Partners In Crime (lietpol/Po...

By justanothercringe

58.8K 4.6K 6.6K

When Toris meets Feliks, he is overjoyed; Toris doesn't have many friends to start with. However, when Feliks... More

7 years later...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Bonus chapter
Bonus chapter 2
Bonus chapter 3

Chapter 6

1.9K 138 246
By justanothercringe

After school on Friday, Toris had filled Feliks in on what had happened, even explaining Natalia's note to him. Feliks had been pretty cool about the whole thing, as he was determined to redeem himself.

Toris and Feliks had exchanged phone numbers earlier, and they'd been discussing ideas over text.

F: do u hav any ideas 4 videos?
T: Nope. How about you?
F: hbu*
T: What does that mean
F: nvm
F: Idk what we should do
T: What does idk mean?
F: i dont kno
T: Then why did you type it?
F: u r hopeless

More often than not, the text conversations veered off topic. Toris was getting antsy. Finally, Feliks typed:

F: y dont u just come over 2 my house later 2day¿? we can talk in person and stuff

Toris bit his lip. He had a date with Natalia scheduled that night.

Can't, he typed. I'm busy today. I can come over tomorrow though.

Feliks texted back, k. Come over anytime

** time skip brought to you by Doitsu's potatoes **

Toris looked himself in the mirror. His hair was neatly combed, his suit pressed. He had brushed his teeth three times in the past 10-minutes. He wanted to look perfect for his date.

Since neither Toris nor Natalia were old enough to drive, they had selected a resturant within walking distance of each others' houses.

Toris grabbed his bike and rolled it to the sidewalk. He began pedaling ferociously, overjoyed to see Natalia for the first time as his girlfriend.

During the entire trip Toris imagined what Natalia would look like. Maybe she would curl her hair, or put it up in a messy bun. She might wear a cute little lacey dress, or a classy pencil skirt. He wondered what her perfume would smell like. Lavender maybe? Or perhaps it would have a fancy French name or something.

Toris stopped pumping his legs as he pulled into Natalia's driveway. He dismounted his bike. His shiny polished shoes clicked against the sidewalk as he made his way over to the front door.

Before knocking, Toris took a tentative sniff at his armpits, just to make sure he wasn't all sweaty and gross already. Pleased with his hygiene, Toris rapped on the door.

After a couple of seconds, the door opened. Natalia stepped out... Toris nearly gasped aloud.

She was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. She wore a frame hugging red sweater dress that looked super sexy against her figure. Diamond studs dangled from her ears. Mascara made her large eyes pop, but beside that her make-up looked very natural. She wore her hair in a loose feather-braid. The golden strands gleamed in the moonlight.

Toris gulped. "Hey," he said shyly. Instead of responding, Natalia grabbed Toris by the shoulders and leaned against him affectionately. His heart skipped a beat. Her touch sent a spark shooting through his body.

Natalia held out her phone, made a duck face, and took a selfie. And then another, and then another.

"Which one looks the best?" Natalia showed Toris all the (47) pictures she'd taken. They all looked exactly the same to him. "You look stunning in all of them," he responded. And she did.

"Yeah but which one is the best?" Natalia insisted. Toris flipped through them. "That one," he decided, picking at random, although he honestly didn't have an opinion.

"That one is the worst one!" Natalia retorted. Toris felt his heart sink. Had he done something wrong? Had he offended her in some way? All Toris wanted was for Natalia to love him.

"No," Toris argued. "You have the cutest dimples in this picture. Plus, you always look beautiful."

Natalia snatched her phone back. "Fine, but this one better get at least 80 likes on Instagram!"


Natalia continued to be increasingly difficult. First she claimed that she couldn't ride a bike because she was wearing a dress and would expose herself. When Toris suggested that they walk to the resturant, Natalia looked at him in abhorrence as if he'd suggested murdering an orphan.

"I can't walk in these heels!"

Toris flinched as she yelled at him. "Okay, I'm sorry. If we really have to we can ask your parents to take us-"


Eventually they reached an agreement; Natalia would sit crosslegged on Toris's bike while he pushed her to the resturant.

By the time they arrived, Toris was exhausted, but still overjoyed. He'd dreamed about this day for three years. Three years he's pined after Natalia, and finally, she was returning her love to him.

The resturant host sat the two down at a small table.

"I don't like this table," Natalia whined. "It's close to the door and it gets really cold whenever someone opens it."

Toris beckoned a waiter over and requested they move.

Natalia wound up ordering the most expensive thing on the menu. Toris didn't complain; she was a lady after all. His lady. Besides, women liked to know that they were worth it. Her behavior just meant that she was into him, didn't it?

Toris was never good at starting conversations, and Natalia didn't seem particularly keen on small talk. They sat in awkward silence for most of the date, but Toris didn't mind; he could feel the romantic vibes cascading off Natalia from across the table (or at least he assumed he could. He had never done this whole dating thing before).

Occasionally Natalia demanded some of the people sitting at the tables around them to take pictures of the couple, but she always complained about their 'poor photography' afterward. Toris assured her that she looked gorgeous in every single photo.

Every second Toris spent with Natalia, the more deeply he felt for her. She was a strong, dominant woman and Toris loved her. That was that. Nothing could get between their affection for each other, not even the photo Francis had taken. Toris would work something out. He would make a stupid video.

When the check finally came, Toris gulped. He had to spend every last penny of his savings to pay for the dinner. But it was worth it. Natalia was worth more than any sum of money.

After he took her home the only thing she said was, "We got some good pictures. Ivan will be begging me to marry him in no time."

Ah, young love.

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