5 Seconds Of The Pierced Slee...

By bandhoez9194

231 14 3

Basically, a bunch of one shots about 1D, 5SOS, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Twenty One Pilots, MCR... More

Valentine's Day - Ziall
Malum - Dinner
Kellic- Journey
No Homo - Miall
Smooth - Larry
Tall - Lashton
Drunk - Niam
⚠Not Adults - Taime (Jaime/Tony)⚠
⚠Phan: No, They're Not⚠
Georry: Full Homo
⚠️Phan: Hush Hush (SMUT)⚠️
Dream.. Girl? H20Vanoss
⚠️Perspectives Pt. 2: Home⚠️
Contract Killer - BBS
Cuts and Drawings - Terrornuckel
Halloween - Terrormoo
Early Mornings - Terrornuckel
Colors - Terrormoo
Oh Mr. Vanoss
I Do Need You - Terrornuckel
⚠️ Control - Krii7y ⚠️
⚠️Touches - Krii7y⚠️
Foiled -Daithi & Brock friendship
You Came Back? -Terrornuckel
A Shot In the Dark -McDooo
Uncertain - Buddie

Missed Plans - Krii7y

2 0 0
By bandhoez9194

I have been told to write fluff with no smut so here is my attempt lmao enjoy!


Smiity had been planning with John for two weeks, their anniversary date. And of course, the day they'd had planned got ruined by John being forced to go into work.

Smiity had been crushed, but he just gave John a smile and a kiss and let him leave. As soon as he was gone though he sat disappointed. John wasn't due to come home until nearly 8pm, too late for most restaurants or anything outgoing unless they went to a bar.

But who wants to go to a bar for their anniversary? No, that wouldn't work. Smiity still wanted to do something for John though, but he had no ideas. So he did probably the stupidest thing he could have done in this situation.

"Hey Matt? I need some advice," he said as soon as the other answered the facetime call and Matt laughed, stretching his hands out to crack his fingers. "You came to the right person buddy, whatcha need?" He asked gleefully and Smiity frowned doubtfully.

"You know, I probably shouldn't have chosen you for this, but oh well. Today's John's and my anniversary and we had a whole day planned, but he got called into work. I still want to do something though, and have no idea what I can set up for him," he said finally and Matt tilted his head, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Well, he'll probably be tired by time he gets off work, yeah? So nothing too big. He's definitely going to want dinner, so why not just a dinner and a movie situation at home? That's how you two started anyway right?" He asked and Smiity blinked slowly, tilting his head.

"You know, that's right. I can probably throw something quick together, and let John pick the movie when he gets home. Thanks Matt, you were surprisingly a big help," he said shocked and Matt flipped his head as if he was doing a hair toss.

"I'm just good like that. You gonna do the thing?" He asked with a wink and Smiity rolled his eyes. "Bye Matt," he said sing-songingly and he hung up on Matt while the other laughed. He wasn't about to answer that, though Matt was the only one who knew.

Smiity rolled his eyes as he headed into the kitchen, wondering what he could whip up. He wasn't the cook of the two, but he knew a few dishes. He knew for sure he could at least make some spaghetti, which sounded like a good idea. But did he have what they'd need?

He dug through the pantry, finding two cans of sauce and one box of spaghetti noodles, but they didn't have any hamburger meat. He sighed and decided to take a quick trip to the store since it was only 2pm. He could also pick up that one wine John had mentioned liking a few months ago.

He got dressed quickly and headed to the store, picking up what they needed for dinner, the wine and a bouquet of flowers for John. He'd make sure to put them in a vase when he got home. He paused, did they even have a vase?

He didn't think so, so he just went ahead and got one. Better safe than sorry. He also made sure to pick up some snacks, since he knew they wouldn't be eating dinner the whole time they were watching a movie, and it was always good to have cookies and chips to munch on.

He headed home with his purchases, bags in one hand and flowers in the other. He set up the flowers on the kitchen table, messing with them for nearly 20 minutes trying to get them to look full and vibrant. He finally stopped, knowing he failed but he wasn't a florist at all.

He didn't want to start dinner until later so he made himself a snack and decided to watch some YouTube for a while, setting an alarm for 6pm so he didn't get too distracted and forget to start dinner.

Hours passed quickly, Smiity texting John during his breaks. John kept apologizing for their ruined plans but Smiity kept waving him off, saying it was alright and they'd find another day to do what they'd planned. Which was true, but it didn't matter today. Smiity was determined to make sure John had a good time tonight.

At 6pm his alarm went off and he got up to cook, pulling pots out and starting the water. Spaghetti thankfully didn't take long to cook, and by 7pm it was ready and set on simmer so it didn't get cold. 7 30 though, a sudden crash of thunder shook the house and Smiity darted over to the window, frowning at the downpour that had hit.

"Of fucking course," he sighed and hoped John would get home safely in this storm. He sent a quick text to John, wishing him a safe trip home before he went to get something a bit more comfortable laid out so he could shower.

He also laid John's favorite large t shirt and a pair of his sweats onto the bed, knowing he'd want to change as soon as he got home. Out of his work clothes and possibly even wet clothes if the storm had anything to say.

He jumped into the shower, washing up in under 10 minutes. He was toweling his hair dry when his phone rang, the Canadian moving over to check it curiously.

"John? Everything okay?" He answered and John said, "Besides it pissing sideways and us being forced to miss our plans, everything is fine. I'm headed home now baby."

Smiity smiled excitedly. "Drive safe John, this storm is really bad. I'll see you when you get home okay?" He said softly and John chuckled. "Okay Smit, I'll see you when I get home. Love you," he said and Smiitys heart fluttered like every time John said those words.

"I love you too. Bye baby," he replied and they hung up. Smiity quickly got dressed, towel drying his hair some more before shaking it out, finger brushing it so the curls fell properly. His good brush broke the other day and every time he went to the store he forgot to get a new one. And using John's brush always made his curls frizz.

He stopped by his dresser, opening a drawer and staring a moment. He'd been planning to do this for almost a month now, but should he still do it even though their plans were fucked? He debated, chewing on his lip before tucking the object into his pocket, taking a deep breath. He had time to decide later.

He skipped to the kitchen and checked the food, happy to find it still warm. He dished up two plates and set them on the table, finding a candle and lighting it next to the flowers. He found some glasses and set them by the plates, having had the wine out to breathe since just before he got into the shower.

He cast a critical eye over the set up before deciding it was good enough. A crash of thunder hit above the house and he jumped, glaring at the ceiling. "Go away," he told it sternly, chuckling to himself as he realised he was talking to a storm.

He shook his head and went to sit in the living room to wait for John. His work was normally only a 15 minute drive, but he hoped John was being careful and taking his time. Knowing John though, he probably wasn't.

Sure enough, 10 minutes after they'd hung up, Smiity heard the telltale footsteps on the porch. He looked over to see the door open, John walking in completely soaked.

"Ugh, it's a little wet outside," John complained and Smiity smirked. "I'm the only one who can make you wet, how dare the clouds," he teased and John rolled his eyes at him.

Smiity laughed as he hopped up, moving to press a soft kiss against John's lips. "I've got your clothes on the bed, go get dried off baby and come back in here, I've got a surprise for you," he said cheerfully and John smiled amused at him.

"Okay, I'll be right back then," he said as he kissed the corner of Smiitys mouth and walked off to the bedroom. Smiity bounced in place as he waited, excited for their night.

John returned in the clothes Smiity had laid out, a towel rubbing at his hair. "So what's the surprise?" He asked curiously and Smiity took the towel from him to toss it onto a chair. He walked behind John and placed his hands over his eyes, making the American pause.

"Forward, march!" Smiity cheered and John laughed, letting him lead him to the dining table. Once Smiity was ready, he removed his hands and John blinked a couple times as he took in the set up on the table.

"You did this?" John asked surprised and Smiity flushed. "It's our anniversary. Two years ago today you took me by surprise by kissing me in the rain, and I didn't want to let it go without a small celebration. I know it's not what we had planned, but I guess I thought maybe dinner and a movie at home would be okay?" He asked hesitantly and John turned to pull him into a deep kiss.

"This is perfect, Smit," he said softly and Smiity smiled with a blush, happiness filling him. He pulled John's chair out and let him sit before rushing over to his seat to sit down.

John was examining the flowers, a faint smile on his lips. Smiity held out the wine bottle and he took it, reading the label with a laugh. "You remembered?" He asked and Smiity grinned.

"How could I forget, you went on a two hour debate with Matt over what wine was the best. The name was engraved into my head from how many times you said it," he teased and John grinned, shaking his head.

He poured him and Smiity a glass and held his up once Smiity took his. Smiity smiled amused as he clinked glasses with John, taking a small sip of the liquid. He wasn't much of a wine fan, but this wasn't too bad.

"So what gave you the idea for all this?" John asked curiously, spinning some noodles onto his fork. Smiity shrugged, doing the same. "I wanted to do something for you, I didn't want our day to pass without something, you know?" He said and John smiled faintly at him.

"Where'd you get the plans then?" He asked and Smiity flushed. "Okay, don't judge me. I called Matt for some reason, and he was a surprisingly big help," he said and John laughed. "Matt? Really?" He teased and Smiity rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"Yeah. I didn't think about it until after he'd answered, but he had a good idea, I think?" He asked, tilting his head at John. John chuckled. "Yeah, it was a good idea," he said softly and Smiity sighed relieved.

John took a bite of his spaghetti and Smiity laughed lightly at the sauce on his chin. "What?" John asked and Smiity said, "You've got sauce on your chin, here."

He reached over and used his thumb to wipe it off, pulling away to grab a napkin. John grabbed his hand instead, pulling it to his mouth and licking the sauce off his finger. Smiity felt a shiver at the mischievous look in the others eye as John finally let go and turned back to his plate as if nothing had happened.

Smiity swallowed and followed suite, taking an almost too big bite in his haste to act normal. He had to swallow a few times and John laughed, smiling amused at the other.

"So what movie are we watching, Smit?" He asked and Smiity shrugged. "I was going to let you choose any movie you wanted, you know I'm down for anything," he said cheerfully and John grinned.

"Then shall we watch some Tim Burton? I'm in a spooky yet not spooky mood right now," he said and Smiity nodded. "Sounds good to me, I'm always down for Tim Burton," he agreed and John did a little fist pump with a "yes!"

Smiity laughed and they finished their dinner quickly. They worked together quickly putting dinner away and cleaning the table. "Let's go pick a movie!" John said cheerfully once they were gone and Smiity nodded, laughing lightly at the excitement on the others face.

Now would be good, he thought to himself as he followed John into the living room. John was by the bookshelf, looking at their collection of DVDs for the movie he wanted.

Smiity stood behind him a moment, hands shaking. He took a silent breath before pulling the ring out of his pocket and kneeling down behind John.

"Corpse Bride sound- Smit?" John cut off as he turned around, eyes wide as he took in the man on one knee. "Smit?" He gasped again and Smiity smiled sheepishly, trying but failing to hide how badly his hands were shaking.

"We've been together two years, John. We've known each other for four. You've been my best friend since the day we met, and I have never been so grateful or happy the day you kissed me in the rain. I love waking up to you, I love falling asleep next to you. And yes, I'm being really fucking sappy right now but you make me do that shit yeah? Will you marry me?" Smiity asked, eyes locked on John's who's were staring at the ring in Smiity's hand.

John swallowed a few times, blinking rapidly. Smiity was starting to get scared when John finally nodded, stammering a, "Holy fucking shit, Jare, yes!"

Smiity beamed, standing quickly up to slip the ring onto the one finger John didn't have a ring on. John pulled Smiity close to his chest, kissing him deeply. John laughed shocked against his lips, making Smiity laugh right back.

"Holy fuck we're engaged. You're never getting rid of me now Smit, you're stuck with me forever," John said with a grin and Smiity smirked. "I don't know, you're stuck with me now, you said yes," he said and John laughed.

"I did say yes. Holy fuck I said yes," he said, stunned happiness still on his face. Smiity laughed, pulling John back in for another kiss.

"So, movie?" Smiity asked a moment later and John grinned. "Corpse Bride sounds even better now," he said amused and Smiity rolled his eyes with a smile. "It sure does. I've got us some snacks, you get the movie started and I'll get the food," he said and John kissed his nose before turning back to the DVD player.

Smiity took a moment to admire the ring, his ring on John's finger. John had many rings, one to three on each finger, but this one, this one was different. This was his.

Smiity walked into the kitchen to gather the cookies and chips and other things he'd bought earlier, elation and excitement thrumming through him. He was fucking engaged! To his best friend too.

Smiity paused in the doorway on his way back, smiling fondly at John who'd stretched out on the couch facing away from him. He had his hand above his head, a bright smile on his face as he traced his new ring with a single finger.

"Oh fuck I'm engaged," Smiity heard him whisper and he couldn't help but chuckle. John whirled around, a flush on his cheeks. "Oh, hi," he said sheepishly and Smiity set the bowl of snacks on the coffee table before moving to let John lay across his chest.

"Hi," he said sweetly and John snuggled close to him, arms around his waist. Smiity kissed the top of his head and John grabbed the remote, pushing play on the movie.

Smiity reached behind him and flipped the lamp off, the rain still going outside but soothing with the music of the movie. Smiity fed John a couple chips, the older man not wanting to move from where he was tucked securely against Smiity's chest.

Smiity ran his hand gently through John's hair, massaging softly just to hear that light hum from the American once in a while. About halfway through the movie, Smiity realised John hadn't hummed in a few minutes and looked down to find him soundly asleep, lips curled into a soft smile.

Smiity's heart melted and he kissed the top of John's head. He grabbed his phone and took a picture of John's outstretched left hand from where it laid against Smiity's stomach. He sent it to Matt and then immediately turned his phone off, setting it next to John's on the coffee table.

Smiity watched the movie for a few extra minutes but his eyes grew heavy from the warmth of his boyfriend, no, fiancé, on his chest and the soft pat pat pat of the rain on the window.

Smiity shifted very carefully down so his back wasn't in an odd position and closed his eyes, arms wrapped tightly around John. He smiled faintly, body relaxing more and more until finally, he fell asleep.

My friend gave me a challenge to write a Krii7y fluff with no smut so here you go have this lmao I hope yall enjoyed! Kisses!!


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