RWBY: Frost/Inferno

By WyvernJay

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Bryce Rosfield the boy blessed by Fire. As a child, he wanted to be huntsmen like his parents that's the only... More

Prologue: Rebirth
B.U.R.N: Bryce Rosfield
B.U.R.N: Reina Maverick
B.U.R.N: Natalia Grey
Volume 1: Ruby Rose
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon Part 1
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon Part 2
Volume 1: The First Step Part 1
Volume 1: The First Step Part 2
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest Part 1
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest Part 2
Volume 1: Players and Pieces
Volume 1: The Badge and the Burden
Volume 1: Jaunedice
Volume 1: Forever Fall
Volume 1: The Stray
Volume 1 Finale: Black and White
EX Short: Gwenivere
Volume 2: Best Day Ever
Volume 2: Welcome to Beacon
Volume 2: Cid the Outlaw
Volume 2: Training Arc

B.U.R.N: Ulrick Connors

186 8 0
By WyvernJay

-Hard work and determination equals success. Nothing comes easy. Put your mind to something...


A random forest in Atlas...

Currently, Finn, Bryce, and Ulrick were on a bullhead over an Atlesian forest. Bryce and Ulrick were assisting Finn with a mission.

"Now you two know what we agreed on right we split whatever funds we get 33/33/33." Finn pulled out a cigarette. 

"This is just a Grimm culling mission right?" Bryce asked while lighting Finn's cigarette.

Ulrick stretched out in his seat, his wolf ears twitching. "This better not be an escort mission like last time I don't want to sit through another rich dude's daughter trying to fuck Bryce."

Bryce shivered at the last mission they were on.

"That's the reality of being a huntsmen in this time boys. Ya'll begged for extra training and you got it." Finn blew out smoke.

"We'll be landing shortly gentleman." The pilot stated.

"Thanks and remember Ironwood didn't see the two teenagers with me," Finn warned.

"Yessir as long as you keep lining my pockets, Mr. Lockwood."

"Hey, that's Finn Lockwood to you." Finn gets out the Bullhead followed by Bryce and Ulrick.

After the trio got out of the Bullhead, they stood outside the winter forest before the ship took off.

"Now gentlemen stay within earshot of me and Ulrick you haven't unlocked your semblance yet so stay close to Bryce," Finn stated. 

"Tch, I don't need a bodyguard I'm just as competent as him," Ulrick said annoyed.

"Remind me of your competence after I save you from a Beowulf, Deadweight," Bryce says smugly while loading his sword with two dust crystals.

Ulrick looked like he wanted to stab Bryce but realized he'd just dodge with his bullshit semblance.

"Alright enough you two just be careful this forest is full of Grimm." Finn scolded the two before walking into the forest. 

The two teens follow the aged huntsmen. 

After an hour of hunting and slaying Ulrick decides to take a break taking a short nap but ends up getting separated from Bryce and Finn.

Ulrick stirred awake from his slumber before shouldering his Silver Chainsaw Claymore, Lycanbourne.

His ears twitched again as his instincts to him to roll away and he did that just in time to dodge a blur of black and white accompanied by a paralyzing roar. 

"I thought Khans were only found in fucking Mystral!" Ulrick sprung to his feet holding Lycanbourne while revving it up.

The Grimm in question is known as a Shere Khan, normally one of the fiercest Grimm in normally Mystral. its form is a tiger with white armored plates along its back, shoulders, and legs. Two rows of retractable claws on its front paws for shredding its victims along with its roar able to paralyze most people even the most hardened Huntsmen. It's obvious why this Grimm has such a fierce track record but, why was it in Atlas?

Ulrick wasn't the type to question things out of the ordinary but something told him it needed to be put down. 

The Khan circles around Ulrick maintaining eye contact with the faunus. Upon closer inspection, Ulrick noticed something that made him gulp nervously.

The Khan roared again causing Ulrick to freeze up before lunging at him.

Ulrick instincts kicked in again making him block with his sword but, he got tackled into the snow.

Ulrick tries to push the massive tiger off but it continues its attack on Ulrick. Ulrick activates the gravity dust in his blade pushing the tiger off of him. 

Ulrick got up quickly only to see the Tiger rush him down  Ulrick tried to slice at the tiger but he only left minor scratches on its ivory armor.

"Shit, I need- no I don't need that bastard Rosfield's help he'd say... "My My poor wolfy needs my help damn you can't do anything without me where would you be without me~"  The Khan charges at Ulrick snapping him out of his thoughts of the smug Bryce.

Ulrick rolls out of the way slashing the Khan. 

The Khan swiftly flips out of the way.

Ulrick decides to charge the Grimm holding Lycanbourne in his left over his shoulder the Khan responds by lunging forward. 

The next instant they clashed Ulrick slammed his Claymore into the Grimm's shoulder before activating the gravity dust a second time pulling the Grimm into his sword for more impact.

with the Grimm squished into a crater slaying it or so he thought when another identical lunged for him preparing to bite into his nape.

Ulrick actually felt like he was going to die in a random snowfield in god-forsaken Atlas. 

but the death never came he looked behind to something that shocked him, Holding the tiger-like Grimm back was a dark miasma blocking the ambush.

"What time to think about that got a Grimm to slay now where's the main body."

Ulrick swung and chopped the Grimm in half before looking around the snowfield for the main body. He slayed for more mirages before his Violet eyes met those crimson eyes before they disappeared in the treeline because it lost the element of surprise.

"I have to get after it if I kill a Shere Khan, maybe that'll shut Rosfield up," Ulrick smirks confidently. Before running after it.

As he ran for a bit feeling that its scent trail was weakening that black miasma returned before it began to consume him. Ulrick noticed he started to move faster until he looked down to see his form he became the black mist in the shape of a large wolf.

Ulrick used his faunus skills and his newly unlocked semblance to track down Khan until its trace disappeared.

Ulrick stopped the moment he lost the trail but his instincts told him otherwise after the silence grew to its peak the Shere Khan emerged from the woodwork and pounced with a roar. Ulrick anticipated this by clashing with the tiger head-on.

In this form, Ulrick is able to clash with the beast. Both sides didn't give in biting, scratching, and wrestling.

Ulrick felt his aura draining quickly from his current form. 

"I have to end this before this thing puts me on a t-shirt.." Ulrick thought.

The two separated before circling each other Shere Khan's body begins to morph before 2 Ivory blades emerge from the sides of its paws.

"So you want the next attack to be the end... much obliged..." Ulrick for a bit as some of the black mist goes into his maw before a black greatsword forms in his mouth.

"Let's see whose blade is superior yours or mine!"

Ulrick and the Shere Khan rush at each other before slashing each other and coming to a halt.

The Tiger collapses as its blades shatter letting out one last roar before fading away.

Ulrick's Sword of Darkness crumbles as the mist begins to disperse his wolf form afterward and Ulrick falls to his knees his violet-colored aura finally shattered.

The snow began to fall again but, before Ulrick could relish in his victory he heard footsteps and applause.

"Good job Ulrick! you finally got your semblance and a powerful one at that." Finn applauds.

Bryce fidgeted with his lighter, "Though your swordsmanship could use some work I still think adding chainsaw to Lycanbourne was counterproductive."

"Wait you two were watching me..." Ulrick laid in the snow exhausted.

  "Yes we finished early, Oh and Fyi Bryce kited that Shere Khan towards you." Finn crushed his cigarette in his hand as electricity emanated from his fist. "Also no sleeping on the job."

"You two planned this..."

"Not exactly Finn just wanted to "experiment" to expedite your semblance and it worked." Bryce walked over to the sulking faunus.

"Chin up Connors though you have a lot of training to go through your improving hell you're different than most you didn't let a lack of semblance stop you from chasing your dreams." Finn patted Ulrick's back.

"I guess..." Ulrick's ears went down realizing that the situation was scripted. ___________________________________________

Now back at the meetup point waiting for their extraction. Ulrick was still saddened while Bryce was on his scroll, Finn was thinking of what to do to cheer up the wolf faunus.

"Hey, Ulrick how about you pick what's for dinner when we get to Atlas, we'll take it out of Bryce's tab," Finn said holding his should.

Ulrick's ears perked up, "Wait really!?"

Bryce closes his scroll immediately, "Wait what!?"

The scene ends with the sound of arguing underneath the light of the shattered moon.


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