Naruto the greatest prodigy

By Rimuru34_1

8.9K 108 20

Just another one of Naruto fanfics where he is more badass and stronger and smarter and becomes hokage at a... More

Fateful Meeting
The truth hurts
Author Note
New Beginning
The strongest Anbu
Konoha's Sword Saint
Team 7
Wave and Uzushiogakure
Wave and Uzushiogakure-2
Wave and Uzushiogakure-3
Wave and Uzushiogakure-4
Wave Finale
Chunin Exams
Chunin Exams - Part 2


1.1K 11 1
By Rimuru34_1

October 10th:

The people of Konoha were walking around the streets unsuspecting anything just enjoy their time, as the day was over it was currently night time but little did they know that this day would turn out to be one of the worst days of their life.

Somewhere in a mysterious location

There were three people in a cave and the cave was illuminated by lot of candles. They were Minato Namikaze(The Fourth Hokage), Kushina Uzamaki(The red death) {Just so you know Kushina dis not quit being an anbu she was known as the most powerful anbu yup even stronger then Itachi now back on} and Biwa Sarutobi(The third hokages's wife).The cave was well guarded by a lot of anbu, why were there in a room you may ask well it was becauce today is the day when Kushina was going to give birth to two children as she was a jinchuruki extra precautions needed to be taken.

Minato: Come on honey push just a little more, you are almost there.

Kushina: Gah Minato I am going to kill you for this.

Kushina said while squeezing Minato's hand who at this point was just sweating bullets, just then the cries of the babies were born. Two children were born on that day one was a boy who had three whisker marks on both his cheeks had red hair and purple eyes the boy was named 'Naruto' and another was a girl who also had whisker marks similar to Naruto but had yellow hair and blue eyes she was named 'Naomi'. The children will later grow up to become exceptional shinobi.

Biwa: Congratulations looks like the children are born healthy.

Just then a orange masked spiraled inside the cave killed all the anbu's and slit Biwa's throat and took hold of Naomi.

Masked guy: Step way from the jinchuruki Minato.

Minato: Let's just calm down. Minato said hoping to come up with a plan to save his daughter.

Masked guy: I am perfectly calm it is you who has to come to his senses. The masked guy suddenly threw the baby, Minato quicky dashed and caught the baby then he noticed there were paper bombs attached to the clothing he quickly removed the clothing before the bomb exploded. He then teleported Naruto and Naomi to their house.

Masked guy then went towards Kushina who was barely awake having lost all the energy, he then spiraled them out of the cave then took out the Kyubi out of Kushina. Then immediately placed the beast under a genjustu.

Masked guy: Guess what they say is true even after the beast is extracted your still alive the uzamaki's are really amazing, hmm now it is only befitting that the prisoner kills it's jailer.

The masked guy then ordered the Kyubi to kill Kushina, just before the impact Minato came in and saved Kushina and then teleported here to their house and lay her next to the newborns.

Masked guy: He truly is the fasted man alive well it doesn't matter, I have come here for a different reason after all, now then shall we get started.

The masked guy went to the centre of Konoha and summoned the Kyubi and ordered to destroy everything. Hiruzen, Jiraya and Tsunade {Yup different Au} suddenly sensed the massive chakra coming from the Centre of the village and rushed there for a possible battle oh how right they were when they saw Kyubi in all it's might unleashed in Konoha.

Hiruzen: Get ready to fight alert all the shinobi in the area and tell the citizens to evacuate.

Jiraya: What the hell how did the Kyubi escape did something go worng during the delivery but Minato was there that only means an external party has gotten involved.

Tsunade: Doesn't matter now we have to focus on the situation on hand.

Hiruzen: We have to stop the Kyubi from advancing any further we have to fend the Kyubi till Minato arrives.

The battle continued on for some time the aged Hokage and the  2 sanins did their best to keep the situation under control along with all other shinobu's

On the other side of the battle field:

The battle between Minato and Masked guy went the same as canon.

Minato then arrived at the battle field and summoned Gamabunta  on top of the Kyubi's head the Kyubi was released from the genjustu but didn't care about that was still destroying anything in it's path.

Minato tried his best to divert the attacks by using funijustu and then teleported the Kyubi to the forest outside, then came with a solution he was going to seal the Kyubi.

Minato: Hiruzen keep the Kyubi at bay I will right back.

Hiruzen: Alright hurry up.

Hiruzen said as he and the two sannin faced the Kyubi.

Minato went to their home and told Kushina about his plan on sealing the Kyubi on onto to the two children, but Kushina out right refused to comply, after some convincing she finally agreed.

Minato then teleported to the battlefield with his two children and his wife, Kushina then used her charka chains to hold down the Kyubi as Minato started doing the necessary had seals for the eight trigrams seal. { If you are wondering where are the others they are back away from the battle field as Minato told them to back off as he needed complete focus during the sealing.}

But as Minato was preparing the seals a sudden thought had struck him

Minato: Kushina I am going to seal the Kyubi in Naomi and myself, I will not seal it in Naruto.

Kushina was confused by the sudden change in decision, she wanted to ask why, but then Minato answered her question.

Minato: I will tell everyone that I had sealed the Kyubi in Naruto and Naomi, tell them to declare Naomi as our daughter and Naruto as an orphan, and Naomi will stay out of the village with Jiraya and train with him while Naruto will stay in the village.

Kushina was outraged by this decision.

Kushina: Minato have you gone mad what do you think you are doing and what do you mean Naruto will be declared an orphan.

Minato: I know your mad but I don't want both our children to share the same fate of Jinchuruki and Naruto will be declared an orphan to keep him safe from other villages as for declearing him as a jinchuruki is to keep other villages believe we still have strenght.

Kushina was mad at Minato for that answer she knew the troubles of being a jinchuruki especially if the said person was an orphan they were practically neglected by the entire village she wanted to resort but it was already to late Minato had already performed the sealing and had left a fake mark in Naruto to make people believe that he was a jinchuruki.

Kushina in that last moment just before the Shinigami disappeared offered her soul to the shinigami and made her request it was her last bit of hope to help her son Naruto and shingami as requested sealed a unique charka in Naruto.

When Hiruzen and the two sannins arrived at the battle field they saw the lifeless bodies of Kushina and Minato and two children in the Altair and two letters. Hiruzen quickly went towards the babies and read the letters on Minato's letter it was written about his plan and how everything he owned should go only to Naomi and how the fact that they are siblings should never be known. On Kushina's letter it was a request to Hiruzen to take care of Naruto and how everything she owned should belong only to Naruto including the uzamaki treasuty.

Jiraya instanly agreed with Minato's plan which caused Tsunade to have an outburst and resulted in leaving the village. After some time funreal for the fallen was conducted the day was gloomy and Hiruzen having no other choice put Minato's plan to action he could only hope things were going in the right direction, oh wrong he was.

This was the day where two legends shall be born 

The birth of the new sun

The birth of the new king.

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