Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

367K 8.3K 769

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.3K 38 1
By tonysnarky

Verdict Looms as Jury Deliberates: Will Alexandra Heroux Return to the Track?

The much-anticipated trial of Alexandra Heroux versus Jackson Morgan has officially concluded, leaving motorsport fans and enthusiasts on the edge of their seats. The trial, initially scheduled for four days, stretched out to an exhausting 13 days, with a tense climax as the jury retreats to deliberate the verdict. The central question on everyone's minds is whether Alexandra Heroux will return to the race this weekend.

Red Bull's team principal, Christian Horner, has confirmed that Alexandra Heroux will not be attending the media day and Friday's free practice, as the jury remains in deliberation. Despite this cautious approach, Horner hinted at the possibility of Heroux flying out for Saturday's free practice and qualifying, gearing up for the main race on Sunday. She would then promptly return to London on Monday to await the jury's decision, once it's reached.

The delay in the trial's conclusion has raised concerns over Alexandra Heroux's participation in the upcoming race in the Netherlands this weekend. As the days pass without a verdict, many have questioned whether Heroux should join the event amid ongoing tensions. Notably, she's reportedly remained silent towards her long-time friend, Lewis Hamilton, further fueling the debate over her involvement in the forthcoming race.

While fans await the verdict with bated breath, the jury's decision remains uncertain, making it a challenging time for Heroux and her supporters. Heroux's inner circle is left to ponder whether she should return to the racetrack or take a temporary step back.

As we await the jury's ruling and the impending race, the world of motorsports remains captivated by the ongoing drama surrounding the iconic trial. The motorsport community eagerly anticipates the return of the beloved driver, Alexandra Heroux, and
the jury's verdict that will shape her future on and off the track.


Liked by UserTwo and 321k Others



UserTwo: omg, did you speak to her?

↪️ UserOne: I did! She was so lovely!

UserThree: I don't understand, if she's there anyway, why can't she race?

↪️ UserOne: I think she's too stressed, and she knows she won't be 100% focused. She said she's really happy though, because she got to give one of the reserve drivers a chance to race!


LexiHeroux added a new photo to her story.

Tagged: CharlesLeclerc

@LexiHeroux: when not racing this weekend means we can find the time to watch @ArthurLeclerc


@F1 added a new photo to their story

Tagged: @LexiHeroux & CharlesLeclerc

@F1: Family

Charles and Lexi are watching the f2 race!


LexiHeroux added a new photo to her story.

@LexiHeroux: not racing = pestering the boys.


LandoNorris: thats an awful picture of me omg


LexiHeroux added a new photo to her story

Tagged: DanielRicciardo

@LexiHeroux: baby girl


UserOne: thank you for feeding us such good content omg


LexiHeroux added a new photo to her story

@LexiHeroux: my boys


Toto Wolff stood beside the Mercedes pit wall, his eyes focused on the action out on the circuit. He watched as cars zipped by, drivers pushing their machines to the limits in preparation for the Dutch Grand Prix. Amid the roaring engines and the frenetic energy of the Formula 1 paddock, his gaze remained on the young woman leaning against the pit wall opposite the Red Bull garage.

Alexandra Heroux had been a whirlwind of activity all weekend, visiting nearly every garage on the grid, spreading her infectious spirit and gratitude among her fellow racers. It was her way of showing appreciation for the support she'd received during recent turbulent times. She'd shared laughs, smiles, and jokes, endearing herself to the entire paddock.

Currently, Free Practice 3 was underway, and Alexandra was leaning against the Red Bull pit wall, playfully abusing Max Verstappen over the team radios. Her banter and taunts added an element of humor to the session, much to the delight of the commentators and fans watching from afar. It was clear that, despite her absence from the track, her spirit remained intact.

However, midway through the session, Alexandra spotted someone watching her from beside the Mercedes wall. Her gaze met Toto Wolff's, and he gave a subtle beckon, inviting her to come closer. Uncertain but intrigued, she murmured a quick "Be right back" to Christian Horner and made her way over to the Mercedes team principal.

Leaning against the pit wall, her arms folded, she looked at Toto with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "You called?" she muttered, unsure of what he wanted to discuss.

Toto Wolff couldn't help but grin at her presence. "We've missed you too," he laughed, taking a moment to acknowledge the bond that extended beyond the competitive boundaries of the sport. He then turned a more serious gaze upon her. "Come on, I know you've been avoiding Mercedes."

Beside Toto, Lewis' engineer, Bono, chimed in, feigning offense. "That hurts, Lex." His playful tone made Alexandra roll her eyes in amusement.

She sighed, bracing herself for the conversation she had expected. "I'm not avoiding Mercedes, I'm avoiding Lewis."

Toto's smirk hinted that he was well aware of her intentions. "Well, good thing Lewis is out on the track then, hmm?" he remarked, a sly look in his eyes.

Alexandra felt her resolve waver as she knew what Toto was about to say. "Have you thought any more about my offer?" he inquired, his tone earnest.

Lexi rolled her eyes again, a mixture of exasperation and fondness for her Mercedes team principal. "I haven't," she admitted with a hint of defensiveness. "Look, with everything else that's going on—"

Toto cut her off gently, his voice understanding. "I know." He held her gaze for a moment. "But remember, it's an option, whenever you're ready. We're here to support you."

Alexandra sighed and looked out at the busy track. The offer Toto was referring to was joining Mercedes, a team she had previously trained with, and reuniting with Lewis. She couldn't deny the appeal, but her current circumstances and personal life had left her hesitant.

She turned her attention back to Toto and nodded. "I appreciate it, Toto. I'll think about it."

With that, she gave a brief smile and turned to leave, rejoining her Red Bull Racing team, leaving Toto Wolff watching her, knowing that their offer remained open whenever she was ready to embrace it.

As Alexandra made her way back to the Red Bull pit wall, Bono turned to Toto Wolff with a raised eyebrow. The exchange they'd just witnessed left them both curious. Behind them, Lewis Hamilton had just completed a pit stop and had observed the last moments of Alexandra's conversation with Toto.

Bono turned to Toto and inquired, "Do you think she'll take it?"

Toto sighed, a hint of regret in his voice. "I don't." He muttered. "And unfortunately for Mercedes, I think she might be the future of this sport."

Meanwhile, Alexandra had returned to the Red Bull pit wall, her expression slightly uneasy. She glanced over at Christian Horner, her team principal, her eyes reflecting a sense of expectation. "Aren't you going to ask me what that was about?" she questioned.

Christian chuckled softly. "He's offered you Bottas' seat, hasn't he?" He said, revealing that he had been aware of the offer. Alexandra looked surprised that he already knew.

"I hear the gossip, Ally. I knew," Christian explained. "What do you think?"

Lexi was conflicted and thoughtful. "Are you asking as family, or as my boss?" she inquired.

"Family," Christian replied. "But, as a boss? I'd love to keep you here at Red Bull, but Checo's still got a contract. Once he's back in shape, we'll have to honor it."

"I know," Alexandra sighed, a tinge of sadness in her voice. "I'm not going to lie to you, I want to stay at Red Bull. I don't want to give this up and go back to AlphaTauri."

Christian regarded her sympathetically. "I know, Ally. I'm sorry I can't do more," he said softly. "But the Mercedes seat is a good offer. You could fight Max for a title next year."

Alexandra remained cool, her thoughts focused on one particular obstacle. "Not with Lewis there," she asserted.

Christian raised an eyebrow, attempting to convince her. "Lex, Mercedes has always had your back. They've always cheered you on. They'd look after you. You can't turn that down just because you're upset with Lewis."

Christian directed his attention to her brother, James, who was having a conversation with her replacement on the team radio. "James, tell her," he urged.

James, looking caught off guard, hesitated before expressing his opinion. "I agree with her," he said quietly, his voice sincere.

Christian was taken aback by James' response. James laughed, recounting his own experience. "I used to race against Lewis, and it ruined us. We went from brothers to enemies, and it took us years to get over it."

However, James paused, gathering his thoughts before adding, "But, I think Lexi is just being dramatic."

Alexandra's eyes shot up, locking onto James, her glare daring him to continue. "Lewis loves you like a sister. He wants you to do well," James continued, trying to explain. "Whatever issues you have with him right now—"

Alexandra couldn't contain her anger and frustration. "Don't," she warned angrily. "Don't you dare." She huffed, her frustration palpable. "This conversation is over."

As Alexandra stormed away, her anger radiating, James turned to Christian with a shrug. They both understood the complex dynamic between Alexandra and Lewis. They knew she felt deeply betrayed and hurt, especially after Lewis's words had been used against her in court. Yet, they also knew that Lewis regarded Alexandra as family and had always shown his unwavering support for her.

Christian sighed, watching as Alexandra distanced herself. He turned to James with a soft smile.

"She's exactly like your mum,"


Alexandra and Arthur sat in the hospitality area, playing a casual game of cards while they awaited Charles's return from his media duties. Earlier in the day, Arthur had achieved a commendable third-place finish in his F2 race, an accomplishment that had put a smile on both his and Alexandra's faces.

As they enjoyed their card game, Arthur's phone suddenly rang, and he couldn't help but grin when he saw that it was a FaceTime call from his mother, Pascale. He answered the call, allowing Pascale to see the company he was keeping, and he spun the phone to let Alexandra say hello as well, the trio conversing in french with ease.

"Hello, you two! I see I've caught you both. Arthur, I just saw the news – congratulations on your podium finish!"

"Thanks, Maman,"

Pascale smiled, and the camera focused on her as she set the phone down on the kitchen counter. "So, what are your plans for this evening?"

"I... I haven't really figured that out yet." Arthur smiled softly. He wasn't too keen on the idea of going out and partying at the moment, instead opting to stay in with his girlfriend. However, with Carla not able to make it to the race this weekend, he was left alone, with the exception of Charles and Lexi.

"Actually, we've got something fun planned! We're taking Arthur out for dinner to celebrate his podium finish." Alexandra grinned, leaning forward to smile at both Arthur and his mum enthusiastically. She watched as both their faces lit up in excitement.

"Really? You don't have to do that."

Alexandra laughed lightly, and rolled her eyes. "Don't be stupid Arthur, you were amazing today! We're celebrating! Charles has already booked a restaurant."

Pascale smiled. "That sounds wonderful. Charles probably chose an Italian restaurant, right?"

Alexandra laughed, her boyfriends favourite cuisine clearly not a well kept secret. "You got it."

"I swear, that boy is Monaco born but Monza raised." Pascale laughed. "I fear I've lost him to Italy."

The conversation took a more delicate turn as Pascale inquired about Alexandra's ongoing court proceedings. Alexandra's expression turned solemn as she responded. "I'm afraid there hasn't been much progress on that front. The jury is still deliberating."

Pascale's expression reflected a sense of sadness, and her voice carried a comforting tone. "You're going through a lot, my dear. But remember to hold your head high. You've always shown incredible strength."

Alexandra nodded, feeling the weight of the trial and the past bearing down on her. However, Pascale's continued support and encouragement meant a great deal to her.

"I'm proud of the person you've become, Alexandra. Keep being the incredible woman you are."

Alexandra's emotions stirred slightly, and she managed a heartfelt response.

"Thank you, Pascale. That means more than you know."

As the FaceTime session ended, Alexandra and Arthur exchanged warm smiles, grateful for the meaningful connection with Pascale, even if it had stirred emotions. They both knew the importance of cherishing and celebrating the moments in life, whether on the racetrack or in the company of loved ones.

As Alexandra and Arthur continued their card game, they savored the simple pleasure of one another's company. It was an opportunity to unwind and share lighthearted moments, but underneath it all, Alexandra's thoughts were never too far from her mother.

Wondering what Camille would think of her daughter's journey and her battles in the courtroom, Alexandra couldn't help but ponder. Would Camille be proud of her resilience, her growth, and her determination? What comforting words would her mother offer in times like these?

Lost in her reflections, Alexandra didn't notice Charles's entrance. In his arms, he carried a pleasant surprise for his younger brother – three bottles of beer and a small cake. After placing the drinks on the table and the cake in front of Arthur, Charles enveloped his sibling in an affectionate celebratory hug.

He quickly moved towards Lexi and kissed her on the forehead, before letting her wrap her arms around him. "Ciao." He greeted softly.

The trio engaged in a lively conversation, discussing their plans for the evening. Arthur explained how Alexandra had told him about their intention to go out for dinner, and Charles shared the restaurant choice – a steakhouse, knowing it was Arthur's favorite. Arthur playfully teased Charles, asking what he'd eat since Charles was known for his unwavering love of pasta.

Charles rolled his eyes, but there was a playful twinkle in them as he responded to his younger brother's jest. Their laughter filled the room as they opened their bottles of beer and clinked them together in a cheerful toast. It was a moment of genuine happiness amid the ongoing challenges they faced, a reminder of the importance of family and the simple joys of life.


The evening found the trio at a cozy steakhouse in Monaco, where the warm glow of ambient lighting and the clinking of cutlery and glasses filled the air. Alexandra was savoring a glass of wine, relieved that there was no race to prepare for tomorrow. While Charles and Arthur had opted to not drink alcohol, Lexi had immediately ordered a bottle of wine for herself.

The conversation revolved around their idea of moving to a new penthouse in the city of Monaco, searching for the perfect place to call home.

Charles, with mock exasperation, complained, "The problem is we can't find anywhere big enough to fit your wardrobe, Ally."

Lexi raised an eyebrow, her eyes dancing with amusement, and countered, "Well, Charles, if you let me burn half of your awful clothes, we'd have plenty of room." She gave a mischievous grin, fully aware that she could be quite persuasive when it came to decluttering. Arthur choked on a piece of his steak and let out a roar of laughter.

Charles playfully flicked an ice cube in her direction, and it bounced off her glass. Arthur joined in the teasing, his tone earnest as he chimed in, "You know, Al, maybe you could let your stylist work with Charles. He could use a little help."

Lexi agreed, nodding her head thoughtfully. "Actually, that's not a bad idea, Arthur. We'll get rid of those awful jeans he's been wearing lately. What do you think, Charles?"

Charles protested with a hint of indignation, "I love those jeans!"

Arthur grinned and emphasized, "You loved those jeans."

The trio laughed heartily, their light-hearted banter filling the steakhouse as they enjoyed good food and even better company. It was moments like these that made their bond as close-knit friends and family even stronger, despite the challenges they had faced.

As dinner continued, Arthur's curiosity got the best of him. He mentioned that during FP3, he'd spotted Lexi on the TV talking to Toto Wolff at the Mercedes garage, and he couldn't help but wonder what they had discussed. Lexi rolled her eyes, slightly irritated that the cameras had picked up on that particular moment. She admitted to Arthur that Valtteri Bottas was leaving Mercedes, and Toto had offered her his seat.

Excitement lit up Arthur's face, and he started to express his enthusiasm, but Charles quickly kicked him under the table. The kick made Arthur pause, and he frowned before asking, "Wait, are you not going to take it?" He seemed genuinely confused.

Alexandra sighed, her gaze dropping to her half-empty wine glass, as she confessed, "I'm not sure what to do, Arthur. I can't stay at Red Bull, but I'm not ready to commit to anywhere else yet."

Arthur seemed thoughtful for a moment and glanced at Charles, silently seeking his brother's counsel. Lexi noticed their exchange and inquired what was going on. Charles sighed and took a sip of his drink, remaining tight-lipped. However, Arthur decided to spill the beans.

"Stroll might be leaving F1," he stated. Alexandra was momentarily frozen in shock and asked for clarification. Arthur went on, explaining, "It's not 100%, but I heard he was looking to retire at the end of the season. He's not passionate about it anymore, and all the hate gets to him more than he lets on."

Lexi's heart sank for Lance Stroll. While they weren't particularly close, he had always been kind and respectful to her. Charles chimed in with more news, mentioning, "Plus, Latifi is leaving Williams, and Mazepin is leaving Haas."

"But surely, Valtteri is taking one of their seats," Lexi murmured softly.

Charles shrugged. "He told me he's looking at going to Alfa Romeo."

"But they already have drivers," Lexi pointed out.

"Giovinazzi might leave," Arthur said with a smile. "I heard he's considering a switch to Le Mans."

"Ally, how didn't you know?" Charles laughed gently.

Alexandra raised an eyebrow. "I've been a bit preoccupied."

The trio fell silent for a moment as Alexandra downed the remainder of her wine. The cogs of her mind were turning as she processed the possibilities. Charles chuckled and offered his support, saying, "Amor, tomorrow, I'll have Nicholas ask around for you. We'll see what your options are."

Lexi nodded, appreciating Charles's willingness to help. Arthur, still grinning, quipped, "Do you think he can find me a seat too?"

Charles chuckled at his younger brother's enthusiasm and replied, "Let's not get our hopes up too high just yet, Arthur."


ArthurLeclerc added a new photo to his story

Tagged: CharlesLeclerc & LexiHeroux

@ArthurLeclerc: J'adore ma famille


Liked by TotoWollf, DanielRicciardo and 2 Million Others

@LexiHeroux: I'm not a Ferrari fan, I'm a Charles fan.


SebastianVettel: everyone is a Ferrari fan

ChristianHorner: this is betrayal

↪️ LexiHeroux: offer me a seat next year and I'll never betray you again

↪️ SergioPerez: I'll fight you for it lex.

↪️ LexiHeroux: don't make me come and break your other leg checo

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