will you?"

"Hm? Why?" He asks, turning back around. "You gonna be lonely, partner?" He smirks.

"...I just don't want her to get in your way," I shrug.

"She's fine," he chuckles. "I bet you anything she's sat down watching TV. She's not a bother, man."

"...Alright." I sigh. "I'll, uh... Let you know when it's ready."

But he's already walking away, his eyes glued to his screen.


Yosuke's POV:

JunezPrince2000: hey

Izumiii__: hi!!!

JunezPrince2000: nice pfp

I chuckle a little, looking at her profile of her sitting in a bikini on the beach.

Izumiii__: thanks!!!<33

Izumiii__: do u like the beach??

JunezPrince2000: who doesn't
am i rite?

Izumiii__: we shuld go on a
beach date!!

Izumiii__: where r u from??

JunezPrince2000: inaba

Izumiii__: no way

Izumiii__: u srs??

JunezPrince2000: ye?

Izumiii__: isnt that where
those murders are??

JunezPrince2000: it's over now

I mean... I know it's not. But... She doesn't need to know, right?

We'll fix it in the long run. I'll fix it.

Izumiii__: borrringgg

JunezPrince2000: ???

Izumiii__: did u kno much
abt it??

JunezPrince2000: well... ye

Izumiii__: cool!!

Izumiii__: ive always thought
a detective was hot ;)

I blink, taken aback by her confidence. Though... not exactly complaining.

"Is big bro okay in there?" Nanako asks, turning around to face me. She mutes the TV, playing with the remote in her hands, trying to get my attention.

"He's fine," I smile. "Don't worry about him."

She frowns. "Can I help him?"

"You don't have to," I shrug.

"...I don't want him to feel alone."

"Nanako-chan," I chuckle, moving to sit beside her on the floor. "He's tough."

"...I know," she sighs. "Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure. It's just up the stairs to the right," I nod.

She smiles her thanks, swiftly heading out.

I sigh, pulling out my cell again.

Izumiii__: its not so hot
when u ignore some1 tho

JunezPrince2000: shit mb

Izumiii__: somethin more
interesting than me??


I'm taking care of my best friend's cousin? Nah... That's lame.

Though, girls do love kids... Hm.

JunezPrince2000: my little
sister needed help w/ hw

Izumiii__: awww!!


Izumiii__: how old is she??

How old is Nanako-chan again...?

JunezPrince2000: seven

Izumiii__: i always wanted
a little sister ;(

Izumiii__: all i got were
lousy brothers

JunezPrince2000: what makes
a sister so much better?

Izumiii__: we can talk abt boys
for a start!!

Izumiii__: and do each others
hair and makeup!!


Izumiii__: and talk shit abt
all the girls we secretly don't like!!

JunezPrince2000: cool

Izumiii__: thats all u have
2 say??

Izumiii__: cool???

What the hell else am I meant to say??

JunezPrince2000: i bet ur an
amazing sister

Izumiii__: awww

Izumiii__: ur so sweet!!


Yu's POV:

Still stiring the mixture, I notice my phone light up.


Kanji: U still with Yosuke-senpai?

Yu: Yeah, why?

Kanji: Srs??

Kanji: U saw how much of
an ass he was bein

Yu: I know, Kanji.

Kanji: I can't believe you

Yu: I'm sorry.

Yu: How's Naoto?

Kanji: We went to Aiya's

Yu: On a date?

Kanji: Hell no!

Kanji: I think he was
a little disappointed u
weren't there tho

Yu: I'm sure that wasn't
the case.

Kanji: He thought Senpai
was bein a dick too

Yu: Can't you say one
nice thing about him?

Kanji: The way he does to me?

Kanji: He's not worth your

Yu: Kanji, I'm not having
this argument with you again.

Kanji: You kno I'm right

Yu: Maybe you are, yeah.

Yu: But that's only because
you don't know him like I do.

I bite my lip, closing my cell.

Why is everybody trying to control me?

Kanji wants me to back away from Yosuke, and Yosuke wants me to back away from Kanji.

It's all... fucked.

I finish serving up the omelette, calling for Yosuke and Nanako when the front door opens.

"Narukami." Hanamura-san's eyes widen as he sees me standing there.

"H-hey," I say, taking off my apron.

"Not that it's not nice to see you, but... Uh... What are you doing here?"

"Dad, chill. I invited him." Yosuke walks in from the living room, still staring at his cell.

"Is... is that an omelette?" Hanamura-san asks.

"Oh, uh... Yeah," I chuckle.

"My favorite," he laughs, taking his coat off.

"Dad, don't," Yosuke groans.

"Don't what?" He smiles.

"Bug us." He eventually slides his phone in his pocket.

"It's no bother," I shrug.

"Not helping, man," Yosuke groans.

"There's enough for you, Hanamura-san," I say.

"Thank you, Narukami," he nods.

"Whatever," Yosuke yawns. "I'll go get Nanako."


Yosuke's POV:

"Nanako-chan?" I call, making my way up stairs. "You okay?"

I turn the corner, seeing her sat on the ground, with her head on her knees.

"Hey," I say softly, kneeling down to her level. "What's the matter?"

She shakes her head, looking in front of her.

I turn, too, to see that my bedroom door is open slightly.

I frown, confused.

"I- I couldn't find the bathroom," she begins.

"That's okay," I shrug. "Come on, I'll show you."

She swallows hard before agreeing.


"I'll wait for you downstairs, okay?" I smile.

She nods, closing the door behind her.

Still, I'm confused at why she looked so distraught.

I turn back in the hallway, heading down to my room.


My dumbass left my magazines out on my bed. And not the PG ones, at that.

I think I've just scarred her for life.


Yu's POV:

"I'm glad you two made up," Hanamura-san smiles, sitting himself down at the table.

"Hm?" I ask.

"You... had a falling out, didn't you?"

"O-oh, yeah..." I nod, handing him his plate.

"Something wrong, Narukami?"

"Not at all." I force a smile.

"...Yosuke's not all that good for talking about his feelings," he shrugs.

"Yeah..." I laugh dryly. "I know."

"And I know he can come off as a bit... self-centred and ignorant... Truth is, he just wants someone to like him."

"I know," I sigh.

"I don't blame you for getting sick of him from time to time," he chuckles. "But, if anything, he's loyal. That's something you don't see so much anymore."

I know.

He's loyal. To me, especially.

Always trying to make me seem... better than I am.

"Yosuke's never had as many friends as he does now," he goes on, digging into his omelette. "He's always been a loner, I suppose."

I nod slowly, sitting down opposite him.

"I think you really helped him open up, Narukami. So... Thank you."

"Of course, Hanamura-san," I smile. "He... means a lot to me."

"Oh, I know," he laughs, his mouth half-full.

"Hey." Yosuke heads in through the door, pulling up a chair.

"Speak of the devil," Hanamura-san chuckles.

"...What?" Yosuke frowns.

"We were just talking about you."

"...F-for real?" Yosuke's eyes dart from his father to me in an instant.

"I was showing him all your baby photos and everything," Hanamura-san teases.

"D-Dad," he splutters.

"Kidding, relax," he laughs.

Yosuke blinks, severely unamused.

"Here." I hand him his plate with a smile.

"Thanks, dude," he grins.

"...Where's Nanako?" I ask.

"She's, uh..." He coughs aloud. "Coming."

"...Okay," I nod.

"Mhm... Damn, dude... Th-this is... really good..." He smiles, swallowing whole.

"Glad you think so." I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"Sit down, will you?" Hanamura-san says. "I bet you're starving."

"Shouldn't... we wait for the Mrs. and Teddie?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "My wife won't be home until late, and Teddie's closing up Junes. Don't worry so much."

"Yeah, man," Yosuke agrees, mouth half-full. Like father, like son, I guess. "Sit down and enjoy this delicious meal my partner made."

"Partner?" Hanamura-san queries.

I freeze up.

"Like... my best bud," Yosuke explains. "But... more, in a way?"

"More?" Hanamura-san presses.

"You wouldn't get it, Dad," he shrugs.

Yosuke turns back to his food whereas his father gives me an inquisitive look.

I try my hardest to look as confused as him.

"Is food ready, big bro?" Nanako asks, knocking on the door softly.

"U-uh, yeah," I smile, breaking away from the awkward stares of Hanamura-san. "Come in, Nanako."

"Hey, Yu?" Yosuke asks.

"Yeah?" I quickly turn.

"...Can I have seconds?"


thanks for reading:)

word count: 1983

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