The Tale Of Two Worlds

By Knightshadowbarnes

119 1 2

Sasha was an average woman living in a small town. She had a steady job and a close-knit group of friends and... More

Chapter Two;
Chapter Three
Chapter four;
Chapter Five;
Chapter Six;
Chapter Six;

Chapter One;

54 1 0
By Knightshadowbarnes

Optimus was born into a well-known family, the Prime family is the wealthiest yet powerful family, and Sentinel and their wife along with their friends; Ironhide and his boyfriend and soon-to-be- fiancée; Ratchet moved to Earth.

Soon the youngest son was born, Optimus Orion Prime was born and Ratchet and Ironhide became godfathers to Optimus.

They helped Quintessa and Ratchet had some form of motherly instincts and he was in charge of feeding Optimus when Quintessa couldn't or when she wasn't home. Ironhide helped out.

Optimus had a difficult childhood due to his parents' fame and power. His parents were often away due to their work and duties as Prime family members.

Fortunately, Optimus had his godfathers to help care for him and provide the guidance and support he needed.

Ratchet and Ironhide often took on the role of parental figures in Optimus' life, teaching him the values of honor, friendship, and loyalty.

When Optimus was nine years old he lost his mother and Sentinel was nowhere to be found or seen and Optimus didn't know what to do so he sat on the curb just in shock more than anything and his godfathers saw him. "Kid! What happened, where is Quitnessa?" Ironhide asked in worry.

"Inside she's not moving and Father isn't anywhere to be seen he's not home, we'll he was, but he left and I think he killed her." Optimus said. "The kid's in shock." Ironhide said as he picked up the nine-year-old boy.

Optimus soon fell asleep in Ironhide's arms. Ironhide and Ratchet have all the information to the cops and they adopted Optimus six months later on his ninth birthday. Optimus was home, and he was asleep.

Ironhide and Ratchet took it upon themselves to raise Optimus, helping him to cope with the loss of his mother. They provided him with a safe and loving environment to grow up in, and their presence allowed him to heal from the trauma of losing his mother at such a young age.

They taught him how to be strong, and independent, and to never give up. Optimus was forever grateful to them for giving him a chance at life, and he was determined to make them proud.

Seven years later;
Optimus was sixteen years old now and he had been in a relationship with Elita for almost a year.

Elita was a little clingy and she controlled what he did, who he saw, and didn't allow him to see his dads as it had been several months since he had seen them and had dinner with his dads: Ironhide and Ratchet.

Optimus was feeling suffocated by Elita's possessiveness and gradually their relationship was becoming strained.

He wanted to spend some time with his dads, but the fear of Elita's reaction was preventing him from doing so. He was feeling helpless and confused, and he didn't know how to tackle the situation.

Optimus was stuck with Elita for five years, and he was unsure of how to handle the situation and how to tell Elita how her behavior was affecting him and others around them.

She pushed her family and Optimus's family away so that she could keep it as just them and no one else. Optimus was worried about the day she tried to kill him out drunken rage.

Optimus was at a crossroads, he wanted to be there for Elita and help her, but he also wanted to protect himself and his family from her unpredictable behavior.

He could see Elita was struggling and needed help, but he also knew that unless she got help, things would only get worse.

He was scared of what Elita might do if he tried to leave her, and he was worried that he would never be able to get away.

Elita was drinking a lot and Optimus was worried about her hurting herself and him.

Elita was so drunk one night Optimus got badly injured and Elita showed her true colors and even some of the NEST soldiers and several Autobots noticed.

Optimus was in his holoform and he had his arm wrapped, and Elita saw his arm. "What the frag happened to your arm, Optimus? Primus, can you stop trying to get yourself hurt?" Elita yelled.

"This wound was from your inability to handle a knife while intoxicated by high grade," Optimus said. Elita scoffed whatever." Elita said.

Optimus was so angry, that he wanted to scream and break something, but he knew that Elita was too deep in her drunken stupor to even realize what she had done.

He knew he couldn't keep living like this, and he was determined to get out of this toxic relationship once and for all.

"Elita, we need to talk," Optimus said. "About what?" Elita scoffed as she downed her fifth high grade.

"This, your drinking problem, it's not good for you or me, or anyone on this base, and I can't focus on my missions or meetings without worrying about you hurting yourself or others and me having to apologize for your behavior," Optimus said.

Elita got pissed and she stabbed Optimus and yelled in pain and he saw the wound. "W-Why?" Optimus gasped out in pain.

"Because I only liked you for your body, for the sex," Elita said as she stomped on his wound. "ARGHNN!" Optimus screamed in pain causing more blood to spew out of his wound. Ironhide walked into his quarters and saw Optimus.

"Optimus! Ratchet, I need you to prepare the med bay, Optimus was injured badly!" Ironhide yelled into the comm as he picked up Optimus who hissed in pain. "Don't worry, kid, I got ya." Ironhide said.

Ratchet rushed into the med bay, his medkit in hand. He quickly assessed the wound and started to dress it. "Optimus, you're lucky, the wound isn't too bad, but you'll need to stay here for a while for observation. I'll do what I can to help." Ratchet said, turning to Ironhide.

"Ironhide, Elita needs to be taken away. I'm afraid she's too dangerous to be kept here any longer, given she has refused to stop drinking high grade and being violent towards other humans and Autobots." Ratchet said, his voice stern. Ironhide nodded and he saw Elita.

Ironhide saw Elita. "Optimus almost died, I should have never trusted you to date him," Ironhide said. Elita stood up and got into his face. "Look, he tried to leave me!" Elita yelled.

"Good, because all you ever do is drink, hurt Optimus and others around, you're violent, you're a total bitch, and lastly you almost fucking killed him! I've been abused by a bot like you! I won't let you hurt my adopted son!" Ironhide yelled as he punched the wall in frustration.

Ratchet came over. "Ironhide, Optimus is asking for you," Ratchet said to his husband. " I can't see my son like that, not after..." Ironhide choked as he didn't want to relive the memories of how her first met his adopted son.

Ratchet held his husband. "Go see him." Ratchet said. Ironhide did.

Ratchet turned to Elita. "Elita, never come near our son again, we trusted you and this is what you do when you're drunk and don't want Optimus to leave, you hurt him, you made him extremely tired, and worried about your stupidity, you didn't even stay with him, you just left him to bleed out and die with no concern and you didn't even alert me or Ironhide!" Ratchet yelled as he walked away.

Elita got pissed and tackled Ratchet and he hit his head on the wall and he fell to the floor Ratchet felt a blade in his leg. "FRAG!" Ratchet yelled as he was stabbed in the leg.

Elita twisted the blade causing Ratchet to yell in pain but mostly anger. Ratchet saw a flash of black tackle Elita and It was Ironhide. "Stay the frag away from my husband and son!" Ironhide yelled and Elita began to fight him and he was cut on the cheek.

Ironhide chuckled. "That didn't do shit!" Ironhide yelled. Elita grabbed Ratchet and held the blade to his throat and he was terrified.

"One step closer, I slice his throat." Elita threatened. Ratchet was scared for his life. Ratchet couldn't because he was stabbed in the thigh and he was losing energon. "Release my husband, Elita!" Ironhide growled.

Elita laughed and pressed the blade closer to Ratchet's throat. "You don't think I'd do it? I'm just trying to get my point across." She said with a wicked grin.

Ratchet was breathing heavily, his face was pale and he was shaking with fear. Ironhide stepped closer, "I am not the one you should be scared of Elita, let him go!"

Elita rolled her eyes. "Fine!" Elita sneered as she stabbed Ratchet. Ratchet fell and Ironhide caught him. "Baby, stay with me, I'm here," Ironhide said.

Ratchet was losing consciousness and he couldn't hold his wound down anymore Ironhide held pressure to stop the bleeding and Ratchet grunted in pain.

"I have to stop the bleeding," Ironhide said. Ratchet leaned his head against Ironhide's chest as Ironhide took him to the medbay where one of the other medics had taken Ratchet and began to fight time to fix his injuries.

Ratchet opened his eyes and saw Ironhide's worried face. Ironhide smiled gently and said, "It's all going to be okay, Ratchet. I'm here. You're going to make it through this."

Ratchet felt a wave of relief wash over him as he felt Ironhide's strong arms wrap around him. He closed his eyes and let Ironhide take care of him as he was wheeled into the medbay.

Ratchet woke up and he was a little high on morphine and Ironhide visited him. "Hey, baby," Ironhide said. "Hey," Ratchet said his voice was light and a little softer. "You never left?" Ratchet asked.

"No, I stayed during and after surgery and I couldn't come to see you until they situated you in the recovery room, the same room as Optimus too," Ironhide said as he moved the curtain.

Optimus was a little better now, and he smiled at his adopted Carrier. Ratchet smiled and he kissed Ironhide. Ratchet had slightly long hair. Ironhide smiled. "What?" Ratchet asked.

"I have never seen your hair down it's always in a man-bun or a braid or a low loose ponytail." Ironhide as he played with his husband's loose strand of hair.

Ratchet blushed and he ran his hands through his hair. "I was too tired to put it up and I wasn't expecting to get fragging stabbed by Optimus's crazy ex-girlfriend." He said sheepishly. Ironhide chuckled and he kissed Ratchet's forehead.

"It looks nice." He said, his voice full of admiration. Ratchet smiled and he closed his eyes, leaning into Ironhide's embrace. For a few moments, the two of them were in their little world, the outside world forgotten.

It had been a year and Ratchet was back to his old self and Ironhide came up behind his husband and kissed him.

Ratchet chuckled and he kissed Ironhide and Ironhide sat Ratchet on his desk and kissed his neck. "" Ratchet gasped. Ironhide chuckled deeply. "Tonight?" Ironhide asked.

"Sure, it has been a while since we had sex, and don't you have rookies to train?"

Ratchet said. Ironhide chuckled. "See you tonight." Ironhide said as he slapped Ratchet's ass, and Ratchet chuckled at his husband. "Only you, now get going." He laughed. Ironhide saluted his husband and left.

Ratchet saw his medical students/apprentices arrive. "Dr. Hyde, may I ask who he was?" A young female asked. "My husband," Ratchet said.

"He's so cool." A guy said. "He is, now back to discussing the anatomy of humans and Cybertronians and the similarities and differences between them." Ratchet said as he began to teach his apprentices.

Meanwhile Ironhide was teaching some rookies and a girl hit every bullseye and he was impressed. "Damn, kid, you got it on the dot," Ironhide said.

"Thanks, teach!" She said she was giddy and happy but she was a skilled rookie who knew her guns. Ironhide was amazed by the girl's skill and remarked.

"You know your stuff, kid. That was some impressive shooting." The girl smiled and thanked him for the compliment, her confidence growing with each shot she made. She was proud that she had made it look easy, and Ironhide was just as proud of her.


Optimus was handling the hand-to-hand combat with the rookies. A girl stepped in the ring and she was tough well built and she was in a sports bra and loose shorts so she could move better. She grew up learning MMA, karate, jujitsuzu, Tai-chi, boxing, and Wrestling.

"Watch out, boss, she's Russian!" Briggs laughed. Optimus and the girl began to spar and she took him down black widow style. Optimus was impressed. "Неплохо для американца." She said.

"Спасибо, я не американец, я греко-пакистанец, с примесью испанского." Optimus said. "Саша." Sasha said. "Оптимус." Optimus said. Sasha smiled. "See ya later, boys, and Briggs, do grow up."  Sasha said as she walked away.

Sasha was a soldier at NEST and she was only twenty years old and she was still a rookie soldier.


Optimus watched as she walked away. Briggs scoffed. "Wanna go, girl?" He challenged. "Конечно, почему бы и нет, панк?" Sasha said.

Briggs and Sasha began to spar and she was winning and Briggs then kicked her hard in the ribs and she yelled in pain and anger well, mostly pain. Sasha punched Briggs in the face. "Ты тупой сукин сын!" Sasha yelled.

Optimus helped her up and took her to the medbay. Ratchet saw her. "Саша, что с тобой случилось?" Ratchet asked as he lifted her sports bra to see the large bruise on her rib cage.

"Leigh, over here you are going to learn how to treat a broken rib." Ratchet said. Leigh stepped forward and Ratchet showed her how to treat Sasha's broken rib.

He carefully wrapped her rib cage and explained the importance of keeping the area secure and protected. Sasha thanked him for his help and Ratchet said.

"No problem, that's what I'm here for. Just take it easy and remember to always be careful." Sasha nodded and Optimus escorted her back to her quarters for some much-needed rest.

Optimus made sure that Sasha was good and he left. "Stay." Sasha said. "I do not know if that is appropriate." Optimus said. "I just want some company for a bit, as colleagues," Sasha said.

Optimus has built up walls after his breakup with Elita he has not smiled nor has he been close to anyone else but his adoptive Sire and Carrier, his best friends. He agreed to stay with Sasha. "I noticed the scar on your waist. What caused that?" Sasha asked.

"My ex, she uhm...she was toxic and she was an alcoholic as you humans call it, and she was angry because I wanted some space and she attacked me and injured me and she injured Ratchet as well, he still has the scars from that horrible day." Optimus said. Sasha felt the scar. "It must have been traumatic." Sasha said.

Optimus nodded. "It was. After that, I decided to keep my distance from everyone. I felt like if I kept people away, I wouldn't get hurt like that again." Sasha tightened their grip on Optimus' hand.

"Well, I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to be alone anymore. We can get through this together." Optimus smiled, and for the first time in a long time, he felt like he could open up to someone without the fear of being hurt.

Optimus was in his office doing paperwork and he heard yelling and he stepped out and he regretted it as he felt pain his shoulder. He saw his ex-girlfriend with a gun. Sasha got pissed and she tackled Elita and restrained her.

"Если ты когда-нибудь снова вернешься в NEST, я выстрелю тебе в голову, понял, сука?!" Sasha growled. Elita left and Optimus held his shoulder. "Frag, it didn't go through." Optimus said in pain. Sasha poured some vodka and whiskey on a cloth and put it over the wound.

"DAMN IT!" Optimus yelled in pain. "Shut up, it's to help your wound, and stop thrashing it'll make it worse!" Sasha said. Optimus calmed down a little bit when she held his hand.

"It's going to be fine I'm going boil this needle and thread in vodka it kills more germs than any other alcohol." Sasha said.

Optimus nodded and gritted his teeth, trying to stay as still as possible. He was thankful for Sasha's help, but it still hurt like hell.

He knew that Sasha had his back, and he was grateful for that. He took a deep breath and braced himself for the pain as Sasha started stitching his wound.

A few weeks later;
Optimus was better after a few weeks and he and Sasha became best friends they sparred together and they often went on drives together and Sasha could hold her own in a fight with Decepticon as she was tough as nails and the Decepticons were terrified of her.

Optimus and Sasha were sparring together just for fun and She managed to pin him. Optimus chuckled. "Not so tough huh?" Sasha joked. Optimus flipped them and he pinned her down.

'Holy fuck he was hot like this.' Sasha thought to herself. 'What am I thinking?!' She thought to herself. Optimus got up and he helped her up.

Sasha blushed as she said "You know you're still the best, Optimus". Optimus smiled as he winked and said, "Not without you, Sasha".

Sasha began to have a crush on the Autobot Leader. But she knew that he would never return her feelings she didn't know why he was closed off from her.

Sasha saw Optimus with only his closest friends and Sasha had only been with NEST for nearly a year, she's still new to NEST and transferred from Moscow, Russia.

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