Care (Slashers X Male Reader)

بواسطة SlashersLittleSimp

132K 5.9K 794

BOOK ONE- Male reader version Being the new nurse at the worlds most dangerous Sanitarium becomes more than j... المزيد

Introducing The Slashers


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بواسطة SlashersLittleSimp

Shortly after you finish writing the first entry into your journal, you realize it's almost time for dinner so you have to return to the patient ward to accompany them to the cafeteria. Placing the journal back where you found it, you get up to head to the patient ward where you're sure a few of them are excited to see you again. In all honesty, you're looking forward to seeing them all again as well even if it's only been less than an hour.

It's surprisingly easy to find your way back, your card swiping across the scanner allowing the doors to open. You enter just in time to watch them escort Michael out of his room, his wrists chained to his hips and ankles. He nods at you as you pass him, making you smile brightly at him as you stand off to the side. He slowly shuffles past you and out the door you had just entered, leaving you to wait for the rest of the patients to be brought out.

The next person to be brought out is Jason, though his ankles are free of chains unlike Michael. He visibly perks up upon seeing you, waving at you excitedly as his chains clink together. You laugh softly, giving him a nice smile. "Hello Jason!"

"Hello (Y/N)! How are you?" He signs enthusiastically.

"I'm great Jason. Are you doing alright?" Your question is met with a nod before he's forced to walk faster by the impatient guards. You feel a bit bad but know there's nothing you can really do. One by one, each person is led out of their cells in cuffs, walking by you as a few of them greet you while others ignore you.

"Hello Mr. (Y/N)." Brahms greets you in his childish voice as he approaches you, having been the last one to be brought out of his room since Hannibal eats in his own. "Would you like to walk to dinner with me?"

"I'd love to Brahms." You move to stand next to him, more than happy to accompany him to dinner. The guards seem only slightly annoyed but they don't say anything as they lead you both to the cafeteria. "Have you been having a good day, Brahms?"

He nods, looking towards you. "Very good, Mr. (Y/N). How is your first day as the new nanny going?"

"Wonderfully. I've enjoyed meeting all of you and am looking forward to spending more time with each of you in the coming days." You smile brightly at him, letting him know that your words are sincere. He seems quite happy as you both finally reach the cafeteria, him unfortunately being forced towards a table and away from you.

You wave to him as you stand off to the side. Looking around, you see almost all of your patients enjoying their meals. A few are simply sitting there, staring down at their food in disinterest. You take the time to observe how everyone's doing before stepping into the staff line to get your own dinner. The line moves slowly but surely until it's finally your turn to receive your dinner. The less than enthused cook hands you a tray filled with food and you quietly thank them before walking off in search of a place to sit.

Most staff sit with each other, choosing the more sane company over the patients. A few guards sit with the more violent patients, obviously having to stay close in case they suddenly snap. You feel a bit bad that your patients can't eat peacefully but it's not really something you have any say in. They're dangerous regardless of how nice some of them can be.

"Mr. (Y/N)?" Brahms childish voice pulls your attention towards him where you spot him sitting at a table with Danny. "Would you like to join us?" You mentally thank him for making up your mind for you, gladly moving past the other tables to go sit with the two.

"(Y/N)! Good to see you, doll!" Danny smiles brightly as you sit down next to Brahms and across from him.

"Hello Danny, Brahms. Thank you for inviting me to sit with you." You give them both a polite smile.

"You seemed a bit lost over there all by your lonesome so it's the least we could do." Danny shrugs as he takes a bite of his rather bland looking meal. You can't help but to compare your own food to theirs, seeing that yours at least looks seasoned and edible. Being staff must mean that you get better versions of their meals. It seems almost unfair. However, you know that they're likely treated as less than human thanks to their past actions.

You push away the urge to give them your meal, knowing it would be even more unfair to the other patients. Despite this, you still feel bad for eating it in front of them even if they don't seem to care. They're probably used to it at this point. You have no idea how long any of them have been here nor do you know how they've been treated by the staff. All you really know is that any previous nurses they had before you didn't last very long.

"Is everything alright, Mr. (Y/N)?" Brahms sweet voice once again pulls you from your thoughts.

You try to wipe the obvious displeasure from your face as you turn to him, trying to put a pleasant smile on instead. "Everything's fine Brahms. Thank you for asking."

Danny narrows his eyes at you from across the table but doesn't say anything. As much as he loves fucking with people, he doesn't want to push you on your first day. Especially since you seem promising. Compared to all of the other previous nurses, he actually believes that you'll stick around like you said you would. He doesn't want you to leave. You actually treat them like people rather than caged animals.

You all startle slightly as there's suddenly a loud slam on the other side of the cafeteria. Spinning around, you spot Michael standing tall as he glares through his mask at the guards sitting around him. What happened? You ponder, curious as to what caused him to get so angry. Knowing that things will likely turn ugly very quickly, you stand up and rush over towards them.

"Is everything alright over here?" You question, stepping up to Michael's side as the guards hold their stun batons between them and the killer. You receive no answer from either parties, all of them ignoring you as they stare each other down, likely waiting for someone to make the first move. Sighing, you turn your attention away from the hostile guards. "Michael?"

The only indication you get of him acknowledging you is a slight twitch of his fingers. Feeling rather bold, you gently reach forward to place your hand on his arm. He stiffens under your touch yet makes no move to remove it. Taking that as a good thing, you continue. "Why don't you sit down and relax? I don't want you doing anything that could get you punished."

You almost believe that he'll listen to you until one of the guards at his table opens his stupid mouth. "Yeah, why don't you listen to him, Mikey? Don't want to let the new little pretty boy nurse down now, do you?"

Michael jolts forward, seemingly wanting to kill the guard as he reaches forward, his chains straining against his strength as he damn near breaks them out of anger. You step back, not wanting to get in the way of whatever is about to happen. Understandably, Michael is met with multiple stun batons being jabbed into him, the electricity forcing him to his knees.

You're pulled away from the scene by Wanda who was informed the second things seemed to be going south. She guides you out of the cafeteria, you barely getting a chance to wave goodbye to Brahms and Danny before they're out of sight. "Don't worry too much about Michael. I'm not sure what set him off but he's usually impossible to calm down once he's going."

You remain silent as she takes you all the way back to your room, telling you to go ahead and turn in for the night before leaving you alone. You sit down on your bed as you lose yourself in thought. You can't help but to wonder what made him so upset. Would you have successfully calmed him down if that guard hadn't of spoke up? Who knows. You can only hope that nothing like that happens again.

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