Guilty (BWWM)

By ShanitaG

206K 11.5K 3.4K

A crooked cop with a wandering eye, a wife succumbing to temptation, a deadly crimeboss with his eye on a new... More

Mr. Detective
Woman Scorned
On the Run
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Nothing But Trouble
Murder Was The Case
Unexpected Chemistry
Turning Tables
London Bridges
Work it Out
Tempting Eve
Tug of War
The Lies She Told
In Which She Has to Choose
Hocus Pocus
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Snakes II
Helen of Troy
Helen of Troy II
(Blood) Brothers

It Could All Be So Simple

9.4K 534 621
By ShanitaG


Wednesday, November 25, 2012


Bills, bills, and more bills.  The Studio, Corrine's dance building, had been struggling now more than anything and it was causing her nothing but stress.  Worst of all, she had to handle that all on her own, despite paying half of the bills in her own home.  The prices at The Studio are made affordable for the students whose families, or single mothers, were of low income would've had the opportunity to attend classes.  Though she didn't regret her decision, she was starting to realize the consequences of her actions.

The only solution to her problem would be to ask Richard if he could help her out just this once-- but that was way easier said than done.  Richard had expressed on many occasions his dislike for her dance studio.  It was only natural that she would be apprehensive to asking him for assistance.

"Ugh," she groaned before leaning back in the kitchen chair as she waited for Richard to come home.  

Their situation had improved by baby steps.  They were actually holding conversations with each other, though the dialogue was about as shallow as a street puddle.  But something is better than nothing.  They were slowly getting their marriage back on track.

Not even five minutes later, she heard the opening and closing of the front door, followed by the crescendo of his heavy footfalls.  Richard entered the kitchen with a slight grin already on his lips, but it stretched once his eyes landed on his wife.  Sometimes he had to remember just how beautiful she was.

From the deep brown tone of her skin which contrasted against the peach colored blouse, to her coily spirals which she had managed to pull into a professional bun--save for the few independent tendrils which framed her heart-shaped face.

He sauntered over to Corrine, at the same time she rose to greet him, and waisted no time embracing her semi-tall frame.  He placed one loving kiss on her forehead and one on her lips. 

Corrine looked up into the happy green eyes of her husband and lifted a questioning eyebrow.  "What's up with you today?"  He chuckled.  "Not that I'm complaining or anything.  This is just...different." 

"Nothing, just sometimes I forget how lucky I am."

Corrine playfully scrunched her face with fake confusion as she dramatically placed her hand over his forehead as if she was checking for a fever.  "You sure you're alright, baby?"  They both shared a light laugh, still enjoying the close proximity of one another.

Her mind drifted back to her dilemma with The Studio.  Based off of the good mood that he was obviously in, this would be the best time to bring it up.  Once she got the words formed in the right order, she opened her mouth to spit them out-- only to be beaten to the punch by Richard's announcement. 

"Connor and a couple of the guys from the precinct invited us out for dinner tonight at eight," he glanced at his watch.  "You know how long it takes for you to be ready, soooo..."  She got the hint and playfully rolled her eyes before walking towards the stairs.  He gave her a smack on the behind as he followed her to the room.

Two hours later, Richard was sitting in the living room, two seconds away from dragging Corrine downstairs so they could finally leave.  "Five more minutes was an hour ago," he grumbled ruffling his dark locks.

The click clacking of stilettos were finally heard and Richard eagerly picked his head up only to have his breath stolen for a moment.  Corrine donned a simple strapless, nude-pink midi dress with a kimono styled cardigan.  The dress hugged every curve of her fit dancer's body that she still kept up with. 

But what really took his breath away was her now bone straight tresses.  She barely used heat on her hair so he hardly got to see it like it was.  She parted it down the middle and let it fall to the middle of her back.

"You look beautiful, baby,"  Richard finally said as he found his breath and gave her a dimpled smile of approval.  He pulled her into him, hands resting on her hips.  "I don't think I even still want to go out anymore, let's just stay here." He began to nibble on her neck and inhaled her favorite perfume.

Corrine giggled, secretly satisfied that despite their bullshit, Richard still found her attractive.  "No definitely not.  If I put heat on my hair, we're going out."

"You should wear your hair straight more often.  I love it like this."  He chuckled.  Somehow those words made her feel uncomfortable, but the reason being was hard to explain.  Richard had always had some type of keen fascination with her hair--a black woman's hair--but one thing she never recalled was him giving her hair this much attention.  Unless it was the rare times, like this one, that she straightened it.

They were finally on better terms after weeks of giving each other the stiff shoulder, so she wasn't going to kill the moment by being overly sensitive.


They pulled up to the parking lot of the restaurant to be greeted by Connor O'Riley, Richard's best friend.  Once he saw the couple, he quickly put out his cigarette knowing how much Corrine detested smoking. 

He and Richard instantly did a brotherly hug and he and Corrine shared a friendly hug--at least it was friendly on Corrine's part.

"Are they all inside?" Richard asked.

Connor took his subtle, lingering gaze off of Corrine before it could be too much of a problem.  "Yeah, we've been waiting actually, what took you guys so long?  We had to get the party started without you."

Richard chuckled motioning to Corrine.  "We would've been here sooner, but I had to wait on Miss America."  Corrine blushed before playfully rolling her eyes at Richard.

Connor's gaze returned on Corrine, once again drinking her in.  "Women, right?  Anyways, we should head in, yeah?"  Connor allowed Richard and Corrine to go in before him.  As he followed, he couldn't help but be hypnotized by the natural, seductive sway of Corrine's hips.  He couldn't fight the urge to lip his suddenly dry lips.

They were greeted by the other off duty officers at the table.  "It's about time you showed that pretty little face of yours!"  A feminine voice spoke up.  She was a tall, slender red head with a beautiful set of blue eyes.  "Is this your wife?"

"Yeah, babe this is Kyle Lockhart.  Kyle, this beautiful woman is my wife, Corrine."  The women shook hands, but Corrine could tell that there was something off-putting about the woman's kindness.  It most likely had something to do with the flirtatious grin the woman kept giving Richard whenever she thought Corrine wasn't paying attention.

"This is my fiancé, Adrian." Kyle introduced a boyishly handsome man with classic blonde hair and blue eyes.  He gave a generous smile and shook the couple's hands since they were the only ones he hadn't been introduced to yet.

There was another couple at seated at the table: a black man, Noah, and his girlfriend, Rebecca.  Noah had rich, dark chocolate skin and a beautiful Colgate worthy smile.  He had to admit that, though he didn't date her type, she was beautiful for a dark skinned woman.

However, his women had to meet a certain standard, like Rebecca.  Rebecca had porcelain skin, full lips a stunning set of hazel orbs, and long, silky blonde hair that he loved to run his fingers through--something he couldn't do with a black woman.  Either their hair was too "kinky", or their head was filled with hair that didn't even belong to them.  He preferred the real thing.

About an hour into the conversation, somehow a particular discussion was started.  "That whole race card thing is bullshit.  Black people, no offense guys, have this bullshit tendency to pull the race card as a way to make excuses for their own shortcomings and to make white people feel guilty for that."  Kyle said before taking a sip of her wine.

Everyone, besides Corrine and surprisingly Rebecca, nodded their heads in agreement.  "So you're willing to deny the voices and the struggle of an entire race because it makes you feel uncomfortable?" Corrine questioned calmly despite having to keep her fists clenched in order to keep calm. The last thing she wanted was to be seen as the "angry black woman" in a restaurant littered with upper middle class white people.

However, her patience was wearing thin.  Especially with her husband and the poor excuse for a black man, Noah.

"Oh, come on Corrine.  It's 2012, we're way past the racial era.  Besides, you have to admit that laziness is a quality that our people do tend to have.  And almost all of their problems are blamed on the system." Noah chimed in to Kyle's defense.

"Actually I have to agree with Corrine," Rebecca spoke up.  "I actually went to what would be called a diverse high school.  In actuality, it was a predominately white school with about a handful of black kids or kids of any other minority.  The teachers were always white men or women, but the way they treated the black students was an obvious sign of a racist agenda.  For instance, they would give the black kids with far more harsher punishment than the white kids that committed the same offense."

It was Richard's turn to roll his eyes.  "That's hardly any kind of proof of racism.  Honestly, it's a well known fact that black teenagers have far more aggression in them than the white teenagers, so of course they're going to receive a harsher consequence.  It's the same way with the justice system."

"So you're admitting that the justice system is a system based on racially charged stereotypes?"  Corrine questioned with a smirk that was anything but playful.

"Of course not--"

"He's not saying that at all.  Take it from us.  We encounter so many violent young black men it's ridiculous.  They all walk around with a chip on their shoulders as if the world is against them.  Criminals and menaces to society in the making.  With them, it's best to get them off the streets as soon as possible; meaning as soon as delinquent behaviors are shown."  Noah spoke up yet again.

"It's just like with that Trayvon Martin kid that was killed earlier this year.  He was a thug who attacked a man and the man defended himself, rightfully."  Kyle said.

"The boy was walking with a hoodie, a pack of skittles, and an drink.  Please tell me in what way was he a thug, Noah?"  Rebecca asked slowly reconsidering being with the man seated next to her.

"Black kids are constantly told by everyone that they aren't going to be shit.  If someone tells you enough times that you're worthless eventually you're going to believe it.  But I do find it hypocritical that you can talk so bad about the lost black youth when you yourself were once a seventeen year old black boy."

"Yeah, but my mother raised me right and kept me out of harm's way.  She made sure that I never stayed out late running the streets like the kids on my block did."

"So you were one of the ones that were able to overcome the biggest obstacle, yet instead of mentoring other young boys who may not have had the same positive influence, you put them behind bars." Corrine felt her patience reaching it's breaking point with this entire conversation.  The ignorance being released into the atmosphere was enough to give anyone a headache.

"Hey," she whispered to her husband.  "I'm not feeling too good do you mind if we head home?"

The ride home was tense.  Richard was embarrassed that Corrine got so upset with the topic of discussion.  Corrine was upset with Richard for not having her back once again.

They entered the house not uttering a word to one another.  Both of them marched to their bedroom once again stiff shouldering each other.  Corrine undressed and removed her makeup before sitting on the bed.  She watched Richard undress with a tightly clenched jaw as if he was mad--as if he had something to be upset about!

Taking a deep breath she finally croaked. "Richard," when he didn't answer she continued anyway.  "I understand that you're probably mad at me for what happened tonight, but truthfully, I don't give a damn.  You married a black woman and no matter how much you try to erase or 'ignore' what I am,  I am who I am. Period."

"I know what you are, Corrine. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I don't care about that before you understand.  I know that I married a black woman.  Hell, your beautiful skin is what caught my eye in the first place!"

"Did you hear what you just said?  You literally just contradicted yourself!"

"What?  How?!"

"First you said that you didn't care about me being black, but in the same breath you said that my skin is what drew you to me!" 

"Baby, please don't do this right now, you know that I don't mean it like that."  He pleaded trying to end this severely uncomfortable conversation.

"Then what exactly do you mean?"  Corrine was not willing to drop this anytime soon.  She needed to get a better understanding of his mind set.

Richard's boiling point, however, had long been broken.

"Dammit, Corrine!  I don't want to talk about this anymore!"  He shouted in a tone that he'd never used with her before and the added bass caused her to jump.

Noticing that he scared her, he quickly softened his tone and expression.  He laid her head on his bare chest.  "You caught my eye because you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.  Yes, your skin is what intrigued me because before I'd never dated outside of my race.  But as I got to know you, it was your amazing personality and character that made me fall for you."

The heat of the arguement had left them both so emotionally and mentally drained that they both drifted off to sleep without another peep.



Thursday, November 26, 2012


Thursdays were the days that she spent most of her time at The Studio or at the gym to blow off some steam.  After the arguement last night, she'd forgotten all about the dilemma with her dance studio.  Eventually she was going to have to ask him because the deadlines were quickly approaching.  That morning when she woke up, Richard was already on his way out so there was no time at all to bring it up.

She went straight to the studio from work so that she and Valerie could set up for the day's classes, so she still hadn't seen Richard. 

"So what are you going to do about the bills, babe?  Is that husband of yours going to step in?"  Val had never liked Richard and couldn't see what Corrine saw in him either.  She just assumed that Richard must've had some really good dick for Corrine to stick by his side.

"I haven't asked him yet.  Besides I'm kinda worried.  You know I told you how he feels about this place and the meaning behind it." 

Val almost drew blood with the amount of force it took for her to refrain from speaking her mind about her friend's bigot of a husband. Words couldn't describe how much she despised him for Corrine.  Instead she went to the reception desk before she said something she'd regret.

She happily greeted another fellow dance teacher who was then followed by the arrival of the first student and her mother.  Val happily signed the child in and told her to wait for Ms. Corrine to start.  After the last girl was signed in, Val was ready to go in the back to begin her beginner tap class in the room next to where Corrine was currently teaching her advanced modern contemporary class.

Meanwhile, Bleu was outside waiting patiently for the classes to be over.  He had been too busy with handling his business to continue their little cat and mouse game.  But he still managed to keep track of her through means such as Valencia.  He always knew Carlos' woman's big mouth would come in handy one day.

He thoughtfully started at the glass doors of the studio before lighting his cigarette and taking a long pull.  He always got what he wanted, and Corrine was definitely on his wishlist.

Parents and guardians began pulling up and the clutter of girls began filing out of the building,  signaling the class' end.  He cooly exited his all black Audi and sauntered to the doors of The Studio just as Valencia was leaving. 

Her eyes widened as she saw his intimidating figure closing the distance between them.  She let out a sigh of relief when she realized his target was not her, but immediately tensed back up when she remembered Corrine was still in the building.  Without thinking she blocked his path.  "What do you want with her?  Whatever money she owes you,  I'll-"

"She doesn't owe me anything, but what I want with her is none of your business. Leave."

"Look, please don't hurt her."

"I said leave, Boca Grande. Now." 

Not wanting to push her luck, she quickly left the scene, but not before saying a silent prayer for her friend's safety.  She sent Corrine a text message telling her to let her know when she made it home.  After all, it was dark out and she is a woman, there's always some predator searching for new prey.

Corrine had just finished sweeping the smooth, bluish-gray floor of the room she was in, but she wasn't in the mood to go home just yet.  Though teaching her class did offer a great distraction, her stress level was still at its boiling point.  From coping with the loss of her baby, her entire marriage, and trying to figure out the fate of her dance studio, she was in dire need of a release.

It been a while since she'd danced.  Of course when she taught her classes she danced, but that was more for the benefit of her students.  She hadn't been able to really express herself. 

After everything was clean she made her way back over to the radio where her phone was linked to the auxiliary cord,speed through her music and selected the song she was planning to dance to.

The soulful, melodic tone of Lauryn Hill's Ex Factor blared through the speakers.  Corrine allowed her body to get lost in its rhythm; bending and stretching her long limbs.  She allowed her mind to be a conductor and her body the instrument.  Effortlessly, she exuded both the emotions of the pained songstress and her own.

As the song was coming to its end, she almost she'd physical tears as the outro sang her exact feelings toward her husband.

Where were you, when I needed you?

The sound of slow applause could be heard from the doorway of the room.  Corrine quickly snapped her head in that direction and furrowed her eyebrows together.  "What the hell are you doing here?"  Normally, Bleu's presence would've had her unnerved to the core, but in that moment she was pissed.

"I was just enjoying the show.  You were captivating."  He said as though it were nothing, despite meaning every word.  From the moment he walked in and saw her moving and contorting her body, he was stuck in that spot, watching in awe.

Flattery wasn't a factor at the moment for Corrine, even though she felt a twinge of pride at his words.  What she was doing wasn't meant for a show.  She was venting, almost like she was writing down her personal feelings in a diary--and it was as if he'd read it without her permission.

"Please, I don't feel like doing whatever this is,"

"So what's the point?" He asked, simultaneously stalking forward towards her.

For a moment, her words were jumbled due to his closing proximity.  "What?"  She asked confused.

"I mean, if he causes you so much pain, what's the point?  Why are you still with the asshole?  Honestly," his eyes raked over the slim curvy figure clad in black leggings and a pink v-neck. "You're nowhere close to being ugly, so it shouldn't be that hard to find someone else.  Are you that desperate?"

Corrine took a step back as if he'd just spit in her face.  "Fuck you.  Leave." She sidestepped him and stormed to the back office, but he trailed on her heels not caring about her dismay.  Just as she was about to slam the door in his face, his hand caught the door.  With his obvious physical advantage he was able to push the door open with ease.

"Oh my fucking-- what the hell do you want from me, seriously?!  Why the fuck do you keep popping up wherever I am, like go away!" She unsuccessfully tried to shove him away, but he came closer until she was backed up against the edge of the paper cluttered desk.

"I thought it was clear," with one arm he lifted Corrine off the ground; with the other, he knocked the seemingly endless clutter of paper onto the floor, before plopping her down.  He jostled his way between her thighs, making sure to keep a strong grip on them.  "I want you.  It's that simple, baby."

The lack of distance between the two of them caused Corrine's heart rate to increase.  As much as she didn't want to admit it to herself, she was extremely turned on.  "It's not that simple.  I'm married.  And this is wrong." A sharp intake of breath was what concealed the moan that threatened to escape once Bleu aggressively pulled her crotch to his.

"Has that ever stopped him?"  He whispered before nibbling on her ear.  "You're too good for him."  His skilled mouth worked it's way to her neck suckling and licking-- occasionally biting.  A soft moan finally escaped from her full, seductive lips.  "You deserve better."

"And you're better?" She meant for her question to come out strong a full of skepticism, but it sounded like more of an invitation.  Blame it on the distracting sensations occurring between her legs.

He wriggled out of his coat and unbuttoned his shirt slowly, nonverbally giving her a chance to back out. Her eyes, filled with nothing but lust and hunger, told nothing of the sort.

Bleu smirked arrogantly, before proceeding to remove every article of Corrine's restrictive clothing.  He needed to be able to see all of her, despite the dull lighting in the office.  He watched as she she pulled her top over her head leaving her medium sized mounds covered with a sports bra.

She moved in to resume, but he stopped her.  "The bra too, preciosa."  She complied easily and removed the black bra, her fully nude breasts were now on display for his ogling.  He didn't hesitate to grip and mold them in his massive hands.  He massaged them while rolling the nipples with his thumbs. Corrine's body responded to the stimulation by arching into him.

Bleu took this as an invitation to go further.  He kissed the plump skin of her left breast, teasingly slow, before twirling his tongue around her chocolate nipples.  His hand continued to massage the right breast, rolling and tweaking the nipple between his thumb and index.

Her moans grew needy as the throbbing in her nub grew impatient for attention.  She began to roll and grind her hips in search of friction.  Bleu caught on to what she wanted, but forced her desperate rocking to an end and continued his torture on her breasts.  He needed her to beg him for it.  His attention moved to her right breast and repeated his process while running a hand up and down her spine.

"Oh my g...Please. I need you now."  Her voice laced with desperation.

He looped his fingertips in the waistband of her leggings ams pulled them down, along with her panties, in one swoop.  He forced her legs open so that he was face to face with the mouth watering sight of her moistness.  He kissed his way up her thighs, keeping his eyes on the object of his desire.

Corrine wanted to stop him from his destination, it seemed like it was too intimate of an act.  But as his kisses became closer and closer, the less opposed she became. As he inflicted the first slow lick from her opening to her clit, she knew he had her trapped under his spell, and the last thing on her mind was stopping.

"Shiiiiit."  she drawled as his soft lips closed around her nub and sucked.  There were many other things she could've said, but profanities were the only words that she could actually verbalize.

Her hips bucked uncontrollably as he gently nibbled on her nub in between licks and sucks.  She felt a rapidly building storm of butterflies form in her belly followed by a tingling that made her toes curl.  Before she could climax, Bleu suddenly stopped his feast. 

The rumbling of a wrapper could be heard. The noise drew Corrine's attention to the massive appendage with a throbbing vein going through it.  The size both terrified and exited her. 

Bleu interupted her staring by pulling her to the edge, leaving her behind hanging off the desk.  He lifted her legs over his shoulders before entering without warning.  His kisses before were slow and gentle, but his strokes were hard and slow.  He relished in every gasp and incomplete moan he elicited, but he needed speed--they both did.

His hands roughly squeezed her plump ass, as he commenced his pounding.  His groans and grunts coupled with the sound of their skin colliding made Corrine impossibly wetter.

The feel of her plush ass in his hands had him wanting to put an image to the feeling.  He abruptly turned her around, again entering without warning and gripped her long hair.  He had to slow himselfdown before he came sooner than he wanted to.

He had a point to prove.

He rolled his hips strategically, managing to hit that magical spot.  She began to mutter in an incoherent speech pattern.  Only annunciating the mumbled profanities.  His right hand gripped her hip, occasionally administering dominating slaps to her ass.  His left hand roughly yanked her up by her hair.

"You're mine, you hear me?" He spoke in his demanding voice that sent vibes to her pussy.  "Diga sí! Say yes!"  A hard slap in her ass followed his command.

"Y-yes!" She screamed, too blinded by the beating of her pússy to realize what she was agreeing to.  The pressure in her belly was building again and she didn't want him to stop.

"I couldn't hear you, say it again--all of it."  His thrusts repeatedly hit her g-spot and she began to shake.

"I'm yours!  Oh my god!"  Her long drawn out orgasm was finally allowed to be released.  Bleu's release happened five desperate strokes later.

As the clouds of her temporary bliss cleared, the realization of her actions finally set in.


I know I haven't updated this book in ages guys I'm sorry,  Anyways that's why I tried to make this chapter as long as I could. 

Hopefully i didn't disappoint, tell me what you think.

Oh and I have to apologize to @HustleandFlowH0e for lying to you about the update lol hopefully you still like this damn story.  user

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