๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ˆ๐ง ๐‚๐ก๐š๐จ๐ฌ

By broynexwritess

579K 14.9K 33.7K

๐Œ๐จ๐ซ๐จ๐ง๐š ๐Œ๐œ๐‚๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ, an ordinary girl that works at the Crestmore, she was known to be a comp... More

01| Party
02| Desire
03| Unforeseeable
04| Encounter
05| All Tears
06| Bliss To Witness
07| Guilt
08| Unexpected
09| Heart And A Crown
10| Greece
11| Laina's Birthday
12| Chaotic Club
13| Exposed
14| Date
15| Crestfallen
16| Unforseen
17| Photo Booth
18| Germany
19| Brownies
20| Exposed Twice
21| Pity
22| 'Embrace My Worth'
23| Ermanno's Brithday
24| Birthday Sex
25| Disarray
27| Satisfaction
28| Cigarettes After Sex
29| Morona's Birthday
30| Aquarium Date
31| Aquarium Date {2}
32| This Feeling
33| Serbia
34| Recollections
35| Four Months
36| Disaster
37| 'Stop Lying'
38| 'Please'
39| Ronan's Birthday
40| Dinner
41| Crime Scene
42| Flowers
43| Pleasure
44| Beg
45| Confess
46| Plastic
47| Attempt
48| Morocco
49| Tattoos

26| Revelation

9.6K 209 316
By broynexwritess

Ermanno Moretti

I never had a reason to destroy their empire and eliminate every member.

But now I do.

I was really furious. I wanted to take his life in the moment.

One day, I'll take down half these mafias.

And I'll be standing tall while they burn below.

I have no peace with any mafia.

Just when I have her, they want her.

Just when she's mine, they want her.

I knew I shouldn't have taken her everywhere because of this.

"Repeat it," I said firmly.

Before he could finish, my guards shot his shoulder and apprehended his dogs.

My guards weren't aware of her, but they understood my intentions.

They forcefully brought down his guard and took them to the torture rooms.

Levon collapsed onto the chair, clutching his shoulder and screaming.

I calmly rose and approached him.

I locked eyes with him as he lay on the floor.

He pulled out his gun, but I swiftly kicked it away and applied pressure on his shoulder.

"Does anyone else know?" I demanded, but he only continued to scream.

I twisted my foot on his shoulder and fired another shot at his leg.

His screams echoed through the room.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

It was a text from Morona.

I couldn't help but smile as I turned away from him, finally releasing my leg from his shoulder.

I opened the text from Morona: 'I have enough money to buy an apartment, so I can leave you in peace.'

Leave me in peace? Darling, you are my peace.

How do I let her know that I bought a penthouse for her?

I wanted to surprise her for her birthday.

As I was about to message her back, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck.

Glass shattered all around me.

My phone slipped from my grasp as I held my head in agony.

When I turned around, I saw him standing there, holding a broken glass bottle of whiskey.

I swiftly kicked his foot, causing him to stumble, and then I forcefully pinned his head onto the table, along with the broken glass.

"You'll never lay your eyes on her again, you coward," I growled, slamming my hand onto the glass-covered table.

Some shards pierced into my skin.

I retaliated by forcefully shoving a handful of glass into his mouth, causing him to cry out in pain.

I then delivered a series of punches to his jaw, causing the glass to penetrate his mouth and skin.

He let out a piercing scream that seemed to echo for an eternity.

I ceased my punches and forcefully lifted his head, slamming it onto the table once more.

The impact caused him to spit out the glass from his mouth, revealing his face covered in dark red blood.

I repeated my question, "Does anyone else know about her?"

He shouted in response, "No!"


I forcefully brought his head down onto the table once more, making my point clear.

"I won't ask again," I warned, my hand hovering over the glass.

"Looks like it's going to be a long fucking day."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ✄

I hopped in my car, struggling to focus as my hands were covered in glass and blood, making it difficult to grip the steering wheel.

Unsure of how she would react to my cuts and bruises, I made the decision to head to my parents house to freshen up and have a chat with my mom.

Turns out, she also had something important she wanted to discuss with me.

We had a intense fight with Levon, blood was everywhere until I managed to knock him out.

My guards threw his body in the torture chambers.

I have the Greek, Americans, French, Swedish all after me and my mafia.

And I will happily wipe each member and mafia out.

Fucking pricks.

Those individuals are solely focused on pilfering from others and expanding their empire.

However, they lack the knowledge and skills required for cultivating any form of vegetation.

The guards granted access by nodding and subsequently opening the gates.

I pulled into the driveway and parked the car.

Stepping out, I headed towards my parents door and gave it a knock.

When my mother answered, I could see that familiar expression on her face, like she was wondering why I couldn't just sit down for once.

I walked into the house, and she assisted me inside.

"What occurred?" She inquired.

"Mum, I would like to have a serious conversation with you," I informed her.

"Very well," she exhaled. "Shall we proceed to the kitchen-" I interjected, saying, "No, somewhere more private."

"Is it really that serious?" She whispered, and I nodded in response.

"First, let's get you cleaned up, and then we can talk," she sighed.

"Okay," I muttered.

I followed her to the bathroom, where she took out the first aid kit.

I sat on the toilet seat while she gently held my hand.

I winced as she discovered glass shards and cuts.

"Who did this to you?" she asked.

"It was the Americans," I replied.

"Why would they do that?" She questioned, removing the glass while I clenched my jaw.

"I'll explain everything to you, but not here," I responded.

Using her foot, she closed the bathroom door and reassured me, "Just talk, no one else is here."

"What about dad and Zarek?" I inquired.

"Your dad is away somewhere, and Zarek is coming back from Germany tomorrow," she explained.

"Why is he in Germany?" I scoffed, but winced when she removed a large piece of glass and covered it with a cloth.

"I don't have a clue," she sighed.

Blood was dripping onto the floor, so she grabbed a towel and placed it down.

"Anyway, talk to me," she said.

"So, I met this girl," I shared, causing her to gasp and smile.

Complete bullshit.

"We've been spending a lot of time together. I asked her to be my girlfriend two days ago," I grinned.

"Ermanno, I've never seen you this happy before, for months. How come you never mentioned it," she chuckled.

"How did you figure out that I met her months ago?" I inquired.

"Well, it's just that I've never seen you laugh and daydream like this before. I mean, you used to do it, but now? It's like you're on a whole new level," she explained.

I guess I really need to get a hold of myself then.

"Anyway, spill the details," she said, taking hold of my other hand.

"She's absolutely stunning. Like, out of this world," I exclaimed.

"What does she look like?" She asked.

"She has these mesmerizing sapphire eyes, long black curly hair that she straightens every day, even though I personally think she looks beautiful with her natural curls. She has a sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and a gorgeous body. But she always seems a bit pale, I'm not sure if that's just her natural complexion or if she doesn't eat well," I smiled

"She sounds incredibly beautiful. What's her personality like? How does she act?" She questioned, taking out a large glass as I winced.

"Take it easy, mum," I blew on my hand.

"You always find yourself in these situations, it's your own fault," she sighed.

"She's the kindest person I know. Her heart is pure gold, and it breaks my heart when she brushes off hurtful things with tears in her eyes. It's so painful to see," I clenched my jaw.

"Many girls are like that these days," she sighed. "But you always find them beautiful and well-mannered."

"It really hurts, mum. How can she be so kind? She even helped an older man drink water because he has a disease, and then there's me. I feel like I bring bad luck to anyone I make eye contact with. Mum, please be careful!" I exclaimed.

"Enough with the yelling, just keep going!" She yelled back. "What's her name?"

"Her name is Morona," I smiled at the thought of her.

"That's a beautiful name," she remarked.

"She is beautiful too. She takes my breath away," I stared at the wall, lost in my thoughts.

She gently wrapped my hands in an ace bandage as I continued to think about Morona.

I can't help but wonder how different my life would be if I had never met her. That day when I was on a mission.


"I hate this!" Maxence groaned as Roman joined him.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I walked, my body still pulsing with adrenaline from the intense encounter.

I slowly removed my bulletproof vest and secured my gun in the holster, my mind still reeling from the chaos.

Lost in my thoughts, I glanced down and absentmindedly opened the trunk of the car.

As I did, my gaze shifted to the left, and that's when I saw a girl.

Time seemed to stand still as my attention was completely captivated by the most stunning girl I had ever laid eyes on.

She was laughing, her joy contagious, as she stood hand-in-hand with a vibrant redhead.

Their connection was palpable, and my heart skipped a beat.

Then, another girl with white hair joined them, and their laughter filled the air.

But amidst all the girls, my focus was solely on her.

In that instant, it felt like the world had faded away, leaving only her in my vision.

I felt an undeniable pull, a longing, a desire.

I've never experienced a feeling like this before. It's completely new and unfamiliar to me.

It was as if love had struck me with the force of a lightning bolt.

But, I wanted her. I needed her.


I continued smiling as I recalled that memory.

"You didn't actually meet her years ago, but you've been observing her for quite some time. It's been four years, Ermanno."

I couldn't believe what my mum just said. My heart raced as I tried to process her words.

"What? How did you...?" I stammered, my voice filled with shock and confusion.

She looked at me with a knowing smile and gently placed a cream on my bruises to help them heal.

"I'm your mother, my dear. I know you better than anyone," she said, her voice filled with a mix of love and concern.

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. She knew. She knew about my feelings for her.

"But... why would you stalk her? Everyone deserves their privacy," she said, disappointment evident in her voice as she put the first aid box away.

I felt a lump forming in my throat as I mustered the courage to speak my truth.

"Mum... I love her," I confessed, my voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope.

"I know, dear. I know."

So, after I filled my mum in on Morona, I can now share what happened earlier.

"So, Morona and I have been spending a lot of time together recently. And with this mafia thing going on, people started noticing us. The Americans somehow caught sight of her and demanded an urgent meeting. After we all settled down, he revealed that they wanted her. That's when I completely lost my composure."

"Ermanno, you must exercise caution with both the girl and yourself. I assume she is unaware of your affiliation with the mafia. However, once she becomes aware, rest assured she will perceive you differently. Regardless of the duration of her stay with you, she will likely attempt to flee," she told me.

"Will she ever be able to look at me the same?" I wondered.

"If she truly has feelings for you, it's possible that she will be able to look past it. However, considering the association of some mafias with sex trafficking, she may have concerns. Regardless, it's important for you to exercise caution and avoid getting caught," she spoke.

"Anywhere else?" She asked.

"There's another spot on the back of my neck," I responded.

She carefully tended to the cuts while I tried to remain composed.

"If she sees me like this, she'll always have doubts about me. And I messed up by lying to her, saying I'm not in a gang to be getting shot," I groaned.

"I see two possible approaches. One is to have a respectful conversation with her, gently sharing the truth while considering her perspective. The other is to let her discover the truth on her own," she said.

I'm confident that she won't uncover the truth. I have a strong belief in that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ✄

As I unlocked the front door, my heart raced with anticipation.

She mentioned having money for an apartment, but I don't want her to spend her own money.

I noticed her car parked out front, the very car I had brought to her along with the gifts in the trunk.

She wouldn't accept my offer if it came from 'Ermanno' instead of her 'Stalker.'

It seems like she smiles at both the stalker and me, but she smiles more at the stalker.

Although I am the stalker.

I walked into the house and it was dark.

I turned on a small lamp instead of the main light.

It was quiet.

I took off my shoes because I know she doesn't like shoes in the house.

I called out her name, and heard the floor creak, so I knew she was there.

I walked down the hallway and saw her door slightly open.

I heard running water. She was showering.

I closed her door and went to my room, but before going inside, I went upstairs.

Upstairs, there was a small gym, storage, and another bathroom, along with my old things that I didn't want to throw away.

My mum kept telling me to get rid of them, but I never use this house anyway so I can put them here.

I made my way up the stairs and entered the simple gym.

I saw a shelf of dumbbells and gave them a strong push to move them aside.

My hands hurt a bit, but I managed to move them successfully.

I examined the wall and felt for any cracks. I wondered where it could be.

I always seem to lose track of where it is.

That wall was actually a concealed wall.

That's where we hid most of our stocks and weapons.

Nobody else knew about it, just me. Not even family.

If anyone discovered it while she was here, I would protect her fiercely.

I'd burn the entire world to ashes to ensure her safety, without letting a single flame touch her.

I finally was able to open the hidden wall and there it was. The room that was full of drugs, weapons and other items.

Morona McCallister

I went home, and were all set to take a relaxing shower.

But just as I was about to hop in, Rosa gave me a call.

"Hey bitch, it's gonna be your birthday!" She laughed.

"Yeah," I smiled back.

"Listen, I don't know if you wanna spend it with me or with your man, but you can choose. I've got the day all planned out," she said as I undressed.

While I was getting ready, wearing a thong and bra, I glanced at myself in the mirror.

Hot as fuck.

"That's good. Actually, I'm not sure if he is aware that it's going to be my birthday," I chuckled.

"Wait, what about Laina? She sent me numerous messages," she mentioned.

"She did indeed. In fact, she brought flowers and a letter to my house, expressing her apologies," I explained.

"Wait, you mean at your boyfriend's house?" she inquired.

"No, at my father's house. I visited there today and it was a mess," I sighed.

"Anyway, I'm unsure about how to handle the situation with her. Should we forgive her?" She asked.

We? She didn't do anything to Rosa.

"Well, she hurt me," I said.

"And I ended up beating her, so now I have to apologise," she answered.

Makes sense now.

"Listen, if she sends you another letter, you can decide what to do. Remember what I told you?" She stated.

"I'll think about it, but I'm heading into the shower now, so bye," I told her.

"Bye," she said as I ended the call.

To be honest, Laina is the last thing on my mind right now.

My head was spinning, trying to comprehend what had happened to my dad's house.

I couldn't stop wondering where he and Georgia were.

Their absence consumed my thoughts so much that I started mistaking Rosa for Zerona.

I undressed and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water cascade down my body.

In a moment of frustration, I accidentally hit the wall with my arm, causing pain in my thighs and hips.

I winced and clenched my jaw.


I have a love-hate relationship with this feeling.

It's bittersweet.

As I reached for my skincare products, I realized I hadn't given much thought to my hair care.

I applied shampoo to my hair and lathered it up.

Then, I grabbed a loofah and body wash to clean my entire body, being careful around my hips and thighs.

Once I finished, I rinsed off under the hot water. I applied conditioner and other hair products.

Even though I had completed my shower, I stood there for a good ten minutes, lost in my thoughts.

When I finally decided to get out, I wrapped my body and hair in a towel.

As I made my way back to my room, I heard footsteps.

He has returned, and I would like to present him with his gifts since I never gave it.

Prior to changing, I applied lotion and serums to my body.

I changed into a set of fluffy white shorts paired with a coordinating crop top.

The indoor temperature was quite warm.

I added some ankle socks and a button-up jacket to complement the set I purchased.

I brought along my old clothes and uniform to place them in the washing machine.

As it began washing, I left the room.

I then proceeded to the bathroom to continue styling my hair.

Once finished, I returned and noticed him sitting, engrossed in his phone, wearing grey sweatpants and a snug-fitting black t-shirt.

He was sitting with his legs spread apart, displaying bruises and bandaged hands.

He was using his phone when I approached him, and he looked up and smiled, setting the phone aside.

He reached out his arms, inviting me to join him and sit on his lap.

As I hugged him, he pulled me closer, causing me to straddle him.

"Hey sweetheart," he kissed my jaw affectionately.

"Hello, how was your day?" I asked, pulling back slightly.

I leaned my back against the couch railing and rested my legs on his lap.

He began stroking my hair as he leaned down to kiss my thighs.

"It was alright," he smiled, continuing to stroke my hair.

"What happened to you?" I asked, gently touching his bandaged hand.

"My brother and I got into a fight," he chuckled.

"He accused me of something, so I reacted by hitting him first. It was a foolish thing to do," he sighed.

I moved my legs and gently pulled him closer to me, allowing his head to rest on my chest while our legs intertwined.

He placed his hand on my waist and let out a sigh.

"Are you alright?" He questioned, looking up at me.

"Yes," I whispered with a smile.

He looked back down and wrapped his arms around me.

I ran my fingers through his hair and noticed something on the back of his neck.

He winced, indicating that he had injured himself there as well.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"It's alright, sweetheart," he assured.

We lay like that for a while, and I felt my eyelids growing heavy.

It felt like I had spent the whole day with him, even though I hadn't.

There was this incredible feeling, like a spark, every time we made eye contact or he touched me.

I can't quite put it into words, but it was something special and unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

What was this feeling?

Fuck! The presents!

Hello lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. On Saturday it's my birthday! So if I feel good I'll post a chapter! :)

Love you all💕.

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