Prey On | COD reader x Ghost...

By Natirka

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The nightmares prey on us in the night's. They aren't so scary when you are next to me. I got bored, made a s... More



12.4K 321 411
By Natirka

Hi quick message. I am currently in the hospital but I will try to get the episodes going. I don't have a way to check my spelling or stuff so please don't mind. Hope you enjoy this one I wrote it when I was still high! :D (Thank you for reaching 1k reads!!!!)



He continued to kiss your hand, slowly inching closer, soon finding himself sitting on your bed. He was always a little anxious around you, his anxiety making him doubt his own feelings and actions. But he knew he needed this right now, especially after the memory of how he found you.

You were gone for so many days and no one did anything about it. He knew he must take you away from here quickly. He didn't trust anyone here, he was sure now. He is the only one who can keep you safe.

"What are you doing?"

You sounded nervous, your terrified expresion from that damned place still vivid in his mind. That's why he stoped and let go of your hand, he needed to be a patient for just a little more.

"Sorry, does it bother you?"

He tried to move away but your hand still held onto his.


I shook my head a no, a small smile appearing on my lips. I felt safe with König, it was weird. I felt weird. I looked at our hands intertwined together. Maybe I really have something for hands. No. I deffinetly have some kind of kink for his hands.

"König, why do you care about me?"

It must have caught him by surprise as his eyes went wide, his fingers gripping my hand again. What will he say?

"You are... important, Mein maus."


Does he mean KorTac? Or... does he mean to him? Those type of relationships in this line of work aren't the best thing, they are actually frowned upon.

Oh god I forgot about the problem with Micheal. I need to keep that brat in mind.

"To me... you are a friend. Mein Ein und Alles."

I thought I was going to choke on my own saliva. There was no point in lying to myself now. He liked me. More then just a soldier. I wasn't just another member of the army. He felt something else towards me. Oh god. What do I do?

If I move to KorTac. Can I escape all my problems?

Should I?



"What do you think of me?"

I smiled warmly.

"I like you too, König."

It wasn't a lie. He always seemed to apear when I needed someone. He was deffinetly my type as well. I know I shouldn't think like this but... I do like him. That feels nice to admit.

"You do?"

"Yes, honey."

The last word slipped out of my mouth and I wasn't able to stop it. Was it too far?

"Then can I ask you something?"

He didn't mind?

"Yes, of course."

"Y/n. Bitte. Joi-"

We were rudly interupted by the door slaming open. It was Ghost.


He sounded a little out of breath. Was he running all the way here? His eyes darted from me to König who was sitting on my bed and then to our hands.

He glared at the man but quickly made his way to my side, closing the door on the way.

"What are you doing? You are supposed to be resting."

Right. They don't like each other.

"I am resting. See?"

I motioned to the bed with my free hand, pointing out that I was in fact laying down. He didn't seem to relax one bit instead he kept his eyes on my other hand, crossing his arms on his chest.

"Then what's he doing?"

What was he so mad about?

"You just let people touch you like that?"

"Excuse me?"

Is he... jealous? Don't tell me. He likes me too? I need to see it. I need to be sure. There is no way right? I am just delusional, right?

"Simon I have two hands. You don't need to worry."

I had a smirk on my face as I reached out my free hand towards him. His eyes went wide at my statement, he kept quiet for a moment before answering.

"Are you sure you want to play like that?"

I acted confused. Just how far can I push him? I wasn't scared, König was here.

"Like what?"


What were you trying to pull here? He really couldn't understand. He thought you started to get each other. That soon you would finally confide in him, you would open up little by little. It has been going good so far, wasn't it? Soap said he was doing a good job. So why is he here. Holding your hand.

"Don't play with me."

"I don't know what you mean."

He would do it if he had to. He was sure you felt the same. Were you playing with him? Or did he just have you all wrong.

"I thought I lost you, Y/n."

He wasn't lying. He almost begged Price to send him to where you were, but was deemed to be acting on feelings on a situation that didn't involve him. But it did. Because you were there.

"I- we wanted to get you but..."

He stopped, he didn't like excuses.

"I am sorry."

At this point he was holding your hand, pressing it to his forehead, kneeling in front of the bed and you. He didn't care about König being there. In fact it was good he got to see this. Maybe he would finally back off.

It worked. Your whole attention was focused on him. Your hand would be stroking his hair if not for the damned mask. He didn't care as long as you looked at him. What made him this way? It was hard to tell.

"Simon, please. Calm down. I am fine."

You called him by his name, he didn't know where you knew it from but... he wanted to hear it more. His eyes landed on the other male, his surprised expresion said it all.

He was closer to you then him. You were attached to König, perhaps. But Ghost knew more, you knew more about him. Therefore he was winning. That's what he thought at least.


"Please Simon, get up. Don't sit on the floor."

I tried to convince him to sit on the chair instead of the cold floor but he didn't seem to listen. He was in his own daze that I didn't seem to grasp.

"What do I have to do to get you to finally get up?"

I was a little annoyed at this point, however my words seemed to grab both of their attentions.

"How far will you go?"

"Whatever will make you to sit up?"

Was he serious? Was I serious?

The bed shifted and as I looked over König was now sitting even closer to me.

"Y/n, don't mind him. Focus on me."


What is going on?

"König this isn't a competition."

Am I still high? Is this a dream? Oh god do I have a thing for both of them? Are they right in their minds? Are they on drugs?

I tried to shake those thoughts away but as they both basicaly begged for my attention like that, I could feel something bubbling inside me. It was... hot.

"Are you two not ashamed one bit?"

They looked at each other, if any of them had a weapon they would be at their throat's. They both got up and sat down in their chairs, like two dissapointed puppies. What was going on with them?

Now that I think about it. . .

Should I tell them about Thera? How would König feel if I said I was with Ghost drunk? No. I am not gonna be stupid, I have to tell someone. I know I can trust König, and Simon is the reason this even happened so it would be better if he knew.

"Can I tell you two about something?"

"What is it?"

I took a deep breath, I haven't even told the Major about it. I don't know if I can fully trust her with this. I don't want to move units again, especially if I was going to leave soon anyway.

"So umm... this might sound a little... awkward? Okay, just. . . There is this guy in my unit-"

Oh god their attitudes changed imidiately.

"What about him?"

Did Ghost's voice just go lower? Holy shi-

"Remember when I stayed over? He umm, he saw me back then."

I swear I could see Ghost raise an eybrow at this. König just kept looking from me to Simon continuously.

"What about it?"

Did he thought of it as nothing?

"He said he would bring it to the higher ups. . ."

König snickered.

"That's it? Let him. It won't do anything."

I swallowed unsure whether to continue. I knew he ment something when he said I would regret it. If I didn't sleep with him voluntarily, he would make me. As disgusting as it sounds, and with how strong I am, I would rather not take those chances.

"Y/n you have nothing to worry about, he can blabber his mouth all he wants."

They were both so sure about this. No. Tell them everything. Nothing good will come out if I just leave it be.

"Well. I don't think he will but... he said if I don't sleep with him I will regret it."

I felt like I was using the two of them. Was I? I was just scared of what could happen if I didn't tell anyone. Was I the bad guy?

"He what?"


They spoke in unison. Their voices got so low I could melt. Why was this turning me on? Was I that down bad?

"When did he tell you that?"

König almost got in my face, he was so close I could smell his cologne. Ghost didn't waist a second as well, scooting closer to me as soon as the other moved.

"It was a while ago. He hasn't actually done anything but... I thought it was better for someone to know."

"Does anyone else know?"

Ghost was a bit calmer then König, that's for sure.

"No, just you two. Please. Don't tell anyone about this."

They both looked at each other and then back at me, as if they just had a whole conversation with that one singular look.

"Maus, who is this 'guy', hm?"

I cleared my throat, a little afraid to answer.

"Michael. Michael Thera."

Word count: 1720

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