Hazbin Hotel x The Mask Male...

By PetraVilla1

51.4K 887 345

You were a shy, immature, meekish, and good-hearted person in hell. You worked at the Pentagram City Bank in... More

Loki Gets Rid of The Mask.
Worst day, maybe not?
The Coco Bongo Club.
Becoming The Mask.
One Hell Of A Night.
The Next Day
The Mask visits Channel 666 News Studio
Mask's dances his way out
They found out
The Mask Is Always Greener On The Other Side
Turf War
The Ex and Parents
Meet Alastor's Sister
Loan Shark Trouble
Mask Vacay

Not a dream.

3.6K 72 39
By PetraVilla1

It was the next day, you were sleeping on your bed until you woke up all tired, you placed you hand on your fac with a sore look on, until you stopped and realized that your face is normal and that the mask wasn't on you face anymore. You got up from bed and looked at the mirror while holding the mask on your hand.

Y/n: It was a dream.... *chuckles* it was a dream. Phew, *Breathes in* I need to lay off the cartoons.

You made your coffee sat on your couch and turned on the TV, there wasn't anything great on, just channels with porn, weird commercials, cameras that were hidden in someone's room. There wasn't anything big until Channel 666 News was on.

???: Good Morning, I'm Katie Killjoy.

???: And I'm Tom Trench. Chaos is happening today as Wacy's where Sinner's and Demons are fighting and stealing items because the prices there are now 85% off.

Katie: That's right Tom, but any case, we got word that there 13 people found dead. Last Night!


Y/n: T-this can't be real. It has to be a prank o-or something?!

Katie: If you're thinking it's some kind of prank or joke. Think again. It's not!

Y/n: *you grabs a pillow and place it on your face and screams* AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Katie: And, we are getting word that two mechanics are getting set to the hospital because a Sinner shoved two mufflers up their ass's.

Y/n: ....... you know what. I think I have watched enough TV for today.

*you grab the remote and turned off the TV*

Y/n: *Checks the time on the clock hanged on the wall*

*it was 12:23*

Y/n: .... oh my god i'm LATE!!!

you quickly put your suit and ran out the door until you saw the mask lying on your bed, you picked it up and looked at it with a pissed off look.

Y/n: .... gotta get rid of it.

You throw the mask outside the window and noticed that you had the TV remote in your hand.

*you throw the remote on the couch, bounces off it and lands on the ground, turning on the TV*

Y/n: Bye Milo!

* As you left, the mask suddenly comes back to you and lands on your couch, and your TV was still on*

Katie: The two mechanics say that this sinner had a big green head with big teeth, suprising right? Well whoever this Mask-character is, really enjoyed doing those stuff to his victims.

*the screen changes to you running to the bank but then you eyes caught something. You look to your right and saw smoke coming out of a garage, fortunately the firefighters were there and put out the fire*

Y/n: Excuse me.

Firefighter: Mmh? What did you want?

Y/n: I just want to ask what happened over here.

Firefighter: Well, looks like somebody had the balls to kill the dangerous biker gang in this side of Pentagram City.

Y/n: dangerous biker gang?

Firefighter: You haven't of them? They're the Vicious Hellrides. And, by the looks of it, whoever killed them, enjoyed doing it.

Y/n: * ........ nope! Not buying it.* well Thanks anyway, bye.

As you left the scene of the crime, you then passes by a TV store with lots of TVs behind of the window from inside. You noticed that it showed a collapsed building with smoke still coming out of it. But you felt like you had a flashback about what you did to the gang with the mask on.

Y/n: *like I said, not buying it.*

Then the screen cuts to you arriving at the bank but something look odd, usually Mr. Dickey always yelled at you for being late and giving you his paperwork so that he doesn't have to do it but it felt strange.

*you then asked your Co-worker about where Mr. Dickey was at*

Y/n: Hey, Mike.

Mike: *sigh* The hell you want L/n?

Y/n: Do you know where's Mr. Dickey? Isn't he supposed to be here?

Mike: What are you taking about? He's dead.

Y/n: *Shocked, soft voice* .... dead?

Mike: Well no shit! They found his body lying on the ground, splitted in half.

Y/n: .... what?

Mike: What are you shocked about? Anyways, since he's dead, they're replacing him.

Y/n: with who?

He points to a sinner who is wearing a black suit, dark blue tie with black skulls on it, black shoes and a black hat with an angelic bullet on top.

Y/n: whoa.... giving off emo vides huh?

Mike: Fuck off.

*Mike walks away leaving you all by yourself*

Y/n: So I guess it wasn't a dream.

*then you looked around and you slowly walked out of the bank because you didn't want to go to work.*

As you left, you went to Hellkin Donuts, you sat down all scared about everything that happened yesterday, you drank your coffee while not noticing the hot coffee dripping onto your suit.

???: Hi.

*you look to your right and saw a grey pale woman, with red hair, a brown jacket, blue shirt with no sleeves, blue jeans and brown shoes*

Y/n: Hi, can I help you with something?

???: Is this seat taken?

Y/n: No, it's free.

???: Okay, thank you.

Y/n: You're welcome. My name is Y/n.

Peggy: Peggy Brandt.

Y/n: It's nice to meet you, Peggy.

Peggy: It's nice to meet you too, Y/n.

Y/n: wait, you said your name is Peggy Brandt right?

Peggy: yeah, why do you ask?

Y/n: I think I've heard of you on the news.

Peggy: Here in hell?

Y/n: No, in the Human World. In the news, it said "Reporter killed in a Freak Accident" or something.

Peggy: That was me.

Y/n: That was you?

Peggy: Yep.

Y/n: How did you die?

Peggy: I made a deal with some modster's which was a bad idea and then their boss lifted me up and threw me in to a  Giant Mechanical Printing Press and that's how I died.

Y/n: wow, that's... that's kinda dark.

Peggy: Yeah well, it might have not been the best decision. But at least I got a job here in hell.

Y/n: what type of job?

Peggy: As a Reporter.

Y/n: That's ni-

Peggy: I'm sorry but, you said you're name was Y/n L/n, right?

Y/n: Yes, why?

Peggy: I just want to ask you a few questions.

Y/n: Really? About what?

Peggy: Ripley Auto Finishing, you're a customer of theirs, aren't you?

Y/n: Me? No. I don't even have a car. You know, cause they... pollute.

Peggy: You don't own an 89' Civic?

Y/n: ....... *realizes* Oh that car, yeah. Yeah, it's all coming back to me.

Peggy: When you were at Ripley Auto, did you see anything suspicious? Anything at all, I won't make trouble for you. I just want the truth.

Y/n: God, I wish I know the truth. I really do. Mmh... no.

Peggy: Well, if you think of anything.

*she starts to write down something on a piece of paper*

Peggy: This is my number. This is my...you know. Personal number.

*she hands you the piece of paper with her phone number on it*

Y/n: oh... uh, thanks. I guess.

Peggy: yeah, *little chuckle* well, bye y/n.

*then an employee began to call out*

Employee: Who ordered the Cuappuccino?

Peggy: I did!

Employee: Here you go.

Peggy: How much will that be?

Employee: It'll be, $2. 79.

Peggy: Okay, I'll-

Y/n: Wait Peggy!

Y/n: Let me pay for it.

Peggy: Y/n, *smiles* you didn't have to.

Y/n: well, I just wanted to do something nice for you.

Peggy: *blushes* Y/n, you are the nicest guy here in Hell.

Y/n: I know. *chuckles*

Peggy: Bye Y/n, and thanks for paying my coffee!

Y/n: You're Welcome and I hope everything goes well.

*As she left, you then heard somebody call out to you*

Buff Imp Demon: How the hell did you get that hottie's number?

Y/n: Why do you want to know?

Buff Imp Demon: Simple. You're gonna hand over her phone number to me, jackass.

Imp demon: *laughs* Sucker!

One Eyed Demon: You go get him, boss!

*you were all mad about what he said to you*

Buff Imp Demon: But seriously. Hand me her phone number.

Y/n: You're a disgusting demon, you know that, right?

*the three demons got out their seats all mad*

One Eye Demon: The fuck did you just say?!

Imp Demon: You really want to fight huh?

*you turned around and looked at the Employee*

Y/n: Excuse me, is that coffee hot?

Employee: Yeah, why?

Y/n: Can I have it?

Employee: Sure, why not.

*He hands you the drink*

Y/n: Thank you.

*you take a sip from it*

Y/n: Mmh, this is some good coffee.

*you look at them*

Y/n: Do you want some? Well you can HAVE IT!!!

*you take off the lid from the hot coffee, you throwed it all over them causing them to get burned*

Buff Imp Demon: FUCK!



*the three look up to see that you're already gone*

As you left the place, running at high speed, you arrived at Hazbin Hotel, walked inside and saw that everyone wasn't there except for Husk who was at the bar counter. You walked towards him.*

Y/n: Hey, Husk.

Husk: Y/n? The hell are you doing here?

Y/n: ... well, um-

Husk: Too much work?

Y/n: kinda.

Husk: mmh, so, do you want anything to drink?

Y/n: Uh, well I did have a terrible night yesterday so... yeah, sure.

Husk: what drink?

Y/n: Wine. The strongest one you got.

Husk: Coming right up.

*you sat at the bar silent until you began to ask Husk about the thing on the news*

Y/n: So, Husk. You heard?

Husk: Heard what?

Y/n: The news. About the guy with the big green head running around hell?

Husk: Yeah, why are you asking me about it?

Y/n: Well, I just.

*He hands you your wine*

Y/n: Thank you. What I'm trying to say is that, what do demon all over hell think about him? Especially the Overlords.

Husk: Look, y/n. I don't normally talk to people that much, well, except for Al, Nifty, Angel, Charlie and Vaggie, but. You seem like a nice guy. You wouldn't hurt anyone.

Y/n: *scared* Yep. T-totally wouldn't run around murdering 13 people in one night. He-he... he.

Husk: Right. So anyways, I've heard that Demons all over hell that don't want to mess with this guy, but others do. And the Overlords wouldn't want to mess with him.

Y/n: Hmm.

Husk: And look. Here's the fun part, Alastor. *He begins to laugh* Alastor The Radio Demon, he-he, he's afraid of this guy.

Y/n: ... hmm, well no shit....

Husk: But anyways. Yeah, there's your answer.

Y/n: Okay, well... thanks for the information Husk. Umm, how much do I own you for the wine?

Husk: It's on the house. Besides, whenever you want a drink. It's free, only for you.

Y/n: R-really?

Husk: Yeah. But don't tell Angel.

Y/n: My lips are sealed. Gotta go, bye Husk. And thanks for the free drink.

*As you left, you decided to go to Rosie's Emporium where Rosie was at, but before you can go, you went to a flower shop and bought some roses for her, then you realized that you didn't eat anything today so you began cannibalizing a demon that call you "shit.". As you ate the demon, you had blood on your suit but you walked it off and headed off*

As you got to the Emporium, you saw some cannibal lady demons devouring a non-cannibal demon body on the ground.

Names: Jenna, Jane, Madeline, Heidi.

*then they saw you*

Y/n: Hello.

Them: Hi!

Y/n: It's a lovely, huh?

Madeline: Indeed it is.

Y/n: um, by any chance do any of you ladies know where Rosie is at?

Jenna: She's inside the Emporium.

Y/n: Oh, thank you. And I'm sorry for asking the four of you where she was at, I see that you all were eating.

Heidi: It's alrig-

Jane: I'm but, by any chance. Are you Y/n L/n?

Y/n: Yyyyes? Wwwhy do you ask?

Madeline: We've heard alot about you.

Y/n: By who?

Jenna: By Alastor and Rosie, but it was Rosie who told us.

Y/n: Really?

Heidi: She told us how much of a gentleman you were when you helped her.

Y/n: yeah, it felt like the right thing to do. Well, goodbye now.

Them: Bye, Y/n!

*As you walked inside and was to close the door, you heard one of them say something about you*

Jenna: What a kind man~

Madeline: I wish he was my partner~

Heidi: Did you see the blood and guts on his suit? He's a cannibal~

Jane: Even better~

*you then saw Rosie talking to one of the cannibal demon, until she noticed you*

Rosie: Hello, Y/n.

Y/n: Hi, Rosie.

Rosie: Can I get you anything?

Y/n: No thanks, but I did get you something.

*you show her the rose's*

Rosie: *Gasp* Rose's? For me?

Y/n: Yes.

Rosie: Oh, Y/n. You're too kind.

Y/n: *smiles* You're welcome.

Rosie: Y/n, these rose's are beautiful.

Y/n: And you what more beautiful that rose's.

Rosie: what?

Y/n: You. You're beautiful.

Rosie: *blushes* Thank you, Y/n for that beautiful compliment.

Y/n: You're welcome Ro-

*she kisses you on the cheek*

As time passes, you left the Emporium and headed to the bank because today felt really great and you wanted to go to work, as you were on the 74 floor doing your paper work. You noticed Vaggie was also there and she noticed you.

Y/n: Oh, hey Vaggie.

Vaggie: Hi Y/n.

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Vaggie: I came to deposite the Hotel Savings account.

Y/n: sure, but, why me? Why didn't any of the other bank tellers?

Vaggie: I was but all the other bank tellers were giving me a perv look.

Y/n: Like too much sex?

Vaggie: Yeah, like that.

Y/n: Oh, well okay. Now, lets get to the Hotel Savings Account.

*then you heard vaggie whispering something to herself*

Vaggie: *Whispers* they're all the same.

Y/n: Huh?

Vaggie: Mmh? What?

Y/n: I heard you say something about "they're all the same". Is there a reason why you said that?

Vaggie: Oh, well, I don't want you to know.

Y/n: Come on, Vaggie. You can tell me anything.

Vaggie: Alright, fine. The reason why I said that is because, all men are filthy pigs.

Y/n: Why?

Vaggie: Because they're sick animals, they only abuse women, cheat on your moms, only care about sex.

Y/n: I feel your pain.

Vaggie: Really?

Y/n: Yeah, my dad use to abuse me, Alot.

Vaggie: And, what about you mom?

Y/n: She died when... I was. . . 5.

Vaggie: *shocked* I'm so sorry about your mother's loss, Y/n.

Y/n: It's okay, beside that puto is probably here in hell. Somewhere.

Vaggie: Yeah well- wait. What did you say?

Y/n: Wwwhat?

Vaggie: the thing about your dad.

Y/n: That he's somewhere here in hell?

Vaggie: No, I mean, the way you described him.

Y/n: You mean "Puto"?

Vaggie: Yeah, wait. Do you know spanish?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm Mexican. Wait! You know spanish too?

Vaggie: I'm Salvadorian.

Y/n: wow.

Vaggie: Mm-hmm.

*then she notices your three small statues of the Roadrunner, Speedy Gonzales and Tex Avery's The Wolf on your desk*

Vaggie: Wait, you watch Looney Tunes and Tex Avery's Screwball Classics?

Y/n: Yeah. They're were my shows to watch while growing up.

Vaggie: Me too.

Y/n: *suprised* Really?

Vaggie: Yeah.

*As time passes, you and Vaggie were having some laughs and making funny jokes*

Vaggie: *laughs* Y/n, that was the best joke I've ever heard.

Y/n: Thanks.

Vaggie: Wait, what time is it?

Y/n: It's 7:34.

Vaggie: Oh Shit!

Y/n: What's wrong?

Vaggie: Charlie told everyone in the hotel that we're all going to the Coco Bongo. Tonight.

Y/n: Really?

Vaggie: Yeah. Oh and when you're done, do you want to come with us aswell?

Y/n: Su- *then you had a flashback about what happened that night when you were at the Coco Bongo and you had to come up with an excuse to not go* Can't! I, uh, gotta stay here at the bank. You know, I made a deal that I had to stay here at night.

Vaggie: Oh, well that's sad.

Y/n: I know.

Vaggie: Well, I better get back to the hotel.

Y/n: Alright Vaggie. Bye.

Vaggie: Oh, and y/n.

Y/n: Yeah, Vag-

*Then she kissed you on the lip causing you to turn red*

Y/n: B-but vaggie... Char-

Vaggie: It's okay, besides she told me about what happened in the limo, last night. And she said we can share.

Y/n: ...

Vaggie: Adiós Y/n.

*she walks away leaving you as you sat there alone and confused on what just happened right now*

After that, time passes by and it was now dark outside. You were sleeping on your chair while lying your head on the desk, you walk up and looked around and noticed that it was late.

Y/n: Man... I've must have been out.

*you check the time and it was 12:58*

Y/n: Goddamn it... *yawn* I could go for some coffee right now.

*you got up and walked towards the coffee maker that was laying on a table, you finished making your coffee and sat down on your chair all tired*

Y/n: *yawn* so tired.

*you bend over, opened the drawer that's in your desk and pulled out a TV with a VHS tape of Woody Woodpecker, the episode was called " The Barber of Seville ". You inserted the VHS Tape inside the TV and it began to play the episode*

*the episode started out usual with Woody Woodpecker popping out of a slice flat wood that was from a tree and saying his iconic line and his iconic laugh*

Woody woodpecker: Guess Who? *Laughs*

As you were watching the cartoon show while drinking your coffee. You began doing your paperwork while having a some laughs about the silly things Woody Woodpecker's doing. It was now 2:34 AM, you got onto the elevator and went down to the first floor, as you arrived on the first floor, the doors opened up and you got off the elevator but then you couldn't move almost as if you were stuck. You turned around and noticed that the elevator doors didn't close because your briefcase was between it.

Y/n: Goddamn it. Really?

*As your briefcase got released by the closed doors, your didn't noticed that your tie was now also stuck between aswell*

Y/n: Oh, come on!

*As you tried to release your tie, you heard the entrance door opening up and some footsteps behind*

Y/n: Sorry but, we're closed.

???: Oh, It'll be quick, please.

*you were gonna tell her the same thing, but you didn't want to be mean to her*

Y/n: Umm... sure. I'll be there *struggles to pull the tie* i-in just a sec.

*then you heard another voice behind you and it looks like she was not alone*

???: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah I-i'm okay, i'll help all of you in * struggling and weak voice* Just. A.... Minute.

*As you tried your best to pull your tie off, you accidentally pressed one of the buttons next to the elevator*

Y/n: Uh-oh.

Then all of a sudden, you noticed that your tie was slowly going up, and then you realized why it was going up.

Y/n: Fffff-uck!

*As you were this close to being choked to death by your tie, you pulled as hard as you could and it snapped in half leaving only a bit*

???: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah I-i'm okay, I just-

*you look up to see a Succubus Demon and an Angel*

Y/n: . . .

???: *sigh* I know what you're thinking. An Angel in Hell, right?

Y/n: ... well, yeah but... you're not like them. Right?

???: *little lower voice* What do you mean by that?

Y/n: *scared voice* N-NO! No! What I mean is that you're not like the Exterminator Angel's, right?

???: What? No.

Y/n: Oh... o-okay.

*then you heard another voice behind them*

???: Will you hurry it up, Succubus?!

*you look behind them and saw another Angel but she was wearing armor like if she used to fought in some war*

???: Be patient, Powers.

Powers: Ugh, fine.

???: Sorry about that. She's doesn't like being here.

Y/n: And let me guess, you don't like being here aswell, huh?

???: Yep.

Y/n: Well, okay. So, *you look at the Succubus Demon* what is your name?

Lillie: My name is Lillie. And this is Sera, my girlfriend.

Sera: And the one in armor, is Powers.

Y/n: It's nice to meet you all. So, you do you need something?

Lillie: Oh right! I just want to cash this check in.

Y/n: Sure. How much?

Lillie: About $5000.

Y/n: Okay, wait right here please. I'll be right back, it won't take to long.

Sera: Take your time.

You walked towards the Vault that had a lot of money and gold bars, you grabbed a white envelope and placed $5000 dollars inside it. As you were doing it, you heard them say something about you while you listen closely.

Lillie: He looks like a nice guy.

Sera: He was also... kind.

Powers: I guess.

Y/n: Here's the $5000 dollars, Lillie.

Lillie: Thank you... I'm sorry but what's your name?

Y/n: It's Y/n L/n.

Lillie: Well, thank you Y/n.

Y/n: You're welcome.

*you grabbed your briefcase and was about to head out until Sera asked you a question*

Sera: Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: Yes, Sera?

Sera: Why were you still here? It's 3:14 AM.

Y/n: Oh, I slepted by accident.

Powers: Well, that makes sense.

*you then opened the door for them*

Y/n: Ladies first.

Lillie/Sera: Thank you, Y/n.

Powers: Thank you... I guess.

Y/n: You're welcome.

*all of you left the Bank and headed out, as you walk to your apartment building, you heard Lillie say something about you to Sera*

Lillie: So do you like him, Sera? Like more than a friend?


Lillie: And you too, Powers. I noticed a little red on your cheek when you saw him.


Lillie: It's okay. I like him more than just a friend.

Y/n: * okay... i did not expect them to say that about me*

After a long walk, you made it to your apartment. You walked up the stairs and opened the door to see Milo sitting on the couch and watching a movie on the TV.

Y/n: Hey, Milo-, d-did you seriously watched TV all day while I has gone?


Y/n: Well, sorry for ruining your fun but, nap time.

*you grab the TV remote that was on the ground and turned off the TV*

Y/n: Well, goodnight Milo.

Milo: *Barks*

Y/n: Sleep well.

*you layed on your bed and slowly closed your eyes while drifting away in your sleep*

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