The Aftermath of Callie and A...

By Coleslaw8

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The continuation of the first book, this volume details the continuing lives of Callie and Arizona. While the... More

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Life Goes On When We Least Expect It To...

What Happens At The Shore, Stays At The Shore

92 8 3
By Coleslaw8

Arizona's POV:

It was Saturday and the morning after the clambake. Our rental house was hopping just the night before until well after midnight. Our friends came, ate, partied and drank until somewhere around 1 am. That's when the last of the few remaining guests, said their goodbyes. All in all, it was a fantastic party and I was proud of Callie's efforts to plan, organize and execute the event.

More importantly, I had survived another birthday. Although, in the scheme of my life, my last two birthdays with Callie back as my wife, had been incredible. Since realizing our love for one another, I was a firm believer in second chances and figured why not approach my birthday with the same philosophy?

As such, my birthday last year was my first, in too many to count, that I let Callie (somewhat) celebrate the day. Callie was smart though, and didn't make a huge deal about that birthday, but did little things like make me breakfast in bed and gave me a full body massage that evening when we were alone. 

Her spa morning and time together yesterday on my birthday, coupled with the clambake, was the perfect way to spend my day of aging this year. I was incredibly lucky to have a woman that knew me so well and loved me despite my flaws and idiosyncrasies.  

It was early on that Saturday when I awoke, although I'm not sure why my exhausted body refused to sleep. Ahhh, the joys of being an insomniac, oh well. As I laid there, listening to Callie's light snoring, I heard the faint sounds of what I thought was Madelyn. I knew my parent's, mostly my Mom, was watching Maddy through this morning but being the sappy Mom I am, I decided to get up and take care of my mini-me.

A lot of our friends and family had remarked how much Madelyn looked like me from her blond hair, to her gorgeous blue eyes. She even has my nose, that I stole from my Father. Personally, I didn't care so much about our physical similarities, as I was utterly taken with my little girl. I never knew it until she was born, but she brought so much love and happiness into our lives. Our family had been missing it's 4th member but we didn't realize that fact until Madelyn.

I quietly exited our bedroom just in time to see Teddy. She had just left Becca's room and was coming towards her bedroom door when she saw me in the dim hallway lighting. Because I had caught her off guard, she fumbled to explain her presence in the hallway and me witnessing her leave Becca's room.


"Teddy... You're up bright and early." 

I cooly surveyed Dr. Altman and how she looked that morning, at 5 am. I could definitely tell she hadn't slept much by her tired eyes and disheveled appearance. Teddy was wearing a pair of yoga pants with a t-shirt that was on backwards, I noted.

"I'm just going to go back to bed, that's all, nothing else." Teddy quickly rushed passed me and into her room. 

'Oh lovely,' I thought as I hurried towards the large great room on the first floor and the sounds of where I could hear Maddy whimpering. Oh well, I was sure at some point I'd hear more from Teddy, but was still content not knowing. So, without missing a beat, I continued downstairs.

In the low lighting on the first floor, I saw my Mom, rocking Maddy, as she was warming up a bottle. My Mom quickly saw me as I walked towards where they were standing in the kitchen so I could hug and kiss them both.

"Good morning, Mom. How are you ladies doing? How did things go last night?" I took Maddy out of my Mom's hands so I could kiss and hold my youngest.

"We're good and we had a great night, Mama. Madelyn slept the entire time and just woke up a few minutes ago for a change and to be fed."

"Well, that's my girl and she's right on time with being hungry. Five am has somehow become her new time to eat these last 3 weeks." I took the bottle out of the warmer and started feeding Maddy, who immediately started eating.

"Arizona, I can feed Maddy if you want to get some more sleep. I know you ladies were up late last night with your party guests."

"Oh, I can't sleep Mom and I've missed being with my girls the last day and a half. But thank you for taking such good care of them. It was nice to have some free time with Callie and with our guests."

"It was my pleasure, Arizona, to spend time with my granddaughters. How did everything go yesterday morning? I thought the clambake went off without a hitch. Your friends really seemed to enjoy themselves and had a great time."

"Callie and I were happy to see everyone let loose and have fun. And, if you're subtly asking about my birthday, it was nice. Callie was very sweet to book the morning at the spa, but didn't make a big deal about the day. Thank you Mom for telling Callie about my issues with my birthday."

"I was hoping you wouldn't be upset with me if I told her." My Mom and I had sat down on the couch as I continued to hold and feed Maddy. 

Madelyn must have been starving because I had to readjust the angle of her bottle faster than I normally would, as we sat. In record time I noticed she was halfway through her formula. She was going through a growth spurt recently with no signs of stopping anytime soon.

"Younger me probably would have been upset, but it's honestly a relief that Callie knows and I didn't need to explain why. I sense you already knew that Mom, but I could be wrong..." 

My Mom gave me her huge smile, leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I have noticed the small changes between you and Callie since you ladies got back together and sensed you'd be okay with me telling her. I knew she would handle the information perfectly and would know just what to do going forward."

"Well, as always Mom, you seem to know exactly what needs to be said or done in any situation. It's a skill you have possessed my entire life and frankly, something I hope to have a portion of, someday."

"Oh Arizona, you don't give yourself enough credit when it comes to your talents. You may look like your Dad, but never forget that I'm also a part of what makes, you, you. And at last check, daughter of mine, you are far better at knowing what to do in situations than I ever was at your age."

"That's kind of you to say Mom, but..." 

My Mom gently cut me off and said, "But you are, Dr. Robbins, and you are confident and calm in times when most people would fail. At moments when it feels like disaster is looming just around the corner, is when you shine the brightest. Now, I'd like to take credit for that attribute you have, but I can't and neither can your Father. That is all you, Arizona, and as far as I'm concerned, I know that is rare and something few people possess."

I was glad the lights were low, so my Mom might not see the tears in my eyes. Her genuine complement towards my character, made me get a little emotional as I wasn't expecting that accolade at 5 am. My Mom still noticed however, and pulled me in for a hug. If it wasn't for Maddy finishing her bottle and burping, I might have actually let my tears run down my face. Instead, we were so overcome with laughter, we separated and kissed our youngest family member.

"Well, somebody was hungry this morning!" My Mom laughed as she spoke while I laughed right along with her. That's the moment we heard the coffee maker beep to signify its work was done and the pot was brewed. My Mom got up and without asking, poured a cup for me and one for herself. 

And that's how the three of us girls, spent our early morning. At least until the rest of the house started waking up.

Within a couple hours, everyone else was awake and breakfast got started. During breakfast, the huge table was lively with a mix of small conversations that would inevitably evolve into one. The consensus that morning was to have lunch in Long Beach, and spend some time looking at the shops. The girls were eager to go to the arcade and play some games, which I knew some of the adults would be too. 

After breakfast, everyone went about getting ready for the day ahead and started showering and getting dressed. In the process of Callie and I getting ready in our bedroom, I decided to stay home with Madelyn that day, instead of going. I knew the noise and chaos in town might be a bit too much stimulation for Maddy by that point in the week, especially considering how much she had already gone through in the last 8 days. And, I wanted some quiet time with her myself so the two of us could unwind without a lot of noise.

"Are you sure you don't want to go, Arizona? Even if you just want to come for a hour, Soph and I could always catch a ride home with someone else."

"Callie, I thought about that, but think it's easier for us to stay here. That way Maddy can nap and the two of us can have some time together. I will miss beating you at Skee-Ball, however."

Callie started laughing and said, "Uh huh, sure you would have beat me. Just keep telling yourself that!" Callie kissed me and said, "I'm going to miss you and hope when we get back, that maybe we can go for a walk?"

"I would have beat you and I would love to take a walk on the beach together when you get back from town." 

Sophia happened into our room at that point and had me braid her hair for the day. After all of us were ready, I carried Maddy down the stairs so we could wish goodbye to the group. 

It was during everyone's multiple conversations going on about carpooling, that I noticed a serious conversation that seemed to be happening between Teddy and Becca. They were too far away from me to hear what was being said, but I could tell something was bothering Teddy when they parted ways.

In a flash, Madelyn and I watched the group file out of the house, as they wished us a good afternoon. Well, everyone with the exception of Teddy, who went upstairs and back to her room.

I quietly let out a sigh, after I heard my dear friend's door close, and decided to go sit on the deck with Maddy. Not having anyone else around to talk with, I started talking to my adorable daughter as we sat upright on a reclining lounge chair. 

"Well Maddy, what should we do? Should we go against our better judgment and ask Teddy what's going on? Or do we sit here, while she's probably feeling bad and not get involved? What do you think Little Miss?"

I was facing Maddy, as I was bouncing her on my lap. My blue eyed girl was giggling and blowing spit bubbles at first. The more I talked and made silly faces at her, prompted Madelyn to try and mimic my voice. Which just came out as a lot of babbling that late morning, as she tested her vocal range.

In the end, I decided to let Teddy be alone for a while, but planned to check in on her after she had some time for herself. Like me, I knew my friend would want to sift through whatever had just taken place between her and Becca, before talking to me.

So, Maddy and I spent the next hour "conversing" with one another and cuddling. That's when we heard the screen door slide open and then shut again before Teddy joined us seconds later by taking the upright lounge chair directly on my right side.

"Is it okay if I join you guys?" Teddy looked exhausted and I could tell from her flat tone, that she was emotionally drained as well.

"But of course, Teddy. We're happy to have your company. Is everything okay?"

It was the only way I could think to approach the conversation I figured, without being too forward. Still, I braced myself for the answer I feared would be coming.

"I suppose. Then again, is anything ever truly "okay," in my life, Arizona?" Teddy sighed and flung her head back on the chair, before turning her neck to look at me.

"I guess that is a good question for any of us, given the circumstances. And while I don't want to pry, why didn't you go to Long Beach with the group?"

Teddy laughed once at me, but then weakly smiled. "You really are one of my best friends, aren't you?" 

"Of course I am Teddy, and why on Earth would you say that right now?" I was confused where this new line of conversation had suddenly surfaced from.

"Because. Because I know asking about me and Becca is probably the last thing you want to do and who could blame you? If the situation were reversed, I wouldn't want to ask you. In other words Arizona, thank you for caring enough about me to ask."

I immediately realized that Teddy was keenly aware of what I had witnessed between her and Becca the last few days, which was good and bad.

"Teddy, I'm always here for you to talk to. Lord knows you have listened enough to me over the years about Callie."

"Even when it involves someone you're friends with, Arizona?"

"Yes, Teddy." I couldn't help myself and let out a sigh before saying, "Now, why did you stay here, this afternoon?"

"Well, I decided after talking with Becca, it was best. She wanted focused time with Anna and since we've already spent a lot of time together the last few days, it seemed wise I stay here."

"Uh, huh." (I couldn't help but think how much Teddy's explanation sounded more like Becca than Teddy.) "Remind me again Teddy, who thought it would be wise for you to stay here? And, I can't believe I'm going to ask this, but why exactly does it matter if you spend time with Becca?"

Teddy stopped facing me and started looking forward, towards the beach when she said, "I thought women were supposed to be easier to figure out than men?"

I couldn't help myself and let out a large burst of laughter. "Who ever said women were easier than men to figure out, has clearly never dated a woman! Trust me, I speak from experience... So, does this mean that you and Becca are more than friends?"

And there it was, the question of the vacation week...

"That's what I'd like to know myself, Arizona! I'm just so confused right now. One minute it seems like Becca is heavily flirting with me and the next, she's talking about not wanting to be tied down in a relationship."

"She's told me in the past that she's in no hurry to find someone else after her divorce, so that's not surprising."

"Arizona, she wasn't acting like someone that was avoiding intimacy last night." 

I raised my eyebrows at Teddy's statement, but was glad she didn't go into specifics.

"Teddy, my best advice as a friend to you both is, tread lightly with Becca. I'm not talking for her, but my feeling is that she's not ready for anything serious. I don't want to see you get hurt, so just be careful with your heart."

"You're right, I know. I just haven't met someone like Becca in a long time. After Allison died, I thought I'd never have feelings for a woman again. I've always assumed that maybe it was a one time thing, but now..."

"Teddy, defining who you are and who you are supposed to fall in love with, aren't mutually exclusive and certainly not important right now."

"Arizona, I know that, but I'm trying to make sense of all this and figure out what I should do going forward."

"Whatever conclusions you come to, protect yourself Teddy. I think Becca is a wonderful friend and person, but I don't know what she's like to date. Maybe you should try talking to her and see where she's at? That way, going forward, you will both have a clear picture of what to expect."

"Easier said than done, Arizona, but you're right. I know that, but confronting Becca scares me."

"Scared or not, it's the only way to get an understanding of what Becca's plans are. If talking to her openly scares Becca off, then there's your answer regarding her intentions." I heard Teddy let out a huge sigh as she contemplated her next move.

"Teddy? Not that it's any of my business, but has Becca dated a woman before?  Maybe it's her first time having feelings for a woman. That can definitely be confusing for some women."

"I'm not her first, but beyond that, she's pretty tight-lipped. The only person she really talks much about, is her ex-husband. Yet, it's part of what makes Becca so fascinating, attractive and confusing, all at the same time. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I can't help it. I haven't had someone spin my head around like this since, well, since Allison."

"Well, you know what I think you should do, but there's one more thing, Teddy. The vacation group has noticed your behavior with Becca and so did some of our colleagues last night at the clambake. I'm just giving you a FYI, in case you get questions from others."

"Arizona, I've already figured out Renee is more than aware about what's been going on with Becca. I can handle her, I'm not worried about that. I know you both are ultimately just looking out for me."

"Teddy, Renee isn't the only one. At the party, Bailey, Meredith and Christina all made comments to me."

"Great. So I get to be the center of attention in the hospital gossip rumor mill now." Teddy shook her head and exhaled. "Perfect!" 

"At least you know ahead of time and won't be caught off guard like I've been in the past. Don't worry about it though, because their interest in the situation will quickly fade as fast as it started. It especially helps that you don't work together because trust me when I tell you, that makes gossiping more of a sport for them."

We both shared a laugh and a big hug.

"Thanks Arizona for listening."

"I meant when I said, anytime, Teddy."

At that moment, I heard the screen door open and close. As I looked over my shoulder, I saw Callie walking over to us. She bent down to kiss me and took Maddy out of my hands to kiss and hold her.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing back so early?" I patted on the side of my chair for Callie to sit down and join us as I spoke. About 2 hours had elapsed since the group's departure from the house, but I had been expecting them to be gone for at least double that amount of time.

"I saw everything I wanted to see, so I decided to come back to spend time with my two girls. The rest of the group is going to come back late afternoon."

"Thanks Callie for thinking of me and Arizona. I was just sitting here telling Arizona how much I've missed you, too." 

Teddy patted Callie on her upper arm, as Callie and I howled with laughter at Teddy's quick response to Callie missing her, "two girls."

"You're right Teddy... I should have said my three girls and not, two girls!" Callie patted Teddy's upper back as she talked.

It took a few moments for our shared laughs to die down when Callie said, "I brought home some lunch from the burger restaurant in town if you ladies are hungry?"

"Well, you don't need to ask me twice!," Teddy exclaimed as she hopped up and walked towards the back door. Minutes later, the four of us were sitting around the table, eating and talking like the old friends we were.

While our vacation was slowly coming to an end, something was telling me that the tension between Becca and Teddy, was only just getting started...

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