Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

375K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.4K 39 5
By tonysnarky

The atmosphere in the gym was tense, and Charles knew he was about to witness something intense. As he stepped into the boxing ring, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of concern and determination. The turmoil of the past days had taken a toll on Alexandra, and he had decided it was time to help her channel her emotions in a healthier way.

Sebastian, leaning against the ropes outside the ring, watched with a raised eyebrow. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked, his voice laced with doubt.

Charles, his lips curling into a small, defiant smile, answered, "Nope." He began to put on a pair of pads. "But she's got to blow off some steam before she actually tries to hurt someone. It's safer for everyone this way."

Sebastian sighed, shaking his head in a mixture of amusement and concern. "Sometimes I think loving her has made you crazy." Charles chuckled as he finished strapping on the pads. "Your own head be it, kid."

Alexandra stood beside the ring, donning a pair of boxing gloves. She wasn't entirely sure if this was a good idea, but she trusted Charles and knew that this was an opportunity to release the overwhelming emotions that had built up over the past week.

After a terrible day in court on Friday, where Alexandra's outburst had left her feeling vulnerable and isolated, it was now Sunday night. The world that had initially supported her had shifted its stance, and she was aware that she had lost people's faith. Barker's ruthless cross-examination had hit hard, but she was determined to face her own shortcomings and strive for redemption.

"Amor," Alexandra began hesitantly, "I don't know if this is a good idea—"

Charles interrupted her with a grin that bordered on manic. "Alexandra, hit me."

She raised an eyebrow, skepticism in her eyes. "Well, hit the pads, you mean."

Charles raised his padded hands and gave her a challenging look.

In response, Alexandra laughed nervously and gently swung at him, her movements hesitant as she tried not to hurt him. But Charles wasn't satisfied with her initial effort. He frowned and shook his head. "You hit way harder than that. Come on," he urged, encouraging her to channel her emotions into each punch.

"Charles..." Alexandra trailed off, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she braced herself for the storm of emotions she was about to unleash.

"Let me hold the pads."

As the tension in the gym grew, a voice broke through the silence. It was Lewis, standing beside James by the boxing ring. The offer to hold the pads was met with an instant change in Alexandra's expression, which contorted into one of fury at the sight of him. The storm of emotions she had been holding back was now unleashed.

Sebastian couldn't help but taunt Lewis, noting the obvious danger in his offer. "You're going to regret offering," he quipped, acknowledging the peril Lewis was potentially walking into.

Charles was unsure, hesitating for a moment as he contemplated whether to allow Lewis to participate. With uncertainty, he silently handed the boxing pads to Lewis, who stepped into the ring.

Leaving the ring, Charles rejoined James and Sebastian, who had now taken on a betting spirit. James grinned and initiated the betting. "I'll bet you twenty quid that she tries to knock him out."

Sebastian wasn't about to pass up on a good wager. "I'll bet fifty she does knock him out," he countered, ready to put his money where his mouth was.

Charles, however, was less enthusiastic about making bets. He sighed and shook his head. "Let's not make bets," he suggested, well aware of the volatile situation unfolding before them.

Just as the tension was reaching its peak, another voice chimed in, breaking the silence. Tom Holland, along with Max and Carlos, entered the gym, their arrival accompanied by a touch of drama and amusement. Florence, ever the realist, trailed behind them.

Holland grinned as he joined the conversation. "I'll bet a hundred that she tries to murder him," he quipped with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Upon their arrival, Florence couldn't help but voice her concerns about Lewis's audacious decision. "Well, shit, Lewis has a death wish," she murmured, reflecting the prevailing sentiment in the room.

Lewis hesitantly held up the pads, attempting to open a dialogue with Lexi. The initial strikes were calculated, controlled, but as each punch landed on the pads, Lexi's anger began to take over. "I need you to know that I'm sorry, Ally,"

"Don't call me Ally!" Her shouts grew louder, and her swings more aggressive, transforming what was meant to be a training session into a heated confrontation.

Fury had seized her, and her emotions spiraled out of control. Lewis, noticing that his attempt at making amends was falling on deaf ears, desperately tried to speak over her shouts. "Alexandra, I'm so—"

But before he could finish his sentence, her next punch cut him off. It was as if her anger couldn't be contained any longer, and it flowed into every strike she threw, making each one more forceful than the last.

Her friends looked on with a mix of concern and astonishment. Charles was now anxiously pacing around the edge of the ring, his worry for Lexi growing with every blow she delivered.

Charles was growing increasingly concerned, his impulse to intervene only held at bay by Sebastian's restraint. "Lewis knows what he's gotten himself into," Sebastian reassured him, his eyes never leaving the brawl.

"Sure, he's getting his ass handed to him," Max chuckled, unfazed by the tension in the room. Sebastian shot Max a furious glare, to which Max merely rolled his eyes.

Lexi's strikes came fast and furious, but her control was waning. In a moment of lost focus, her punch veered off course, striking Lewis squarely in the face. He stumbled backward, and before she could follow up with another hit, Carlos intervened, firmly pulling her away. Lexi kicked and shouted in a frenzy, her anger still boiling within her. As her rage gradually subsided, it was replaced by a tidal wave of emotions that had been building for weeks.

Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks as she finally released the pent-up pain, frustration, and anger that had been tormenting her. The emotions cascaded out of her, overwhelming her as the weight of the past few weeks came crashing down. Her friends stood by, offering silent support as she crumpled into Carlos's arms, her sobs echoing through the gym.

Lexi's sobs echoed through the gym as she tried to escape from Carlos's tight embrace, her frustration and anguish evident in her cries. As Carlos began to loosen his hold, Charles rushed over and, seeing her distress, he caught her as she practically collapsed into his arms. They both fell to their knees, her tears flowing freely as she buried her face in Charles's chest.

In a soothing voice, Charles whispered words of comfort to her, assuring her that it was okay, that she needed to let it all out. Her cries slowly began to ebb, and Charles gently brushed her hair and kissed her forehead.

He glanced over his shoulder and saw Lewis nod, acknowledging with a thumbs-up that he was okay and that Lexi hadn't seriously hurt him. The tension in the gym seemed to dissipate as everyone silently supported Lexi through her emotional release, leaving her feeling both exhausted and relieved to have her friends by her side.

In the corner of the gym, Sebastian slipped James a twenty pound note.


James Barker stood before the jury, his commanding presence demanding attention as he began his closing argument. His words were carefully chosen, his tone persuasive, and he presented his case with an almost hypnotic eloquence.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I must speak honestly with you. We have been presented with a story of suffering and victimhood, and it is easy to be swayed by the emotional turmoil we've witnessed in this courtroom. However, our legal system demands that we take a step back and scrutinize the evidence critically."

He gestured towards her, his eyes fixed on the jurors as he spoke with calculated precision.

"I don't deny that Jackson Morgan is far from a saint. But this trial is about the credibility of Alexandra Heroux, the very person who sits before you as a supposed victim. Is she the innocent victim she claims to be, or is she just as much a part of this story as Jackson?"

Sitting in the gallery, Christian's face contorted with anger and frustration. He couldn't believe the audacity of Barker's statements and his manipulation of the truth. Alexandra's outburst in the courtroom had shaken him, but he knew her true character, and he continued to believe in her.

"We've seen her temper. We've seen her lashing out at witnesses, her anger manifesting in the courtroom. But what if her public image, her emotions, are all part of a carefully constructed facade? A façade that crumbles under scrutiny, revealing a person who is equally capable of manipulation and deceit."

Next to Christian, Sebastian clenched his jaw as he listened to Barker's words. His eyes flickered with a mix of anger and helplessness. He knew Alexandra better than most and was determined to stand by her side no matter what.

Sebastian kept his eyes focused on the back of Alexandra's head, terrified as he thought of all the things that must have been running through her head at that moment.

"We've witnessed her turbulent relationships. Her estranged family and her changing allegiances with friends and associates. She has discarded people from her life when they no longer served her purposes, much like a chess player sacrificing pawns to win the game. Even her closest friends must question their own roles in her life. How long before she decides they are expendable too?"

Lewis, who had been at the center of a storm with Alexandra, looked conflicted. He had walked away to protect her, but now he questioned if it was the right decision. As he glanced at her, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret.

"Look at the evidence, weigh it carefully. We have shown that, indeed, Alexandra and Jackson had sex that night. There was also a fight that night. We have shown that there is no clear evidence as to who initiated it, or that she did not consent. We have presented footage of Alexandra, a week before Jackson's release, going to see him in prison. A shocking act for someone who claims to be the victim of his cruel actions."

James looked furious. He felt like a helpless spectator in a courtroom drama that had spiraled out of control. He glanced at his sister, trying to convey his support through the silent exchange of looks, but she refused to met his eye. Beside him, Florence had tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe what Barker had said about her best friend. The accusations had cut deep, and she found it difficult to hold back her emotions.

"We've even seen evidence of Alexandra physically assaulting Jackson in the prison. These actions speak to a different side of her, a side that she desperately wants to hide. A side that contradicts the narrative she has so passionately presented to all of you."

Max looked stony-faced, his eyes locked onto Charles, who was sitting motionless. His friendship with Alexandra had weathered many storms, and he wasn't about to let a closing statement change that. He was ready to support her, no matter the outcome. Sitting beside Charles, Daniel leaned forward in his seat, his brows furrowed. He was thoughtful, processing Barker's words. Surely the public wouldn't believe this bullshit.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this case is not as simple as it first appears. We cannot let our emotions lead us to an unjust decision. I urge you to deliberate with a clear mind, to assess the evidence before you, and to consider that the person we see in this courtroom may not be the person she wants you to believe she is."

Charles, who had seen Alexandra's distress throughout the trial, couldn't hide his anger. His jaw was tightly clenched, and his fists were balled up. He couldn't fathom how anyone could believe such cruel accusations about the woman he loved.

As James Barker finished his closing argument, Alexandra remained seated, her tears unabated. She felt as if her very soul had been stripped bare in front of the court, exposed and vulnerable. Her heart ached, not just from the accusations, but from the crumbling trust of the world around her.

She had never felt so alone and uncertain in her life.


In the hushed courtroom, all eyes turned to Natasha as she stepped forward to deliver her closing argument. Her voice was steady, and her words carried the weight of truth and empathy.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I stand before you today to implore you to see beyond the veil of deception that the defense has tried to cast upon this courtroom. I ask you to look into the heart of the matter, to peer into the depths of human depravity, and to recognize that evil exists in the world. Jackson Morgan is the embodiment of that evil."

She paced the floor, her eyes focused on each juror, ensuring her words would resonate deeply.

"From the very beginning of this trial, you have heard about the relentless obsession that consumed Jackson. He raped, he followed, and he terrorized Alexandra Heroux, leaving her in a perpetual state of fear. Can we even begin to comprehend what it feels like to have your every step monitored, to be under the constant threat of a predator lurking in the shadows? Alexandra lived that nightmare."

Natasha paused, allowing the gravity of Alexandra's experiences to sink in. In the gallery, her friends looked on, agony spread across their faces as they wanted nothing more than to comfort their friend.

Sebastian sat with clenched fists, his brow furrowed in anger. He knew Alexandra was telling the truth, and the injustice of it all was almost too much to bear. The weight of her pain weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Beside Sebastian, Toto leaned forward, his piercing eyes never leaving Natasha's face. He was an advocate for justice, and the injustice of Alexandra's plight fueled his desire to see Jackson brought to account. The need for resolution burned within him.

"But it doesn't end there. You have also learned about the blog that Jackson commissioned while he was imprisoned. A blog with the sole purpose of unearthing personal and sensitive information about Alexandra to use as a weapon against her. Imagine the relentless torment of having your past dredged up, your secrets laid bare for the world to see, and your vulnerabilities exploited."

She looked directly at the jury, her voice filled with conviction. Christian stared at Alexandra's lawyer, his expression a mix of sorrow and empathy. He had seen Alexandra's strength and resilience over the years, and now, her courage in facing her past left him in awe. A fatherly instinct kicked in, and he wished he could do more to protect her. Beside him, her own father, Jacob,  sat with tears welling in his eyes. He had experienced more than his share of demons, but hearing the suffering his daughter had endured brought a new level of pain. He held a profound sense of guilt for the role he had inadvertently played in her hardships.

"On the night of October 13th, 2017, Alexandra Heroux didn't merely escape Jackson's clutches; she escaped with her life. The horror of that night, the terror she endured, the drug-induced nightmare she survived—this was Jackson's doing. His intentions were clear, his actions reprehensible. He sought to harm her, to end her life, and only through sheer providence did she escape a gruesome fate."

Lando, typically jovial and upbeat, sat in somber silence. The contrast between his friend's usual demeanor and her painful past was stark. He was overwhelmed with sadness for her, knowing that her spirit had been tested in ways he couldn't imagine. Beside him, sat Tom. He had known Alexandra for years, and the knowledge of the horrors she had faced brought him to the brink of tears. His support for her ran deep.

Natasha's words were poignant, and tears welled up in Alexandra's eyes as she listened to her attorney.

"I  ask you to envision the depths of depravity to which a person must sink to inflict such terror, such trauma, upon another human being. I ask you to hold the image of Jackson's malevolence in your minds, to see him for what he truly is—an unrepentant monster."

Sitting beside her boyfriend, Zendaya couldn't help but wipe away a tear. As a close friend, she had seen Alexandra's journey, and the depths of her past were heart-wrenching. She hoped that the justice system would prevail. To her left, Robert clenched his jaw, his gaze unwavering. The depths of the cruelty Alexandra had endured struck a chord with him. He knew that her strength and resilience deserved to be recognized.

"Alexandra Heroux is not without her flaws; she has made mistakes, and she has hurt those close to her. But she has acknowledged her imperfections, and she has sought to right her wrongs. She carries with her the pain of her upbringing, the legacy of a family torn asunder by addiction and torment. She is a survivor, standing strong in the face of evil."

George Russell looked at the ground, struggling to contain his emotions. As a close friend, he felt the empathy and support that Alex needed to overcome the trauma. The injustice of what she'd experienced was unbearable, and he wished there was more he could do to help her.

He thought of his own girlfriend, Carmen, and of the incredible urge he had to hide her away from the world, so that the love of his life would never never get hurt as Lexi had.

"Jackson Morgan is the true villain of this story. He is a predator, a manipulator, and a danger to society. Alexandra Heroux deserves justice. She deserves to be seen as a survivor of torment, violence, and manipulation. I beseech you to recognize the depravity of Jackson's actions and to deliver the justice that Alexandra so rightly deserves."

As Natasha concluded her closing argument, her voice wavered with emotion.

Carlos occupied the seat beside Charles, his eyes a mirror of concern as they darted back and forth between his two friends. His brows were slightly furrowed, showing the unease he felt for them. His steady presence served as a silent reassurance to Charles, a pillar of strength that he could lean on in this time of need. Carlos's protectiveness extended to both Alexandra and Charles, embodying a deep sense of loyalty and compassion. He loved them both dearly, and it pained him to watch them both suffering.

Charles was a portrait of internal turmoil. The courtroom's harsh lighting accentuated every crease on his forehead, every tremor of his twitching fingers. The overwhelming urge to protect Alexandra gnawed at his core. He couldn't help but blame himself for not shielding her from the world's cruelties.

He saw a ghostly replay of her terrified expression, the one he encountered when she fled the van half naked that dreadful night at the nightclub. Guilt and anguish consumed him, and he yearned to carry the weight of her burdens for her, to shield her from any more pain. In his eyes, she remained the embodiment of strength and resilience, no matter how broken she appeared on the surface.

Charles Leclerc loved Alexandra Heroux with every cell in his body, and that would never change.

Alexandra sat motionless in the courtroom, like a fragile porcelain doll with cracks too deep to mend. Her eyes were fixed on the wall, yet they saw nothing, vacant and unresponsive. The vibrant fire that once burned within her had dimmed, replaced by the overwhelming weight of her traumatic past. Every inch of her bore the scars of her experiences, and it was as if she were a shell of her former self, weathered by the trials of life.

As Natasha finished her emotional closing statement, the judge rose from his seat, his voice firm as he addressed the jury. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have a heavy responsibility. You must deliberate carefully and consider all the evidence before you." He provided instructions and reminded them of their duty to ensure justice was served.

Throughout this process, Alexandra remained motionless, as though time itself had come to a standstill. She was aware that her fate was no longer within her control; it rested with the twelve individuals who would soon decide Jackson's destiny. The world around her blurred, and her thoughts swirled in a chaotic mess.

As the jury slowly rose and filed out of the courtroom, the judge concluded the session with a final word of advice and caution. The weight of their impending verdict bore down on Alexandra. She felt numb, an empty vessel, her strength and resolve all but extinguished.

Amidst the quiet shuffling of people leaving, a gentle hand came to rest on her shoulder. It was Natasha, offering solace and support. Alexandra didn't react; her gaze remained locked on an unseen horizon, her emotions buried deep within.

Her friends, a loyal and unwavering presence, remained seated around her. They knew that the battle was over, but the war had yet to be decided. Alexandra was lost in her own world, unaware of the hushed conversations taking place around her.

Jackson and Barker, the perpetrators of her torment, strode past Alexandra, purposefully avoiding her gaze. A wicked grin from Jackson went unnoticed by her. Instead, he caught the eye of Charles, who was seething with a restrained rage. Carlos stood beside him, ready to intervene if needed.

As Jackson and Barker left the courtroom, the tension in the air lessened. The judge paused, allowing Alexandra's friends to rush to her side. Charles enfolded her in a protective embrace, bringing her back to the present.

"It's all over," she whispered, her voice trembling with the weight of the moment.

Charles nodded, his eyes filled with concern. "What do we do now?" she asked, her gaze shifting between Charles and her brother James. Her brother sighed, sharing a silent conversation with Charles. Then, Charles turned back to Alexandra.

"We go home, Amor,"

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