Operation Cupid

By storytime_adventures

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Hi, I'm Kenzie, a 16 year old sass extraordinaire and niece to Jeff Morrison, the sorry sucker that fell for... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.

Chapter One.

4 0 0
By storytime_adventures

"Kenzie Danielle, I'm not telling you again, move it." Tracy called from the bottom of the staircase as she glanced at her watch with frustration.

Tracy and her Husband, Scott, had been married for the better part of 14 years and because they never had a honeymoon, they decided that now would be a good time to take one while Kenzie was old enough to fend for herself or at least be left on her own (while in the care of another trusted adult) for a reasonable amount of time.

Both of them were very excited about their trip which made Kenzie excited because she'd have no parental supervision....well, kind of. She still had the supervision of her uncle but he let her get away with more things than her parents did and she sure used that to her advantage whenever he was around.

Given that fact, it would explain why Scott and Tracy were a little bit hesitant to leave Kenzie with Jeff but after some conversations and rule setting (much to Kenzie's dismay), Scott and Tracy had no choice but to let Kenzie travel to Boca.

"Hold on, we're feeding spindles." Kenzie called back as she gave her bumble bee the once over and finished showing Zarah how to care for Spindles while she was gone. Once satisfied, Kenzie grabbed the rest of her belongings that she was taking with her to her uncle's and made her way downstairs with Zarah hot on her tail.

"Now please, girls. Spindles is fine." Tracy replied as Scott came back inside from loading up the car.

Zarah and her parents had offered to take Kenzie, Scott and Tracy to the airport so that they didn't have to leave their car in the airport parking lot and have a hefty bill to pay once their holiday was over. Scott and Tracy were thankful for the offer and happily accepted it.

"Spindles?" Scott mouthed as he stood beside his wife waiting for Kenzie to come down so that he could grab Kenzie's things and put them in the van.

"Bee." Tracy mouthed to him, answering his question as to who spindles was. Scott was still a tad confused by the sudden name choice but nodded anyway.

"Ok, ok, calm down." Kenzie huffed as she and Zarah hurried down the rest of the staircase.

"Kenz." Scott said in warning, knowing how much the words 'calm down' pissed his wife off to no end.

"Sorry." Kenzie sassed as she rolled her eyes.

At that moment, the cat that Kenzie wasn't able to find the night prior after accidentally leaving the patio door open when she went to bring the bins back in from being emptied that morning, appeared and pounced on her bare feet before he bit her which caused her to stumble. Thankfully though, she had finally reached the end of the main floor and was able to catch herself before she tripped over the vengeful (not really) fur ball.

"Damn it Topher, you little bastard." Kenzie shrieked. Zarah burst out laughing and offered her friend a non-sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

"Language." Tracy warned, although the smile on her face gave away the fact that she too found it funny that Topher had pounced on Kenzie in such a dramatic fashion.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." Kenzie huffed as she handed her bags to her dad.

"Glad to hear it. Now, get your shoes on and let's go." Tracy said, taking another glance at her watch and seeing that if they didn't leave now, they would be late.

Kenzie and Zarah did as they were told and before long, the van full of people left for the airport.


The drive to the airport wasn't too bad but Kenzie, who was beyond excited to see her uncle after almost 11 months, was practically bouncing in her seat, unable to sit still.

"Will you sit still, you look like you need to pee." Zarah said as she elbowed her friend in the hopes that it would get Kenzie to settle down a tiny bit.

Kenzie glared at Zarah and rubbed the sore spot.

"That hurt." Kenzie replied.

"You'll survive and besides, it's not like I elbowed you that hard." Zarah said, turning to look out her window.

"So, Kenzie, are you looking forward to spending time with your uncle?" Mr. Turner asked as he looked at her through the rear view mirror.

Kenzie sat up and beamed at the man.

"I can't wait. It's going to be so much fun. We have so much planned." Kenzie gushed, remembering the few phone calls she and Jeff had had over the last few weeks.

"Not too much fun I hope." Tracy remarked, knowing full well that her brother, much like Kenzie, loved getting up to all sorts of trouble. Some fun but some of the trouble got him, well, in trouble.

"Yeah well, at least I don't have to deal with dad's motion sickness." Kenzie replied with a smirk growing on her face.

"Don't you worry Kenz, your mom will take good care of me." Scott teased, looking slyly at his wife who blushed.

Kenzie screwed up her face and groaned. Did he have to make that joke?

"You two are so gross." Kenzie whined.

"Meh, it could always be worse darling." Scott said over his shoulder as he winked at his daughter.

"How much longer to the airport?" Kenzie asked, not wanting to hear anymore of her parents' jokes and innuendos.

"Not long Ken, not long at all." Zarah said as she pointed to a road sign.

*Mobile Regional Airport 20mins*

Kenzie looked at Zarah and groaned. She couldn't wait for the drive to be over.

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